Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 20

by Judy Carroll

  “Well,” I countered, taking a deep breath, “if you really want to know, some of the fear element involved in contact between humans and so-called ‘aliens’ comes about through a lack of understanding on both sides.

  “Yes,” I went on, as his face registered genuine surprise, “I freely admit we are equally to blame, because some of our people, particularly the younger workers, sometimes forget what it is to be human, and they can be a bit rough at times. The Elders are forever reminding them to be more careful, but with some of them it goes in one ear and out the other. The main problem we face is work-load — some nights we’re flat out covering the territory we’re supposed to. All we need is for one procedure to go wrong and it throws our whole schedule out. Then on top of that there’s the communication problem. When humans determinedly wrap themselves up in impenetrable cocoons of fear, or ego for that matter, which is a by-product of fear, no one, not even the most experienced Elder, can get through to them. This is really frustrating!”

  “But Ali,” Paco objected, “I read recently of a case where one of your lot suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night in some poor girl’s bedroom and went straight for her throat with four long, thin, gray fingers. I mean to say, the girl just freaked out! What the hell do you expect?”

  “As a matter of fact, the worker got into trouble over it,” I replied, recalling one of the others discussing the incident. “He was supposed to be giving her healing on the throat area, because this is the one place on the body where all the upper-body energy meridians come together, so we often give healing on the throat, and on the ankles for the lower body meridians. But yes, I admit that was our fault entirely and the worker should have known better.”

  “Mmm, maybe so,” Paco said, not looking very convinced, “but it still seems to me that some of you are a bit questionable in your methods. Tell me, are all Guardians highly evolved, or are there some less evolved ones among you?”

  “To answer your question,” I countered, “let me ask you one: ‘Are all humans highly evolved, or are some less evolved?’”

  Paco grinned in acknowledgement. “Yes, well, Ali Cat, I asked for that, didn’t I! It’s just that I thought, maybe because your people are further up the Human Ladder than we are, you’d have overcome such things.”

  “No, not necessarily. Our people are also at different levels, and are still learning and evolving too. Evolution and spiritual growth occurs on all rungs of the Human Ladder, and a certain degree of negativity has to exist at every level outside of Oneness. Just think about it for a moment — you cannot have positive without negative, just as you cannot have up without down, or day without night. It’s all relative. Opposites must exist for energy to be present, but negativity always has a positive aspect to it.”

  “Huh? How do you mean?”

  “Well,” I replied, “take, for example, the seemingly negative side of the so-called ‘alien abduction experience,’ in which humans are exposed to really bizarre and sometimes potentially frightening imagery. This is done to help break down the barriers that humans place on what they perceive as ‘reality’ and ‘truth.’ We are simply trying to open human minds to the possibility of other realities.

  “Much of the fear aspect of these experiences actually comes from within the human psyche itself, and one only has to look at the number and severity of wars that occur on Earth to realize that the Earth human is a very fearful being, because war is all about fear — fear of lack, wanting what the other person has and fearing they will take what you have.

  “On top of this, humans receive their information and experiences filtered through the curtain of their own personal perceptions, which in turn are colored by their mind set as well as by their personal belief system, again often based on fear. This then tends to place limitations and a ceiling upon what they are able to perceive and accept as ‘truth’ and ‘reality.’ Breaking through and moving past these barriers is a most important facet of all genuine contact experiences, which are all to do with the transmutation and transformation of energy to higher frequencies.

  “In fact, Paco, this is where I told you that we are ‘tryers,’ or ‘testers’ of souls, in that our job is to try, test and push humans to their limits so they can break through the fear, on the other side of which is the limitless freedom of pure, unconditional love. In other words, we force humans to come face to face with the Satan within — the vibrational frequency of fear. Once a human breaks through this barrier and reaches a state of pure love and total trust, fear then has no power over them whatsoever. When all of humanity comes to this point in their evolutionary process, there will be no more war on Planet Earth, just as it doesn’t exist in our culture.”

  “Ali, what do you mean by the Satan within being the vibrational frequency of fear? Wasn’t it Satan who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?”

  “No, Paco, this was just a member of another group on Earth at that time, the ones we call the ‘Controllers,’ who were trying to interfere with the work we were carrying out. No, Satan is not a person as such, but rather the energy, or vibrational frequency of fear, as opposed to the Christ, or divine energy of love. Christ too is not a person but rather a vibrational frequency, and so ‘Christ Consciousness’ is actually a state of being which can potentially be achieved by anyone.

  “In the Christian tradition, Jesus is the person, and Christ is his energy frequency. In the Buddhist tradition the term Buddha is the equivalent of Christ, and so Buddha Consciousness is the state of being which Buddhists strive to achieve.

  “Everyone has the potential to attain this elevated state of divine consciousness by cultivating unconditional love within their being, but to reach this state takes a number of lives, for one must first overcome the Satan consciousness of fear, which is directly opposite to love. As caretakers of energy within this universe, this is where we assist.”

  “But Ali, surely hate is the opposite of love!”

  “No, it’s not,” I corrected him. The opposite of love is fear, for it is fear that is the root cause of hatred, and also of other vices such as greed, envy, anger, lust, intolerance and bigotry.

  “Fear being ‘Satan,’ our aim is to give humans the opportunity to face that fear — the Satan within, and in so doing, to overcome it. This is the ultimate lesson that must be mastered if one is to aspire to divine consciousness, and it is the meaning behind the Bible story of Jesus being confronted by the ‘devil’ when he’d been fasting in the desert for 40 days.”

  “That’s interesting what you’re saying Ali, because even though the Bible and the teachings of Jesus are taken as a guide for those following the Christian faith, really, they are relevant to everybody, whether Christian or not”

  “Indeed, as are the teachings of all those great Avatars, and what’s important for people to understand is that the story of Jesus’s life as portrayed in the Gospels, is symbolic of the story of every human being. All the major events in his life — his birth, his 40 days in the desert, his temptation by the ‘devil,’ his suffering, death and subsequent resurrection, are all symbolic of certain ‘rites of passage’ through which all human souls must pass.”

  “Well now, that’s another very relevant point you’re bringing up. I’ve meditated a lot on the deeper meanings behind the Gospels over the years, and I have reached exactly the same conclusion — that the life of Jesus itself is one big parable that applies to everybody, without exception. And taking what you’re saying about Satan being our own inner fear that needs to be conquered, what the story of Jesus’ temptation is really saying is that even the most highly evolved soul is still potentially vulnerable to temptation by their ‘inner demons’ during moments of weakness.”

  “Hey Paco — you’re pretty smart for a human brother! But yes, we all need to be on guard against this, because just when a person feels they’ve done really well in overcoming fear in their life, up it comes again in the guise of over-inflated ego, which, in reality, is nothing mor
e than another form of fear.”

  “Boy, it sure isn’t easy, is it? No wonder they talk about the spiritual path being like a razor’s edge! But anyway, getting back to your lot, what about the really awful things we come across in connection with alien abductions? For example, I’ve read about women who have recalled being raped by ETs on board the discs during abduction experiences. What do you have to say about that?”

  “Look, Paco,” I replied with a sigh, “remember a moment or so ago I specified ‘genuine’ ET contact. All I can say is, there is a whole lot more going on and around Planet Earth than the majority of ordinary people know about in the way of advanced technology, mind-control techniques and covert cooperation between certain Earth human agents and the renegade Controller group with whom they are aligned. Unfortunately, all ET groups who happen to look a little different, are being made the ‘scapegoats’ by this renegade group who are deliberately trying to make our people, as well as the Reptoid folk, look bad in the eyes of humans.

  “The truth of the matter is, the Controllers are entirely Earth human in appearance, and in fact often portray themselves as ‘highly evolved, perfected humans’ in the Aryan Ideal sense put forward by the Nazi regime during the last major world war.

  “Many of the more negative ‘abduction’ experiences by ‘evil Greys’ are actually carried out through the very advanced mind-control techniques that this group has at its disposal. They also spread a huge amount of negative propaganda about us via books, magazine articles, the internet, and through certain ones ‘planted’ in ET research and investigation groups throughout the world, whose specific role is to spread frightening stories about us.

  “Just as has happened before, this group of rebels is again tempting Earth humans with knowledge, technology, and in some cases psychic abilities that they are not mature enough on the soul level to handle wisely, thus causing the human race to be drawn down paths that can only lead to ultimate destruction. The sadness and frustration we feel to see history repeating itself in this way is beyond words! And,” I added, “Would you believe they are even using this newly acquired technology to shoot down our discs!”

  “Ali,” Paco reached out a tentative hand and placed it on my shoulder, “are you okay? I didn’t think you lot were supposed to feel emotion,” he said, putting his arm around me and peering closely into my eyes, which were moist with tears.

  “Believe me Paco,” I answered, brushing one from my cheek with the back of my hand, “there’s a whole lot that humans don’t know about us. Just because we have less muscular structure in our faces, and that we have gotten to a more balanced place with our emotions, doesn’t mean we don’t still feel. We are living, sentient beings, not robots!”


  Chapter 23 Purpose

  “Paco!” I called in telepathic greeting, “Welcome aboard! Nice to see you!”

  “Well, as a matter of fact, Ali, I’m lucky to be here,” he replied, making himself comfortable on one of our seats. “I was called out tonight to help one of our hospitalized parishioners, but I managed to escape just before midnight and got to sleep, so here I am.

  “Wow! These seats are just incredible!” he exclaimed in delight, wriggling himself around into various positions to see how quickly the chair would accommodate him. Even though he’d been on the ship many times, our furniture technology still fascinated him, the way these seemingly quite ordinary plastic chairs automatically molded themselves to the shape and size of the body seated on them. With so many different body shapes using them, from small workers to very tall Elders, as well as various other ET types, this was most necessary, especially for those stationed full-time on the ships, needing a few home comforts.

  “So what do you want to talk about tonight, Ali Cat? Have you got an interesting lesson lined up for me?”

  “Well, as a matter of fact I have, and it’s really important. Tell me, Paco, did you watch the TV news last night?”

  “Yes, of course; we always watch that if we’re in.”

  “Okay. Did you hear the report on the world-famous celebrity whose highly complex and convoluted love life ended in a tragic death?”

  “Oh, God, yes!” he answered, lifting his eyes to heaven, “over and over again, all evening. They kept interrupting the normal programming to go on and on about it.”

  “Tell me how you felt, listening to it.”

  “Well, at first of course I was shocked and saddened. I mean you don’t expect a thing like that to happen to anyone in such a position, but then it just went on and on, with all the usual lengthy, in-depth interviews, and nosey reporters asking all sorts of silly, tasteless questions and obviously trying to wring every last drop of emotion out of the whole affair. They even tried to interview close family and friends, people who were terribly affected and upset, almost as if the whole aim was to parade their personal tragedy, and all the emotions that went with it, in front of as many people as possible. In the end it was making me feel quite ill, and I was so relieved when the phone rang, calling me out to the hospital. It gave me an excuse to leave the house and get away from it. I would’ve turned the TV off, but the others, Father Keating and our housekeeper, Mary, wanted to hear all the details. Why are you asking me about it? Surely your people aren’t interested in such sordid little human affairs.”

  “No, we’re not, but what does concern us is the way the media on Earth is being used in this way as a channel for the dark forces. This negative force gains tremendous energy and strength by feeding upon the lower emotions of humans, and it’s so beneficial to their interests to stir up these emotions as often and as continually as it can, to keep the fire burning as it were, in order to generate maximum energy to feed off.”

  “Ali, you speak of this negative force as if it’s a living being, with a mind and intelligence of its own.”

  “It is, or at least it expresses itself through the mind and intelligence of living beings. The Christian Church personifies it as Satan, and in fact all religious traditions have personified it in some way, but it’s simply a very low-frequency energy of fear that any of us can potentially tap into if we allow ourselves to. The danger is, it can be extremely subtle and cunning, and can easily sneak up on you, and before you know it, you’re caught up in it.”

  “Well,” said Paco, “it seems to me that it’s fairly open and obvious on Earth at the moment, what with all the wars, greed, selfishness, racism and religious intolerance going on. I wouldn’t exactly call that subtle.”

  “Oh, yes!” I agreed. “You’re right enough there, but it’s also expressing itself in other more subtle ways as well, for example through music that disharmonizes rather than harmonizes the vibrational frequency of those who listen to it. It’s also being expressed through all the violent movies, negative internet sites and electronic games that distort and unbalance the energy frequency of those who regularly watch or link into them. It’s present in any form of so-called ‘entertainment’ that incites feelings of anger, hatred, lust and other negative emotions in those who come into contact with it.

  “The problem is,” I went on, “negative emotion and drama are highly addictive to the human psyche. There are many who get a real ‘high’ by allowing their emotions free rein. These uncontrolled emotions tend to blind one to the true picture, and are the cause of many problems faced by Earth humans. They are the greatest block to soul evolvement and must be overcome if one wishes to be a clear and true channel for Divine Consciousness.

  “Honestly Paco, we too have walked this path. We have all manifested human lives in various planetary cultures on the physical plane, and so we know and understand the difficulties and pitfalls that you face in living out your lives on Planet Earth. All beings fall at times — even those who dwell in the angelic realms have all ‘been there, done that’ during the course of their evolution. It is the falling and getting up again, many times over, that enables a soul to grow in spirit, and to gain understanding and compassion for others.

��What Earth humans need to learn most of all is non-attachment, to learn to turn the other cheek rather than grimly holding on to past grievances and hurts. For heaven’s sake, some people hold onto such negative ‘baggage’ over generations! By determinedly ‘maintaining the rage,’ your judgment becomes clouded by negative emotion, which is always divisive and destructive. It is only through non-attachment, release and forgiveness that one can practice unconditional love, thereby allowing Oneness to manifest on Earth. This pure love carries you far beyond the blinding and binding limitations of physical, Earthly emotion and into the all-embracing realms of the Great Oneness, which is your ultimate destiny.”

  “But how do you know all this?” Paco queried. “Honestly, Ali, I know that as a priest I shouldn’t think this way, but really and truly, how can we be sure? Sometimes I have to wonder if it isn’t all just one big lie — a huge and cruel practical joke that’s being played upon all of us, and that the truth of the matter is that we get born, we live out our puny little lives, then we are snuffed out like a candle, and that is all there is to it.”

  “Oh, Paco, I’m surprised a priest could have such doubts! Not you of all people. Look, I realize how hard it is for Earth humans who don’t have the ability to see from our perspective, to recall past lives and the time spent in between, as well as lessons learned during those lives. If only you could, then you would know — it wouldn’t have to be a matter of faith and trust. One of your greatest lessons is trust, for until you learn to trust, fear will dominate your life. This is one of the hardest tests that humanity faces, for to learn to trust is to overcome fear and doubt in your life, and it is fear and doubt that feeds the negative force, in other words, the ‘Satan’ within.

  “Please Paco, believe me, there truly is a purpose behind it all — a goal to be reached and a destiny to be fulfilled, for all of us! And what I’ve been talking to you about regarding the mastering of the emotions is an extremely important step towards attaining that goal and living out your destiny.


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