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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 13

by Shawn Bailey

  Luke hated to wake Tomahiko when they arrived at the park. He was sleeping so peacefully and hardly moved. Had they been alone, he would have awoken him with a kiss. Luke shook him gently. Those beautiful dark brown eyes opened. “We’re here.”

  Tomahiko smiled at Luke. Luke’s heart did that double-thud thing again. Lately his body had been going through a barrage of changes since meeting the statuesque singer.

  “We need hats,” Tomahiko said after they were off the bus, past the gates, and finally on the Disney premises. He took Luke’s hand and led him to the World Bazaar gift shop. Everyone bought their favorite Disney character hat. Tomahiko got the original mouse ears with the name Tommy embroidered on the back of it. Luke got a conductor’s hat and no one said a word when Jonas got Cinderella’s hat.

  Since they were a big group, they had to go everywhere together so no one could get lost. Since technically Kalen was the only child with them he got to pick the first ride. He chose the Ferris wheel. Everyone who wanted to ride got on. Right before the thing moved, Tomahiko pulled Luke into one of the cars. That guaranteed that they got to travel alone. “You’re not afraid of heights, are you?” Tomahiko asked him. The attendant closed and locked the door.

  “Now is a fine time for you to ask,” Luke said. “No.” The ride began and the cart rocked. Luke hated Ferris wheels. He was more into riding the flying horses.

  “We haven’t had time to be alone today and to talk.”

  “That’s because you’ve been busy being an entertainer. And by the way, you guys rocked last night.”

  “Thanks,” Tomahiko said. He moved closer to Luke and kissed him.

  Luke pulled away. “If you don’t stop that I’ll have to figure out a way to get your pants down to your ankles and me inside of you.” Tomahiko started to unbutton his pants but Luke stopped him. “This ride isn’t long enough. Plus, we have a toddler accompanying us and we don’t want his introduction to sex being Uncle Luke ravishing the gorgeous male singer.”

  “His two older brothers are bottoms. I’m sure he’s heard some moaning and groaning coming from their bedrooms at night.” He kissed Luke again and moved his tongue inside of Luke’s mouth. Luke heard the Backstreet Boys’ ‘I Want it That Way’ humming in his head. A moan escaped Tomahiko’s lips. It sounded so damn sexy. Luke gently pushed him away. “It’s a good thing we’re both wearing shirts with hems that come below the hips, or everyone will see the gigantic erection that kiss produced.”

  “Gigantic?” Tomahiko asked.

  Luke nodded. “You’re not only beautiful, but desirable, too.”

  “So are you,” Tomahiko said. “I desire you more and more every time I see you.”

  The admission caught Luke by surprise.

  “Does that shock you?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Maybe this ride is making you lose oxygen.”

  “You don’t believe me?” He began undressing.

  “Don’t,” Luke said. “There might be cameras everywhere in this ride. Prove it to me later.”

  “Can I stay over another night with you?” Tomahiko asked.

  Luke nodded. “Yes.” He was sleeping unbelievably peaceful with Tomahiko next to him every night.

  The Ferris wheel stopped and the attendant opened the door. Luke stepped out first and helped Tomahiko out. “I need something to cool off with.”

  “Ice cream,” Kalen suggested as he got out the cart with Frankie.

  Luke laughed. “Okay, Uncle Luke is treating.”

  “I like ice cream,” Tomahiko said.

  Frankie and Noel teased each other with frozen fruit bars. Kalen settled for a Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream. It had vanilla ice cream on the inside and covered in a hard chocolate shell. He kept trying to tease Frankie with it. Jonas and Adam both settled for icy bottles of water. Gerard got one of those frozen bananas. Giovanni eventually took it from him because too many of the guys were watching him eat it.

  Frankie cleaned up a sticky-faced Kalen after he ate the treat. Savage Garden’s ‘I Knew I Loved You’ played over the speakers in the parlor.

  Tomahiko began singing the song, capturing everyone’s attention with the beautiful melody. He had an amazing voice. Luke listened, captivated by the range he was able to hit. Everyone clapped when he finished. The song had drawn more attention from people outside since they were seated near an open window.

  “Uh-oh, fans,” Adam said.

  They waved and Tomahiko waved back. The next thing Luke knew they were surrounded by young men and women.

  “Ooh, isn’t that Frankie Kerry, too,” one of the guys said.

  Adam put himself between the guy and Frankie. “Hello. Would you like an autograph?”

  Several heads bobbed. Apparently, they all spoke or understood English. For the next hour, they signed autographs and took pictures. The group of fans finally left and Adam got his people out of the parlor. He spoke to Tomahiko. “No more singing beautiful love songs while we’re in the park.”

  “Okay,” Tomahiko said with a shy smile.

  Adam entire demeanor seemed to change. His gaze raked over Tomahiko’s body. Luke moved Tomahiko away before Frankie saw.

  Another guy was checking Tomahiko out too as they waited in line for the next ride. Akira said something in Japanese and the guy bowed and left.

  “What did you tell him?” Luke asked.

  “Nothing,” Akira lied. “I can’t repeat it in mixed company.”

  “Oh,” Luke said.

  “It’s rude to stare at him like he doesn’t have any feelings,” Akira mumbled.

  Ah, Akira was also very protective over Tomahiko.

  The members of Cinnamon and Mackavelli stayed close to The Kerrys. They all ended up in ‘Critter Country’ and rode ‘Splash Mountain’. Kalen and Neil sat that ride out. In ‘Toonland’ Kalen and Neil rode on the ‘Rodger Rabbit Car Toon Spin.’ They entered ‘Fantasyland’ and visited Cinderella’s palace. Kalen had a ball as they sailed down a manmade waterway aboard the ‘Mark Twain Riverboat,’ followed by the ‘Western River Railroad.’ Sometimes it was just good to let a kid be a kid.

  “I want to bring my kids to the one in California or Florida,” Tomahiko said out of the blue as they watched the parade later that evening.

  “You want kids?” Luke asked.

  Tomahiko nodded. “Lots.”

  “More than one?” Luke asked.

  “At least three. A boy first, then a girl, and then another boy.”

  “That sound sounds like you’re given this some thought,” Luke said.

  “I have. I figured I’d have to move away sooner or later where no one will know about the organization.”

  “You shouldn’t have known anything about it either,” Luke said.

  “Akira, Daisuke, and Ki are not exactly members of the organization.” He pointed to his shoulder. “The tattoo means that we have parents that are full-fledged members. Unfortunately, that means nothing when war breaks out. Family members go down just like the others. Leaders don’t like to leave eyewitnesses behind.” He paused. “Well I can’t do anything about the past,” Tomahiko said. “I can just hope my future will be different.”

  “America has mafia, too,” Luke said.

  “Yes, I know, but I won’t be a part of it. I’m not complaining. My uncle gave me a wonderful life, but even I’m tired of dodging bullets.”

  Adam got everyone together and called roll after they left the park. They boarded the buses and headed back to the hotel. Luke thought about what Tomahiko had said about having a real family and kids as the young man rested his head on his shoulder again. Luke hadn’t given it much thought until lately. Watching Kalen put a smile on Adam’s face. Tomahiko fell into a deep sleep after the two of them showered and crawled into bed later. Luke kissed him tenderly and then closed his eyes. Maybe he wanted that type of life now, too.

  * * * *

  The phone calls stopped, but the roses delivered to the gate surely indicated that he had an admirer or a stalke
r. Tomahiko guessed a little bit of both. The situation smelled of Rikuro Chang. Rikuro was several years younger than Mikuni, but just as devious. He had kidnapped Tomahiko years ago and Mikuni sent an army of assassins to get him back. Unfortunately, they had left Rikuro alive and the guy hadn’t given up getting Tomahiko back. So far he, Akira, Daisuke, and Ki had been lucky. Tomahiko wasn’t betting his luck would keep until he left Japan. The police were closing in on organizations and putting them out of commission. Most had turned legitimate. Tomahiko couldn’t see his uncle doing that. Crime was in his blood and the notches in Mikuni’s headboard weren’t for the women he fucked, but the men he’d killed. He just wished his uncle would retire, leave town, and have a normal life with a wife and some kids. It was the same dream Mikuni had for him. Tory Albertson was giving Tomahiko a chance to have that kind of life. Tomahiko just had to make it to America without being killed.

  Tomahiko left the flowers where they were. They were probably bugged anyway. He was allergic to most of them and the only guy he wanted giving him flowers was Luke Austin. He entered the gate and then drove to his parking spot.

  Ki had been riding right along with him but was busy on his tablet.

  “Has Tory introduced you to your new trainees yet?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Not yet, but he said he would before we left Tokyo for good,” Ki answered.

  “You’re a very good manager,” Tomahiko said.

  “Better than Edward?”

  “Hell yes. At least you are around more than he ever was.”

  “Do you think Luke will be any better?”

  “I hope so,” Tomahiko said. “So far I like the new company, and everyone is friendly and helpful, even Edward’s fiancé.”

  Ki sighed. “I thought there would be some bloodshed when the two of you met.”

  Tomahiko chuckled. “We’re not women and we’re both nearly thirty years old. I lost Edward. Noel did not steal him from me. I am his past and Noel is his future.” They got out of the van, entered the foyer and removed their shoes. Tomahiko started sneezing the moment they stepped into the living room. It looked like a funeral parlor.

  “They have been arriving all day,” Ki said. “The pink carnations are from your uncle. The white ones are from Luke.”

  “Was it just a lucky guess that he knows that the only flower I’m not allergic to?”

  Ki chuckled shook his head. “He asked me the first time you two met. I remember Edward wanting to shoot you and go back to America the first time the two of you met.”

  Tomahiko laughed, remembering. It hadn’t been love at first sight between the two of them. Edward did not bend. He did everything by the book. He never changed. “Keep those two arrangements and send the rest to the local nursing homes.” Tomahiko headed up the stairs to his room for a quick nap and then he had to visit his uncle.

  Chapter Nine

  The alarm clock woke Tomahiko at five in the evening. He crawled out of bed disoriented and disappointed that Luke wasn’t by his side. His uncle was expecting guests and Mikuni wanted him there to show him off like a trophy wife. That meant he had to dress for dinner and perhaps perform a song or two. He was so glad that Luke wouldn’t be there to see him play the fool.

  Tomahiko showered, washed his hair and blew it dried. Then he dressed, grabbed his keys and headed downstairs. He stopped in to see Daisuke. Akira was on a date with Tina Rae of Mackavelli. He guessed him and Jessica from Cinnamon was on a break. He found Daisuke in the den watching a movie. “I’m sorry I won’t be here for dinner. My uncle is having guests and he wants me there.”

  “I know. Ki told me. Try not to let him talk you into doing something you’re going to regret.”

  Ki, Daisuke, and Akira all knew what he’d done to lose Edward. He wasn’t very proud. “I’ll try. You want to come with me?”

  “No thanks. Ki and I will be catching up on a K-Drama tonight,” Daisuke answered.

  Daisuke was in between lovers. He’d grown up trying to find someone nice and respectful. Tomahiko supposed he’d stopped looking, plus it didn’t make any sense to start a new relationship now that he was about to move to America. And he had this tremendous crush on Frankie Kerry. Maybe Daisuke should lower his standards. Adam and Frankie seemed destined to be together. Daisuke did have a choice. He could date Carson Hughes from Vizio or Kalen’s tutor Neil. He could tell Neil was gay by the way he got all tongue-tied whenever Frankie was around. And there was also Edward’s cousin Andrew, who had made a pass at Daisuke before, or Giovanni’s cousin Rene. Those last two were right for Daisuke, but neither of them lived in Louisiana that he knew of. Whoever he chose had to get along with Adam’s little clique that he tried to keep a secret from the rest of the managers. It must be terribly difficult for him to pretend that he and Frankie were only friends, and that most of the ones they hung around with were also gay. Tomahiko had figured it all out just by watching them interact with each other. Their secret would be safe with him and Daisuke. Besides Tory had already laid down the law to him and Daisuke about letting the others know that they were gay. Daisuke could probably pull it off better than him, while he had a hard time going without his finger and toe nails polish for any length of time. “You know how he hates to be kept waiting.”

  “Be careful and call if you’re going to spend the night with Luke. Are you still having nightmares?”

  “No,” Tomahiko answered. “Not since I’ve been sleeping beside him.”

  “Just call or text. You know how we worry about you.”

  “I will,” Tomahiko said. He texted his bodyguards again to let them know he was about to leave the compound. They met him at the gate and followed him to Mikuni’s mansion. Tomahiko made it in enough time to go up to his room and change into a nice suit, and then come down to stand in the receiving room with his uncle.

  * * * *

  “Where are you going all dolled up?” Adam asked Luke.

  “To dinner. Mikuni Akiyama has requested my presence.”

  “And you’re going there alone?” Adam asked.

  “Yes. He knows I’m not a threat, plus I’m dating his nephew.”

  “His favorite nephew,” Adam reminded him. “And thanks for the confirmation. Everyone has noticed that the two of you are getting close.” He paused. “Why don’t you take Edward with you?”

  Luke scowled at him. “I don’t think so. I don’t need a C.I. A. agent breathing down my back. It’s just dinner and I have no intentions of joining their organization or getting a tattoo.”

  “Please don’t,” Adam said. He continued on to the hotel lounge and Luke walked out of the lobby door.

  Mikuni had sent a car for him. Luke bowed to the driver and slid inside the back seat. He found a beautiful Japanese woman waiting inside.

  “You’re a hell of lot handsomer than Tomahiko’s previous lovers,” she said.

  Luke had seen her before. She had been Mikuni’s date at the concert. “And you are?”

  “Jasmine Maeda, Mikuni’s woman.”

  “Oh,” Luke said. “Are you in the organization, too?”

  Jasmine and the driver laughed. “No. Women aren’t allowed to be a member of the yakuza.”

  “Oh,” Luke said again. The chauffeur drove away from the curb and headed to the highway.

  “Mikuni loves that young man,” Jasmine said. “Please take very good care of him.”

  “I will,” Luke said. “We’re a very close-knit family, too. Our boss watches our back and only books tours where the environment is safe.”

  “It’s not safe here,” she said.

  “I bet my boss didn’t know that until he met Mikuni,” Luke said. “I thought most of the yakuza organizations have been disbanded.”

  “Most of them have, but some old traditions die hard. It’s going to take some getting used to.”

  “I heard Hawaii is nice,” Luke said. “You can move him there and get him to retire.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t been trying to get him to leave. H
e wants to see Tomahiko settled first.”

  “We’ll be in America before Christmas.” It was late September. “Try to keep him out of trouble until then.”

  Jasmine sighed. “I was about to say the same thing to you. Tomahiko suffers from hyperactivity disorder and he needs to take his medicine to keep him calm. Without it he’d be bouncing all over the place and taking risks.”

  “You mean like bungee jumping off of towers and driving his car real fast?”

  “Yes,” Jasmine said. He also has trouble sleeping at night. It’s like his brain doesn’t shut down.”

  “He sleeps pretty peaceful next to me,” Luke admitted.

  “He won’t let you see this vulnerability. I will make sure that the physician gives him a prescription and the name of a doctor in New Orleans to treat him.”

  “Has he always been like this?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” Jasmine answered. “Mikuni worries about him a lot. And there’s another thing that I think you should know. “There’s a rival group leader that is in love with Tomahiko. His name is Rikuro Chang. Rikuro will try anything to get Tomahiko in his bed.”

  “Crap,” Luke said. He’d just gotten over having to deal with an overzealous uncle, now some rival crazy was after Tomahiko, too. Was dating a guy with a great ass and a beautiful smile worth getting killed over? The wild thumping in his chest gave him the answer…yes. “Thank you for the information. I will do my best to make sure Tomahiko is safe. And I will do my best to keep him away from Rikuro Chang.” He paused. “Do you happen to have a picture of him?”

  Jasmine reached into her purse. “This is him.” She handed the picture to Luke.

  Luke looked down at it. The man in the photograph was Japanese, had a facial hair and wore a nice suit. That description could have fit millions of guys in Tokyo. He handed it back to Jasmine.

  “He’s thirty years old and no longer sports the mustache and beard. Rikuro is also pretty buffed. He works out at the gym repeatedly after getting in a fight with Edward Green.”


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