Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 11

by Shawn Bailey

  “Nothing. The next time I’m coming with you guys. I’m the shy type. Those guys aren’t. They were comparing butts, trying to figure out who had the biggest one, and talking about colon cleanses and soft skin. Life has not prepared me for this.”

  Luke chuckled. “That will teach you not to change your choice.” Gerard had set him up with a visit to the sauna, but at the last minute Akira changed his mind. “Yeah, hang out with us guys.”

  Jonas looked up just as that last word came out. “What are we?”

  Luke smirked at Jonas, trying to stand up to him. Bottoms got very defensive when it came to their manhood.

  “Smoochies,” Adam answered.

  Jonas couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m done. I can’t even retaliate.”

  That didn’t stop the tops.

  “Kittens,” Giovanni said.

  “Snuggle bunnies,” Edward said.

  “Huggies,” Brenton said.

  Jonas and the others continued to laugh.

  “I like ukes,” Luke said.

  “Who are you calling uke?” Tomahiko asked as he came through the door next. He still had on his pedicure slippers and he was blowing on his freshly polished fingernails.

  “Us,” Jonas answered. “Be lucky you didn’t come in earlier. I’ve just lost all respect for these guys.” He looked down into the display case near the cash register. A clerk came over to assist him. “I’d like a jar of the cherry massage lotion. Ooh, is that body powder talc free?”

  “Yes,” the clerk answered. It keeps you dry and makes your skin silky soft. It comes with a large puff. I use it on my chest and thighs after I shower.”

  “I’d like one of those, and some of that unscented hand and foot cream.”

  Frankie came through the door. “What are you buying now?”

  “Stuff,” Jonas answered. “I need to stay appealing to my lover.”

  “Why? He’s already bought the cow,” Frankie said.

  Brenton chuckled at Frankie’s joke, while putting his black credit card in the clerk’s hand to pay for Jonas’s purchase. “Add that pretty pink hair ribbon.”

  Jonas poked his tongue at Frankie.

  “You’re spoiled rotten,” Frankie uttered.

  Gerard came through the door with Daisuke. “What are you guys buying?”

  “Not me,” Frankie said. “Jonas.”

  Luke did notice that Tomahiko was checking out the merchandise, too.

  Gerard walked over to the display case. “Ooh, body powder. I’d like one of those and the cocoa butter moisturizing cream and the tropical fruit cleanse.”

  Daisuke came up beside him. “I’ve never tried that. Is it any good?”

  Gerard nodded. “I can’t resist moisturizers. They make my skin so soft, and the cleanse makes everything sparkle.”

  Tomahiko chuckled.

  The clerk reappeared, gawked and then asked, “Can I help you?”

  “I’d like two bottles of milk bath, the foaming kind, a coconut cleanse, and the honey and almond moisturizer.”

  Luke handed the clerk his charge card.

  “Thank you,” Tomahiko said, gazing into his eyes. “You’re too kind.”

  “I’m just in a generous mood since I slept so good last night.”

  “Me, too. It was the best sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Gag me,” Gerard muttered.

  The clerk handed Tomahiko the bag and gave Luke his card. “You’re Tomahiko Akiyama, aren’t you?”


  The clerk got excited. “There’s Akira and Daisuke. I thought you guys looked familiar when you walked in.”

  “Are you coming to our concert tonight?” Tomahiko asked.

  The clerk shook his head. “I couldn’t afford it.”

  Luke reached into his pocket and took out a couple of tickets. “For you and a friend.”

  The clerk squealed. “Really?”

  “Yes,” Luke said.

  The clerk bowed. “Thank you. I will never forget this day.”

  “What’s your name?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Eiji Ikeda.”

  “I’ll make sure to give you a shout out tonight,” Tomahiko said.

  Eiji looked like the happiest young man in the world. Before they left, all of the singers gave him their autograph.

  “That was pretty nice of you guys,” Adam said. “It’s wonderful to see you haven’t lost your souls yet.”

  The other managers laughed. Luke noticed that Adam was trying real hard to make Frankie smile. It wasn’t working. He knew what it was like to lose the one you love. He looked over at Gerard. His former lover was deep in conversation with his husband about fashions. Apparently, models were flying in from all over the country for the big fashion blowout in South Korea next month. Luke still missed Gerard, but he now understood that he messed up and that Gerry was much happier with Giovanni. Noel seemed happier, too. He’d gotten an invitation to the wedding but Luke wasn’t sure he would be attending.

  Ki and Yukizumi had brought everything they would need with them from home, so they joined Luke and the others at the hotel for lunch, and then it was off to the dome for the last rehearsal. Adam had rented the group some rooms in the same hotel so they wouldn’t have to drive all the way to the compound after the party ended. Both Luke and Adam were quite shocked when the usual opening number changed and Jonas orchestrated Yukizumi and their backup dancers through the intricate ninja dance number he was sure the crowd would love.

  “You’re moving into management now?” Adam asked the blond singer.

  “Nope,” Jonas answered. “I’m just giving them the chance they lost when they got kicked out of the Olympics.”

  “You heard about that?” Adam asked.

  Jonas nodded. “I like them. They’re really good people.”

  Yukizumi and the dancers were professionals, so it took only a couple of takes before they perfected the opening number. Gerard had all of his seamstresses working long hours to get the costumes ready.

  “How did you get the props ready so fast?” Adam asked.

  “You’d be surprised how far a smile can take you,” Jonas bragged.

  “The head guy is gay, isn’t he?”

  Jonas nodded. “Don’t tell Brenton.”

  After rehearsals ended, it was time to shower and go to the hair stylists’ trailers that were located outside near the entertainer’s entrances. The members of Yukizumi would visit them last because their hair would just get messed up with the first number. The guys took a nap in their dressing rooms, and ate a light meal before getting into their ninja costumes. The concert started and Luke watched it all from the stage right. It was a beautiful, well-coordinated dance. Yukizumi the gymnasts were extraordinary. The audience loved it.

  The Voices of Reason were scheduled to perform right after the MC opened the show. They looked fantastic in their original style of hip-hop fashions designed by them and Gerard. They wore pants that weren’t falling off their asses and exposing their briefs because they were two or three sizes too big. Nor were they two sizes too small to make them looked like stuffed sausages. Gerard brought the 70s back with denim pants, vest and jackets, and high-top tennis shoes. There was no flashy jewelry, big chains or brass-knuckle-sized rings. Jamal wore a Kangal hat. Tyrone had an afro and Jonathan rocked his bald head. They sang four of their current songs. They, too, were giving The Kerrys a run for the money in popularity. The Kerrys weren’t the vain kind. They loved helping out their fellow groups. The gospel group that was usually first followed them.

  Cinnamon took the stage right after the first intermission, looking like a group of high school students in miniskirts, button up short-sleeved blouses, and high heels. Tierney Avery, the lead singer of the group, always butted heads with Gerard about what she wanted to wear. Most of the time Gerard won. This time Tierney did. Most J and K pop female singers dressed this way when they performed. “Don’t come to me when you freeze your asses off,” Gerard had told Tierney an
d the other three young women. Luke chuckled to himself. Brave talk from a guy who probably never seen a woman’s ass before. The audience loved Cinnamon, too. For some reason, they were very popular. A comedian took the stage after Cinnamon’s act ended.

  The MC returned. “Ladies and gentlemen, coming up next is a group we haven’t heard from in a while. Making their return to the big stage is one of Tokyo’s most beloved singing groups. Please give a big round of applause for Yukizumi.” The curtains opened and pandemonium broke out. The guys had barely started singing when the groupies rushed the stage. Luke ran out and grabbed Tomahiko by one hand and Daisuke by the other. Akira had already hurried off before the women could get to him. “I did not expect this,” Luke said.

  “I did,” Edward said, smiling. “This is Yukizumi.”

  “You could have told me.”

  “This happens almost every time they appear,” Edward said, laughing. “Good luck.”

  The security guards got the people back to their seats.

  The MC came out to address them. “Please act like you have some sense. We understand you haven’t seen them in a while. So let’s start this all over again and show the visitors to Tokyo that you know how to act. Bodyguards lined the foot of the stage this time. They were all in dark suits with white shirts underneath the coats. Black ties and sunglasses added to the look. Luke sighed. Uncle Mikuni’s men. He left Yukizumi and walked to the side of the stage again. The music started, the curtains opened and Yukizumi appeared in their new costumes to perform their three new songs and some of their old ones. The males and females in the audience screamed and called out to them. The trio left the stage after the last number to a big round of applause.

  “Yukizumi will be back later,” the MC said. “Coming to the stage now is the hottest group in America and probably in the world.”

  More security moved into place. Luke recognized some of them. They were Tory’s people.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, The Kerrys.”

  The curtains opened. Jonas had his guitar. Frankie was at the piano, and Gerard was seated behind his drums. They all wore their new burgundy suits. The air space in the audience filled with red, white, and blue lights. Yukizumi’s lights had arrived too late for the concert but would be available for the next one. The Kerrys performed some of their award-winning hits. Music played while The Kerrys left the stage for a costume change.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Noel Charles,” the MC announced.

  Noel appeared, wearing a costume that matched The Kerrys to perform ‘Requiem’, the popular hit he had written with Jonas Kerry. Noel disappeared for a moment.

  The Kerry’s left the stage and Noel’s segment started. Noel returned wearing that stunning red outfit. Jonas came back out to sing their song, then Noel sang his duet with Frankie and then Gerard before Noel’s set ended.

  Vizio followed Noel on stage. Jonas joined them at the end to sing his song he and Brenton had penned together. The rest of the acts followed Vizio until the show was nearly over.

  The MC took the mic again. “I told you they would be back. Let’s give big round of applause for Yukizumi.”

  Luke heard the intro to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of you.” Tomahiko, Akira, and Daisuke all appeared in hip-hugging pants, sleeveless T-shirts, and Tomahiko sang the popular hit as the three of them danced. Tomahiko had to have the sexiest hip action in Asia. The audience loved it. Yukizumi left the stage as the audience clamored for more. In the meantime, Gerard was quickly getting the guys changed into the costumes he’d created for the next number. Yukizumi in dark suits, white shirts, suspenders and sunglasses to perform their rendition of Boy’z II Men’s ‘MotownPhilly.’ They looked like gangsters. Folks got on their feet down in the audience and started dancing like crazy.

  Jonas joined them on stage in a pinstriped suit to perform the Michael Biven’s part. He looked like a gangster, too. The song ended and the audience still wanted more.

  The doors opened and a motorcycle came up the aisle and drove all the way up to the stage. A man completely dressed in black got off holding flowers and a white fur coat. He walked up the stage without anyone stopping him, and he bowed and put the flowers at Tomahiko’s feet and draped the coat around his shoulder. The people in the audience went crazy, thinking it was a part of the act. Was it? Luke couldn’t be too sure. The guy got back on the motorcycle and drove away.

  Akira, Daisuke, and Tomahiko bowed again and went backstage.

  “Who the fuck was that?” Luke asked after the show ended.

  “Tomahiko’s biggest nightmare,” Edward answered. “His name is Rikuro Chang and he fancies Tomahiko.”

  “I’ve figured that out. What are the chances of that fur being real?”

  “One hundred percent. If Tomahiko wanted Asia, Rikuro would give it to him.”

  Luke stiffened. Even he wasn’t that rich. “How did you deal with him?”

  “I whipped his ass,” Edward answered. But that was many years ago. He’s older and much stronger now.”

  “He’s a martial artist?”

  Edward nodded. “And good with weapons.”

  “Better than you?”

  Edward shrugged. “You don’t want to find out. Just keep Tomahiko as far away from him as possible. He’s a yakuza boss just like Mikuni.”

  “Other than the obvious reason, why did the two of you fight?” Luke asked.

  “He kidnapped Tomahiko. Tommy was just a teen then. If you think he’s beautiful now, you should have seen him then.” Edward moved around nervously, pulling at his pants in the way men do when they’re trying to stave off an erection.

  “You didn’t.”

  “No, but Rikuro did. Now he thinks Tomahiko belongs to him. Anyway, I was Yukizumi’s manager so I had no other choice but try to rescue him.”

  “Mikuni forced you, didn’t he?”

  “I wouldn’t say force. Let’s just say he requested that I do it while he held a gun to my head. Imagine both of us eleven years younger, and me thinking with my cock and not my brain.”

  Luke nodded. That was always his problem. “What happened?”

  “Me and some of Mikuni’s men infiltrated Chang’s compound, got into a fight with him and his men, and then found Tomahiko. I had to fight Chang first. He was good back then, but I had more muscle. That’s the only way I won. Now he’s supersized.”

  “Would you fight him again?”

  Edward shook his head. “Not unless he fucked with Nu Nu.”

  “Nu Nu?”

  “My new nickname for Noel,” Edward said.

  Luke tried not to laugh. He was sure Noel hated it. “We better get back stage.” He and Edward left the auditorium.

  * * * *

  Uncle Mikuni and Tory were there to congratulate them along with the press.

  “You fellows were sensational,” Tory said. “That ending was the bomb.”

  They three looked at him oddly.

  “That means he loved your performance,” Luke explained.

  The trio bowed.

  “When did you add the motorcycle rider to the act?” Adam asked.

  “He’s not a part of the act,” Tomahiko said. “He’s the enemy.”

  Mikuni tried to hop out of his seat, but Tomahiko stopped him. “He’s gone.”

  “Go change into your party clothing,” Tory told them. “This is your night. The world is ready to meet you.”

  Yukizumi dashed off toward the dressing rooms while Tory and Adam entertained the press. Knowing Tory, he probably invited every reporter in Tokyo to the performance and the after-party.

  “Come on, we have guests to entertain,” Tory said to Luke once the reporters stopped badgering them with questions.

  “What about my groups?” Luke asked.

  “Edward, make sure Yukizumi and The Voices of Reason gets to the ballroom,” Tory said. He put his arm around Luke’s shoulders. “Your dick finally got you into the big time.” Mikuni and the others had already left.

” Luke asked as they walked.

  “Tomahiko Akiyama. He’s a prince, you know.”

  “So, I’ve heard,” Luke said. “Did Uncle Mikuni enjoy the show?”

  Tory nodded. “Yes. I had to damn near sign my life away to get him to agree to let them leave Asia. It does help that he likes you, too. So you better be on your best behavior or you’ll be in the river.”

  Luke frowned. He knew that term. No one bullied him. Besides Edward was still alive. “Did you meet Akira and Daisuke’s folks yet?”

  “Yes, they’re nice people,” Tory said as they neared the elevator. “They like you, too. They said you’re friendlier than Edward, and Akira and Daisuke have nothing but good things to say about you.”

  Luke kind of felt sorry for Edward.

  “He got the man of his dreams,” Tory said as if reading Luke’s mind. “Besides, he’ll have his hands full in Korea.”

  “You mean, Ae-jong?”

  Tory nodded. “Stay away from him. He actually is a prince…a real one. He’s kin to the ruling emperor. If you think Tomahiko is a stunner, wait until you see him.”

  “Are you trying to get me killed?” Luke asked.

  Tory laughed. “No. I know you have your hands full with Tomahiko, but Tomahiko’s been behaving himself lately.”

  “What do you mean?” Luke asked.

  The entered the elevator. “Never mind. Just keep him and Ae-jong apart.”

  Luke didn’t know if he liked being used as a referee. They took the lift upstairs with some other hotel guests. The band they’re hired to entertain had people on their feet dancing to the oldies, both American and Japanese. Mikuni and some of his people sat at the VIP table with Adam.

  “Have fun tonight,” Tory said.

  “Are they friends of yours?” Luke asked, motioning to the table of yakuza.

  “They are now,” Tory answered. “The quicker we get these guys out of Asia, the better. Come say hello to Uncle.” They walked over to them. Tory knelt down and kissed the mafia boss’s ring. Luke did the same thing just because he wanted to at least make it through the night in one piece.

  “Check him out, fellows,” Mikuni said to his friends. “Immaculate suit, no wrinkles, styled hair, expensive jewelry, and wearing cologne that my nephew says drives him wild. May I introduce you to Lucas Austin, Tomahiko’s new manager?” Mikuni wore a black tailored suit. The jacket had a velvet collar and lapels. And he had a ring on every finger.


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