Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Shawn Bailey

  Daisuke joined them. Tomahiko finally finished dancing and came over to greet them. “Welcome to our home. Have any of you ever used any of this type of equipment before?”

  All four of them raised their hands. “Not since high school,” Jonas answered. “And only because the teacher threatened to fail me.” Noel and Gerard agreed. “Frankie’s the sporty one.”

  “Well, this is how we workout. So sit comfortable for a moment and we will demonstrate,” Tomahiko said.

  The next thing Noel knew, Tomahiko, Daisuke, and Akira were swinging from the bars and flying through the air. Daisuke was demonstrating his skills on the balance beam, while Akira ran and jumped over the horse and landed on his feet on the mat.

  “I don’t want to die,” Gerard said to Noel.

  “Wimp,” Noel said. The two of them weren’t still mortal enemies, but Noel still teased him.

  “Hmm,” Tomahiko said as he studied them. “Maybe we should just stick with simple exercises. I would hate to break any of you before the big show.”

  “Thanks,” Frankie said. “Can you teach us that dance you were doing?”

  Noel and Gerard nodded.

  “What about you, Jonas? Do you want to learn to do that dance, too?”

  “Yes, but what do you think about performing some of them stunts at the concert tomorrow?”

  “Don’t you think it is too late to squeeze another number in?” Tomahiko asked.

  Jonas took out his phone and dialed a number. “Hello, Tory, this is Jonas. Would it be okay if Yukizumi adds one more number to their act? No, it won’t cost you any more money. Okay. Thank you.” He disconnected the phone.

  “So, it’s that easy to pull something over on the boss?” Tomahiko asked.

  “It does help if you look like me,” Jonas said.

  Except for the fact that Tomahiko was older, taller and Japanese, he and Jonas looked very much alike. If Jonas still had the long hair they could pass for relatives. Tomahiko showed them that dance. He had them stand up at the ballet pole according to height. First Frankie, then Gerard, Jonas, and finally Noel. Tomahiko stood beside Noel. Daisuke and Akira watched. “You have to get your behinds and your hips loose.”

  “Some of us don’t have quite as much as you,” Gerard said to Tomahiko.

  Tomahiko peeked down the line. “It just looks that way because I’m taller. Believe me, none of you are flat.” He pressed the remote in his hand to start the music. “Now get those hips moving.” Daisuke and Akira eventually joined them.

  By the time they got the dance perfected they didn’t have enough time to work out on the equipment. Noel didn’t care, he had worked up enough sweat. They did not escape the pole. Tomahiko made them all learn to at least mount it. Noel hoped Edward appreciated what he did to keep his body in shape for their upcoming wedding.

  They were all showered and changed by the time Daisuke called them to breakfast. Daisuke had prepared a vegan dish for him, and Frankie and a special dish for Jonas since he’d had diabetes. Frankie had volunteered to help set the table. The two of them seemed to have a lot in common and it’s been a while since he’d seen Frankie smile. A lot of it was his fault for spilling Gerard’s and Giovanni’s secret. Yukizumi turned out to be good people. He didn’t know why he expected prima donnas.

  “Have you and Edward set a date yet?” Tomahiko asked Noel.

  Everyone stopped eating. “A date for what?”

  “Your wedding,” Tomahiko answered.

  “You know about that?” Noel asked.

  Tomahiko, Daisuke, and Akira nodded.

  “Edward was our manager for a long time,” Daisuke said. “We don’t have very many secrets.”

  “I was in your shoes a couple of years ago and I blew it,” Tomahiko confessed. “Edward is a good man. He’s loyal and he’ll have your back in a crisis. On the flip side, he expects fidelity. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but he will make you a good husband. Don’t let anyone come between you two. I was stupid, but after meeting you and seeing the two of you together, I believe you are better for him than I am.”

  “Thank you,” Noel said.

  “Now tell me about our new manager,” Tomahiko said.

  “He’s the best lover in the world,” Gerard said.

  “Huh?” Tomahiko asked.

  Noel guessed Tomahiko didn’t expect Gerard to answer.

  “He’s attentive, puts your desires before his and he knows a thing or two about fashion. But on the flipside…”

  “He’s a low-down cheating dog who never takes responsibility for his actions,” Noel said.

  “You’ve both dated him?” Tomahiko asked like he didn’t already know the answer.

  Noel and Gerard nodded.

  “I dated him first,” Gerard said.

  “I stole him from Gerard,” Noel said. “And then Bradley stole him from me.”

  “Who is Bradley?” Tomahiko asked.

  “A very smart young man who broke up with Luke before Luke cheated on him.”

  “So, he’s a seasoned cheater?” Tomahiko asked.

  Noel, Gerard, Jonas, and Frankie nodded.

  Tomahiko gasped. “Did you two date him, too?”

  “Hell no,” Frankie and Jonas said.

  “He likes fems, and we’re smart enough not to let him get close,” Frankie said.


  “Beautiful guys, with big butts who can pass for a woman, or have feminine attributes,” Jonas explained.

  “You mean like you?” Noel asked.

  Jonas laughed. “No, like you.”

  They all started laughing. It was good to see them this way, Noel thought.

  “He makes you feel like you’re the only guy on earth, until the next pretty face comes along,” Gerard added.

  “I need to ask another question,” Tomahiko said. “Who does he love?”

  “Gerard,” Noel answered.

  Gerard shook his head. “No. Himself.”

  “Ooh,” Akira said.

  “Thanks, you guys,” Tomahiko said. “It’s always good to know what you’re working with.”

  “My turn,” Noel said. “Tell me about, Ae-jong.”

  Tomahiko frowned. “The devil in a pretty package.”

  Noel touched his hair. “How pretty?”

  “Exceptionally,” Tomahiko answered. “Great body, talented, but crazy as a loon. The only things he cares about are himself, fashions and makeup. He likes looking and smelling good.”

  Noel pretended to be writing it all down. “Keep Edward away from Ae-jong.”

  Daisuke raised his hand. “My turn. Frankie Kerry?”

  Frankie looked up quickly.

  “The best brother in the world,” Jonas said.

  “The best friend in the world, even though I haven’t been lately,” Gerard said.

  “He’s talented and one of the greatest entertainers I know,” Noel said.

  Frankie blushed. “Thanks, you guys. My turn. Adam Montgomery?”

  “Controlling,” Jonas and Gerard said.

  “Thanks,” Frankie said.

  “On the flip side, he’s the perfect father figure for Kalen. Has a heart of gold and he’s dependable,” Jonas said. “He loves Frankie so much.”

  “Do you like him?” Daisuke asked Frankie.

  Frankie shrugged. “I don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “You mean he cheats?” Akira asked.

  “No, not that. He just doesn’t tell me everything. He thinks I’m a kid.” He paused. “The only person he loves?”

  “Kalen,” Gerard and Jonas answered.

  “Then you,” Jonas added.

  “What would make Frankie happy?” Daisuke asked.

  “A little freedom,” Gerard said.

  “Someone closer to his age to hang out with who understands him,” Jonas answered. “My turn. Tomahiko?”

  Akira and Daisuke looked at each other.

  “A prince,” Akira answered. “Pampered, spoiled, but a great leader and

  “Fun to be with, not afraid to take chances, someone to have at your back and side,” Daisuke answered.

  “A banging body,” Noel said.

  “And I’m not afraid to use it,” Tomahiko said. “Ooh, I want another turn. Brenton Tramayne.”

  “Wild,” Jonas answered. “A heart of gold.”

  “Perfect for Jonas,” Gerard said.

  “He has great hair,” Frankie said.

  All of them laughed.

  “Jonas’s calm after the storm,” Frankie added.

  “Akira?” Noel asked.

  “Straight,” Daisuke and Tomahiko answered.

  “Rare,” Noel said.

  “A great friend,” Daisuke said.

  “Loyal and a great best friend,” Tomahiko said.

  “Daisuke?” Frankie asked.

  “A great cook and housekeeper,” Akira said.

  “Loving, kind, and fun to be with,” Tomahiko said.

  “Who does he love?” Akira asked. He and Tomahiko laughed, but didn’t answer the question. Daisuke blushed.

  Noel wasn’t a total fool. Daisuke had been checking out Frankie since they met. He sighed. The guy might as well forget about him. Frankie was so in love with Adam, he couldn’t see the sharks closing in on him.

  “Giovanni Bassett,” Daisuke asked.

  Gerard chuckled wickedly. “Rocks my world. Fun to be with. An excellent lover and designer.”

  “Loves him some G,” Frankie said. “Makes me look good in a suit.”

  “A great singer. Would move heaven and earth for Gerard,” Jonas said. “My turn again. Finn Bergman.”

  “The underwear model?” Daisuke asked.

  “Yes,” Noel answered. “Nothing happened.”

  “Hot body,” Daisuke said.

  “Number one on Edward’s hit list,” Frankie said.

  Tomahiko nearly choked on his juice. “What?”

  “Nothing happened,” Noel repeated. He wondered why no one believed him.

  “Andy Green?” Jonas asked.

  “The fashion model?” Daisuke asked.

  “Nothing happened,” Gerard said.

  “Edward’s cousin,” Tomahiko said. “Flirty.”

  “Rene Bassett?” Noel asked.

  “How do you guys know all of those hot models?” Daisuke asked.

  “Gerard’s a designer, remember?” Akira said.

  “He’s Giovanni’s cousin,” Gerard said.

  “Hot,” Noel answered.

  “Did I mention how good Edward is with a gun?” Tomahiko asked Noel.

  “Nothing happened,” Noel said.

  Their managers came in, ending their fun.

  “How are you fellows doing?” Adam asked.

  “Great,” Jonas answered. “We’re just getting to know each other.”

  “Good,” Adam said. “Because they’re going to be living in the neighborhood and I’m expecting you guys to show them around.”

  “I want a house,” Tomahiko said.

  Noel couldn’t miss the eye contact between Luke and Tomahiko. Hmm, maybe the lying, cheating bastard had met his match. Tomahiko didn’t strike him as the type to take shit off of anyone, including Luke.

  “Time for massages, then a rehearsal,” Luke said.

  “I can use some loosening up,” Tomahiko said.

  Jonas chuckled wickedly.

  Noel shook his head. Luke wasn’t his business anymore.

  Chapter Seven

  All the pretty singers were relaxing in milk baths after their massages. Luke didn’t know what he was thinking when he arranged a joint massage with Tomahiko. He had to go in the men’s room and masturbate, especially after he got a glimpse of Tomahiko’s perfect ass when the masseuse adjusted the sheet. The concert was just a few hours away and this could possibly be the last chance he got to relax. The sauna room was hot, but he needed to sweat off a couple of pounds.

  “Have you told Kalen we’re going to Disneyland on Monday?” Luke asked Adam.

  “No. I want it to be a surprise. Neil says he’s doing great with his studies, and has been enjoying going to the temples and gardens in the area.”

  Neil Donelon was Kalen’s tutor and nanny who traveled with them on the road.

  “Kidd Fashions has a store in Seoul and his boss is planning a fashion show there next month. He wants Kalen to participate in it,” Adam said.

  “Better not let Jonas take him,” Luke said.

  “Why not?” Brenton asked.

  “Because I think the man has a little crush on your sweetie,” Luke said.

  Brenton sat up. “What?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Adam said. “Jonas only has eyes for you.”

  “I can’t have some guy digging on him,” Brenton said.

  “You might have to get used to it,” Adam said. “Do you not see how many guys come to his fan meet? He can’t help it if other guys are checking him out.”

  “We’re not talking fans here,” Brenton said, sounding a bit aggravated. “This guy is Kalen’s boss.”

  “Jonas isn’t interested in him,” Adam said. “He loves you.”

  Brenton sat back again and closed his eyes. “What would you do if you found out someone other than a fan had the hots for Frankie?”

  “Nothing,” Adam replied. “Frankie will never cheat on me. He loves me.”

  “Never say never,” Luke said. “He’s not a little squirt anymore. He’s turning into one handsome young man. He’ll be twenty-one soon, and other guys are bound to notice him.”

  “Like who?” Adam asked.

  “None of us, but once he wins those Grammies, he’s going to be the most highly sought-after young male in the world. Both men and women will want to be with him.”

  “Frankie’s mine,” Adam said like a territorial lion.

  “Yeah, we know,” Luke said. “But Frankie is not a possession. And that won’t stop others like Tierney Avery from wanting to be with him.”

  Adam laughed. “He doesn’t know what to do with a girl.”

  “I can’t imagine Jonas with a woman either,” Brenton said.

  The others laughed.

  “Sweetie G either,” Giovanni said. “In fact, I think he’s afraid of them.”

  “He is,” Luke said.

  Giovanni grabbed at him, but Luke moved.

  “What about Noel?” Adam asked.

  “Yes,” Luke said.

  “No,” Edward said.

  Luke looked at Edward. “What?”

  “He’s dated girls before. I’m not saying I fear him leaving me for one, but he has been in a pussy before.”

  “Tomahiko?” Luke asked.

  “No,” Edward answered. “He’s never been with a woman, but I wouldn’t trust him not to cheat with another guy, especially if Uncle Mikuni orders him to.”

  “What is Edward talking about?” Giovanni asked.

  Luke was afraid of that. “I’ve met the man. Tomahiko will be in America with me so I won’t have to worry about him.”

  “Don’t hold your breath on that,” Edward said.

  “You’re dating Tomahiko?” Giovanni asked.

  “Where have you been?” Adam asked Giovanni.

  “Obviously in the dark,” Giovanni replied.

  “He jumped in Luke’s arms the first day they met,” Adam said.

  “Who is Mikuni?” Brenton asked.

  “Tomahiko’s uncle,” Edward said. “He raised him, or should I say spoiled him.”

  Edward was just trying to scare him. “Thanks for the warning, but I can take care of myself and him. You just better keep Nokie away from Ae-jong.”

  “Who is Ae-jong?” Giovanni asked.

  “Edward’s fiancé,” Luke answered.

  “What?” Adam asked.

  “Is that true, Edward?”

  “Not exactly,” Edward said. “He and I do have history, but it’s over.”

  Luke chuckled. “Does he know that? Noel isn’t good with sharing. He’s kind
of spoiled and pampered, too. Just better get Ae-Jong under control when we get to Seoul because I would hate for Nokie to get upset.”

  “You’ll have enough trying to keep him and Tommy apart,” Edward said. “Picture two gorgeous black belt martial artists attacking each other. Ma petite Noel has nothing to worry about. Tommy, on the other hand, better sleep with one eye open.”

  Giovanni looked at Edward. “I supposed you trained him too in self-defense.”

  Edward nodded. “And he’s just as good as Tomahiko. Better with weapons though.”

  “He has weapons?” Brenton asked.

  “Yeah, and he’s not afraid to use them,” Edward said. He pointed to a mark on his chest. “This is from a throwing star.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll keep Tomahiko away from him,” Luke said.

  “My curiosity is piqued,” Giovanni said. “I can’t wait to see this guy.”

  “How is he as an entertainer?” Adam asked, changing the subject.

  “Fantastic singer and dancer,” Edward said. “He’s going to give Frankie a run for his money. He’s a musician and a songwriter, too.”

  “Can he speak English?” Adam asked. “And Frankie’s not afraid of a challenge.” He paused. “What about the other members of Dazed.”

  “Let me explain,” Edward said. “South Korean entertainers are big on looks and skills. They all see Tomahiko as the enemy.”

  “Diva drama,” Brenton said. “I’m so glad I don’t have a problem with Jonas. He knows he’s good at what he does, but he doesn’t flaunt it.”

  “Are we talking about the same guy?” Luke asked Adam.

  “Yes,” Adam said. “I won’t be surprised if Jonas, Ae-jong, and Tomahiko do a collab.”

  “Too much pretty,” Edward said. “The world isn’t ready for that.”

  Luke leaned back and enjoyed his last few minutes of the sauna. He wasn’t worried about Uncle Mikuni or Ae-jong. Tomahiko was his and he was prepared to fight to keep him.

  Their time in the sauna finally ended and the managers dressed and went to another room to wait for their idols to arrive. Michael Klein and the members of Vizio were moving on to the sauna. Jonas entered the waiting area as soon as the other group left.

  “Hey, babe, where’s the others?” Brenton asked.

  “They’re coming.”

  Akira entered next, looking very red in the face.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Luke asked him.


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