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When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5)

Page 10

by Carrie Elks

  “Daniel.” The tall man nodded, then slid his gaze to Becca, his eyebrow lifting. “We were wondering who the sixth seat was for.”

  “Lawrence.” Daniel kept his voice even. “This is Becca Hartson. Becca, this is my brother, Lawrence.” He gestured at the sandy haired man. Lawrence gave her a nod. “And next to him is Melissa.” He paused for the slightest of seconds. “His wife.”

  Melissa’s pink lips curled up as she looked at Becca. “Hello.”

  “And this is my sister, Nina and her husband, Charles.” Daniel gestured to an older couple, the woman with a short sandy bob that held a natural wave. The man with her had a shiny dome of a head, with closely cropped hair along the sides.

  “Becca?” Nina said. “Short for Rebecca?” She offered her hand to Becca, who shook it.

  “Yes, but nobody calls me that. Unless I’m being yelled at.” She smiled.

  None of them smiled back at her. Okay, so humor wasn’t going to cut it. Daniel slid his hand from hers and pulled out a chair, pressing his palm against the small of her back as she sat down. The others followed suit, as the waiter took her and Daniel’s drink orders.

  “Just a glass of wine for me, please.”

  “Of course, Madam. Would you like to look at the wine list?”

  She shook her head. “House white will be fine.”

  “They do an amazing Californian Pinot here,” Melissa said. She had a low husky voice. The kind that could lull you into a warm happy sleep. “You should try it.”

  “She can have the house white if she wants it,” Daniel said, not looking at his brother’s wife. “Choose whatever you like.” He gave Becca a tight smile.

  She could feel the stress wafting off him. The relaxed, smiling Daniel of only a few minutes ago had disappeared. So this was what his family did to him.

  “What are you drinking?” she asked him.

  “Something red,” he told her. “And alcoholic.” The last bit was said so low that only she could hear.

  She gave him a smile. “Why don’t you order for me, too?”

  Daniel took the wine list from the waiter, shooting her a warm look. He quickly ordered and handed the list back.

  “So, Becca, what do you do?” Nina asked, smiling tightly over at her.

  “I’m a distiller at GSC.”

  Lawrence lifted a brow. “A workplace affair, Daniel?” From the corner of her eye she could see Daniel’s jaw twitch.

  “It’s not an affair,” Daniel pointed out. “Neither of us are married.”

  He hadn’t denied a relationship between them, even though it would have been the truth. Becca tried to ignore the thrill shooting through her veins.

  “Still, we all know that work and pleasure don’t mix. Or they shouldn’t.” Lawrence lifted a cocktail to his lips, his knuckles white as he held the glass. “Isn’t that right?”

  Becca shifted in her seat. There was an undercurrent between them that she couldn’t quite work out. It felt like more than bad blood over their parents’ relationships.

  “I didn’t realize you were still interested in my love life.” Daniel took his wine glass from the waiter, lifting it straight to his lips. When he’d taken a sip, he placed it on the table.

  “I’m just making conversation.” Lawrence shrugged. He looked at Becca. “Would you like me to change the subject?”

  Becca lifted her chin and met his gaze. “Only if you want to. You’re not making me uncomfortable.”

  “See?” Lawrence said to Daniel. “Becca’s fine with the questions.”

  “Then ask her.” Daniel’s voice was low.

  Melissa’s arm moved beneath the tablecloth, as though she was squeezing her husband’s leg. “What does your family do?” she asked, smiling at Becca.

  Daniel gave a short laugh. “Why do you assume her family does one thing? Not everybody lives off their ancestral wealth. Some people make their own way in the world.”

  Damn he was stressed. Becca wondered what he’d do if she squeezed his thigh like Melissa was squeezing Lawrence’s.

  Have a fit, probably.

  She smiled at Melissa instead. “I have four brothers. The eldest is a musician, my middle brother is a retired football player, and the other two are entrepreneurs.”

  “A musician?” Nina said, smiling. “How lovely.” She exuded a motherly warmth.

  “Where are you from?” Lawrence asked.

  “She’s one of the Hartson’s Creek Hartsons,” Daniel said. She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

  “Oh god, that’s such a quaint little town,” Melissa said. “Do you remember when I had to drive around for two hours trying to find a chai latte?”

  Daniel nodded. “I remember.”

  Lawrence called the waiter over to take their orders. Melissa’s hands were both on her menu now.

  “What’s it like working for Daniel?” Charles asked. It was the first time he’d spoke.

  “Hell, probably,” Lawrence muttered.

  “Actually, it’s been wonderful.” Becca shot Daniel a smile. He was still stiff, as though somebody had shot a rod through his back. “He challenges me. I like that.”

  “But do you challenge him?” Charles asked.

  “All the damn time.” Daniel turned to Becca with a wry smile. She grinned back at him. Did he know how devastating his smiles were? Maybe that’s why he didn’t use them very much. The whole world would probably stop turning if he was always smiling.

  “Actually,” Daniel said, once he’d given his order. “One of the reasons I’m here is to talk to you about the new product we’re working on. I need board approval for some changes.”

  “Do we have to talk about business now?” Melissa asked. “You’ve only just got here.”

  “Daniel doesn’t know how to talk about anything else,” Lawrence said smoothly.

  Becca felt her own spine stiffen. God, they were horrendous. “Really?” She turned to look at Lawrence and his wife. “I find that Daniel talks about a lot of things.” Reaching up, she cupped Daniel’s cheek. This time he didn’t stop her. If anything, he leaned into her palm.

  His gaze met hers. She could see herself reflected in the darks of his eyes. “He’s one of the most interesting men I’ve ever met,” she murmured, staring straight at him. A ghost of a smile passed over his lips. She leaned forward, pressing her mouth to the corner of them.

  “What are you doing?” Daniel murmured into her ear.

  She turned her head so they couldn’t see her. “Just go with it. Your family are assholes.”

  She felt his chest move with a chuckle. But he didn’t pull away. Instead, he moved his hand to the back of her neck, his fingers stroking her skin. An electric shiver shot through her.

  “I’m only interesting because you like me,” Daniel said, his voice louder now.

  “Is that right?” She smiled up at him. God, she wanted to feel his lips on hers again. Properly this time. How had she ever thought he was an asshole? Compared to his family, he was sweetness and light.

  He dropped his brow until it was touching hers. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin. Then he tipped his head until his lips brushed against hers and she was on fire.

  Okay, not literally. But damn, her whole body felt like it had been turned up twenty degrees.

  Somebody cleared their throat. Daniel winked at her, then released his hold on her neck, slowly pulling back, as though the world hadn’t just tilted on its axis.

  It took her a few seconds to remember how to send a message from her brain to her muscles. As she turned away from Daniel, she realized that all four of them were staring at them.

  Charles was grinning. Nina looked surprised. Lawrence was shaking his head, and Melissa was glaring with narrowed eyes.

  Becca felt Daniel relax beside her. “Sorry,” he drawled. “I can’t help it. She’s beautiful.”

  They’d finished dessert before business was brought up again. In another time, the gentlemen would probab
ly have left to go to another room for brandy and cigars while the women gossiped about them. Thank god it wasn’t another time, because for some reason Melissa didn’t like Becca. She could tell by the weird side glances she kept getting.

  Maybe she was used to being Queen Bee around here.

  “We still need to talk business at some point,” Daniel said as he sipped his coffee. “When would be a good time?”

  Lawrence smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “We’re pretty tied up with the Charity Ball at the moment. It’s this weekend.” He blinked, as though an idea just hit him. “Why don’t you join us there?” He glanced at Becca. “Both of you. Then we can take some time on Sunday to talk about the business.”

  Daniel swallowed. “I’m not sure. We’ll have to check our schedules.”

  Becca leaned against him, kissing his cheek. “Don’t be silly, darling. We’d love to, wouldn’t we? I bet you look amazing in a tux.” She bit down a smile. “And even better out of it.”

  Daniel coughed out a laugh. “Now do you see why I like her?”

  “She’s refreshing,” Nina said, her voice warm.

  “I like her, too,” Charles said, nodding.

  Neither Lawrence or Melissa said anything. They were too busy staring at each other, having an unspoken conversation.

  Five minutes later, Daniel had paid for the bill, sliding a card into the leather folder so stealthily Becca hadn’t realized it was there until the waiter brought over the slip for Daniel to sign. “We should get back to the hotel,” Daniel said, standing. He held a hand out for Becca. “It’s been a long day, especially for you.”

  She smiled up at him. “I still have some energy left.”

  Charles sniggered.

  Daniel lifted a brow. “I know something that can help with that.” He leaned forward, brushing his lips against her cheek. “The hotel has a good gym,” he murmured. It was Becca’s turn to bite down a grin. Touché.

  Sliding his hand casually around her waist, Daniel nodded at his family. “Thank you for a pleasant evening.”

  They stood to say their goodbyes, Lawrence and Charles shaking hands, Nina hugging them both. Melissa gave air kisses.

  “We’ll see you at the ball,” Lawrence said, giving Becca a nod.

  “I’ll try to remember my glass slippers.”

  Daniel grinned again, and pressed his palm into her back. “Come on, let’s get you back to the hotel.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The car pulled away from the restaurant, driving through the empty roads toward Daniel’s hotel. There was a half smile on his face as he leaned back against the seat, his long legs stretched out in front of him. He turned to Becca, looking casually amused.

  “I’ll try to remember my glass slippers?” he quoted. His thigh was pressed against hers, the warmth of him burning through his dress pants. She tipped her head and lifted a brow.

  “It was funny,” she told him. “Or at least you thought it was.”

  His smile widened. “I thought it was hilarious. It went over Lawrence’s head though.”

  “Well, right now I’m wishing I had a crowd of willing mice to make me a dress. What do people wear to balls anyway?”

  “I’ll tell Lawrence you couldn’t make it. You don’t have to endure a second evening with my family. I’m pretty sure once was more than enough.”

  Becca looked at him carefully. “Are you afraid I’ll embarrass you?”

  His smile dissolved. “No.” He shook his head quickly. “That’s not what I’m thinking at all. I’ll go to the ball for an hour, show my face, then meet Lawrence and Nina on Sunday. You shouldn’t have to endure it for my sake.”

  “What if I want to go?” she asked him.

  Daniel tipped his head, eyeing her carefully. “Do you?”


  He turned to look out of the window. He could see the lights of the hotel in the distance. “You’ll wear a gown to the ball. I’ll pay for it.”

  “I can buy my own clothes.”

  “I know. But I’m already in your debt. I don’t want to be any deeper.”

  The driver climbed out to open the door. Daniel took Becca’s hand and led her from the car, sliding a tip into the driver’s palm as he shook it.

  “You hold my hand a lot,” Becca said as he nodded at the concierge.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He flexed his fingers. Her skin was soft and warm. It made him wonder what the rest of her felt like.

  “No. I like it.”

  Pleasure pulsed through him.

  He wasn’t sure what he was doing here. Or what Becca was doing, for that matter. Since she’d started touching and kissing him in the restaurant, his mind was firmly in one place. It was taking a force of will not to pull her against him, so he could feel the softness of her curves against his firm chest.

  “Can I ask you something?” Becca said, as he pressed the button for the penthouse elevator.

  “If I said no, would it stop you?”

  She laughed. “Probably not. Why didn’t you just tell your family to go to hell? You don’t usually have a problem speaking your mind.”

  His eyes caught hers. “Because I want something from them. And that desire outweighs the need to tell them they’re assholes.”

  “Are you always so singular when you want something?”

  The elevator pinged as the gold patterned doors opened. He gestured for Becca to walk inside first. He joined her and the doors slid closed, the car gently beginning its ascent.

  “Nearly always,” he said, in answer to her question. She was leaning against the side of the car, her arms behind her, fingers wrapped around the rail. In the warm light of the elevator, her skin looked almost luminescent.

  “What’s the exception?” Her gaze held his.

  “When I want something I can’t have.” His voice was low. Thick.

  Her lips parted as she exhaled softly. “Can’t have? Or shouldn’t want?” Her eyes reflected the overhead light. The tension between them grew and twisted. He could feel it deep inside him, churning. Damn, he wanted her. Needed to feel the softness of her skin. Hear her ragged gasp as he kissed her until she couldn’t remember her name.

  “Both.” He hit the stop button, halting the elevator. He wasn’t ready to end this conversation. She looked at him with hooded eyes, her skin blushing and pink and so damn touchable. “I have a question for you.”

  “You do?” She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. He could feel a muscle ticking at the edge of his jaw.

  “What do you want?” he asked.


  “Right now.” His eyes bore into hers. He wanted her to say it. To tell him. To give him the green light his body was aching for. Her consent was the key, and he needed her to turn it over willingly.

  Otherwise he’d walk away. Even if it killed him.

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  He was mere millimeters from her before the last word had escaped her lips. Sliding his hand behind her neck to angle her face to his, he pressed his body to hers with sweet relief.

  Her eyes closed as he traced his finger down her back, following the dip of her spine and the gentle curve of her ass. He brushed his lips against her neck, her jaw, drawing a line of fire to the tender skin beneath her ear. Her breath escaped in a rush as she curved into him.

  “Do you know how much you rile me up?” he asked her, dragging her earlobe between his teeth.

  Her lips curved at that. Her eyes were still shut, her skin flushed. He pressed his fingers into the softness of her flesh and lowered his mouth to hers, feeling the rush of air against his skin as he closed the minute distance between them.

  Her lips were soft and sweet. They parted on a sigh and he slid his tongue against her, inside her. Blood rushed to his groin as she licked him back. Cupping her jaw with his strong palm, he kissed her confidently, his mouth curling against hers as she moaned softly and wrapped her arms around him.

  His heart raged
against his ribcage, hot blood pumping through him as she arched her body against his. He was achingly hard, the throb between his thighs matching the pulse in his neck. Becca’s hands slid inside his jacket, her fingers tugging at his shirt until she touched his skin. She rolled her hips and the pressure sent him crazy, kissing her harder until he couldn’t remember where she ended and he began. It was a dance as old as time. Choreographed by their intense need for each other. There was only one ending, and he knew he would make it good for her.

  “Mr. Carter, is there a problem?” The voice echoed through the speaker. He looked up and saw a camera, his eyes blinking in surprise.

  “Damn.” He pulled away from her, tugging her dress down from where it had ridden up against him. Becca’s eyelids opened. She looked dazed.

  “No problem,” he said, pressing the speaker, followed by the penthouse button. His voice was thick with need. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, sir.” The speaker clicked off and a moment later the doors to the penthouse lobby opened. Daniel stalked out, his jaw tight, his body still reacting to Becca’s closeness.

  He heard her exit behind him, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. For a moment he kept his back to her, willing his body to calm.

  When he turned around to look at her, there were two red circles on her cheeks, and her hair was falling out of her curled bun. She was staring up at him, as though she was waiting for an explanation.

  One he had no idea how to give.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “I overstepped.” He pressed the code to the door, standing aside to let her in. “You should go to bed.”

  Becca stopped walking. He hated the hurt expression in her eyes. She’d done nothing but help him today. From the moment he’d called her at the distillery, all through the interminable dinner with his family. And even then, in the elevator, she’d been the bravest person he knew.

  He’s asked her what she wanted and she’d told him. He’d given it to her. And now he was going crazy. Torn between wanting to taste her all over again and doing the right thing and heading to bed.


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