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The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 12

by Alice Moore

  “We have time. It’s only 11. Where are we going?” Curiosity colored my voice, and I glanced over at James as he adjusted his grip on the wheel. An uncomfortable expression flashed across his face, and I furrowed my brows as a frown tugged at my lips. “Is everything okay?”

  “Ah- yeah. It’s fine…” Answering quickly, James’ tone pushed away my anticipation about our hike out of my mind. Twisting to face him, I tugged my buckle from my neck to my shoulder as he shrugged stiffly. “I just… I wanted to meet this contractor for the cabin in person before I have him come all the way out to assess the property. I don’t know… he seemed like he didn’t really know what he was talking about on the phone, and I want to see if anyone else would be willing to take the job. The company itself is fantastic- Nick and I have both used them before.”

  “Who did you usually use?” To say I was interested was an understatement; James hadn’t mentioned remodeling the house since our singular conversation about it.

  “This guy- Sammy. He’s retired now. His last job before was Nick’s new office building in the city, and Nick gave him a really big chunk of change for everything he’s done for him. I haven’t used them yet, so…” Nodding in understanding, I rested my head against the seat as we emerged onto the main road leading to downtown.

  Honestly, I had absolutely no idea how a house was built or remodeled, but I could imagine it was something that took skill.

  “I see. What are you thinking of doing? I know you want to get rid of that bedroom… are you going to demolish and start from scratch?”

  “I don’t know yet- that’s why I want someone that knows what they’re doing. This guy… he just seemed- I don’t know, uninterested. Like he wasn’t listening to anything I said until he talked about an estimate.” James scratched his cheek roughly, and I sympathized with his dilemma. Even in my own field there were people that only wanted money and didn’t submit quality work. They’d jump from Journal to Journal making no effort at all, and sometimes an editor would be foolish enough to buy from them only to regret it.

  “I get it. Why don’t they give you someone else right off the bat, though? You’ve worked with them before- they should want to keep your business, right?” Posing my questions absently, I threaded my fingers through my ponytail as James shrugged again. His muscles strained against his short sleeves, and he flicked on his blinker before offering a verbal reply.

  “I’m not so much a repeat customer like Nick. I’ve mostly done small things- a couple of sheds on my parents’ property and things like that. Those are the kinds of projects they put new people on to gauge how good they are. With Nick, he did office buildings and apartment complexes and stuff.” I could only hum softly at that, and James checked his mirrors before swerving into a right turn lane. “I understand the concept and all, but it’s kind of shitty for the person paying for all of it. If this guy hires a bad electrician the entire place could go up in flames, and the worst that’d happen to him is he gets fired, you know?”

  “Yeah. Since you’re here, you’re not going out of your way, either. If you don’t like the guy, you only wasted twenty minutes instead of five hours.” A tickle wormed into my gut, and I ducked my head to smile into my lap. James lived two hours away; it was hard to remember that simple fact. Yet, he drove all the way here just to spend time with me.

  It didn’t even matter if it was for the sole purpose to get in my pants, either- not that it was, I didn’t think. I wouldn’t care anyway.


  Kiki’s claws clicked against the clean linoleum that spread across the floor, and the sound echoed throughout the moderately large regional office. The Hasborough Construction Agency spanned the entire country, and I’d been to more than one facility that managed local projects. Glancing around through the general air of boredom and discontent, I easily decided that this was one of the worse off offices.

  “Let me do the talking.” Caroline’s abrupt declaration-slash-request made me pause, and I looked down at her from under furrowed brows. Determination set deep in her face, and she smiled almost wickedly as a plan sparkled in her eyes. “Guys assume women don’t know shit, so he’ll probably be more relaxed. I got this. I took an online course in human relations after I graduated high school.”

  “Are you telling me you do know about construction?” She’s full of surprises, isn’t she… Keeping my thought to myself, my lip twitched in a smirk when Caroline instantly shook her head.

  “Nope. But you want to see if he’s not a sleaze, and most people generally don’t do well when confronted with 6’4” tall muscular beasts trying to get information out of them.” I grinned fully at that, and she bumped my shoulder with a roll of her eyes. “Just trust me, okay?”

  “I’m 6’5”, but okay. Go for it.” Nudging her shoulder playfully, I returned to surveying the reception room. There weren’t many people around, and I started walking towards what I assumed was an information desk. Like the people, there also weren’t any signs that told me what was where, and my grin slipped into a frown.

  The receptionist inside what was essentially a closet with a glass wall stared at her computer with her chin in her hand, and I pursed my lips together before glancing at Caroline. With no other eyes on her, she fixed a sweet, clueless expression on her face that instantly reminded me of Hannah- if I didn’t count the fact that Caroline knew exactly what she was doing.

  Content to watch her knock on the window firmly, I leaned back on my heels to turn my gaze to the receptionist when she jumped in surprise. The woman was easily in her 40s, with no make up on to hide the displeasure on her face as she slid open the partition.

  “Can I help you?” The receptionist didn’t even look at me, too focused on the person that made her actually work. Sourness poured into her voice, and I shoved my hands into my pockets while Caroline grinned widely.

  “Hi- I’m Caroline. I called earlier about an estimate… I don’t remember who I spoke to, but he was really nice and answered all my questions.” Caroline’s high pitched, nasally tone gyrated my ear drums, and I had to hide a chuckle at the borderline furious-looking receptionist.

  “You don’t know who you spoke to…?” The sensation of sitting in a dark theater, watching some satirical play, sprung to mind when Caroline shook her head wildly. The receptionist let out a harsh, drawn sigh before picking up the phone, and the woman beside me winked expertly. “Dale, you have two people here asking for you.”

  Dale. That was the guy I’d spoken to on the phone earlier. My eyes widened at the realization, and Caroline smirked knowingly before thanking the woman and turning away from the desk.

  “How did you do that?” My awe must’ve been evident in my voice because Caroline laughed with a half shrug, and we wandered a few feet from the desk. Leaning on my arm, she glanced behind us even though I knew the receptionist wasn’t paying attention before opening her mouth.

  “They always send the grunt to do the worst work. I’d bet money she thought I was some ditz that would want so many different things, and then I would change my mind. None of the senior contractors want to deal with that, so they send the new guy.” Whispering low, she cocked her head with a small ghost of a smile crossing her lips. “You never had to do things in boot camp that higher ranking people didn’t do?”

  “Well, yeah- of course. I just… never thought about people like that before. You’re dangerous.” My tease pulled another laugh from her, and I wrapped my arm around Caroline’s waist to glance around. “That guy is going to take his sweet time. What do you say we head out?”

  “Okay.” She brightened up quick, and I smiled as we headed for the door. No one had even noticed Kiki, and I glanced down to watch her slink across the linoleum. Dogs like her were always uncomfortable indoors. Reaching down to pet her head, my fingers ran through her smooth fur easily, and she looked up at me with sharp eyes.

  Making my way through the winding, downtown streets, I couldn’t help but be disappointed that my venture had f
ailed so miserably. I knew it was a risk, but nothing could’ve prepared me for how hard it’d tanked.

  Now I had to find a new contractor with a company I didn’t know, and that was almost just as big a gamble.

  “Hey James- what’s your favorite food? Besides rations, of course…” We were about three minutes from the nature reserve parking lot when Caroline broke the silence. Furrowing my brows, I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I raked my brain for an answer.

  “I’d have to say… lasagna. What about you?” Easing off the gas and onto the brakes when I spied the sign pointing to the lot, I glanced over the center console. Caroline was rubbing the top flap of her camera bag like it was a lap dog, and my lip quirked at the sight of her anxiety.

  “I love a good cheeseburger. Lasagna is, maybe, number three or four on my list. Sheila doesn’t make a lot of pasta, but she’s a wizard with the grill.” Pulling into an empty space, I parked my car and turned off the engine with a hum.

  “Yeah- I spent time in France and Italy between my tours. Literally every dish had some sort of pasta in it.” In the back seat, Kiki woofed softly, cutting our pathetic attempt at conversation short, and I didn’t try to revive it. Caroline practically jumped out of the car, but I took my time as I locked up once she’d closed her door and opened the back.

  Lagging behind the pair as they started straight for the trail, I shoved my keys into my pocket and kept my eyes on Caroline. Even from behind, she looked so different than I had seen her yet. Her back was straight and shoulders proud, and her steps were far apart while her dog trotted a few yards ahead of her.

  Savoring the shade of the trees from the hot, noon sun, I reached to swipe my hand through my hair as Caroline’s voice reached me. She talked to Kiki a lot, and I wasn’t as asshole; I knew this was important for them. That was the only reason I agreed to come all the way down here just for an hour.

  As fucked up as it was, I felt somewhat responsible for Caroline’s current predicament. Despite doing what I could to help her, guilt ate weakly at my insides. I hadn’t even been there when she broke her ankle.

  Lengthening my strides, I caught up to Caroline as she carefully tread the dirt and gravel path. Pride blossomed in my chest at how dutifully she followed her doctor’s orders; I was sure that it was only because she didn’t want another three weeks at home with a fractured ankle. Draping my arm around her waist, I pulled her close to me to take a deep breath of pine and oak.

  “How does it feel, huh?” Taking in the healthy greenery around me as I probed, my gaze flew to the woman under my arm at the sound of a soft click. Caroline’s camera lens stared back at me, and she slowly lowered it to smile guiltily up at me. Here eyes were so bright it was almost painful to look, and she nuzzled my shoulder with her cheek with a gentle sigh.

  “It feels amazing. Thank you, James- seriously. Without you, I don’t know what would’ve happened… If I lost my foot-…” Trailing off, Caroline pursed her lips together tightly and turned her face away. Squeezing her hip, I reached with my free hand to pull back her hair. Affection bubbled in my chest, sticking thickly to my ribs and the space around my heart.

  “I understand. You’re very welcome, Caroline. I’m glad I could give you a little bit of what you give me.” Truth rang in my words, and she peered up at me from under her eyelashes as a fiery blush spread across her cheeks. She was so beautiful she took my breath away, and I caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers.

  “This means a lot, James… more than you know.” Her mumble was almost a whisper, and I ducked my head when Caroline puckered her lips. Our kiss was soft, sweet, and she released a breathless moan before I pulled back.

  “Go take some pictures for me. I can hang them after I renovate." With those six words, Caroline’s excitement was back full force, and she walked as fast and as carefully as she could down the trail. Left to my thoughts, I watched her absently as I recounted the person I had been six months ago.

  Strip clubs, gyms, and desperation- that was what my life was. Now that Caroline seemed to be a semi-permanent fixture, I could truly see how pathetic I had been. Staring at her back as she twisted and searched, my eyes narrowed as I silently compared her to Hannah. Surely, I couldn’t be that fucking stupid; I was 36 years old and couldn’t even recognize someone that wasn’t good for me?

  But I was glad that it happened, because if I wasn’t so stressed out about Hannah, I might’ve said ‘no’ to Frank.

  And I would’ve never met Caroline.


  Sweat trickled down my back, my sides, between my breasts, and I swiped some off my forehead as I sat on a rock. The sounds of nature were like a hymn I hadn’t heard in too long, and I rested my head on James shoulder to close my eyes. Our trip through the wild park had taken some serious detours, and after an hour off the trail, we found a lake I didn’t even know was here.

  “Do you want to hop in? The water looks fine.” I barely even looked at the water yet; all I knew was it was sparkling and had the potential to feel amazing. Against my cheek, James’ shoulder shifted slightly, and his breath ruffled my damp hair.

  “Sure.” Standing carefully to shirk off all of my clothes, I didn’t need any more confirmation than that one-word answer. James hand cupped my butt cheek, caressing and squeezing while I took my time figure out how dangerous it would be to jump. The water below wasn’t very clear, but there was a buoy in the middle of the lake with the number 75 on it.

  “Want me to jump first?” Glancing over my shoulder as James palmed my thigh, my mind went black for a few seconds. He stared at my face with searching eyes, ignoring the fact that I was completely naked before him.

  What I want is more important to him than sex. The thought rushed up to blind side me, and I blinked hard before James stood up to take off his shirt. He dropped his jeans, but like him, I couldn’t look away from his eyes.

  “Let’s jump together.” Grabbing James’ hand, the spell I was under slurred my words, and he nodded silently. Tearing my eyes off him, I squeezed his fingers tightly and took a deep breath. His grip made my fingertips tingle, and I twitched my pinky before the world suddenly stopped.

  Running off the short, makeshift pier, I fell in slow motion as my heart beat fluttered. My mind moved at the same speed it had the first time and only time I smoked weed. Staring down at the water that seemed to come at me at a snail’s pace, my eyes rolled slightly as goosebumps washed my skin. Adrenaline was absent in my veins, and even my blood didn’t roar in my ears like it should’ve.

  There was nothing but James’ hand in mine as we plunged into the lake.

  The water hit me like a cement wall, and I jerked wildly as it engulfed me in its cool embrace. Kicking out my feet, panic welled inside me when I couldn’t feel the bottom. Squeezing James’ hand hard, I flailed my arms as air bubbled up in my throat to escape my nose.

  Pulling me to his chest, James wrapped his arms around me tightly to propel us to the surface. In just a few, powerful beats of his legs we crested the water, and I took a huge, gasping breath as sunlight skewered my eyes. Shuddering as my hair clung to my shoulders and back, I heaved for air as reality came crashing back into my scope of comprehension. Hanging limp in James’ embrace, I let my head fall back while he kept me from drowning.

  “… Do you believe in destiny, James?” Asking quietly, my low voice echoed across the water in all directions. My heart finally started to react to what had just happened, and I lifted my head to stare at James from under heavy eyelids. Slowly, arduously hooking my legs around his waist, I sniffled hard before he opened his mouth.

  “I believe in you, Caroline.” I couldn’t wrap my mind around the phenomena that I’d just experienced, but James’ confession; I could understand that. Smashing my lips on his, I gasped when he squeezed the air from my lungs. His tongue caressed mine sweetly, hands dipping under the water to slide down my body and grip my ass.

  Grinding against his abs as pure need radiated from my center,
I wrapped my arms around his neck with a guttural moan. The pure, radiant passion I felt towards James in that moment was overwhelming, and I let myself drown in it. Suspended mid-water, I depended on him to give me his very breath as we gyrated together.

  Our kiss turned ravenous, and James held my tightly to him to thrust even while he treaded water. The tip of his cock burrowed between my folds, burning my sensitive flesh only to disappear and allow the cool liquid cocooning us to soothe me. Nothing could penetrate the needy fog in my mind, and I dug my heels into the small of his back to allow him to slip inside me.

  Gingerly James’ length caressed my inner walls, and I whimpered into his mouth. Tightening around him, my abdomen ached and trembled as he stretched my cavern. Gasping when he lifted me to thrust, I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my fingers in his hair.

  With each thrust the water threatened to swallow my chin, but James never let me sink below the surface. His grunts and groans were music- the only thing I could hear beyond the loud roaring of my blood in my ears. Against my chest his heart beat in erratic sync with my own, and I surrendered myself to him completely.

  This wasn’t sex- it wasn’t even love-making. I wasn’t sure there was a word for this, but just as soon as the thought bubbled up, it was gone.

  Our togetherness was short, intense, and mindless, and I couldn’t tell if I had an orgasm from the way my entire body reacted to his. Goosebumps washed my flesh, and James paused our kiss with his lips still connected to mine to breathe shaky, shallow breaths.

  “Don’t let me go, Caroline.” Whispering tenderly, James’ gravelly demand sent a jolt through my chest, and I automatically squeezed his body. Nodding shakily, I kissed him deeply, thoroughly, as I tried frantically to come up with a response. My tongue was heavy; my brain refused to do any work, and in the end, all I could do was kiss him hoping it portrayed what I couldn’t say.


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