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Prelude to World War III: The Rise of the Islamic Republic and the Rebirth of America

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by James Rosone

  A Prelude to World War III:

  The Rise of the Islamic Republic and the Rebirth of America

  By James Rosone & Miranda Watson

  Copyright Information

  ©2015, James Rosone and Miranda Watson. Except as provided by the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.


  This book is fictional in nature. Any resemblance to persons or events in actual existence is merely coincidental. The views expressed in the book are the views held by the characters, and are not reflective of the authors’ personal views.


  The Stage is Set

  Kings and Pawns


  Whole Grains


  Saving the Mounties


  South of the Border


  America under Attack

  The Chosen People

  Day Zero

  The Dragon Awakens

  European Craziness

  Operation Red Dragon

  Unholy War

  The Day America Changed Forever

  Acronym Key

  The Stage is Set

  Some news creeps over time; it may not steal headlines because of its slow progress, but its significance can come to overshadow all other events in the world. Beginning in the 1960s, the border between India and Pakistan started to become one of the most heavily militarized regions in the world. Tensions over who would ultimately control the resources and water flow of the Kashmir Province were compounded by a natural distaste of each group for one another along religious lines. The more radical Muslims of Pakistan found the idea of the thousands of Hindu gods in India to be disgraceful and repulsive on a level that inspired widespread hatred. For decades, the only thing that kept these countries from engaging in all-out warfare was the knowledge that each country possessed nuclear weapons. However, this standoff was bound to end eventually. There was simply too much loathing and abhorrence existing between the two parties for peace to really be successful. By 2024, both sides had deployed numerous intelligence assets into each other’s countries to try and detect weak points in security; it was only a matter of time until one was found and then exploited.


  During the late 2010s and early 2020s, the various Islamic extremist groups began to steadily unite under one banner and organization, the Islamic State. This merging of groups and resources strengthened their ability to influence politics, policies and various regimes throughout the world. Their strategy of violent and continuous conflict had shifted to that of education and the spreading of extremist teachings and the infiltration of various political offices in Europe and North America to further their agendas. This dramatically increased their support base and political influence across the globe. Like the Mafia, they enforced their rules and positions within their organization and like the Mob, they had a front man with the true leader hiding in the shadows.

  Their leader was a man named Mohammed Abbas. He was a distinguished Saudi prince in his late 50s and was responsible for diversifying the Saudi Arabian economy so it would not be solely dependent on oil. In his younger years, Mohammed had fought with Al Qaeda forces in Iraq and then later in Afghanistan before he was wounded and forced to return back to Saudi Arabia. Mohammed maintained his allegiance with Al Qaeda (albeit secretly) while he leveraged his position in the Royal family to pursue a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. Upon completion of his education, he returned to Saudi Arabia and worked his way through the ranks of the Ministry of Industry and Science. In his secret life, he became very influential within the Islamic State and led the change in strategies within the organization.

  After a decade of planning, the Islamic State was planning their first major military operation in Pakistan. The next few weeks would set in motion a series of events that would change the world. The air was rife with anticipation. If things went according to plan, then the ensuing war between Pakistan and India would be the first pawn to fall in his global game of chess.

  Mohammed woke up early one morning shortly before it all began and opened the laptop in his apartment bedroom for a video chat with the Director of Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Zaheer Akthar. As the window opened up, Mohammed could see his ally take a seat in his office chair, a leather seat that was a little too expensive for his position. Influence could be gained in many ways; Zaheer liked the finer things in life, and was willing to do quite a bit in order to take a shortcut to prosperity.

  “As-Salaam Alaikum,” began Mohammed. The greeting had all the fervor of a truly devoted man.

  “Alaikum As-Salaam,” replied Zaheer.

  “Are your operatives in India ready for the big day?” asked Mohammed.

  “Yes Mohammed, my most trusted commanders have ensured the assets are in place all across India; the weapons are in place and everything is ready for the coming operation.”

  “Zaheer, it is imperative that this operation goes according to the plan; this is the first domino of many that needs to fall for our strategy to work.”

  “My men understand, Mohammed, as do I. Once the shooting starts, this conflict will turn nuclear quickly. Once this happens, I will ensure that the President launches our nuclear weapons in retaliation. I have guaranteed that enough evidence will be found to directly link these attacks to the ISI, which will force the Indians to respond,” said Zaheer confidently.

  “Just make sure you are at your safe location when this starts; I will need you here in Saudi Arabia for the next phase.”

  “As you wish my Caliph. Peace be upon you, and Allah Akbar.”


  During the 2030 opening session of the Indian parliament, the plan was put into motion. The ISI had smuggled hundreds of Islamic State and ISI operatives into India to prepare for the day when they would decapitate the Indian government. On the day of the inauguration of the new Indian government, a group of 50 operatives dressed as security personnel snuck high-grade explosives into the ornate meeting hall in the parliament building, strategically placing them for maximum carnage.

  While the country was watching their versions of C-SPAN and CNN to see the newly elected officials sworn in, they had no idea they would be watching the murders of hundreds of people. The explosives were detonated as soon as the most hated of the new parliament members, the Prime Minister, took the stage; at least his death would be swift. Most of the parliament building imploded in on itself as the explosives destroyed the numerous support structures. As surviving and stunned members of parliament began to flee the building, the militants started executing them, firing their machine guns into the crowd and using knives on those who happened to be at a close range. Those who were smartest among the group tried to appear as lifeless as possible, hoping this would save them from certain death. Sirens began to wail as alarms began to sound all across the government buildings and the city. As help began to arrive, along with additional security members, they were met with a barrage of small arms fire from the militants.

  Meanwhile, on the other side of the capital, another group of five suicide bombers, each driving an ambulance packed with 3,000 pounds of explosives, began to drive with all swiftness towards their intended targets--the five largest hospitals in New Delhi. Upon reaching their objectives, all five-suicide bom
bers successfully detonated their cargo, effectively destroying the hospitals in the capital and causing thousands of additional casualties.

  Over the next several hours, Islamic State militants and ISI operatives began conducting coordinated terrorist attacks all across India in what would be known as Bloody Monday. Over 53,000 people were killed in two days of intense terrorist attacks across the country before the militants inexplicably dropped their weapons and blended back into society. What was left of the Indian government went into hiding in underground bunkers and began to piece together the information to determine who was responsible for these dastardly attacks.

  Horrifying and shocking as these attacks were, they were only the beginning. In every catastrophe there is always an opportunist to take advantage of the situation; the attacks on India were no exception. During one of the terrorist attacks, an Islamic State member was captured; in the course of his tortured interrogation, he admitted to receiving training and assistance from the ISI. This left the remainder of the Indian government with some tough choices as to how to respond to this brazen attack by the ISI and Islamic State members.

  This violence, however, was just the beginning; it was a signal to the other cells to begin their part of the grand plan. Mohammed had mentored, recruited and manipulated hundreds of individuals in key positions across the Middle East and Asia as part of his master scheme to unite the Islamic world under one command and one mission -- to recreate the Islamic Caliphate with Mohammed Abbas as its leader.

  In Indonesia, the regional spiritual figurehead for Islamic State, Ismail, had been following the news closely, watching every second of 24-hour news coverage that he could stay awake for. Weeks of being holed up in a dirty warehouse awaiting his turn were about to pay off. He grabbed a dusty seat, brushed it off, and sat down across a dilapidated table from his military commander, Mohammed Jamal, to discuss their plans.

  “Ismail, it is time for us to begin our phase of the operation,” said Mohammed Jamal, eagerly puffing on a cigar.

  “We have worked long and hard to have our people infiltrate the various key positions within the government and military. Now that our brothers in arms in India have successfully conducted their attack, we must hold up our end so Mohammed can initiate his plan and bring in the new Caliph.”

  “Is there anything that I should worry about? Are all the pieces in place?” questioned Mohammed Jamal.

  “Inshallah, there is nothing that has not been prepared for,” replied Ismail confidently.

  “Then, Inshallah, the next time we meet we shall have a true celebration my brother.”


  On Thursday of the same week, with the world still reeling from the massacre in India, Ismail’s group of Islamic State militants broke through the security detail surrounding the president of Indonesia. Their attack was so swift and well-coordinated that none of the agents wounded any of the assailants as they abducted the entire presidential family from their motorcade. Only moments later, citizens watched in horror as they were strung up from light posts and then riddled with bullets. Signs that read “Infidel” were attached to their bloody bodies, making them appear to be a very horrific form of scarecrow made to warn the people of eminent doom.

  Within minutes, key military figures all over the country were being assassinated quickly and pre-selected candidates were filling in the power vacuums that were made across the military and in key ministries of the government. Within days, Ismail announced to the world that he had taken over as the new Caliph of Indonesia and had assigned Mohammed Jamal as the new head of the military, solidifying his hold on the country.

  Fearing deadly retaliation similar to the recent incidents in India, the majority of the military quickly backed the leader of the coup and martial law was imposed across the country. Panic, however, had spread rapidly throughout the nation. Most of the opposition was smart enough to stay silent during the transition, but those politicians and military members who did come to the aid of the former government were dealt with swiftly and made into public examples in a brutal show of force.

  Still, various factions of the military and police fought against the army units that were supporting the coup and the Islamic State militants. Though they had the passion and spark of those who were fighting for their very survival, they lacked adequate firepower to combat Ismail’s forces and quickly became outnumbered. The rebels were quickly pushed into the backwoods of the countryside, unable to emerge for fear of annihilation. By Saturday, Ismail Mohammed was running the new Indonesian government.

  As Indonesia fell, the next piece on the chessboard was moved and it was time for the Malaysian group to act. Islamic State militants waited until the dead of night to approach Kuala Lumpur, dressed in urban camouflage and hoisting large amounts of explosives. However, even with months of planning and with moles inside the inner circle of leadership, there was a wrench in their best-laid plans that they had not anticipated.

  Two nights before the attack, the Commander in Chief of Malaysian Armed Forces woke up in a cold sweat after a vivid nightmare…and since he held the dream world in high esteem for its power to inform, he quickly set a plan to change patrol routes along the outside of the city. The Islamic State walked right into a network of Malaysian Forces, and were met with swift action. The explosives they brought with them were quickly turned against them, and with their diminished forces, the men were prevented from attacking the capital directly and were forced into a house-to-house fight in the suburbs.

  The Malaysian Army quickly squashed the uprising within their country, rooting out the Islamic State extremists within the military and the government who had participated in the plot. While Indonesia fell to the militants, Malaysia was able to hold out.


  Back in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Abbas was watching the news about India and Indonesia on Al Jazeera with particular delight. As the unofficial leader of the Islamic State, nothing brought him greater joy than to see infidels lose their power and their lives. He stepped out on his balcony and smoked a cigarette, quietly looking out at the city. Then he answered the evening call to prayer before getting a surprisingly restful night’s sleep; he had a busy day ahead of him.

  Mohammed woke up the next morning to his usual routine. However, unlike most days, Mohammed had a morning meeting with the King to discuss the modernization of the Saudi economy. Saudi Arabia had followed the same path the United Arab Emirates had chartered in the early 2000s, and had begun a transformation of their economy from being heavily reliant on the oil industry to being a banking and manufacturing hub. They had built an intricate network of high-speed rail networks linking the country, and more importantly, the major ports and manufacturing hubs. Saudi Arabia (under Mohammed Abbas’s influence within the Royal Family) had developed the first Middle East automobile industry, providing reliable and inexpensive vehicles for numerous Middle Eastern and African nations.

  Saudi Arabia also developed an intricate banking sector that handled the majority of the financial dealings of OPEC and the Middle Eastern Sovereign Wealth fund. Unlike most countries in the world, the Saudi banking system refused to share information of their account holders with the American Internal Revenue Service and the EU financial governing bodies. The IRS and EU had threatened to cut Saudi Arabia out of the global financial world, for which Saudi Arabia leveraged their influence within OPEC to retaliate against such a move by imposing an oil embargo against the US and EU. Ultimately, the American de Blasio administration and the EU backed down from their threat.

  This firmly established the Saudi banking system as the most secretive and protective way to hide the wealth of the rich elites of the world as these individuals sought financial safe havens away from their own governments and taxes. This became a financial boon for Saudi Arabia, and led to a rapid expansion of their new banking system, bringing in trillions of dollars to the country.

  It had taken Mohammed decades to build an intricate network of loyal workers acro
ss the country and throughout the Arabian Peninsula. While he was at his day job, he managed to maintain the façade of loyalty towards the royal family; in his spare time, his only focus was fomenting anger and insurrection against the various monarchs that ruled the Middle East, and preaching the need for a new Caliph and Caliphate to emerge and lead the Islamic world. Despite his secret private life, he had slowly worked his way into the upper echelons of the royal family’s inner circle through his economic modernization plans.

  Before Mohammed left for the Royal Palace, he drafted an email and saved it to his special account; across the city and country, other members of his cell were logging in and looking at his message. Because it was never sent to a recipient, it could avoid security checks and monitoring, which was critical to the secrecy of their group and future plans. The plan was on schedule, and the world was about to change.

  At the palace that morning, the first few hours did not differ in any noticeable fashion from any other day. Appointments were made, mail was sorted, cleaning personnel managed, and a feast that was called breakfast was brought to the King and Mohammed while they discussed the modernization of the Saudi economy. As the meal was being cleaned up, one of the staff members received a phone call that the new yacht the King had ordered was going to be made with oak cabinets instead of mahogany; the man quickly left to personally see to the “fixing” of this situation. Following breakfast, the King and Mohammed began drinking a cup of coffee before going over the redevelopment plans for a new manufacturing plant.

  The King was not accustomed to having coffee without a cigarette, and he made a motion to Mohammed to join him and light his cigarette. Of course, Mohammed obliged and opened a fresh pack of Marlboros for the King, igniting the end with a 24 carat gem-encrusted lighter the King had given him as a gift several years back. However, as the King of Saudi Arabia took that first drag, he would be making his last move. As the smoke came from his mouth, Mohammed slipped his right hand into his suit jacket, and pulled out the knife that had been hidden in the inside pocket by a janitor earlier that morning while he was eating breakfast with the king. In one seamless motion, he slit the infidel pig’s throat.


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