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When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5)

Page 16

by Carrie Elks

  It was like a python winding itself around her neck and making her happy because it was warming her up. Before it squeezed.

  “I was just telling Becca how pleased I am that you both came,” Melissa said smoothly. “I wasn’t sure you would.”

  Daniel was still staring at Becca. She stared back, her skin tingling.

  “Great. Now that’s done, I’m stealing Becca. I want to dance.”

  He held out a hand, and Becca stepped toward him, slipping her own against his palm. He folded his hands around hers and gave a little tug, enough for her to step forward again. “Goodbye, Melissa,” he said, his voice firm.

  He was silent as they walked back to the ballroom. She could feel the tension in his body wafting through the air. “Was she unkind to you?” he murmured, as the sound of the band heightened.

  “No. She was worried you’d ignore me.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “How could I do that?”

  As soon as they made it onto the dance floor, he swept her into his arms, his fingers folding over hers as he slid his right hand down her spine. Becca leaned her cheek against his lapel, feeling the smoothness of the fabric against her skin. The sound of violins filled her ears as he stepped back, twirling her across the floor, moving easily, as though she was as light as a feather.

  “You can dance.” She inclined her head to look up at him.

  “Yes, Ma’am. Miss Mary’s School of Ballroom. Class of ninety-nine.”

  “I must thank your mother. Again.”

  He twirled her once more. Even though the dance floor was full, people parted as they danced, whispering softly to each other as they glided past. She felt like she was in a fairytale, the beauty dancing with the beast. Except this beast was already transformed.

  When she looked at him again, his eyes were soft. Light. Her lips parted, her chest felt full. No, he definitely wasn’t the beast.

  “Everybody’s looking at us,” Daniel said, though he didn’t seem to mind at all. “Wondering what a beautiful woman like you is doing with an asshole like me.”

  “I guess they don’t know that assholes are my kryptonite.” She moved her hand from his shoulder, pressing her palm against his neck. Her fingers brushed his hairline, making him swallow hard.

  “I have no idea what you’re doing to me.” He danced so easily. Like it was his second language.

  “The same thing you’re doing to me.”

  “Is that right?”

  “I think so.” Her voice was soft.

  He closed his eyes for a second. “You make me lose control.”

  She pressed her cheek against his chest again, breathing in his warm masculinity. “And that’s a problem?” she asked.

  “It is where you’re concerned. Maybe you’re my kryptonite, too.”

  “Then stop fighting it.” She closed her eyes, letting him lead her. She was like putty in his hands.

  “I have. I’m giving in.”

  “To me?” Her lips curled against his chest.

  “No, to me. I’m not fighting anymore. I’ve forgotten why I was fighting to begin with.” His hand pressed tighter against her back. She could feel the hard planes of him against her. And a thick ridge that made her breath catch in her throat. He made her feel like a woman, in a way she never had before. Like a delicate glass he could easily crush. Yet he didn’t. Instead he guarded her, protected her, made sure nothing hurt her.

  She tipped her head up again. “Kiss me.” Her voice was thick with desire. She’d thought about this moment all week. Fantasized about his mouth and what it could do.

  A half smile pulled at his lips. His eyes were heavy lidded, his long eyelashes obscuring her view of them. She could feel a pulse in her neck, dancing to the rhythm of the music. She was full of him. Every sense reacted to his nearness. The sound of his breath, the feel of his strong hold, the manly aroma of him. It all made her want him more.

  He paused. It wasn’t a hesitation, she could read that much in his dark eyes. It was more of a savoring. Tasting the moment, the possibilities, the need that rushed through both of their bodies. He was a man who knew how to give pleasure, and knew that so much of that was in the anticipation.

  Her skin felt like it was boiling beneath his scrutiny.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured, pressing his brow to hers. “The way you look at me, with those wide eyes, makes me want to carry you out of this room and lay you on the nearest bed.”

  The thought was like a stab of desire to her belly. “The gossips would have a field day.”

  “I don’t give a damn. Do you?” He stopped dancing, pulling her against him.

  No, she didn’t. There was only one person she cared about in here, and right now she was in his arms. She could feel his warm breath against her lips, the thrum of blood through her veins reaching a crescendo.

  Their first kiss was in an elevator. Enclosed. Full of hot desire. But now they were in a wide open room, surrounded by people. And all she could see was him.

  When his lips brushed against hers it made her toes curl. He let out a groan, then brushed them again, the soft, almost-there, pressure maddeningly light. She tightened her fingers on his neck, rolling onto her toes to get closer. He released her hand, sliding his palms down her side, holding her hips to steady her.

  As they stood in the middle of the floor, couples danced around them, the world carrying on even though her own had stopped. She arched her body against his, a soft sigh escaping her lips as he kissed her again. Firmer this time, the slide of his tongue against her mouth, both a request and a demand. She opened her own, welcoming him in, feeling the sensual throb of her body as he claimed her mouth, ruining her for anybody else.

  Time stood still as they kissed and kissed, her world shrinking to the sensation of his mouth against hers. Heat sparked, excitement pulsed, making her nipples hard and her thighs ache. As though he could feel her need, he pressed his muscled thigh against her.

  And it helped. A little.

  When he pulled back, she blinked, slowly coming back to reality. The music had changed beat. People were dancing faster. Daniel’s eyes were hazy, as thunderstruck as hers. He looked at her questioningly, as though he was trying to work out what just happened.

  You just rocked my world, buddy. The same way I rocked yours.

  “You can dance, you can kiss.” Her voice was thick. Ragged. “Is there anything you can’t do?”

  A ghost of a smile passed his lips. “Maybe I’ll show you later.”

  “May I have this dance?”

  Becca was still in Daniel’s arms, her lips swollen and parted from the way he’d kissed her. Thoroughly and without mercy. She turned, still dazed, to see Lawrence standing next to them, an amused smile curling his lips.

  “We were just going to get some air.” Daniel held her tightly.

  “Oh come on, just one dance. To show there’s no hard feelings.” Lawrence’s smile didn’t waver.

  Daniel looked down at her, a question in his eyes. She shrugged. “It’s okay by me.” She needed the space to think about what just happened. Because that wasn’t a random kiss.

  It was life changing.

  “Just one,” Daniel said. “Then I want her back.”

  “Of course.” Lawrence chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on keeping this one.”

  Ugh, he was odious. But at least he was a good dancer, too, though not as effortless as Daniel. His long legs were stiffer, less at ease. “Are you having a good time?” he asked, as though he hadn’t insinuated he could keep her if he wanted moments earlier.

  “Any time I’m with Daniel is a good time.” It wasn’t a lie to rile him, though she did relish the short-lived surprise in Lawrence’s eyes. The fact was, she craved his brother. One taste, and she’d become addicted.

  “Your home is beautiful,” Becca said, in an attempt to soothe the wound. “It must take a lot of work to maintain.”

  “It does. You don’t own a house like this, you’re a guardian of it. Keeping it up
and going for the next generation. We do tours in the summer if you’d like to see the rest of it.”

  From the corner of her eye she could see Melissa talking to Daniel. He nodded unsmilingly, then took her in his arms.

  A shot of jealousy racked through her. Melissa danced as well as Daniel. With her dark hair and pale skin she looked like a Hollywood princess in his arms. “I suppose you know that Melissa and Daniel were a thing once,” Lawrence said, following Becca’s gaze.

  Daniel looked at her over Melissa’s shoulder. His eyes were dark again. Narrowed. Did he feel as jealous as she felt right now?

  She hoped so.

  “I know.” She nodded. “A long time ago.”

  “She broke his heart,” Lawrence said, his voice full of an emotion she couldn’t quite place. Was it relish? “Made him run away to Scotland. I guess it took this long for it to finally mend.”

  “I didn’t know that’s why he went to Scotland.” Becca blinked. Lawrence’s hand was sweaty as it held hers.

  “He was always a sore loser. It’s the first time he couldn’t even bear to be in the same country as me, though.”

  Melissa laughed at something Daniel had said, her head tipping back, revealing her slender neck. Daniel’s face was impassive.

  “He learned a lot about Scotch Whisky while he was there,” Becca said, ignoring the tightness in her chest. “So I guess it was good that he went.”


  Daniel was looking at her again. She stared back, her eyes full of emotion. She didn’t want to be here anymore. Didn’t want to be in his brother’s arms, or watching as he danced with Melissa.

  She wanted it to be the two of them in their own little world again.

  As though he could sense her stare, Lawrence spun Becca around. But her gaze automatically reconnected with Daniel’s. He looked as pained as her. It was a small consolation.

  When the dance came to an end, Becca politely pulled herself from Lawrence’s hold.

  “Thank you.” His smile was smug.

  She nodded, then searched for Daniel. He was on the side of the dance floor, talking to Melissa. Becca tried to ignore the pain stabbing at her chest as Melissa rolled onto her toes and pressed her lips against Daniel’s cheek.

  “Well, it looks like we’re all friends again,” Lawrence murmured, flattening his palm high on Becca’s back so he was touching bare skin. Trying not to tense, she stepped forward, away from him. He smiled, as though he was enjoying her discomfort, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “You and Daniel should come over some time. I’d like to get to know you better.”

  Even though he was too far away to hear his brother’s words, Daniel’s gaze lifted, the smile slipping away from his lips when he saw Lawrence so close to Becca. Without saying goodbye to Melissa, he stalked across the dance floor toward them, Becca’s heart slamming against her ribcage in rhythm with his steps.

  “Excuse me,” he murmured, barely giving Lawrence a glance. “I’d like her back.”

  “Of course.” Lawrence sounded smug. “She’s a beautiful woman, who wouldn’t want her?”

  Daniel took Becca’s hand, his fingers tense as they threaded through hers. “Would you like some air?” he asked, not waiting for her answer. Instead, he pulled her through the ballroom to the open glass doors at the far side, walking out onto the paved patio area, the music fading away behind them.

  The cool air was a shock against her skin, but the jealousy still burned inside her. Daniel guided her along a path, toward an old summerhouse. Once they were at the door to the small building, he wrenched the door open and they stepped inside. “Did he upset you?” he asked, his face twisted with anger.

  She shook her head. “No. He tried to get a rise from me but I batted it away.”

  “What did he say?” There was a twitch in Daniel’s cheek. He looked like he wanted to hit something. She knew how he felt.

  “Something about you being a sore loser. That you were so upset to lose Melissa that you ran away to Scotland.”

  Daniel snorted. “Anything else?”

  “Um…” She wracked her brain. “He talked about the house. Said we should come over for dinner some time.”

  “Fat chance.” Daniel shook his head. “I didn’t like seeing you in his arms.”

  “It didn’t mean anything.” Her voice was soft. “I didn’t like seeing you dance with Melissa either.”

  He inhaled deeply, shaking his head. “She means nothing.”

  “You were in love with her once.”

  “I don’t know what love is. I’m not sure it even exists, but if it does, I never felt it for her.”

  Becca’s head felt dizzy. “Did you go to Scotland because you were heartbroken?”

  “No. I ran away because Lawrence won and I lost. It could have been a game of cards or a woman, it didn’t matter. It pissed me off. I told you I’m competitive.” He raked a hand through his hair. “And I’m aware of how fucking nuts that sounds. But you had to grow up here to know what it was like.” He pressed his lips together, as though in pain. “Seeing you in his arms, it made me angry.”

  “I’m not his.” It was a whisper.

  “No. You’re mine.” His voice was low and harsh. “That’s all I could think about when you were in his arms. That he was finding out how soft your skin is. How good you smell. That he got to look into your eyes instead of it being me.”

  “I was looking at you.” A hot pulse danced in her neck.

  She could feel the tension radiating from him. It matched her own. Ever since they kissed, it was as though the world had tipped sideways. Like one of those rides that whipped you around and round until you were barely clinging on.

  Daniel stepped toward her, a lion stalking his pray. His hand cupped her jaw, his fingers hot and needy against her skin. He tipped her head, staring down at her with flinty eyes. “I could get so damn lost in you,” he whispered.

  “You could be found, too.”

  “You’re the sweetest thing.” He brushed his finger over her lips. It was enough to make her heart leap in her chest.

  When Daniel kissed her this time, it felt like coming home. He tasted of wine; his lips demanding and hot as he took everything she wanted to give him. He slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, taking more. Her hands tangled in the hair at the base of his skull, tugging him closer, needing more. So much more.

  With one hand on her head, he slid the other up her side, his thumb gently brushing the swell of her breast. The touch made her gasp against his lips. He brushed again, closer to her nipple, and she let out a needy cry, desperate for his touch.

  When it came, his caress sent a shot of pleasure through her body, making her toes curl as he tugged at her, rolling her between his thumb and finger. She arched against him, her lips moving against his, begging for mercy, for release, for something to sate this desperate need.

  When he pulled back, she could see the fire in his eyes. Could see the evidence of his excitement in the thick line of his pants. He shucked his jacket off, throwing it on one of the old wicker chairs, loosening his tie before he kissed her again.

  His lips slid from her mouth to her jaw, kissing and nipping his way down her neck to the dip at the base of her throat. Her chest rose and fell as she gasped for air, her heart beating so fast that one thump ran into the next.

  Then he was kissing the top of her breasts, her impressive, forced cleavage, his hand scooping inside the mesh of her bodice until his fingers found what they were looking for. Without the fabric barrier between them, her response was fast. Heightened. She cried out again, arching against him as he freed her breast from its fabric prison, dipping his head to capture her nipple between his lips.

  And she was gone. Not sure if she was in heaven or hell, her body began to throb, the need rushing between her legs. It was an itch she could never sate, no matter how much she pushed against him. She needed him above her, inside her, everywhere he could be.

  “Daniel.” S
he gasped as he flicked against her with his tongue. Her hands threaded into his hair, holding him to her chest.

  “Hush, I’ve got you,” he whispered against her skin, circling her waist with his hands.

  “I need…” Another gasp. “Daniel, I need you.”

  His gaze flickered to hers. She could see herself reflected in the ink of his eyes. “I’m not going to take you here.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She needed him. Didn’t he know? If he kept going like this she would explode.

  “But…” She sighed as he freed her other breast, cupping it with his warm palm. Sucking her hard, until her head tipped back with pleasure.

  “Sit down.” He nodded at the wicker bench behind her. She was too wound up to do anything but obey. To her surprise, Daniel dropped to his knees in front of her, sliding his hands up her calves, thumbs brushing the sensitive underside of her knees before he reached her thighs.

  His fingers dug into her flesh as he parted her legs, swallowing hard as he exposed her white lace lingerie. “Beautiful.” His voice was raw. “So damn beautiful.” He pushed her thighs apart further, leaning in to press his nose against her, inhaling sharply as he pressed his lips against her laced panties.

  It was mortifyingly sexy, watching him breathe her in like air. Seeing his eyes darken even further as he leaned back to hook his fingers around her panties, sliding them easily down her legs. She lifted her feet as he pulled the lace scrap over her shoes, leaving her bare and exposed.

  He touched her first with an outstretched finger, like he was writing in the sand. “You’re wet.”

  “For you,” she breathed.

  “Yes.” He dipped his finger deeper, then pulled it back to her sensitive nub. An electric pulse shot down to her toes, making her gasp again. Then he put his finger into his mouth and licked it, making her blush.

  She reached for him, her hand curling around his wrist. “I want to touch you.”

  He shook his head, understanding exactly what she meant. “Not here.” His voice was rough. “I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”

  Pressing a kiss against her knee, he brushed his lips upward, until he reached the apex of her thighs, breathing her in all over again. She was squirming on the bench, her body a bundle of desperate need, and when he finally pressed his lips to her it felt like a blessed relief.


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