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Human By Day, Zeta By Night

Page 14

by Judy Carroll

  “One of the cleverest tricks used by the Controllers is to block humans from an understanding and acceptance of reincarnation. To acknowledge the birth and subsequent re-birth of the soul over many lives also entails an acknowledgement of the eternal continuation of sentient consciousness after so-called death. When a person can consciously recall past lives, they are able to access the accumulated knowledge, wisdom and experience that they have acquired over those past lives, and they also gain an intrinsic understanding of the oneness of all life through the memories of having lived in many different forms in various times and places. With access to this deeper knowledge, a soul can eventually break free of the Wheel of Karma, but without access, they become eternally trapped in a role of disempowered robotic obedience.

  “It is only when humans become consciously aware of the process of reincarnation, and are able to accept it fully, that they can move past the endless cycle of birth and rebirth. The key to release from the Wheel of Karma is conscious awareness. Without this awareness, a soul remains trapped, and unable to move beyond the illusions and amnesia of the astral plane.

  “The spiritual knowledge that our people brought to Earth is the basis of the Vedic teachings of India, which is why the doctrine of reincarnation is followed in that country, and has now been carried through into the more modern system known as Buddhism. The plan was working well as the knowledge was passed on to other indigenous Earth peoples as well over the millennia, including the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines, who honor and deeply respect the teachings brought to Earth by the Star Nations.

  “With the system and its teachings beginning to spread from India to the west via the Middle East through other teachers, we could see Earth humans getting their power back, but then the Controllers stepped in, labeling it as ‘an evil heathen belief,’ effectively removing it once again from human consciousness by accusing its adherents of ‘heresy’ and putting them to death. Exactly the same thing has happened in the other indigenous cultures, where ancient lore passed down from the Star Nations has been labeled as ‘heathen superstition’ and replaced by Controller beliefs.”

  “Maris,” a student asked, “Why are Earth humans still under the influence of these Controllers if we defeated them all those millennia ago?”

  “What you need to understand,” our Teacher answered, “is that even though we defeated the Controllers, their influence is still strong on Earth and will remain so while human free will allows it free rein. This we cannot stop. We may be able to destroy their bases and drive them away awhile, but if people on the planet do not exercise their God-given rights to soul knowledge and deeper understanding, then they will always return, as they have, and there is nothing we can do to stop them. That is the bottom line! It all hinges on human free will.”

  “So what do humans need to do to achieve their freedom?” someone asked.

  “Souls can potentially escape from the clutches of the Controllers because their influence only reaches as far as the astral plane,” Maris explained. “The Controllers cannot impinge on higher dimensions because of their lower-energy frequency. More highly evolved souls can descend to lower frequencies, but lower-evolved entities cannot rise above their own frequency bands, so the key to breaking free of the Controllers’ power play is for humans to raise their own energy frequencies to as high a level as they possibly can. This can be achieved, as the Buddha once taught, through following the eight-fold path of right living, right mindfulness, right views, right speech, right action, right endeavor, right thinking and right meditation or spiritual practice, which must include an understanding of reincarnation. Right views, by the way, simply means learning to look at life through the perspective of oneness and love rather than through the duality of separateness and fear.

  “If at the point of death humans are caught up in the illusion that they are nothing more than a physical body, with no soul or spiritual aspect, then their minds will be wiped completely clean. If they have any awareness at all it will be of black nothingness, before they are returned with no soul memory whatsoever to yet another life of mortal toil upon the physical plane.

  “If, on the other hand, they believe that at the end of one single existence on Earth they will either be rewarded for eternity in ‘heaven’ or else be punished for eternity in ‘hell,’ then that is the screen image that will be placed in their mind by the Controllers. This false image is taken directly from their own personal beliefs of how they expect ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ to be. After this image has been imposed upon them, their minds will then gradually fade away into oblivion, and they will be returned, just like the non-believers, to another life in mortal form.

  “A major problem on Earth is that too many people insist on giving their power away. They either cannot or do not want to understand that God is within, and that everything they need in the way of power and knowledge is inside self. Instead, they continue to look outside of themselves for answers. In the old days they looked to the church or government to ‘save them,’ and now ETs and ‘Space Brothers’ have been added to the list. We are not here as gods, saviors or demons. We cannot ‘save’ humanity, neither can we provide all the answers. All we can do is to help humans move beyond the manipulation being imposed on their minds by awakening them to a deeper understanding of their own empowerment, but we cannot run people’s lives or intervene in all the problems that arise on Earth.

  “Because Earth Humans give their power away, they don’t take responsibility for their own soul journey! And of course the Controllers have cashed in on this over many millennia, brainwashing them into this state of total disempowerment and dependency. But now the time has come for Earth humans to wake up — and we are here to help the process — to push them past the fear and back into a state of love and self-empowerment. Quite often, just by seeing us, they awaken.

  “No wonder the negative forces do everything in their power to convince them that we are ‘evil gray aliens’ come to abduct them and ‘take over the planet.’ The very last thing the Controllers want is for humans to be free of their influence and mind control, so their tactic is to turn the whole thing around to make us the demons.”

  “Is that why they have a snake as their emblem?” I asked. “Is that also to deflect blame away from themselves and onto the Reptoid people?”

  “Yes,” Maris replied, “that is exactly what their aim is, and it has worked well for them since the time of ancient Egypt and before. It was the Controllers themselves who were responsible for setting up many of the secret societies, brotherhoods and ‘mystery schools.’ They pretended that they were the keepers of some sort of amazing secret knowledge that would provide eternal salvation to the elite few who were members of these societies. There was a group of Controllers known as the Priesthood or Brotherhood of the Serpent, and the snake has been their symbol for as long as I can recall, so it goes back a very long way.

  “The truth of the matter is, however, that the Controllers are totally human in appearance. They are neither ‘Greys’ nor Reptilians. They usually appear as very good-looking humans, because they know how caught up Earth humans are in physical appearance, so that is how they generally show themselves, sometimes even turning up in meditation groups as ‘highly evolved spiritual masters.’ Although sometimes when they’re getting up to mischief they’ll try to pass themselves off as one of our people, but they can never get the eye shape quite right, and their energy feels awful. Really and truly, their cunning knows no bounds!

  “And so,” Maris concluded, “with strong Controller influences still present in the astral plane, our communication at that level is very often interfered with, distorted and unreliable. Earth humans generally cannot access the higher frequencies in which we can communicate more clearly, so what to do?

  “Time is running out as 2012 fast approaches on Planet Earth, and those who are not willing to open up their consciousness to higher realities will be trapped in yet another cycle of divisiveness and separation and rebor
n into another era of war and conflict, for that is their mindset and the only reality they know and accept and therefore create for themselves. As all of you know, we create our own reality according to the way we think. If Earth humans truly wish to progress to the next level of the Human Ladder, they must change their way of thinking, but they cannot do this without access to deeper understanding and knowledge. It is up to ones such as yourselves, who have bravely volunteered to be born into Earth-plane lives as native inhabitants of the planet, to assist in the spreading of this knowledge and deeper understanding. From experience, we have found that the safest and easiest way to reach those trapped on that planet is through our own people working and teaching down there in physical forms that humans can easily see, hear and relate to on their own terms.

  “As many of you now realize, by familiarizing humans with your energy signature in this way, when you do contact them at night in your gray, Zeta form, they still recognize you on an energy level and so experience a little less fear. Your attendance at these classes here on the disc will enable you to access the Guardian Group Consciousness more fully, so you in turn can carry out the work of passing on the necessary information to your human contacts. As Guardians, this is our task. Now, speaking of work, I am aware that a number of you have tasks to complete before morning, so class dismissed.”


  Chapter 17 Dual Lives

  After finishing high school, Paco stuck to his resolve of wanting to study for the Priesthood, which meant I would have to perform on my own, and this worried me. I enjoyed dancing, but I found the idea of being in the public eye very daunting, especially if I had to do it alone, with no dance partner. For some time now, Maris had been advising me to take up meditation on a more regular basis, but this wasn’t so easy for a professional dancer. He then came up with the idea of Tai Chi, which is known as “moving meditation,” as a useful bridge between the two.

  The Guardians look upon dance as an outer expression of inner balance and harmony, and Tai Chi is the ultimate form, being a meditation technique as well. If Paco and I could no longer perform together, then I would dedicate myself to learning this discipline to the best of my ability, with a view to one day teaching it to others as part of my Guardian work on Planet Earth. After all, a major part of this work is assisting humans to balance and harmonize their chi — their life-force energy, to enable them to evolve to the next level of the Human Ladder.

  Early in the new year Paco left for the seminary, and we all missed him terribly, especially Mara. I felt a gaping void in my life without my spiritual brother to talk to, dance with, and generally keep me well-grounded in human life, but I had no choice but to get on with life.

  It was almost 12 months before he returned home for the following Christmas holidays. Not having seen him face to face for so long, I worried that he’d be different somehow, perhaps more reserved or overly pious, but he was nothing of the sort. Thank goodness he was still the same old Paco, ready and willing as usual to tease me mercilessly at every opportunity.

  In fact, when I told him of my fears, he burst out laughing. “Me? Pious and reserved? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding! Wait till you hear what we get up to at the seminary! Anyway Ali Cat, you’re the one who’s changed. You’re not the scrawny, scruffy little thing you used to be. I think Tai Chi must be doing you good. Come on, show me what you’ve learned, then we’ll see if we can still remember how to dance flamenco. But hang on a minute,” he said, leaning forward and peering at me closely, “What’s that?”

  “What’s what?” I squeaked in alarm.

  “Oh my God!” he breathed, leaning even closer for a better look, mouth agape and eyes wide with shock.

  “Paco, what is it? What’s the matter?”

  “Oh, it’s okay,” he grinned, taking a step back. “It’s just your face. I didn’t recognize it without dirt on it!”

  Meanwhile for me, it was work as usual each night on the disc. As my human body and mind matured, so my “upstairs” life changed as well. It was as though one was a reflection, or perhaps a parallel, of the other. The classes continued, so that along with the understanding I was acquiring from the human perspective through my intensive studies in Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Eastern medical philosophy, as a Guardian I was also opening up to a much deeper understanding of life-force energy and learning how to work with it on multidimensional layers related to healing and transmutation.

  As caretakers of this energy within a number of galactic levels, virtually everything we do as Guardians is centered around energy work of some sort, and Planet Earth is the main concern for us at this time, with a huge amount of rebalancing and healing needed over the next few years. The work load is enormous, despite the fact that we’re getting invaluable help from several other ET races as well, so it’s “all hands on deck” at the moment.

  “I really don’t know who organizes all this,” I grumbled to my good friend, Ashka, when we happened to run into each other in one of the endless corridors of the disc at the start of our nightly shift. I’d spent the past five minutes checking through my task list, and it did not make sense at all.

  “Will you look at this? How the heck am I supposed to cover all of this in one night? It’s just ridiculous!”

  “Well,” Ashka shrugged, “you can’t really blame anybody. It’s the computer that makes up the work schedules.”

  An uncharacteristically emotional response flashed onto the small monitor I was holding in the palm of my hand: “Now, now, don’t go blaming me! I only process the data that’s been given me!”

  “But it’s your job to collate and sort it appropriately into a workable timetable!” I telepathed back at the now rapidly fading screen.

  Its rejoinder was a loud and rudely eloquent beep.

  A rippling wave of intense amusement washed over me from Ashka. “You don’t have much luck with computers, do you, Alarca? It’s got you bouncing back and forth from one hemisphere of the planet to the other like a tennis ball.”

  “Hey look,” I interrupted her, touching my finger to the screen to bring the schedule up again, then — “ouch!” as I received a mild electric shock in answer to my earlier remark about the computer’s questionable efficiency level. “These first two calls are to psychic-development groups. At least that should make things easier, because humans in such groups are usually open to visits from other dimensions. I’ll probably need to use a bit of a disguise, because even psychics sometimes freak out if we appear in our gray containers. One day they’ll realize that positive messages and teachings can also come from funny-looking little ETs with big eyes. Oh well, at least they are open to other dimensions and realities.”

  “Let’s have a look,” said Ashka, leaning over my shoulder. “Oh, dear! Sorry, Alarca, but no. You’ve got a problem here, my friend. These two groups were on my schedule last week, and the first one is fine. The woman who runs it is a good soul who is genuinely psychic and is carrying out her work in order to assist others to learn to tap into their own latent abilities. In that group you won’t even need to disguise yourself, because she is sensitive to energy and will know that you come in the name of Oneness. In fact the energy generated by that group is so warm and loving I didn’t want to leave, but the other group — aagh! They are a different matter altogether.”

  “Why?” I asked in alarm.

  “Well,” Ashka replied, “the one who runs it has a … er, how shall I put it, a teensy bit of an over-inflated ego problem, so if you don’t get there early enough, the lower astral entities will beat you to it every time. Once they invade the group, the energies become so heavy and black that you’ll have a hard time even getting into the room, let alone into the circle to deliver any constructive messages or teaching.”

  “Yes, well, Ashka,” I answered, “I guess these are the types that think they can recite a nice little prayer of protection before they start, and call down the ‘white light’ or whatever, then they will be automatically protected from negative astr
al plane entities — but the bottom line is intention. It is not who or what they call in with their mouths, but rather who or what they call in with their hearts that counts. If they are caught up with an over-inflated ego, or greed, or a need to control and manipulate others, then you can guarantee there’ll be problems ahead, no matter what sort of ‘protection’ they call upon.”

  “You’re telling me,” Ashka replied with a shudder. “Last time I went to that particular group to give out some teachings and messages, one of the Controllers had beaten me to it. When I arrived on the scene he was standing directly behind the one in charge of the group, very cleverly disguised as a Great Spiritual Master, shining white robes and all, giving out a rambling channeled message through the medium, who in all sincerity believed she really was channeling a Master.

  “As is usual in such cases, some of the things he was saying were quite correct, and it was all very nice and flowery, but there was also a good amount of unprovable garbage as well, all spoken in a very formal and archaic voice using lots of big words, so it sounded good and impressed his audience. Of course, I could not intervene or do anything about it, because the energy of the group had called him in, and I couldn’t override free will. Believing him to really be a Great Master, they wanted him there — in fact, they were absolutely thrilled to bits to have him present. Let me tell you, Alarca, it was most frustrating.”

  “But what I still can’t understand,” I went on, “is if they are as psychic and clairvoyant as they think they are — and some are — why can’t they see past the outer shell that these negative entities hide behind? I mean, for heaven’s sake, even if they are disguising themselves as an Angel, or a ‘great Spiritual Master,’ or a ‘Space Brother,’ all dressed up in shining white robes, why the heck don’t people try to sense behind all the outer dressing to feel the underlying energy? That, after all, is the only true way to tell if an entity is good, bad or indifferent.”


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