Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 9

by Shawn Bailey

  “Yes, sir. But I’m not only interested in his looks. He has an amazing talent. As for your family, I have no problem with it.”

  “Do you manage any other people?” Mikuni asked.

  “Yes, sir. Three hip-hop singers called The Voices of Reason.”

  “Luke’s also a publicist,” Tomahiko said. “And one kick-ass bungee jumper.”

  Mikuni laughed. “You talked your manager into jumping off a ramp?”

  “Yes,” Tomahiko answered. “He liked the rush.”

  The others in the room mumbled something. Some of them laughed.

  “My nephew is a handful,” Mikuni said to Luke.

  “I can handle him, sir. My boss would like to take him and the other two members of Yukizumi to America to live.”

  “Ah, Tory Albertson. Nice gentleman. I’ve already given him permission. But you have to promise me one thing. Keep him away from Edward Green.”

  “No problem,” Luke said. “Mr. Albertson thinks I’m a better fit for Tomahiko.”

  “What do you think, Nephew?” Mikuni asked.

  Tomahiko smiled. “I think he is, too.”

  * * * *

  Luke took the news about his family a lot better than Tomahiko expected. Edward almost had a heart attack. His uncle and Edward never really saw eye to eye on anything, he just used Edward’s services as a bodyguard to protect him. No real family business was ever discussed around him, except for the feud between his uncle and Rikuro Chang.

  “You and your uncle seem very close.”

  “Yes, we are,” Tomahiko answered.

  “What happened to your parents, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “They were murdered when I was two. Uncle has taken care of me since then.”

  “You say he’s very overprotective?”

  Tomahiko nodded. “I was kidnapped once. Since then he hardly lets me out of his sight. I remember how scared I was, but in my heart I knew Mikuni would come for me. He told me if I was ever in trouble again, I was to try to get a message to him. All I have to say is sushi.”

  “But you hate sushi,” Luke said.

  “Exactly. No one knows that except him, Edward and now you.”

  “How did your uncle get you back?”

  “You wouldn’t want to know,” Tomahiko said. “What about you? Do you have any family?”

  Luke nodded. “My father died a couple of months ago. He had a heart attack. I was on tour in Europe when Tory called to tell me. I flew back home to help with the funeral.”

  “Are you the oldest?”

  Luke shook his head. “No. I have several other brothers and sisters. I’m the baby, and I’m the favorite.”

  Tomahiko smiled. “I can understand that.”

  They arrived at the hotel.

  “Do you want to come up?” Luke asked.

  “Not tonight,” Tomahiko answered. “I need to get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to like America,” Luke said. “And you can call and talk to your uncle any time you feel the need.”

  “Thanks,” Tomahiko said. “I do worry about him.”

  Luke kissed him and got out of the car.

  Tomahiko watched until he was safely inside before driving away. His bodyguards followed in a car right behind him.

  * * * *

  Luke had never seen these many people for a fan-signing before. He’d thought Edward had exaggerated. They had come to see both of his groups Yukizumi and The Voices of Reason. This kept him and Ki very busy. And there was just as many male fans as there were female. The fans didn’t disappoint either. They brought gifts to the six young men, bought merchandise, got their photos signed, and others taken with their idol. Their assistants had to lug away a lot of stuff. The fans were very generous with their gifts. Afterward, thousands of kids and adults enjoyed a question and answer session with the singers. It took longer than Luke expected since The Voices of Reason needed translators. Each group got to sing a song a Capella. The audience loved it.

  “Do you have a girlfriend yet, Tomahiko?” one of the female fans asked.

  “I’m afraid not. We need to stay single since we’ll be on the road for a long time. Then we’re going to America. Maybe I’ll look you up when we return.”

  The woman blushed and the rest of them laughed and applauded Tomahiko’s answer.

  “Are you and Ae-jong still feuding?” a male fan asked Tomahiko.

  “I don’t have time to waste on flower boys.”

  Luke knew the term. He smiled. Tomahiko was no one to talk.

  “Where’s Edward?” another fan asked.

  “We’re no longer working together,” Akira answered. He pointed to Luke. “Meet our new manager, Luke Austin.”

  “Isn’t he yummy?” Tomahiko asked.

  Everyone in the audience agreed. Luke had never been so embarrassed. He was going to strangle Tomahiko. No, wait. He couldn’t do that. It could get him killed. Someone should have told him that Tomahiko’s uncle was yakuza…Japanese mafia. No wonder Tomahiko didn’t fear anything. He was brought up as a prince, spoiled, and had the same protection as his uncle. Luke had to tread lightly because the uncle now had him on his radar.

  The fans stop questioning Tomahiko for a while and asked the other members questions. The Voices of Reason got just as many. Fans wanted to know about where they could get clothing like the hip-hoppers wore. Tomorrow he would make Jamal and the others start their Japanese and Korean lessons. Frankie was fluent in not only French, but Japanese and Korean, too. Adam had prepared him well.

  The Kerrys and Noel’s fan meet was tomorrow and Luke would try to make it, but he wasn’t making any promises. Tonight, he was taking Yukizumi to a traditional Japanese restaurant. He had invited The Voices of Reason, but they turned him down. He didn’t blame them since they had to watch what they ate. Tomahiko had made all of the arrangements, including the surprise entertainment afterward.

  The fan meet ended at five. Luke got his groups onto the van and Ki drove all of them to the hotel and dropped Luke, Jamal, Tyrone, and Jonathan off. Luke went up to shower and change, then relax before Ki and the others returned for him. Just his luck Adam called a meeting at seven pm.

  “Do I need to be there?” Luke asked Adam over the phone.

  “Do you have something better to do?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Who is he?” Adam asked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Normally it means you’re entertaining some hottie in your bed.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny,” Luke said. “We’re all going out to eat authentic Japanese food.”

  “Who is all?” Adam asked.

  “Yukizumi and Ki,” Luke answered.

  “Not The Voices of Reason?”

  “They backed out. You know, delicate stomachs, and they didn’t want to get sick before a performance.”

  “Smart lads,” Adam said. “Don’t keep them out too late. Tomorrow is the Kerrys and Noel’s fan-meeting, and then all the groups are having a photoshoot after lunch, followed by rehearsal at the Dome all day on Saturday.”

  Adam acted like they never went through this before. “What time are they leaving for the fan-meet?” Luke asked.


  “I’ll be there.”

  “You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

  “He’s different,” Luke answered.

  “I’ll say,” Adam replied. “Have you spoken to their families yet?”

  “I met Tomahiko’s guardian yesterday. His parents are deceased and his uncle raised him.”

  “What’s he like?” Adam asked.

  “Have you heard the word yakuza before?”

  Adam went silent. “Yes.”

  Tomahiko’s uncle is a don…oyabun and Tomahiko is bochan.”

  “Little master,” Adam said. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m afraid so, and Edward and Tory knew about this.”

  “Are you foreseeing any t
rouble?” Adam asked.

  “No, not unless Tomahiko gets upset about something.”

  “How do you get yourself in these situations, Luke?”

  “Because I seem to be drawn to beautiful guys from successful families.” Gerard’s father was in politics. Noel’s father was a rich architect, and Bradley’s father owned golf courses. “Anyway, he gave his permission to take Tomahiko out of the country.”

  “What about the other two?”

  “They’re mobster children, too, but not on the level as Tomahiko. He’s considered a prince. You should see his car collection and the place where Yukizumi lives. Super nice with every convenience you can think of.”

  “Tory is looking for houses for them in the Garden District. You might have to give up that comfy condo around the university and come to suburbia to look after your people.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Luke said. “It’s going to be a big change for them. I better brush up on my Japanese culture.”

  “Well, have fun tonight and be careful.”

  “I will. I’ll see you in the morning.” He wondered if he should tell Adam about the phone calls Tomahiko keeps getting. Whoever it is just calls, doesn’t say anything, and just hangs up. Tomahiko tries to play it off. Luke had the feeling that Tomahiko was being stalked.

  Chapter Six

  Tory was correct. The Kerrys, especially Frankie, were very popular in Tokyo. Thousands of fans showed up to greet him and the others. Luke had come alone because Tomahiko and the other members of Yukizumi were home getting some much-needed rest so they could look good for the photoshoot. Edward Green was also there standing near Noel like someone was going to steal his fiancé away or something.

  The fan bombarded Frankie with questions. The fans got a big kick out of the fact that he spoke Japanese fluently and translated for the others. Several guys brought Noel and Jonas flowers. Gerard got plenty of stuffed animals and Frankie got lots of marriage proposals. He also got a lot of anime and manga since the fans found out he loved both of them. Noel got bath bombs and Jonas got a lot of expensive skin care and products for his delicate skin.

  The moderator from yesterday spoke to Edward in Japanese and then he translated to the others. She wanted to know why he wasn’t with Yukizumi anymore.

  “We’re still close friends,” Edward said. “But we have a new boss who switched things up a bit.”

  She spoke to the group. “You four are the hottest singers on the charts. Can we expect any surprises at your concert tomorrow night?”

  Frankie spoke for them and Edward helped out with some of the words. “We have new costumes and props, and we’re being joined from the first time by Albertson Entertainment’s newest members, Yukizumi.”

  The audience clapped.

  “How is it working with them?” the moderator asked.

  “I haven’t spent much time with them except for rehearsal, but we’re all going to tour Asia together, so I hope to become close friends with them.”

  There were a lot of questions about Jonas’s new haircut. “It’s more manageable at this length,” Jonas explained. “Plus, all that hair is hot.”

  “Will there be any more collabs from your guys in the future?”

  “Yes, I’m hoping to record with Tomahiko soon,” Jonas answered.

  The audience went wild, screaming and applauding.

  That would be one of the surprises. Jonas would be joining Yukizumi on stage for ‘MotownPhilly’ tomorrow.

  “What about you, Noel? Will you and Tomahiko do collabs?”

  “Maybe, but at the present there are no plans for it.”

  Luke smirked to himself. Not unless Edward wanted to break up another fight between his former lover and his current one. He was so glad when the Q and A came to an end. He wanted to catch a nap before the photoshoot. Luke missed lunch. Tomahiko woke him just in enough time for him to shower and change and to get his ass on the bus.

  * * * *

  “This is just too much pretty,” Luke said to Adam. “I think I might come just from looking at these guys.” Giovanni Bassett chuckled from his seat on the other side of Luke. The photographer had already finished with Cinnamon, The Voices of Reason, Immortal, Mackavelli, and Vizio. Soul singer Angel Jenkins had her pictures taken first. Now he was busy with The Kerrys. He even took several pictures of the brothers with Kalen, who had just come along for the ride.

  “In ten years, I will be beating women off of Kalen,” Adam said. Neil had taken the five-year-old away for an ice cream at the parlor next door while the photographer got down and dirty with the trio. Noel Charles followed. Nokie looked great in everything they dressed him in. Yukizumi were the last to appear.

  “Why are my pants suddenly so tight?” Adam asked. They were dressed in black linen suits and gray shirts.

  Luke had to admit that they did make The Kerrys look like a bunch of kids. Tomahiko had pulled his hair back in a ponytail, exposing his gorgeous face. All three of them wore makeup and jewelry and looked classy.

  “Down, Adam,” Giovanni said. “You’re already in the doghouse with Frankie. Don’t succumb to such beautiful temptation.”

  Tomahiko winked at Luke after the photographer posed them.

  “Stop being naughty, Tomahiko,” the photographer said. “Put all of your attention on me.”

  “You have a wife,” Tomahiko said.

  The photographer chuckled and continued to snap pictures of them.

  After the photoshoot, everyone got back on the buses and headed to the hotel. They ate dinner in the hotel restaurant and then everyone turned in early. Luke’s phone rang. He recognized the number. “What’s up?”

  “Want some company?”

  He’d just fallen asleep. “Bring changing clothes for tomorrow so you don’t have to leave at the crack of dawn.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you soon. I’ll call when I arrive.”

  “Okay,” Luke said. He hung up and dozed back off. Tomahiko arrived and was in the lobby. “Come on up.”

  Five minutes later there was a soft knock at the door. Luke got up and answered it. Tomahiko was on the other side wearing a pair of pajamas under a trench coat, and carrying his garment and toiletry bags. “I couldn’t sleep.” He took off his slippers at the door and headed for the bedroom. Luke closed and locked the door. He followed him. He found Tomahiko curled up in bed already and his stuff draped over a chair. Luke hung them up. He climbed into bed. Tomahiko was already fast asleep. He must be exhausted. Luke snuck a kiss, closed his eyes and dozed off, too.

  * * * *

  Noel Charles hadn’t been away from Edward in a long time. And it shocked the hell out of him when Adam informed him that they were going over to the Yukizumi compound on a tour for some exercise and to have breakfast. Edward had packed him and the three members of The Kerrys up and dropped them off and returned to the hotel with Ki for a meeting.

  “Welcome to our home,” Akira said when he greeted them at in the foyers. “Please remove your shoes. There are some new slippers on the rack that should fit you.”

  Noel found it amazing that all four of them found the perfect sizes.

  “Where are the others?” Jonas asked.

  “Daisuke is cooking and Tomahiko is in the training room?”

  “Training room?” Gerard asked.

  “Yes, it’s where we go to exercise and practice our dancing. I am the one who is in charge of taking people on the grand tour,” Akira said. “This is Japanese for the lazy one who doesn’t have a life or hobbies.”

  The four of them laughed at his jokes. Noel was shocked how well all three guys spoke English. Akira took them upstairs first. Noel counted about five bedrooms, all clean and orderly with the beds made. Each room had its own en suite. Those, too, were cleaned and smelled like disinfectant.

  Downstairs had a library, an entertainment room with a wide screened television, DVD tapes, a stereo, and video game machines. There was a computer room next to it, also with top-of-the-line equipment. Noel saw pic
tures of them as small kids, trainees, and as young men. There were a few pictures with Edward and Ki, too. Edward had to be in his early to mid-twenties. He was handsome even back then. There were also pictures with just him and Tomahiko, which Noel chose to ignore. Edward had finally come out and told him everything, including being engaged to the other singer and how they broke up because Tomahiko cheated on him. Noel looked at Tomahiko’s loss and his gain, even though he knew Edward dated Ae-jong shortly after breaking up with Tomahiko.

  Akira took them through several bathrooms, two full and one bath and a half, and then finally the kitchen.

  Daisuke waved at them. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”

  “Exercise first,” Akira said. “Join us in the training room.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I turn off the pots,” Daisuke said.

  There was another building out back. They followed Akira past a recording studio to a bigger room that looked like the gymnasium at the university he attended. There were unparallel bars, a pummel horse, and a balance beam on one side of the room, and a ballet bar and a wall of mirrors on the other wall. There was also a dancer’s pole. Tomahiko was standing near the bar dressed in white low-riding dancer’s pants and a white cropped top. Noel was totally jealous of the other singer’s body. Not even Jonas looked this good in such an outfit. Nor did any of them have such curves. Tomahiko, Akira, and Daisuke all had muscular arms, chests, and legs.

  Akira took them over to some seats where they could watch without disturbing him. Noel heard the beginning music to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You.’ Tomahiko began dancing. Noel watched mesmerized as Tomahiko moved his body to the beat of the music. That was the difference between a naïve choreographer and a professional one. The first one heard the music, the professional felt the beats.

  “I’m so getting a dancer’s pole install in our dance studio,” Frankie said as he yanked at the hem of his shirt.

  Noel tried not to smile. Apparently, Frankie Kerry could get turned on by watching another guy dance. His older brother looked a bit swept away, too. Poor, naïve Gerard just blushed.


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