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Making Monster Girls 2: For Science!

Page 17

by Eric Vall

  Daisy’s arms wrapped around my neck, her body pressed against mine, and with my free hand, I cupped one of her perfect breasts. My fingers tweaked the nipple, drew small circles around it until the nipple hardened again, and I broke away from her to take it into the warmth of my mouth. Daisy’s whole body tensed underneath me, and I held onto her even tighter than before as I forced my penis all the way inside of her until our pelvises were pressed together.

  “Oh, gods, Charles!” Daisy moaned. “More! More!”

  My hair hung in my face, I chuckled darkly, pulled away, hooked her knees onto the crooks of my elbows, and then leaned back. I pulled the brunette toward me until my full shaft was inside of her, and her lower half was angled upward. I thrust into her slowly at first, and each time she moaned, I quickened my pace until she was screaming again.

  Daisy’s eyes slammed shut, her face tensed, and sweat beaded on her forehead. But to me, she looked more beautiful than ever. Her convulsing walls tightened around my member for the second time, but I didn’t pull away. If anything, I thrust into her harder than ever before. Our bodies collided together vigorously as we both fought our way toward orgasm, and right as I was about to reach my peak, Daisy’s vagina clenched around me.

  “Oh, gods!” the brunette screamed, threw her head back into the lush pillow, and dug her nails into my arm. “Charles! Oh! Yes! Yes! Ooooooh!”

  The bedsprings screamed in protest as I grabbed the underneath of her thighs, yanked her closer, and smashed into her even faster. Her hips bucked violently against me as she forced my member in and out of her luxurious, silky womanhood. I grunted, attempted to hold back the roar, but it escaped anyway as my member seized in time with her. I pumped in and out of her spasming tunnel, and felt my hot, frothy seed splash deep into her womb while her tunnel milked me for every drop.

  I gasped for breath as my hair stuck to my sweaty face, and then I fell forward on top of her. I nestled my head into the crook of her neck, pressed a tender kiss there, and then wrapped my arms around her body. I rolled, pulled Daisy on top of me, and the brunette rested her head against my chest.

  “That was…” the dark-haired beauty gasped. “I’m filled with your warmth. It’s spreading inside of me with a delicious slowness. That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced, Charles…”

  “Yes, it was,” I nodded, held her tightly, and then sighed softly. “It was fantastic, I’ve been waiting for a very long time to do that with you.”

  “Have you, Charles?” Daisy snickered. “Why didn’t you say anything? Maybe we would’ve done it a lot sooner.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “It was your decision to make, not mine. You decided it would be here, and I’m almost glad it was this location. We made a special memory between just the two of us, in the valley of Josephine’s mines.”

  “I hope we make lots of… memories together, Charles,” the bear-girl giggled. “Lots and lots of them, all over the house, in your bedroom, in the master bath, in the conservatory, maybe even out in the yard. I want you to fill me, both with you manhood, and with your warm seed, over and over again. All the time. Please.”

  I chuckled softly, pulled her in closer, and then pressed a tender kiss to the middle of her forehead. I glanced down at her, but Daisy’s eyes had fluttered closed, and her breathing had evened out. I knew that the bear-girl was tired, especially after what we’d just done, so I stared up at the fabric ceiling of our tent, wriggled deeper into the blankets, closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning, I awoke to the soft sounds of shuffling feet outside of our tent, and my eyes opened. Daisy slept quietly on my right side, and Valerie, who’d been missing most of the night, snuggled up to me on the left. I chuckled lightly, pulled away from them, and then scooted toward the edge of the bed.

  I had a long day ahead of me. First, I had to repair the elevator, and then once that was finished, the three of us would journey to the way station where we’d intercept the letter from the Browning family. I was most nervous about that part. I didn’t know exactly when the messenger would pass through. I also had no idea how many guards Edony had sent, but knowing her and her lust for prestige, she must have sent at least ten. We’d have to distract them somehow, maybe have Valerie sneak in with the letter and switch them out--

  “Charles!” a familiar voice called and interrupted my thoughts. “Good morning! Did you sleep well?”

  I turned, smiled softly as Josephine rushed forward, grabbed my hands, and then pointed toward the elevator.

  “Did you fix it?” the blonde bubbled. “Please, oh, please, tell me that you fixed it or that it’s at least fixable?”

  “I didn’t fix it,” I uttered. “But it is fixable, I should be finished within a few hours, and your workers can get back to their jobs.”

  “Yes!” the aristocrat cried. “Thank you, thank you!”

  Josephine suddenly paused as her face pinched with pain, her delicate hand fluttered up, squeezed the bridge of her nose, and winced.

  “Ms. Josephine?” I asked. “Are you quite alright?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to have concerned you, Charles,” the blonde chuckled. “It seems I had too much to drink last night and have a serious headache. I’ve drunk some coffee and eaten breakfast, but it seems that this one isn’t going away just from a full meal.”

  “After I finish with the elevator, I could come make you an elixir, if you’d like?” I offered. “I used to make them and sell them at my stall before the Duchess contracted me. We all know how much the aristocrats like to drink, so they were one of my best sellers, they work quite well, too, if I say so myself.”

  “Oh! Yes!” Josephine giggled. “That sounds absolutely wonderful, Charles! I’ll pay for that, too, especially if you concoct a few other bottles for me to keep on hand if it happens again.”

  “Of course,” I smiled. “I have all of the ingredients in my medical bag in the wagon, I’ll bring it to your tent once I finish.”

  I nodded to the blonde, turned back toward my tent, but stopped only when Josephine tugged on my arm once more. My eyebrows raised, she held onto me a little tighter, but when I glanced at her face, she looked more pensive than anything.

  “Charles?” the blonde asked. “You’re leaving once you finish everything, correct?”

  “Yes, Ms. Josephine,” I nodded. “I have some business at the way station, and then Ms. Browning and I will return to the manor so that I can attend to my other works.”

  “Oh, I hoped to spend some more time with the two of you… especially you, Charles,” the stunning aristocrat muttered, but her expression quickly cleared as she raised her chin. “Well, then we must get together some time when all three of us are back in Edenhart. Are you staying at the way station for long? I could accompany you there… if you would like?”

  “There is no need,” I protested. “We’ll only be there for a short time, but yes, you should come visit us at the manor. Do you have a day in particular in mind?”

  “Maybe in two weeks’ time?” Josephine offered. “Any time before that, I’m all booked up, lots of wild parties that I have to attend, you understand, don’t you, Charles? I remember the party a few months ago when Delphine set her sights on you. You and I hadn’t met yet, but I knew that you’d be there from the other women, and I hoped to catch a glimpse of you in passing, but you left before I even arrived.”

  “Ah, I am very sorry then,” I smiled. “I’m sure I would’ve loved to make your acquaintance then, that was quite… a horrible moment for me, and finding a friendly face in the crowd would’ve been such a relief.”

  “W-Well, I hope if y-you are ever to attend another party,” the blonde stammered. “T-That I am a friendly and familiar face in the crowd for you. As someone who’s attended thousands of parties alone, it’s always nice to find someone you know and… care for.”

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Now that I’ve turned my back on the Duchess, I’m sure I’ll be invited to many parties,
and when I am, I’ll be sure to seek you out.”

  “I look forward to it,” Josephine breathed, dropped her hand from my arm, and then cupped her elbows in her palms. “Very well, I’ll see you when you finish, please be safe down there. It can be a bit dangerous.”

  “It’s quite alright,” I waved. “I fixed the problem last night, I shouldn’t have any troubles replacing the damaged wires and gears.”

  “Thank you so much,” Josephine giggled. “You don’t understand how much I appreciate your hard work.”

  I nodded to her, turned on my heels, and then headed toward the mines. I wanted to get this finished as soon as possible, and I already knew that the job wouldn’t be too hard. The only thing that would make it difficult was hanging from a rope as I replaced the wires and gears. I glanced over my shoulder as I stepped into the entrance of the mine, waved to Josephine, turned back toward the darkness, and then stepped toward the elevator.

  The piece of machinery was still in place from last night, I bent at the waist to pick up the toolbox Josephine had given me, and stepped inside toward the small door on the floor. I grabbed the rope still tied off, wrapped it around my waist, cinched it tightly, sunk to my knees, and then flipped open the door to below the compartment. The core was eerily silent with the imp hiding inside, but without the little beast there, it would make my job so much easier. I had to wonder how the workers who repaired it before hadn’t seen the imp in the first place? Unless it had bitten them, and they assumed it was nothing more than a rabid squirrel or something of the like that’d gotten trapped in the mine.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I shrugged to myself. “They didn’t find it, and we’re the ones who trapped it.”

  I rummaged through the toolbox, found the replacement wires and gears, grabbed a wrench, wire cutter, and a few other miscellaneous tools, and stuffed all of them into my pockets. Then, I climbed down the ladder, grabbed the rope above my head, swung toward the metal core, and grabbed onto it surely. I started work on the damaged wires first, tearing them out with the wire cutter, and then tossed them over my head toward the ledge.

  Before long, I’d ripped out all of the charred fuses with the wire cutters, and began work fitting the new, glossy wires into their empty spaces. Once I had that finished, I used the wrench to pull the broken gears out, stuffed them into my empty pocket, and screwed the new ones into place. Their clean, smudge-free surfaces reflected my face back to me, I reached out, turned one, and watched as all of them worked together seamlessly. Then, I peered into the middle of the mechanics where the imp had nested, but there was nothing left inside except for stray pieces of torn fuse here and there.

  Once I’d finished, I gripped the sides of the core, maneuvered my way around the entire structure, and admired my work. I brushed off my soot-stained hands on my trousers, glanced up toward the ladder, pushed off the core with my heels, and grabbed onto the rungs surely. I climbed back up, closed the trap door, and tossed the ruined pieces of the core into the toolbox.

  “Now, to see if it worked,” I sighed. “Here goes nothing.”

  I stepped over the toolbox to the control panel, hovered my pointer finger over the DOWN button, cleared my throat, and then pushed the button. The elevator thrummed to life, the metal cage vibrated softly, and I glanced down at the core below my feet. The spool of wire over my head suddenly moved, I jerked downward, grabbed onto the wall for purchase, and then was slowly lowered down into the mine shaft.

  Just like last time, the light flickered on as I passed each level, and I counted off each level as I passed it.

  “Level one… Level two…” I whispered. “Control room… Level three…”

  The elevator paused for a moment, and my stomach immediately dropped as I prepared to plummet down just like the last time I’d done this, but that didn’t happen. The motor over my head hiccupped once, backfired loudly, and then lowered myself down at the same sluggish pace.

  “Thank science!” I boomed. “Yes! The elevator is up and running!”

  I couldn’t help the loud, joyous roars as they ripped up my throat, and since I was alone, I threw my hands up into the air with a loud cackle of laughter. I hurried over to the control panel again, jabbed the UP button, raised my head, and listened to the soft purring of the mechanics as they changed direction with a soft groan of metal.

  Before long, I reached the mine’s main level, and I stepped out onto the hard-packed dirt with a new spring in my step. I hurried out into the bright sunlight and then headed toward the wagon. Soft, almost inaudible squeaks erupted up from the bed of the cart as I approached, and I couldn’t help but smile as I heard them.

  “It seems you’re doing well,” I chuckled, tapped the top of the metal box, and listened to the angry scuttling from within. “Don’t worry, you’ll be put to good use soon, my little friend.”

  I clasped my medical bag in my palm, lifted it from the back of my wagon, turned on my heels, and then stepped toward Josephine’s tent where I knew she’d be waiting. Not a lot of workers bustled around the aristocrat’s tent, but in the distance, I heard their voices from the encampment. Once I stood outside of the fabric structure’s flap, I cleared my throat, and then waited for a response.

  “Charles?” the blonde asked.

  “Yes, Ms. Josephine,” I smiled. “I’ve finished with the elevator; it’s working perfectly again. I’ve brought my medical bag along with me if you’d like me to mix up a concoction for you?”

  “Oh! Goodie!” Josephine cried. “Come in, come in! I’ll call Mr. Bronson over, and then he can tell the men to get back to work! This is wonderful news, Mr. Rayburn!”

  I lifted the flap, stepped inside, but Josephine was nowhere to be seen inside of the expansive room. I turned slowly, searched the room for her, and then stepped toward the bedroom I’d taken her to last night.

  “Over here, Charles,” Josephine called.

  A delicate hand raised from behind the back of a long, burgundy couch, and I hurried over. The blonde woman laid stretched out over the cushions with a single hand covering her eyes, and her long legs stretched out below her. The pretty aristocrat had changed out of the dress I’d seen her in earlier, and now she wore what looked like a baby-pink nightgown, and a sheer long-sleeve bed jacket with lace trim. Her long, honey-colored hair was loose around her shoulders in tight curls, and they draped over her thin shoulders in a cascade. Perhaps the pose might have been considered alluring, but it was obvious that the blonde woman was in pain and just trying to make herself comfortable.

  “I’m very sorry that you have to see me in such a state,” Josephine grumbled. “I seem to make terrible impressions each time I see you, it’s quite embarrassing.”

  “There’s no need to apologize,” I chuckled, set down my medical bag, and then lowered myself onto a small ottoman. “It happens to the best of us, and I certainly won’t judge you for it.”

  “My only hope is that I didn’t say anything too terrible to you last night,” the blonde moaned. “I remember you came in and helped me to bed, but other than that, I remember nothing at all. I didn’t say anything that’ll make you think badly of me, did I?”

  “No, Ms. Josephine,” I chuckled. “Actually... what you said to me endeared you to me even more.”

  “What?” the blonde asked. “What did I say?”

  “No, I won’t repeat it,” I shook my head. “If you wanted to know so badly, you should’ve remembered.”

  I peeked over at the reclining aristocrat, she hadn’t moved the hand from over her eyes, but the exposed parts of her tiny earlobes flushed pink with embarrassment. I was almost tempted to peel away the hand from her face, and see her flushed cheeks, but I had no idea how she’d react if I did.

  “Oh, Charles, you bully,” the blonde giggled. “Fine, I’ll leave it for now, but I promise, at some point, I’ll make you tell me.”

  “I doubt it,” I snickered, snapped open my medical bag, and pulled out a few bottles here and there. “It’s almost impos
sible to get a secret out of me, ask Ms. Browning, she’ll tell you.”

  “Oh, I plan on it,” Josephine smiled. “I hope that Ms. Browning and I can become close friends.”

  “I do, too,” I agreed. “She likes you very much.”

  I grabbed three medium-sized empty vials from my bag, lined them up on the squat coffee table, and then reached for my ingredients. Josephine lifted her fingers, gazed at me from underneath the shadow created by her hand, and then smiled softly.

  “What are you making?” the blonde asked. “Does it have a technical name? Maybe I could show it to a few of my friends, and they can buy it from you.”

  “I’d like that very much,” I exhaled. “What I’m making for you now is called Fernet, it’s an ancient concoction, our ancestors used to make it when they drank too much barley ale, and I can tell you right now, that stuff gives you wicked hangovers. It’s made entirely from myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, aloe, cardamom, peppermint oil, and a few other things mixed in.”

  “Don’t look now, Charles,” Josephine grinned. “But you’ve given me all of the ingredients, I might just steal your recipe.”

  “That’s why I didn’t give you the exact measurements,” I joked. “If you try to replicate it, you might get something spot on or something that worsens the side effects of your current state.”

  “Oh, no,” the blonde chuckled. “Then I won’t do that, I’ll only come to you for all of my hangover needs.”

  “That’s good, I prefer it that way,” I uttered. “Actually, Ms. Josephine? Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

  One of the blonde’s eyebrows raised from underneath the shadow of her hand, but her cat-like eyes stared intently at my face.

  “It depends on what the question is, but proceed.” She murmured.

  “What kind of power do you have?” I asked. “I’ve never seen it, and I hope never to have to, but I have to admit that I am curious about it.”

  “Ah, I see,” the blonde murmured.


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