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When We Touch: A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 5)

Page 20

by Carrie Elks

  “Thirty minutes?” It was nowhere near enough time. But then he wanted all her time.


  He lifted her into his arms, making her giggle. “Okay, I can do something with that.”

  “Tell me about your family,” Daniel said, as Becca nestled against his chest. It was Thursday night and they were in his queen size bed, his cool white bedsheets wrapped around their legs.

  All week it had been the same. They’d try to ignore each other at work, then go home only to find the other there waiting for them. Except for tonight when they’d both managed to go to their own homes for an hour before Daniel caved and called her, inviting her over.

  He was an addiction she wasn’t ready to kick.

  “Why?” She smiled curiously.

  “Because if I’m meeting them on Saturday I need to know a little bit about them.” His voice was warm. Maybe with a hint of fondness. She snuggled closer.

  “Okay, but this could take a while. I’ve told you about my mom dying when I was a kid. So I was brought up by my dad and my Aunt Gina, my mom’s sister. She took care of us all and still lives with my dad, though there’s nothing going on between them.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Your family is already more normal than mine.”

  “Then there’s my brothers. I guess I’ll start with Gray. You know him from the marketing campaign, of course. And you may have heard his music.”

  “Of course I’ve heard his music.”

  “I wasn’t sure if he’d reached Scotland,” Becca said.

  “It’s not Mars. We have radios and streaming. The Scots are huge music lovers. Some of the best bands come from there. Anyway, he was big before I even left the states.”

  “Was it as beautiful as it looks over there?” She drew a circle with her finger on his chest. He’d injected himself earlier, before they ate dinner. It had been strange watching him pierce this hard, taut skin.

  “Yeah. I’ll take you there sometime.”

  She smiled at his talk of the future. “I’d like that a lot.”

  “But now you need to tell me about your brothers if I’m going to survive the weekend.”

  She laughed. “Well, Gray’s now married to Maddie, and they live in a beautiful ranch house with a music studio on the edge of town. They have two little boys – twins – Presley and Marley. They’re completely crazy but adorable.”

  “How old are they?”

  She looked up, amused. “You’re really taking this thing seriously.”

  “I just want to know which brother is hitting me,” he joked.

  Her eyes crinkled. “That’ll probably be Cam. Or Logan. Gray is calmer than they are. He only gets riled up when you really piss him off. Like when he caught me on the phone with you in his hallway.”

  “He’s protective. That’s natural. I was the same with Nathan growing up.”

  “You’re still protective of him. Remember how you reacted when you thought we were a couple?”

  He brushed his lips over her brow. “I’m very glad you weren’t.”

  “Me, too.” She sighed softly. “Next are Cam and Logan. The twins.”

  “More twins?”

  She shrugged. “They run in the family. What can I say? So, Logan runs the farm and restaurant we’re going to visit this weekend. It was originally his wife’s first husband’s farm, but he bought it out.”

  “His wife’s first husband?” Daniel’s brow lifted. “Maybe your family is as complicated as mine.”

  She pressed a kiss against his chest. “Nothing is as complicated as your family. So, Courtney is Logan’s wife. Her first husband died. She was still living on the farm when she and Logan met. He used to run restaurants in Boston, but now he lives here with her and their son.”

  “What’s their son’s name?”


  “Okay. So there’s Gray with Maddie, Presley and Marley. Logan with Courtney and George. Who else?”

  She lifted her head from her comfortable spot on his chest, gazing up at him. “You have a very good memory.”

  “I do when it comes to you.” He trailed his finger down her arm, sending shivers through her.

  “Cam used to play safety for the Boston Bobcats before he retired. Now he’s engaged to Mia, who you know from work. They met when her kids threw a ball against his new car. He was so pissed.”

  Daniel chuckled. “I would have been, too. So they’re his stepkids?”

  “Yeah, Michael and Josh. Really lovely boys. They both love football, which makes Cam very happy. And I think they’ll have more kids soon.”

  “Damn, I don’t want to lose Mia. She’s a good Marketing Director.”

  “Cam insists he’s going to be a stay at home dad. So you won’t lose her.” Becca shrugged.


  “And then there’s Tanner. My nemesis.”

  She felt Daniel’s chest rumble beneath her. “Nemesis?” he repeated. “How?”

  “We’re the two youngest. We used to fight like cats and dogs when we were kids. He was bigger so he’d usually win. But now I have him exactly where I want him because his wife is pregnant and the only thing she can keep down is my carrot cake. Which means he has to suck up majorly to me.” There was more than a hint of pleasure in her voice.

  “And his wife? What’s her name?”

  “Van. Short for Savannah. She was a tomboy growing up, so we all called her Van.”

  “You knew her when you were younger?”

  Becca nodded. “She was Tanner’s best friend. Then the two of them didn’t talk for a few years before they made up and got together.”

  “So you have…” His brows pulled together as he thought things through. “Five nephews and one on the way.”

  “We don’t know if Tanner’s having a girl or a boy. It’s too early to know. But I’m hoping it’s a girl because I sure could use some female support.”

  Daniel tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, his finger lingering there. “How about you? Do you want children?”

  Becca shifted against him. Her stomach tightened at his question. It felt like a trap. Say too much and he’d think she was trying to pin him down, too little and she wouldn’t be honest.

  She chose honesty.

  “Yes, I do. I love my nephews. They bring so much happiness to everybody, but especially to their parents. When I see the love my brothers have for their kids, it makes my heart stop.” She looked up. His expression was unreadable. “How about you? Do you want children?”

  “I’ve never really thought about it.” He combed his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp, his expression unreadable. “I haven’t had a lot to do with children. I don’t have nieces and nephews.”

  “Do you think Lawrence and Melissa might have some?”

  “I have no idea.” His jaw tightened, a tic dancing in and out. “You’d have to ask them that.” His tone was flat. As though he didn’t want to continue this conversation.

  Becca swallowed. Did he still have feelings for Melissa? The thought made her chest feel tight.

  She ignored the warning, swallowing it down. “Well, the good news is that I’m not planning on having kids for a long time. I have a distillery to keep running. The boss there has all these crazy ideas about brewing single malts and using barley, which, by the way, you should talk to Logan and Courtney about. They know a lot about grains.”

  “That’s a good idea.” His voice warmed at her abrupt change of subject. “It’s always nice to have an icebreaker when meeting the guys who want to cut off your balls.”

  She exhaled. Crisis averted. Daniel slid his hand down her back, cupping her behind to pull her naked body over his. She could feel the hardness and warmth of him against her, sending shots of pleasure to each of her nerve endings, making her want him all over again.

  He tipped her head up and brushed his lips against hers. He still wanted her. And she wanted him, too. Sliding her knees beneath her, until she was straddling him, she could
feel his desire surge, hard against her softness, hot and demanding as they kissed, all wet lips and tongues.

  “Again?” she murmured breathlessly when she pulled away to catch some air.

  “Again.” His voice was deep and rough, his fingers digging into her as she slid herself against him, lining her body up against his in a way that would bring them both pleasure.

  The weekend didn’t matter. Nor did the future. Because what they had now was everything. It was time to stop worrying and start living.

  And as he slid inside her, making her full and breathless and flushed with pleasure, she’d never felt more alive.

  “So, Mom called,” Nathan said, his voice echoing through the phone line. It was eight in the morning in Hartson’s Creek, and Daniel had just arrived at the office when his phone started ringing. Becca would arrive twenty minutes later in an attempt to hide the fact they were sleeping together every night.

  “Good for you,” Daniel said. It was strange how he couldn’t get the smile off his face nowadays. Strange and good.

  “And she told me you took Becca Hartson to the gala.” Nathan’s voice rose up at the end. He sounded disbelieving.

  Daniel shook his head. “So that’s why you’re calling me at nine o’clock at night your time? I thought it might be something important.”

  Nathan laughed. “It is important. I’m starting to wonder if I’m living in a parallel universe where you’ve turned into somebody else. What was it you said to me when you thought I was sleeping with Becca? Something about me being a complete idiot.”

  “You’re an idiot without sleeping with anybody,” Daniel pointed out. His chest felt tight at the memory of Becca in Nathan’s arms, and how he’d come to the wrong conclusion. He didn’t want her to be in anybody’s arms but his. “And are you really calling just to ask me about Becca?”

  “Pretty much.” Nathan sounded like he was grinning. “Mom said she’s never seen you as happy as you were at the gala. So, you and Becca are a thing now?”

  Daniel blinked. “Yeah. We are.” It felt weird to admit it out loud.


  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Daniel frowned.

  “I never thought I’d see the day where you fell for an employee, that’s all. Or for anybody, come to think of it.”

  “Who said I’ve fallen for her?” Daniel sat on his desk, shaking his head.

  “You did. You said you were a thing. And I know you wouldn’t be a thing without falling for her. You’d be fighting it all the way. I’m guessing you probably hate yourself for being so human right now.” Nathan laughed again. “I knew it would happen eventually.”

  “Well, I’m glad to have proven you right.”

  Nathan’s voice softened. “I’m really happy for you, bro. Becca’s an amazing woman, and you’re a good guy. Just make sure you treat her right.”

  “She already has four brothers, I’m not sure she needs another,” Daniel said lightly.

  “Yeah, but I know you. And your past dating history.”

  Daniel inhaled sharply. “That has nothing to do with anything.”

  “Does she know about Melissa?”

  “Yeah.” Daniel raked his hands through his hair.

  “You told her everything?”

  “There’s not much to know. And that’s old history. Melissa and Lawrence have been married for years.”

  Nathan sighed. “I know. I bet they were shocked to see you at their gala with somebody.”

  Daniel’s mind flickered to his dance with Melissa. “I guess they were. But their opinion doesn’t matter to me.” It hadn’t for a long time. It was his own opinion that had stung. But now he felt optimistic. Happy. Like the future was something to welcome instead of avoid.

  “So when’s the wedding?” Nathan asked.

  “Get out of here.”

  “Hey, I’m just making sure you don’t do anything rash without telling me. It’s a thirteen hour flight. I need enough notice to get back to be your best man.”

  “I promise if I ever get married, you’ll be the third to know.”

  “Good.” Nathan sounded mollified. “Now, I gotta go. There’s this great karaoke bar down the road. Be good, okay?”

  “Always am.” Daniel rolled his eyes.

  “Oh! One more thing, have you met Becca’s brothers?” Nathan asked.

  “I’m meeting them this weekend.”

  Nathan started to laugh.

  “What?” Daniel sighed. His brother was beginning to piss him off.

  Nathan coughed loudly. “Well, good luck with that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Have you checked your glucose levels?” Becca asked, as she climbed into Daniel’s car.

  “Yes, I have.” He smirked. “And you sound like my mother.”

  Becca winced. “Sorry. It’s just that Logan’s food is irresistible. And full of sugar. I don’t want you to become comatose.”

  “I have it under control.” He kissed her cheek then closed the passenger door behind her, jogging around to climb into the driver’s seat. “But I like that you worry about me. So thank you.”

  He’d showed his diabetes kit to her earlier in the week. Demonstrated how he washed his hands, not only to clean them, but to warm them, too. “It helps the blood flow,” he explained, as he put a lance into the lancing device. “I try to always prick the side of my finger, there are less nerve endings there.”

  She’d watched as he wiped away the first drop of blood, pressing the second against the strip he’d loaded into the blood sugar monitor, then threw away the tissue and sharp needle into the special bin he kept in his bathroom. When the reading came up, he showed her. “I put this number into the app on my phone. Then I’m done.”

  “What if the number is bad?”

  “It needs to be between seventy to one-thirty if I haven’t eaten. Up to one-eighty if I have. If it’s too low, that’s hypoglycemia. I can eat or drink something sugary to raise it up. Like juice or a snack bar. I also carry an emergency kit just in case.”

  “And if it’s too high?”

  “Then I take some insulin and recheck in thirty minutes.”

  She’d pulled her lip between her teeth. “What happens if you don’t?”

  “When my glucose levels are too high that’s called hyperglycemia. I’ve been hospitalized with that a few times with DKA. It can come on with things like stress, or when I’m sick with a cold.”

  “DKA?” she’d asked.

  He’d smiled gently. “Sorry, I keep forgetting you don’t know the jargon. That’s diabetic ketoacidosis. It can happen with high glucose levels.”

  “So it’s worse if your glucose is too high than too low?”

  “No, they’re both bad. With hypoglycemia – low glucose levels – I can black out. It happened a few times when I was younger. And at college when I didn’t always manage my levels properly. But now I can look at a plate and my glucose levels and work out exactly how much rapid insulin I need to take before I eat.”

  “Except for when you forget your meds,” she murmured.

  “Thank god you came to the rescue.” He’d kissed her, then they’d ended up in the shower, water pouring down their naked bodies as he showed her exactly how grateful he was.

  And now he was coming to meet her family, and she was jittery. From the corner of her eye, she looked at Daniel as he drove them away from her condo and into the main part of Hartson’s Creek. Flowers were blooming in the town square, people sitting on benches and sipping coffee as they enjoyed the spring air. Somebody was coming out of the I Can Make You Beautiful salon, patting her hair and beaming widely. On the other side of the square, an old man was brushing the steps of the First Street Baptist Church with a huge broom, dust clouding the air as he worked.

  “Have you always lived here?” Daniel asked, noticing she was smiling as she looked out of the window.

  “Apart from college, yes. I love it. So many memories.” She grinned, pointing at Mur
phy’s Diner. “That’s where Gray and Maddie fell for each other. She was a waitress and he was trying to hide from his fans.” Then she pointed at a poster, advertising the spring season at the Chaplin Drive-In Theater. “Tanner and Van run the drive-in, but they also used to work at it as kids.”

  “And Logan and Cam? Did they meet their partners here, too?”

  “Yep. Logan and Courtney met on the road to their farm when a hen ran in front of his car. And you know that Cam met Mia when her kids threw a football at his car.”

  “You’re a country girl at heart.”

  She laughed. “Does that scare you?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all.” He ran a finger down her thigh. “It must be nice, feeling like you belong somewhere.”

  There was a wistful tone to his voice. She wanted to ask him about his family, his life, but whenever she’d tried, there was a block there. He’d either change the subject or kiss her.

  They were on the road toward Creek Edge Farm. Becca pointed out the drive-in theater as they passed, then directed him left, down a dust track that led to the Creek Edge Restaurant. The fields were bursting with green crops. Beyond them, he could see a beautiful farmhouse looming in the distance.

  “You can park here,” she said, pointing at an empty space in the makeshift parking lot. “Logan keeps talking about getting this repaved, but then he gets distracted by other things.”

  “There’s a lot to be distracted by,” Daniel said, looking around the wide expanse of fields. “How many acres are here?”

  “I’ve no idea. I forgot to bring my measuring tape.”


  “And you love it.”

  He kissed her temple, his breath warm against her. “I do. Now let’s go in and meet your family.”

  She gave him a side glance as he climbed out of the car. “You’re very eager.”

  He opened her door. “The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can take you home. I have plans for later.”

  Becca climbed out, smiling. “What kind of plans?”


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