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Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)

Page 18

by Addae, Sydney

  She looked around the lobby, concerned. “It’s too quiet.”

  Hawke looked down at her.

  She met his gaze and recalled their lovemaking last night. It had been tender and everything around them disappeared. She floated on a cloud and they merged. Even now she had no words to explain what had to be the most magical moments in her life. His heart beat synced with his. She had heard his thoughts, felt his joy at being with her. Nothing about him was hidden from her. And she believed. After all this time she believed this man, this wolf, her mate would always be there for her. His scent filled every nook of her being. His taste remained on her tongue and she understood why Jasmine pushed for the mating. Hawke stabilized her.


  “Yeah. No one is trying to kill you or me. That’s unusual.”

  “I’m okay with quiet.”

  She smiled. “Me too, but I don’t trust it.”

  A door opened and footsteps headed toward them. Alpha Verrick’s gaze widened when he saw them. His pace quickened, as he and two others passed by without a greeting and left the hall.

  Asia looked at Angus, who shrugged.

  A few moments later the same full-blood approached them. “The council will see you now.”

  Asia pushed off the wall and fell into line behind Angus with Hawke bringing up the rear. They agreed she should appear the same as she had during the Alpha meeting to cut down on questions.

  Three full-bloods sat on a dais at the front of the room. She heard the ticking sound. Someone else watched the proceedings. She told Hawke. His gaze sharpened and he stepped to the side leaving her right arm clear.

  “Angus Black Wolf, you asked for an audience with us.”

  Angus nodded. “Yes. My companions Hawke and Simon.” He waved toward them. Each council member nodded. A second later Asia sensed a tingling at the front of her skull. She slapped it down.

  One of the Council members stared at her and then turned toward Angus.

  “What is the purpose of your request?”

  “I am here as a representative of my Alpha, La Patron. He is concerned over the disappearance of so many black pups on European soil.”

  The room stilled. If air could stop moving it would have, that’s how quiet the room became after Angus’s comment.

  “Disappearance of black pups? What have you been telling your Alpha? Is there any proof of your claim?” His glance flickered over each of them but remained a little longer on Hawke.

  “If you do not know what is happening on your land, then this meeting is a waste of time. Thank you for seeing us.” Angus turned and they took a few steps.

  “How dare you?” The one who had just mocked Angus screeched. “You ask for a meeting, ask a ridiculous question and then judge us for not agreeing with your fantasy. Once again you prove to be –”

  “Stop, Bendred. Just stop,” the Alpha in the middle said ignoring the glare sent his way. “If we have no knowledge of his concern then he and his Alpha are right. There is no need to waste everyone’s time.”

  “Jeddick is right.” He pushed a button. The soft ticks of the camera stopped.

  Asia turned and faced the three men. Maybe this wouldn’t be a colossal waste of time after-all. She eyed Angus, who faced the council without fanfare. They all agreed they needed to move with haste to find answers for Silas.

  “I am Connall. Before I address your concern, when does La Patron intend to keep his word and stop test wolves from attacking humans? From what I understand he said he offered to handle the matter.”

  “That task has been completed,” Angus said.

  Connall frowned. “A wolf attacked and murdered a human female last night. We have been told the deed was done by a test wolf gone mad. A request has been brought to this council to destroy all the test wolves.”

  Asia stared at the council in shock. They hadn’t heard about another death. Chacal monitored the news like a religious zealot, and would have informed them of another victim.

  “I assure you the task has been completed. Unless the wolf was captured there is no way to determine if he is a test wolf.”

  “He was caught and put to death immediately. The Alpha swears he was a test wolf.”

  “Give me the particulars and I will look into it,” Angus said.

  Connall nodded.

  “Why is La Patron interested in the disappearance of black pups?” Jeddick asked.

  “So they are disappearing?” Angus said.

  Asia watched Jeddick struggle with what to say.

  “If they are disappearing, why is La Patron interested,” he asked instead of answering Angus outright.

  “That is obvious, he is a black wolf. So am I. So is Hawke. We are all concerned.” He pointed at her and Hawke.

  The council members glanced at each of them. “Is that all, interest? Does he have any other plans?” Jeddick asked.

  Asia narrowed her gaze at him as the implication settled.

  “Does he have reason to make other plans?” Angus asked.

  “We are curious,” Connall said. “He never touched our shores and then sends a team to Lyrill. A member of his pack releases test wolves and he is the only one who can fix the problem. We have a right to be concerned. His name is everywhere. What exactly does he want?”

  “He wants to know why black pups are disappearing,” Angus said spacing out each word. “If you don’t have an answer or have any knowledge we will leave.”

  “There are discrepancies,” Connall said slowly. “Nothing conclusive. Tell your Alpha we are looking into the claims brought before this council.” The look he gave Angus said let that be enough. Don’t push. If Angus didn’t push, Asia would have.

  “Do you know why? Our concern is simple. Pups have been disappearing for decades. This is not new, although La Patron has just learned of it. How is it possible for a full-blood like Hawke,” he pointed to her mate’s direction. “to go missing for decades and no one rescues him? The bitch that sired him or his Alpha should have sounded an alarm. Why was nothing done?” She heard the disgust and frustration in Angus’ tone.

  The three men looked at Hawke. “Is this true? You were taken as a pup?” Bendred asked, his entire demeanor changed into one of surprise and sympathy.


  They waited for him to expound but they had already agreed Angus would do most of the talking.

  “You escaped I take it. What happened to you? How long were you a prisoner?”

  “Lord Boris kept me for over thirty years running experiments. A lot of experiments.”

  Shock and excitement creased the faces of the council members. Asia wasn’t sure why they were excited and waited to hear what they had to say.

  “Boris Lancaster? Are you sure?”

  The look Hawke gave the man would melt paint. “Yes. I am very sure.”

  Asia tilted her head to the side.

  “What can you tell us about your experience?” Bendred asked leaning forward.

  “Don’t answer. They turned the camera on again,” she told Hawke.

  “I hear it. You think someone else is watching?”

  “I don’t know or care. Notice, they have not given any information.”

  “Yes, I noticed.”

  Angus glanced at her. She realized the room had gone silent.

  “Hawke, will you answer the question please?” Connall said.

  “No. I am done talking. This has been a waste of my time. You are not going to do anything. Whether you are concerned about the missing pups I cannot say. But your past actions lead me to believe you will continue to do as you always have, nothing.” Hawke turned and walked out. Asia followed, leaving Angus to make up his own mind.

  A few seconds later, Angus caught up with them as they headed out the door of the hotel. She felt the eyes on her back as they walked toward the parking lot, fully prepared for an ambush. Hawke drove. Angus sat up front and she took the rear. He waited until they pulled out and were down the road before speaking.r />
  “What did you find out?” Angus asked.

  “I thought it strange they turned off the camera while they talked but after Hawke accused Boris they turned the camera back on,” she said.

  “Someone else is pulling their strings?” Angus asked.

  “I think so. At any rate, how can they be council and have no power?” She said. “I did not sense anything from them other than being full-bloods. Did you Hawke?”

  “There was something, I tried to isolate it but could not get a fix. Based on the small display from your Alpha at the meeting the other day, and the time he called my wolf at the castle, I understand what you mean. Those men were not in the same league as your Alpha.”

  “What about the murder? I thought you contacted all the test wolves who met the criteria,” Angus said.

  “We did. I will check again. But without knowing the identity of the wolf I cannot cross reference him.”

  “Is there a log that gives date or time of death?” Asia asked. “If so we could do a reverse check to see who died last night. There may be some test strains we missed.”

  Hawke nodded. “I think so. When we get to the house, I will check the files.” They pulled onto the road leading to Chacal’s house.

  “What’s that?” Angus pointed to a large brown mound further down the road. The closer they got, the more Asia shook her head.

  “It looks like a pile of… shit,” Angus said with disbelief. “Can you believe how high that shit is?”

  Asia laughed at his play on words and the situation. Somebody went through a lot of trouble to get them to stop.

  “Hawke stopped laughing long enough to speak. “I cannot drive through it. There may be something beneath the… shit. There’s not much space on the side of the road to drive.”

  They stopped in front to the knee high mound. Angus rolled the window down a bit. The stench hit her nose and she turned away.

  “Roll that up, hurry up, it stinks.”

  “I’m not picking up anything or anyone nearby,” Hawke said.

  “Me neither,” Angus said.

  “That’s not good, Asia said. “Can you back up, turn around?”

  Hawke didn’t ask questions, he shifted gears and pressed on the pedal. The car shot backward. Before they reached the intersection, a bomb exploded rocking the car as debris fell onto the roof, side and windows. Large globs of stink rained on the car when it came to a complete stop.

  “Asia?” Angus called out.

  “I’m good.”

  She sensed Hawke checking her through their link, just as she did a quick check over his vitals. They were all banged around but okay.

  “Incoming? What are they doing?” She sensed full-bloods nearby but they were a distance from the car and not moving forward.

  “I can’t get a good lock on them although their scents are familiar,” Hawke said moving slowly and pushing the door.

  “It’s the same ones who followed us the other night.”

  “Can we get out of here? I smell gas,” Angus said trying to push the door open but a large tree fell across the roof and bent the door.

  Hawke slammed his shoulder against the car door a few times until it popped off the hinges. He scooted out and pulled her over the front seat and out the door. Next he helped Angus. They searched the area. The wolves who had been following them the past few days remained at a distance.

  “Damn that stinks,” Angus said and spit on the side of the road. “Let’s get out of here Chacal is going to meet us.” He took off at a run and they followed.

  A chorus of howls split the air. Asia looked over her shoulder and saw Alpha Radoff.

  “Let’s go,” Angus yelled.

  They dashed toward Chacal’ property line. Before they reached the property line the car exploded.

  Chapter 32

  Disgruntled and bleeding, the three of them made their way to the Hummer as it pulled up. In the distance the dark plumes of smoke rose in salute of their day. She looked for the other wolves, hoping they had made it safely away and were not injured. After the wasted meeting with the Council, she intended to contact Alpha Radoff for answers.

  Hawke touched her hand and brushed against her link. “Are you okay? You haven’t said much.”

  “Not a lot to say. Not yet anyway. Too many unanswered questions. I get the feeling we are in the middle of a bad play with no decent ending.” She had watched some movies with Jasmine and Rose at the compound. Most were entertaining, others were too silly. She enjoyed the thrill of pointing out the villain before the movie revealed him or her. “There are so many players in this thing; any one of them can be involved.”

  “You don’t like the council?” Chacal asked glancing at her and then Hawke.

  “They didn’t know much,” she said.

  “They never have. Their positions are symbolic now. They lost control a long time ago,” Chacal said.

  “So why did we waste time with them?” Hawke asked.

  “Politics. Silas did not want anyone to come back later and say he did not follow protocol. That’s out of the way now.” He chuckled. “When you left, they were miffed but asked me to keep them informed of our investigation.”

  “Who left the shit in the middle of the road?” Hawke asked.

  Chacal frowned. “Shit?”

  Angus told him what happened.

  “I’ve heard it all now. Why bother with that?” Chacal asked.

  Hawke shrugged. “If we knew what it was from a distance, we never would’ve driven close.”

  Chacal nodded. “Radoff is nearby, he asked for permission to enter my property. He wants to talk to the two in the back. He said something happened and wanted to discuss it with you.” He glanced at them in the rear view mirror.

  “Now you ask before allowing access,” Angus growled.

  Chacal shrugged.

  “What do you think?” Hawke asked her.

  “I planned to look for him anyway. This way we don’t travel as far. Besides he may know something about the bomb in the middle of the road.”

  “Do we want to know about the bomb? We are looking into a matter and someone wants us to stop. It’s simple. We don’t know who is doing all of this, the cowards remain hidden,” Hawke said.

  “Alpha Verrick?” she asked.

  “It’s possible,” Angus said. “He visited the council today and probably killed the wolf last night.”

  “Alpha Verrick is in the middle of an Alpha challenge, he suspects another Alpha set the whole situation up and is upset. That is probably why he spoke to the Council. There have been an increase of Alpha challenges lately and he barely won his last one,” Chacal said.

  “Why the increase in challenges? Is that normal?” Asia asked.

  “No. Not at the current rate they are happening,” Chacal said.

  She looked at Hawke.

  “Maybe that is a good place to start seeking answers,” he said.

  Asia nodded and stretched. First she needed a shower and food.

  “What shall I tell Radoff? “ Chacal asked.

  “I’d like to talk with him,” Asia said. “Hawke and I met him the other night. Angus, I’d like to get your opinion on him.”

  Angus nodded. “Will do. Have him meet us in an hour and a half. I need to wash this shit off me.”

  “I will modify the property shield so you can meet at the hangar,” Chacal said.


  Two hours later, Radoff and five members of his pack stepped into Chacal’s empty hangar. Asia and Hawke introduced Angus and invited the men to have a seat at the makeshift table. The pack members declined. Alpha Radoff sat and released a long sigh.

  “An innocent wolf died last night.”

  None of them spoke. Asia and Hawke had checked the records earlier, all of the test wolves were alive but how did Radoff know?

  “Why do you say that?” Angus asked.

  “The woman died by the hands of a wolf, but not one of yours. That is another problem to be t
ackled on another day.” He sighed and then steepled his fingers beneath his chin. Asia hadn’t noticed the lines in his forehead before. His dark brown eyes looked tired, at least that was her first impression, until his gaze met hers. An indefinable spark lit his orbs that brightened his entire being. He seemed larger than before.

  “The layers of this deception run deep. Each one must be peeled carefully so that healing takes place, strengthening that layer so it can withstand being removed without breaking.” Radoff stared at Asia and Hawke.

  “Do you understand?” he asked when they didn’t respond.

  “There is a lot happening and it’s deep,” Asia said cutting out the extra words.

  “Yes, but the most important thing you must learn is pacing, you are in a rush to expose the enemy, solve the problems, make everything better, all at once. None of this happened all at once. It took decades. My concern is that in your eagerness to complete your goal, you destroy the fabric of who we are as a people.”

  Asia tensed. “Destroy? Why would I do that? I have a simple job. Discover what’s happening to the missing black pups and shut it down. It’s not my intention to destroy your society.”

  “I know but hear what I am saying. The answers are not as simple as you think. There are many hands in the pie. There are some things that can never be revealed. That’s not dishonest, that’s good governing. No Alpha shares everything with his pack.”

  She nodded. “What do you want me to say? That I’ll be careful? Or that we’ll run things by you first? Or that we won’t expose anybody?” She shook her head. “I hear what you’re saying but I’m not sure what you want from me, from us.” She looked at Hawke and then Angus before meeting Radoff’s gaze.

  He leaned forward. “Pacing. Timing. You would not be sitting here if it were not for him.” He pointed to Hawke. “And he would not be here if not for you. Do you think you are the first who tried to break into Lord Boris’ castle?”

  She didn’t think so, but did not answer.

  “You are not. Many, many have died trying through the years. Because of that, when pack members go missing, most Alphas believe they are beyond hope of retrieval. You…” he pointed at Asia. “And you.” He pointed to Hawke. “Have changed all of that. When word came to the coast of Poland that Lancaster Castle had fallen, I dropped everything to come see for myself. It is a day many of our people have prayed to the Goddess to see. But it happened after many things in your life aligned for this time and purpose.” He paused.


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