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Making Monster Girls 2: For Science!

Page 24

by Eric Vall

  “She’s trying to overthrow the Queen!” The redhead screamed. “She wants enough super-soldiers to overrun the capital, kill the Queen, and take over the entire country! She contracted another scientist, he’s exactly like you, but... he hasn’t made creatures like these two women. You saw the augmented men she brought with her last time, that’s not his first failed experiment! She’s angry because she lost you, she fully believes that you’re the only scientist that can succeed, but she won’t give in and come groveling back! She needs these experiments to work or… or… the Queen will kill her!”

  “The Queen wants to kill Edony?” I asked. “Why?”

  “I don’t know!” the Chief Constable shrieked. “She never told me the reason! Even if I asked, she wouldn’t tell me! Please, Charles! Let me out!”

  “How do you know all of this?” Daisy hissed. “Did Edony tell you?”

  “I’m her right-hand woman!” the redhead sobbed. “If we were to work together, I needed to do everything I could to help her in situations. I’m the one who found the replacement scientist! I even suggested that she come back to you, but she immediately shut that idea down! Let me out now! Please! I don’t want to be a freakish monster-girl! I don’t want to be made into an abomination like those two! Let me out, and you can continue doing whatever you want, I won’t arrest you or anything like that!”

  “How am I supposed to believe you?” I scoffed. “You’re the Chief Constable for one, but not only that, you have betrayed the queen and now work directly underneath Edony… I bet as soon as I let you out, you’d go running to her and tell her everything I’ve just confessed.”

  “Y-You promised!” Ortensia screamed. “You promised you’d let me out! You promised you wouldn’t harm me!”

  I shook my head, turned on my heels, and gestured for my two monster-woman over my shoulder. I pointed toward the wall of control panels, Daisy and Valerie hurried over, and then stood beside it. I swung open the doors to the third compartment, brought my right hand closer to my face, and then bit down on the webbing between my pointer finger and thumb. Blood seeped in between my teeth, and I sputtered softly, but held the torn flesh with my other hand, and let droplets flow out onto the metal floor of the compartment.

  “Charles Rayburn!” Ortensia pounded on the window with closed fists. “You promised me that you’d let me go! You promised!”

  I slammed the doors of compartment C shut, tilted my head, and then met Ortensia’s feverish gaze. Her face was pale, the corners of her plump lips pulled down into a pained grimace, and her hands smacked against the glass pane of the tiny window.

  “You’re right, I did promise,” I snickered. “But you actually believed me? A man? How sweet and innocent. Sorry, Ortensia, but this is something I have to do to protect my family. I hope you understand. You’re nothing but a threat, and you have to be eliminated. I’m looking forward to meeting the beautiful monster-girl you are about to become.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Please, Charles,” Ortensia bleated. “I’ll do anything you ask, anything! I’ll even throw away my title of Chief Constable and come work for you! Please, don’t kill me!”

  “Don’t think of it as death!” Valerie chimed in. “Think of it as… a rebirth! You’ll be a whole new being with new powers! Just wait, Ortensia, we’ll be sisters, and you’ll love Charles the way that Daisy and I do! You’ll be so much happier, the weight of this world will be lifted off your shoulders! We’re so much more contented now, we’ve completely forgotten our past lives, and the way that we used to treat other people!”

  “It’s almost sad to see you like this, Ortensia,” Daisy whispered. “What is that haughty pride?”

  “If you’re sad to see me like this, then let me go!” The Chief Constable pounded on the window with her fists. “If it troubles you so much, you should set me free! I haven’t done anything wrong, I was doing my job!”

  “I didn’t mean it in that sense,” the gorgeous brunette exhaled. “Trapped in there, you’re almost an entirely different person. I see the fear in your eyes, yes, but you’ve lost the pompous attitude, it’s quite nice to see you like that. You’re no longer ordering us around, or bullying our little family. It makes me excited to see what you’ll be like after the transformation. How do you think it’ll change you? I once was the horrible Delphine Vallantine, and I’m entirely different from how she was. Yes, I remember things from her life, but I make the conscious choice not to be like her.”

  “Y-You’re all mad!” the scarlet-haired woman shrieked. “You’re all insane! All of this is a dream… yes, it’s a dream, and if I pinch myself hard enough, I’ll wake up in my cozy bed…”

  “It’s not a dream or a hallucination,” I chuckled. “It’s all very, very real. I created both Daisy and Valerie out of almost nothing, and soon, you will join them in a brand new body. Don’t worry, you won’t remember a thing, well, maybe a few things here and there, but they will teach you how to be a better woman.”

  “I will never love you!” the redhead roared. “I’ll never stoop as low as to show affection for a brute, even if you kill me or… or ‘transform’ me, I’ll remember the horrible things you did to me and other women of this town!”

  “That’s not true!” Valerie interjected. “You won’t! Neither of us remember the transformation, and if anything, we’re glad that it happened! My life was horrible before Charles created me! I was a beggar, rifling through trash for stale ends of bread! Look at me now! I have a home, a family, a roof over my head, and a man that loves me more than anything in the world! What is so bad about that?”

  “Everything!” Ortensia screamed. “You’re going against every basic rule of nature! Men and women are not meant to be equals. Men are weak, stupid, powerless, and sex crazed brutes! You can’t stand there next to one of them and not feel the bile rise in your throat each time he looks at you! You are abominations! Not because you were created in Charles’ laboratory, but because you hold such feelings for him! It’s unnatural, bizarre, disgusting, and punishable by death--”

  “I hate to be rude,” A.B. broke in. “But can we get started? Her constant screaming is giving me a brain ache.”

  I nodded, turned toward the wall of controls, and then brought both Daisy and Valerie forward. I took their hands in mine, raised them toward the massive switch, and then rested them there. I used my free hand, flipped on the motherboard, gazed toward the glass window where Ortensia pleaded for her life, smiled softly, and then gazed over my shoulder toward my other two monster-women.

  “Are you ready?” I breathed. “This is the moment where everything changes, our family will have a fourth member.”

  “Fourth member?” A.B. squawked. “Oh, I see now, just because I’m a disembodied brain, that must mean I don’t have feelings! Well, fine, I didn’t want to be part of your family anyway! I’m fine on my own, a lone brain, surviving on his own, doing his own thing, and being entirely independent.”

  “You know I didn’t mean it like that,” I chuckled. “Let me correct myself, a fifth member of our family. Happy now, A.B.?”

  “Yes, now that I’ve been included,” the brain chuckled. “I may not have a body, but I’m still part of this family! I was here before anyone else!”

  “Of course, A.B.,” Valerie soothed. “You’re as much a part of this family as Charles, Daisy, or me, don’t forget that.”

  “Thank you, Val,” A.B. tutted. “At least someone remembers me.”

  “Alright, are we ready?” I asked.

  “Ready!” the feline-woman giggled.

  “Ready, Charles.” Daisy nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  “Please!” Ortensia’s muffled voice begged. “Please, don’t do this! I want to live!”

  “You will live,” I boomed. “A new life as a new being, and you will love it more than you will ever know. Close your eyes, Ortensia, the time is now!”

  My fingers tightened around Daisy and Valerie’s hands, I swung the giant lever down into
its cradle, and electricity crackled to life. All the bulbs above our heads flickered on with a low hum, the sound rose in our ears as blinding white light poured out of all three of the compartments, and all three of us squinted against it. I physically felt the electricity pass from the motherboard, pass through the thick, snaking wires across the floor, and finally reached my machine.

  Ortensia’s pleading voice rose in pitch to a warbling scream. The sound seemed to go on forever until all three of us slapped our hands over our ears, and lowered ourselves closer to the ground. The pistons at the top of the machine moved too quickly that they were blurs through the air, greyish smoke billowed out of the valves, and finally, the sound of my machine drowned out all of the sounds Ortensia made.

  The blinding white light intensified until I motioned for both of my women to close their eyes, I followed suit, gritted my teeth, and waited for the transformation to be complete. Loud clangs, and the whirring of the slowing pistons reached my ears as I slowly reopened my eyes. Like the past two times, the entire laboratory was filled with choking smoke, and I hurried to open one of the windows above our heads.

  “Is it finished?” Valerie asked. “Oh, I can’t wait to see what she looks like! This is so exciting.”

  “I have to admit,” Daisy uttered. “The transformation process was fascinating, and bizarrely beautiful, all of the dancing light, and the almost symphonic sounds. I want to be here for all of the other experiments, Charles, it’s all so beautiful as it unfolds in front of us.”

  “Of course,” I chuckled. “I’d love for both of you to be here each time we transform a woman. I’m so glad that both of you love it so much.”

  “It’s not just a transformation!” Valerie cried. “We’re bringing a new sister into the world! That’s the most exciting part for me! Come on, let’s bring her out! Ooooo, I can’t wait, let’s go, let’s goooo!”

  I chuckled lightly, dropped their hands, but then turned to stand in front of both of them.

  “I want both of you to stay here,” I instructed. “I’m always the first to go inside and bring our newest monster-girl out, and I’d like to keep up with that tradition.”

  “Ah, almost as if they’re imprinting on you,” Daisy said. “That’s fantastic, Charles, yes, go on ahead.”

  “But not only that,” I breathed. “We never know what type of powers she’ll have, this is a brand new world for her, and we don’t want to overwhelm her right as we bring her out, do you two understand?”

  “Of course, Charles,” the brunette inclined her head. “Do as you must.”

  “Okay!” the ash-blonde woman bubbled as she skipped from foot to foot. “Just hurry up and do it! I’m so, so happy right now, I can’t wait to see her for the first time!”

  “Be careful, Charles.” The bear-girl urged.

  I nodded, turned on my heels, waved the smoke out of my eyes, settled my gaze upon the doors of the third, largest compartment, and stepped toward it surely. Pulsing white light poured out of the small window, my hand shook as I reached for the door handle, rested on it for a second, but then suddenly, I was blown backward.

  Both of the compartment’s doors blew off their hinges, flew across the room, and then clattered loudly to the floor. I laid on my back against the cold stones, blinked rapidly to clear my gaze, and watched as thick smoke billowed out of the open compartment.

  “W-What happen--”

  My voice was cut off as a dark shape flew out of the compartment, rapidly slithered across the floor toward me, gripped me by the front of the shirt, and then lifted me from the floor. My eyes finally focused, and I gazed down at the tensed face of one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen.

  Her hair was sleek pitch black, almost the same color as spilled oil, her eyes were large, slightly upturned at the corners, glowing burnt umber pupils, and reddish tinted skin. Her face was oval-shaped with a slightly devilish pointed chin, her nose was soft and rounded at the tip while her lips were full, plump, and a blood-red color. Those features, while striking and gorgeous, didn’t hold my attention for long as my eyes wandered over her entire exposed body.

  Medium-sized, ram-like horns spiraled out of the sides of her head and curled upward toward the ceiling, and a thin, red tail with a pointed, arrow-shaped tip tail whipped out angrily behind her. I guessed that if we stood shoulder to shoulder, the imp-woman would’ve been only a few inches shorter than me without the horns. Her bare breasts were large, the areola around the hardened nipple a darker red than the rest of her skin, and when I glanced down toward her womanhood, I spied a black tuft of pubic hair. Her body was almost a perfect hourglass shape, her waist tiny and pulled in against her wide, perfect hips.

  “Put him down!” Valerie shrieked. “Put him down right now! Bad!”

  “Charles?” Daisy hiccupped. “Are you alright? Is she hurting you?”

  “No,” I breathed. “It’s uncomfortable, but she’s only holding me by my shirt.”

  “Char?” the imp-woman barked. “Charrr-eles? Cha-rles?”

  “Charles,” I reiterated. “Char-les.”

  “Chaaaarles?” the red-skinned woman echoed, tilted her head, leaned in closer, and gave me a tentative sniff. “Charles.”

  “Yes,” I chuckled. “I’m Charles.”

  “Charles!” the imp-woman cackled, lifted her arm higher, and then tossed me back onto the hard surface of the examination table.

  Pain ripped through my back, I gasped for breath, and barely managed to focus on the imp-woman as she stalked toward me. The black-haired woman’s hips rolled, her enormous breasts bounced, but the smile on her lips stayed in place the entire time. She slammed her hands down on each side of my head, pressed her voluptuous breasts against my chest, and climbed up onto of the examination table until she’d fully mounted me.

  “C-Charles?” Valerie squeaked. “What do we do? Should we… pull her off?”

  “Charles…” the imp-woman repeated in her deep, husky tone. “Chaaaarles.”

  “Is she hurting you?” Daisy cried. “Oh, science, this is only getting worse and worse.”

  “N-No,” I stammered. “I think she’s just… curious? But if she shows any sign of aggression, I’m not sure I’d be able to get out from underneath her.”

  “Agg…ress…ion?” the black-haired woman echoed. “Aggression, yessss.”

  I gasped for breath as the imp-woman lunged forward with her lips pulled back against her teeth. My heart hammered in my chest, my eyes squeezed closed, and her hand wrapped around the back of my neck.

  “Oh!” Valerie shouted. “Get her off, get her off! She’s going to kill him!”

  I attempted to wriggle free, but the imp-woman held me in place, and then smashed her lips to mine in a passionate kiss. My body immediately went limp, my hands batted at the air for a second, and then wrapped around her with my fingers intertwined in her silky hair.

  When she finally pulled away, the red-skinned imp-girl slid to the floor, darted closer to Daisy and Valerie, and then sat on the floor on her haunches. From this position, I noticed the intricate patchwork of scales that worked their way up her forearms to her elbows, and jutted out like vicious armor. The scales on her arms appeared to be black, but as she shifted in the light, they glittered with subtle scarlet hues.

  “Hi!” the ash-blonde woman giggled, dropped to the floor, and opened up her arms. “I’m Valerie, and this is Daisy, we’re your new sisters!”

  “Sisters?” the imp-woman echoed. “My… sisters?”

  “Well, technically, we’re not blood-related,” Daisy corrected. “But in every sense of the word, we are sisters. We take care of each other, that’s how it’s always been and how it will always be.”

  The imp-woman launched herself forward, slammed directly into the cat-girl, threw her back into Daisy, and they all tumbled together in a jumbled pile. I pushed myself off of the examination table as their pained voices lifted into the air, and hurried over toward them, but when I got there, I couldn’t help bu
t chuckle.

  The red-skinned woman snuggled into Valerie’s chest, gripped Daisy by the shoulders, and petted the top of the brunette’s head aggressively. The imp-woman’s burnt umber eyes fluttered closed, the corners of her lips upturned, and a low growl rumbled up her throat.

  “She likes us!” the beautiful feline-woman giggled. “She really, really likes us!”

  “I’m fine with hugs,” Daisy grunted. “But she really needs to learn about personal space.”

  “Oh, you love it,” Valerie chided. “Don’t even try to lie, you love her so much already.”

  “I will admit, she is very pretty,” the bear-girl giggled as she petted the new woman’s silky hair. “And sweet. I wasn’t expecting as much, especially the way she first reacted toward Charles.”

  “Yeah!” Valerie guffawed. “She honestly looked like she was going to rip him into shreds.”

  “No,” the imp-woman barked. “I love Charles, have you seen how handsome he is? I’ve never seen a man so beautiful. I just… want to touch him.”

  “O-Oh,” I grunted, and then burst out laughing. “Thank you… I think? I’ve never been called beautiful before.”

  “Now that she’s here,” Daisy uttered. “What do we do? I haven’t been here for any other creations yet.”

  “We name her!” A.B. cried. “Then, we do the physical examination!”

  “Physical examination?” the imp-woman echoed. “What does that mean?”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” the bear-girl soothed. “Charles will look you over, make sure you’re healthy, and then test different parts of your body.”

  “He can test me as much as he wants,” the black-haired woman purred. “He is my chosen male, and he will be my perfect mate.”

  “W-Whoa,” Valerie chuckled. “She already likes you, Charles.”

  “I do not like Charles,” the red-skinned woman corrected. “I love him, I adore him, I want nothing more than to breed with him, and stay by his side for the rest of my life. We will have hundreds of spawn, beautiful, strong, sturdy spawn that will destroy the earth, and bring about new times.”


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