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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 11

by Judy Carroll

  “This actually causes some confusion in Earth human minds,” Maris explained, “because these second-level humans such as the Pleiadians do visit Earth sometimes as teachers and healers, and they often get mistaken for angels because of their appearance and the fact that they are further up the ‘Ladder’ than Earth humans. People on Earth tend to feel more comfortable with these beings, because unlike us, they are still mortal, biological humanoids, and therefore closer to Earth folk in their energy frequency. This is why sometimes we call upon them to help us out in our dealings with very fearful Earth folk.

  “Now class, I would like to present a brief overview of our own history for those of you who may not be clear on this endlessly fascinating subject. As many of those on Earth with whom you are working are completely unaware, we also have experienced many lives on the physical planets of the first three galactic levels of the Human Ladder. We too have had lives as Earth humans, Pleiadians, Sirians, etc. Of course we have followed this same path of evolution as do all humanoid species in the universe, before they are able to access Guardian Consciousness.

  “Our Guardian Consciousness has been present in the universe for billions of years. We developed space travel technology millions of years ago, and it is our task, as Workers of the Angels, to oversee the planets and life forms of the physical universe. In fact, by making use of a very ancient technology that enables us to tap into creative life-force energy, or what Earth Humans call ‘God,’ we could be thought of as ‘agents of creation.’

  “Over the span of many millions of years, our expeditionary forces have made periodic visits to the Milky Way galaxy. We were part of a group which was responsible for bringing souls from a number of different planetary cultures to Earth during those times referred to as ‘Lemuria.’ Back then all of these souls were fully awake and aware of their true state of immortality. They were not anchored in physical form and could move easily between the dimensions, coming and going at will. Some Earth humans still carry soul memories of this beautiful time on their planet, when the finer dimensions and the magical creatures which dwell therein interacted easily and fluidly with those in residence on Earth. The barriers between dimensions were not as solid as they are now, which allowed freer movement back and forth. Human, Animal and Devic Kingdoms could communicate with each other easily.

  “But then came a time when some of these interdimensional souls began to crave the pleasures of the physical Earth plane. As a result, their vibrational frequency began to drop down the scale as they indulged themselves more and more in fleshly pursuits. Some of our people too got caught up in this way, and eventually a whole new and different era came about, which Earthling consciousness recalls as ‘Atlantis.’”

  “Maris,” one of the students put up his hand, “why is it that some Earth humans can easily relate to the concepts of ‘Lemuria’ and ‘Atlantis’ whereas others totally reject these legends?”

  “Because some present-day Earth humans were on the planet back in those times and some were not,” he answered. “To put it simply, the ones who came to Earth at the time of Lemuria were all from elsewhere — there were no humans resident on Earth back then who were native to the planet. The Earth-born ones were developed later, so they have no soul memory of those earlier times. Lemuria and even Atlantis have never been part of their reality, so they reject any possibility of such times and places. These are also the ones who find it very hard to accept the possibility of sentient human life on worlds other than Earth.”

  Another student had a question: “So what happened with Atlantis? This really interests me because I’m resident on Earth at the moment, and there have been a few psychic predictions that Atlantis will rise again. For some reason this makes me feel very nervous and uncomfortable.”

  “Ah yes, Atlantis!” Maris replied, “That was not a very good time for us. You say it makes you feel nervous and uncomfortable? May I ask you a question? What do you feel about the power of crystals?”

  “Funny you ask that,” the student replied. “As a matter of fact I don’t feel at all comfortable with them. Yes, I admit they’re lovely to look at just sitting on a table, and as long as that is all they do that’s okay, but someone once tried to do a chakra balancing on my human container using crystals, and I almost passed out, then felt sick and dizzy for several days after. I hate them being used anywhere near my energy field,” he added with a noticeable shudder.

  Maris looked down for a moment, and we could all clearly discern an energy of deep sadness permeating his entire aura. “Yes,” he repeated, “Atlantis! Your difficulties do not surprise me, given the fact that you are here now, as a member of the Guardian Realm. Some of our people have had very nasty experiences with crystal power, going back to Atlantis.

  “Up until the time of Atlantis,” he went on, “we were all members of one big group — not Controllers and Guardians as we are now. We were caretakers of energy and agents of creation, as we still are, who have always been present in the physical universe as overseers of all planets and life-forms therein, and all of us evolved from those various planets and life-forms.

  “At the time of Atlantis certain members of our group, in fact I believe it was the ones who are now referred to on Earth as ‘the fallen angels,’ allowed their position of power in the universe to ‘go to their heads’ as the Earthly saying goes. The Realm had been responsible for the development of all biological life-forms throughout the Cosmos, but because of the responsibility involved with such work, very strict ethical guidelines were in place. Experimentation was allowed of course, as in the early stages of developing a suitable physical container for the humanoid species of Earth, but strict guidelines still applied.

  “However, some younger members of the Realm Consciousness resident on Earth at the time of Atlantis felt that these rules did not apply to them. They decided to do away with these restrictions and work to their own rules because they felt they knew better and that they were superior to the rest of us. They also experimented with crystal power, firstly to enhance their own abilities, which were beginning to dwindle as a result of their out-of-control ego and pride, but later on for more dangerous applications concerning generating power. As some of you probably know already, crystals do not discriminate — they simply magnify. In fact, they amplify whatever energy comes into contact with them and can therefore be used in either a negative or positive way.

  “Crystal power began being used to keep the general populace under control, and it was used against any members of the Realm who attempted to stand up to the break-away group. This was done through secretly developed techniques which had the effect of short-circuiting peoples’ energy systems, thus causing them to lose their natural ability to come and go at will from their physical containers. In this way, those whom the ‘elite’ group considered lower classes or enemies of the state could be kept trapped and under control on Earth, with no way of returning to their original off-planet home worlds, or in our case, back to the Realm Consciousness. As a result of the brainwashing, many of these unfortunate souls had no memory left of their former existences.”

  “And what about the force fields?” I asked. “I thought all planets had these around them to keep younger souls confined to their own frequency band, to stop them from entering higher-frequency areas until their energy has reached the appropriate level of evolution. Why are they such a problem on Earth?”

  “That is a very good question, Alarca!” Maris responded. “On Earth we are up against two problems. Firstly, the Controllers have set up some of their own force fields much closer to the physical plane, which are a real hazard for everybody concerned, as you found out when your disc hit one of them. Secondly, to get past the astral plane force fields after so-called ‘death,’ a soul must raise its frequency to a higher level through reincarnating a number of lives. In this way they begin to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies and eventually reach a point of conscious awareness where they evolve past being affected by the force fields
and are able to move on. This however must be a conscious and free will choice for each individual soul. On Planet Earth, however, this opportunity has been taken away from many people through vital information being withheld and replaced by inaccurate and misleading dogma put out by the Controllers.

  “In addition, they keep human energies vibrating on a low frequency through brainwashing campaigns which affect almost every level of society through advertising, big business and the media. A lot of this brainwashing is centered around tempting humans to indulge in negative and harmful habits such as taking drugs, consuming alcohol and putting unhealthy foods into their bodies. These are all ways of causing peoples’ consciousness to become trapped on the astral plane after the death experience, and then drawn back, time after time, to the physical, with no hope of ever progressing to higher planes of reality.”

  “Maris,” the young worker beside me raised her hand. “Could the custom of mummification in Egypt possibly be a part of this brainwashing agenda? Was it also a way of stopping souls from moving on to higher realms by directing their focus back into the mortal, physical body, which, they believed, had to be carefully preserved for their return to life on Earth and why their Earthly possessions were buried along with them?”

  “Yes,” our teacher replied, “that is absolutely correct. And many of those ancient ‘gods,’ of Egypt, Greece, etc., were simply Controllers pretending to be gods in order to keep the general populace in line. One of their most effective means was the ‘divide and conquer’ technique — sending various human tribes out to war against each other. This was a way of keeping them weak, divided and therefore vulnerable. Over the millennia some of our Guardian people have put in occasional appearances to try to get the humans back on track, but they always ended up being put to death or else given the amnesia treatment.”

  “And what about our people back in Atlantis?” somebody asked. “Did we get trapped too, or did we manage to escape back home to the Realm?”

  “Well,” Maris replied, “the ‘amnesia’ technology was initially developed by just a small group. At first they worked in secret, but as their power grew they became more confident, and others joined them. There were, of course, many of us who did not agree with what was happening. We objected to the way universal free will was being overridden. No one, and I repeat, no one, has the right to alienate any sentient being from their soul heritage. For the conscious soul awareness of an immortal spirit to be removed or inhibited to a point where they believe that they are nothing more than a physical body, is the cruelest and most evil act that can be perpetrated by anyone.

  “Those of us who objected did everything in our power to block the efforts of this rebel group, who we now refer to as the Controllers, but their lust for power continued to expand, and eventually imploded upon itself, totally destroying the whole Atlantean civilization. Luckily we foresaw this happening, and removed ourselves, along with some of our human charges, to a place of safety.

  “Now class,” said our Teacher, taking another sip of yellow liquid from his vial, “if there are no further questions, we shall continue this lecture tomorrow night. Class dismissed.”


  Chapter 13 Revelations on Genesis

  As promised, the following night Maris continued with his fascinating history lesson. It was obvious that every one of us had been giving this subject a great deal of thought, because no prompting at all was needed from our Teacher to elicit questions.

  As soon as we were settled, a student at the back of the hall raised her hand. “Maris, can you please explain a little more about the history of Earth and the Bible story of Genesis. The time frame is very confusing, and there are parts that just don’t make sense. For example, Adam and Eve are described as the first two humans on Earth, but what about other civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis?

  Another hand popped up eagerly. “And why were they punished for committing a sexual act together? Is that really what the so-called Original Sin is all about? And also, if they were the first, and the only two created at that time, then whom did their children marry? And why is it that there are so many different interpretations regarding all these ancient writings on Earth? How can people know what is correct?”

  “Oh, my! It’s good to see you all so excited about tonight’s topic. These are very good points,” our Teacher added. “As for the time frame, yes, it is confusing because in actual fact there were several ‘Genesis’ events, which are acknowledged by a number of indigenous cultures on Earth who speak of the first, second, third and fourth worlds, and the fifth world that Planet Earth is in the process of entering now. There is no mention of any of this in the Bible, which deals with Genesis as one single event. In reality, there were vast expanses of time involved.

  “What also must be taken into consideration,” he went on, “is that all of these ancient scriptures and texts are composed of three levels of understanding, and this is why such writings can cause so much argument and confusion. For example, there is an outer level, or parable, which could be likened to a bedtime story suitable to be read to a young child by their parents. This outer level certainly contains valuable lessons and principles to live by, but these are greatly simplified, and set in a way that younger souls can comprehend.

  “Then there is a second level, hidden a little deeper beneath the surface, which can only be understood by studying the text with a more educated mind. However, to get the most out of such study, the mind must be open and clear of preconceived ideas and prejudices, which tend to cloud one’s true comprehension of what the original author was trying to express. Unfortunately, some translators have fallen into the trap of introducing some of their own mind-set into their interpretation, thus obscuring the original meaning. The story of Adam and Eve is an example of this.

  “The third and deepest level of scripture comes only through prolonged contemplation and meditation. Symbolic language has been used in all these texts, the inner meaning of which can only be revealed through many hours of study and meditation involving an esoteric understanding of what we know as Source, or what humans of Earth call ‘God.’ This Source is expressed throughout the universe as life-force energy, and it is this energy that permeates every part of creation from the largest galaxy to the smallest atom.

  “Now class, on the outer scriptural level, the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man is a vastly condensed story of the development of the human species on Planet Earth over the span of many millennia, and their subsequent misuse of free will.

  “The second level of the story reveals the fact that beings from higher realms came to Earth to carry out this work. At this deeper level, Adam being ‘created by God out of clay’ represents these finer energy beings from higher-dimensional frequencies taking on gross physical form in order to manifest on a physical planet.

  “This work involved the development of a race of physical human-type beings on Earth, so those carrying it out needed to take on biological form themselves, just as many of you are doing now. In this sense, Adam represents the off-world visitors that came to Earth to carry out this work, and Eve being taken from Adam’s rib is symbolic of this new race being created out of their genetic material.

  “There are versions of this story in many cultures on Earth. For example, ancient Babylonian texts tell of an extraterrestrial group coming to Earth to ‘mine for gold.’ On a deeper level this actually refers to the transmutation of soul energy from the ‘base metal’ of lower animal/human emotions to the ‘pure gold’ of the higher self — exactly the same work as we are doing now!”

  Our Teacher paused a moment to lean back against the desk, regarding us all through his large black eyes and sensing into our energy fields to make sure we all understood what he’d told us so far. This is the thing with gray Guardian teachers — you can’t get away with simply pretending to understand the lesson. With their highly developed telepathic skills any slightest pretense is detected immediately. Unlike humans of Earth, Guardian co
nsciousness is like an ocean of crystal clear water, with no hidden, murky depths of deceit or dishonesty.

  “All right then, everybody,” he continued, satisfied that we’d understood the lesson up to this point. “At the third and deepest level of the Genesis story, Adam and Eve are symbolic of positive and negative polarity. These opposite polarities are expressed through all aspects of nature, and the genders of male and female are one such expression. A state of complete non-polarity exists only at the Source, and this is why we refer to Source, or God, as Oneness. Source Energy resonates in perfect balance, but once it begins to move outwards and away from center it becomes more and more polarized into the duality of negative and positive.

  “This is why, on planets like Earth, which are on the lowest rung of the Human Ladder, so much duality exists as opposed to oneness and the polarities of negative and positive are so widely separated. This polarization within nature, known in one Earth culture as yin and yang, is symbolized in the story by Adam being divided into two — Adam and Eve — yang and yin — positive and negative polarity. As those of you who are living on Earth in human form are no doubt aware, these two genders are so different they sometimes seem almost like two species.

  “Unfortunately too,” he went on, “negative on Earth is often equated with ‘bad’ and positive with ‘good,’ and so poor old Eve has suffered much at the hands of ill-informed and misguided Earthlings. To think in this way is as silly as believing that the negative pole of a battery or magnet is ‘bad’ and the positive pole ‘good.’ Certainly good and bad may be one example of opposite polarity, but there are many, many examples throughout nature — hot and cold, day and night, aggression and submission, white and black, sun and moon, outer and inner — to name only a few. Now is that clear? Do you all understand?”

  “So,” one of the students spoke up, “what you are saying is that on the deepest level of the Genesis story, Adam and Eve are symbolic of the state of duality and extreme polarization of energy that exists in the frequencies of a level-one planet such as Earth?”


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