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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 2

by Judy Carroll

  Struggling to my feet, fighting against the heavy gravity of the planet, I tried to get back into the disc, but a shot fired at my body weakened me further, causing me to almost black out. A half dozen pairs of strange, stubby, five-fingered hands grabbed and secured me, dragging my semi-conscious body over to a waiting vehicle. Frantic activity, lights and sounds assailed my senses. I could not comprehend these sounds on a physical level, but I knew it was human speech, and I was at least able to register the strong emotion being generated. Then I was lifted, none too gently, and pushed into the opening at the back of the vehicle. The door was slammed shut as I sank onto the floor.

  As a senior pilot of the Realm, my duty was to remain calm and to consider my options. The choice was mine, whether to step free of the container right now and return home, or whether to stay a little longer to see what information I could gather, if any. I made my decision.


  Chapter 2 Destination Earth

  “Oh no, Sothis!” I protested across the room to the Elder standing impassively opposite me. “Do I really have to? I’ve just spent a whole three weeks down there as their ‘prisoner,’ gathering as much information as possible before abandoning my container to return home. Can’t I just resume my duties as a disc pilot?”

  “Come now, Alarca,” he replied calmly, drilling into the very core of my being with a dispassionate glare from huge, pale blue, implacable eyes — the eyes of an ancient Elder. “It will be an adventure for you. After all, you’ve been piloting discs from one end of the physical universe to the other for many millennia; surely you could do with a change. And besides, I get the distinct feeling you and Ashka have been doing this work for so long that the pair of you are getting just a wee bit careless. I mean it’s understandable when an Earth human pilot accidentally flies into one of the Controllers’ energy screens and crashes or else completely disappears into a parallel time-line, but really and truly, a Guardian of the Realm Forces should know better — especially ones of your and Ashka’s experience.”

  The atmosphere hung heavy in the room as he paused a moment to ensure that the seriousness of our “little accident” was fully appreciated before continuing: “I’ve just finished examining the de-briefing notes from your time spent as a ‘guest’ of the Earth authorities, and frankly Alarca, this information disturbs me. We’ve been maintaining a fairly low level of surveillance on this planet for some time now, but it’s obvious from your firsthand observations that much more active intervention is required down there, especially now that they have developed this ‘atom bomb’ they are so proud of. If they are not awakened to higher conscious awareness soon, there will be no humanity left on that planet to re-awaken — in fact there will be no planet!

  “Now Alarca, with this in mind, you should be more than willing to be re-assigned to alternative duties, this time down there to live among them for the short span of a human lifetime in a fully biological container. Part of your duties will be ambassadorial and diplomatic, and you will report back to us here at headquarters on a regular basis, but your main work will entail teaching Earth humans to become more consciously aware of soul energy, to assist in their awakening process.

  “We will also be bringing more Earth humans up onto the discs for re-adjustments and balancing of their energy systems to enable the necessary genetic upgrading to be carried out in preparation for the upcoming energy shift. A major part of the project will also be focusing on those several thousand members of our own lost patrol who are still caught up down there in a state of amnesia. These ones need to have their spiritual heritage restored to them as soon as possible so they can be brought home.”

  “But Sothis, must I go and live down there? I haven’t used a fully biological container in millennia! It’s only the very youngest evolved humans in the universe that use those bodies! They’re so weak and vulnerable, and — and messy! Do I have to?”

  “Alarca, somebody has to do it, and you’re the one who has been there most recently and experienced the energy first-hand. Anyway, others will be sent to help you, and Ashka has already agreed to be assigned duties down there because of your close connection. In fact it will be a real ‘family project!’ And besides, it won’t be that bad. Remember there are certain advantages in occupying a biological container. Just think — you’ll be able to really enjoy eating food, and all sorts of other physical human activities. It will be quite fun! And by the way, speaking of Ashka’s planned incarnation into physical Earth human form; I feel you also would be better off incarnating into a female container.”

  “What! Oh no! No way! Please, Sothis, don’t ask me to do that! Not a female container! You know how we never managed to properly adjust the reproductive system to the point of perfect, painless working order when we were assisting in their development? And the plumbing! It seems to break down in so many of the containers once they reach the 50-year mark.

  “And anyway,” I stubbornly persisted, “why do I have to reincarnate into an Earthling container? Why can’t I be born into one of the hybrid containers that we’re producing out of our inter-species breeding program that has been started with the Earth humans? After all, being half and half they’re much closer to us in vibrational frequency, so surely it would make things easier.”

  “No, Alarca, that won’t do at all. Because of the nature of the work we need to carry out with Earth humans, it is most important for you to fully integrate the experience of actually being one of them. In this way you will be of invaluable assistance to us in our interaction with them in the future. As you well know, this is an area where we are having great difficulties that need to be ironed out if we ever hope to interact with them in a more open way.”

  “Well, yes, you do have a good point there,” I reluctantly admitted, “but I still don’t see why I have to incarnate into a female container. Planet Earth does not seem such a good place to be born a female. In fact it appears to me that they are looked upon very much as second-class citizens. I really and truly feel, considering the work I am expected to carry out, that a male body would be a much more sensible way to go.”

  “Nonsense, Alarca!” the Elder firmly replied, cutting off all objections. “You know as well as I do that a male body would be out of the question. Even though we are more evolved, we still must tend towards one polarity or the other, and ours is towards the creative, feminine yin polarity, as opposed to the more aggressive and physically inclined masculine yang polarity that is so prevalent on Earth. After all, part of our job is to try to balance out their energy systems a bit more. Anyway Alarca, really and truly, you surely cannot in all honesty see yourself, an intrinsic part of the Guardian Consciousness, decked out in a large, muscular, testosterone-charged male body, running around a sports field, kicking the life out of a poor, innocent little leather ball, can you?”

  Shaking his head in profound amusement at the mere thought, he went on: “Oh, no, no Alarca, my dear friend, that would not do at all. You will be much better off and safer as a female, and besides, it is definitely more in keeping with the nurturing role of us Guardians, so no more arguments.”

  “But Sothis, I still protested, “what about procreating in a fully biological container? You know our people don’t reproduce themselves as humans do. I mean to say! The pain! And the mess! And the blood! How am I ever going to get on? I’ll never manage to procreate in a primitive Earthling body! Please don’t ask me to reproduce. Please.”

  “Alarca, you will not be expected to physically reproduce as an Earth human. In fact if you do you’ll jeopardize the entire mission. You are going to the Earth Plane as a spiritual parent and teacher, which will be quite enough for you to handle. You will have neither time nor energy for physical motherhood. Besides, Ashka wants to have a go at Earth human motherhood, which will be fine in her case, as she plans to work with the hybrid children up here and with the Star Children on Earth, but your case is different — you have other work to do.”

  “Well, that’s a relie

  “Alarca, I never expected you to reproduce. All I am asking, and note that I say asking, not ordering, is that you return to the Earth Plane, in human female form to try to reach out across the incredible abyss of misunderstanding and fear, to enable the Earth humans to more clearly understand just who and what we are, what we are about, and also what they themselves are, to set them free from the influence of the Controllers.

  “Oh, is that all?”

  He smiled in feeling my total bewilderment and soothingly calmed me. Just remember you will not be alone. And after all, once they access this deeper understanding, the mind control being used against them will be nullified completely. The survival of the planet and every living creature on it depends entirely upon Earth humans accessing this clearer awareness of self. Please Alarca will you do this for us, your soul family, and for our human children?”

  The sad desperation in the Elder’s words washed over and through me. What else could I do? There was no more to be said. I wasn’t being ordered, but the wisdom of the Elders and the importance of our work always have a way of being very convincing. I knew Sothis was right. And besides, I wouldn’t be alone.


  Chapter 3 Family Planning

  Most of my time was spent with the Elders in prolonged discussion, planning and preparation in order to master as much as I possibly could about existence as a female human on the Earth plane, however, hard as I tried, I could not shake off the feelings of apprehension. It was the idea of having to use a vulnerable biological container that was really worrying me. A hundred times I nearly backed down, and came up with just as many valid and perfectly logical excuses as to why I did not need this Earth plane experience, but each time the realization of how desperately our intervention was needed on Earth came back to haunt me.

  With the time-line of 2012 fast approaching, the spiritual evolution of Earth’s inhabitants to a higher level of conscious awareness is vital, but with the influence of the Controllers still so strong, this process is not proceeding as it should. We’d thought that they had been defeated long ago and their force fields destroyed, but the fate of our surveillance discs was proof that this was not so. It was obvious that our assistance was needed to try to locate and dismantle the remainder of this system, in order to allow the population of Earth to move on to where they need to be. The more I thought about this sad state of affairs, the stronger I felt the need to help Earth humans before they destroy themselves, their beautiful planet and affect the greater universe. Yet apprehension kept surfacing in my mind.

  When I met with my Teacher Maris to discuss the details of our plan, he immediately sensed my state of disquiet, and suggested we share a few moments of quiet contemplation, and so we took a little time just sitting together, our minds linked as one in peace and calmness, before he turned to me: “Now then Alarca, let’s get down to the business of your impending physical, Earthly incarnation. We must begin to make plans, for a suitable family for you, and a time and place for your birth. Have you given the matter any thought?”

  “Any thought!” I telepathed back at him a little more forcefully than intended. “In the name of the Great Oneness, Maris, it fills my every waking moment!”

  He smiled gently and continued, quite unruffled by my outburst. “Let’s hear your ideas then.”

  With a sigh of resignation I turned to face him. “My thoughts on the matter are that if I really have to carry out this mission, and as a Guardian of the Realm I know that it is my duty to do so, then it is vitally important that I make contact with the Earthlings on their own terms, in order to give myself the best possible chance of success.” He nodded in agreement and waited patiently for me to continue.

  “As Sothis has told me,” I went on, “I am returning to the Earth Plane primarily as a spiritual teacher, and also as an ambassador of our people, whom the Earthlings think of with much fear and trembling as ‘aliens,’ or ‘Greys.’ With this in mind, I need to be reborn into a very specific astrological time frame which will bring about those influences most conducive to the personality traits and particular abilities I will require to best carry out this work as a teacher and ambassador.

  “Also the fact that I am a Guardian must be taken into consideration if I am to enter the physical dimension of Planet Earth with the least amount of difficulty, so my birth will need to be as close as possible to one of the solstices, when the interdimensional portals are at their weakest. The last thing that I want to have to worry about is getting caught up in and affected by one of the astral-plane force fields. That doesn’t even bear thinking about!” I added with a shudder.

  “Well now, Alarca, you certainly have been putting some very constructive thoughts and planning into your mission, and yes, it is most definitely a good idea for you to make your entry at the time of the solstice. After all, your main reason for this mission is to assist humans to wake up and remember, so you don’t want your own soul awareness to be adversely affected during the process of entry into the lower physical dimensions. You need to bring that knowledge in with you.

  “And as for the astrological time frame for your birth,” he added, “you are quite correct. This is a vital point to consider, as it will affect your whole life, outlook and personality as an Earth Human. In this regard, there are three important criteria for you to meet. The first is that you must have good communication skills, because it has been this lack of communication between our two species that has caused all the problems so far. This fear and misunderstanding that needs to be addressed can only be overcome through communication and dialogue.

  “What we are finding is that when we take Earthlings on board our ships it is well-nigh impossible to communicate, for they are usually terrified in the totally alien environment and see us in the worst possible light. Approaching them in their dream-state does not work well either, because again they see us as frightening, nightmare figures, or else they have forgotten the meeting by the time they wake up. The second trait you will need to cultivate is a confident and reasonably outgoing personality, which I can tell you now, is not going to be easy after the experience you had in your fleeting contact with Earthlings after your crash. I know that you have a deep-seated aversion to aggressive human behavior, so you will need to work hard on cultivating confidence and calmness in your mind to overcome this obstacle.

  “The third and extremely important personality trait you will need for this mission is groundedness, which is a most necessary commodity for a spiritual teacher. In this field on Earth there is a serious lack of proper grounding, with many who tend towards spiritual development spending their entire lives walking around with their heads in the clouds, caught up in astral plane webs of fancy woven by the Controllers to create delusions of ego and fear. This is also a serious problem which needs to be overcome, as it causes a huge block to their spiritual awakening, and, after all, it is their spiritual awakening that we are concerned with, first and foremost. Are you in agreement with all of this, Alarca?”

  I barely had time to nod before he continued: “Now, as to your impending family, I have given this much thought. I feel a settled, stable environment will be the best, to provide you with the security, support and finely balanced outlook you will need for the difficult task which lies ahead of you. You certainly do not need the psychological problems which can result from a traumatic childhood. I feel you need to be born into an English-speaking culture, because this is a very widely spoken language on Planet Earth, and will enable you to reach more people with your message.”

  He paused a moment in deep thought, then suddenly his huge, black eyes lit up in excitement. “I know what we can do! I’ve just thought of a brilliant way to break down your barriers of communication even more, and also to overcome the myriad difficulties you will face as an interdimensional Guardian trying to adapt to a biological human body. You could be born into a multi-cultural family! That’s it! We need to introduce some exotic bloodlines somehow — maybe some sort of tribal c
ulture. Now just be quiet for a minute and let me think.

  “Ah, I know! How about Native American? They are tribal societies who speak English, and probably Spanish as well when you get down among the tribes of New Mexico, you know, Pueblos and Hopis. There you go Alarca — we could find a nice Hopi family for you to be born into. They also have a very deep respect and understanding of our Star Nations as well, which would be a bonus.”

  “Oh no, please!” I cried, “Anywhere but America!” The very thought of being reborn anywhere near the scene of the crash made me feel awful, and if a “Grey” can possibly turn pale, I did at that moment.

  “Alarca, Alarca, it’s all right. Calm yourself. I was only thinking of how good a fit Native Americans would be, but I can see the area would not suit you. We’ll think of something else. We sat in silence until his mind processes nearly overwhelmed the room.

  “Wait a minute!” he exclaimed excitedly, almost knocking me backwards with the force of his thought waves. “I have it! Why didn’t I think of this before?”

  “What, tell me!”

  “Alarca, listen! Which group of tribal people live in countries all over the world, and are considered extremely mysterious and exotic by most other humans on Planet Earth because they are perceived as being strange and different?”

  I looked at him blankly and shook my head in confusion. “I’m sorry Maris, you’ve lost me completely.”

  “The Romanies, Alarca! The ones that Earth humans call ‘Gypsies!’ That is the answer to our problem. We’ll find an English-speaking Romany family for you. That way those big, black eyes of yours won’t look out of place.”

  I caught Maris’s excitement. Perhaps it wasn’t going to be so bad incarnating as an Earth human after all. From what I could recall of our history, the original Romany people who emerged mysteriously out of Northern India were actually a small group of our own people from a base we’d established in that area many millennia ago. This base had come under a major attack by the Controllers, which had resulted in all of our personnel being permanently trapped in biological Earth human bodies. Ever since that time many of them have remained in a state of almost total amnesia, unable to remember who or what they really are and cruelly cut off from the Guardian Consciousness. Over the millennia we tried to reach them with a number of failed rescue attempts. This was the “lost patrol” that Sothis had spoken of, and I knew very well that part of my work on Earth was going to be connected to this important mission of search and rescue. Yes, a Romany family would be perfect for me. They really would be “family” in the truest sense.


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