Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 21

by Judy Carroll

  “It’s just that we’re a much older culture than Earth humans, so we’re further along the path, which enables us to see where we have been, and where we are headed. Like it or not, together we are all evolving through the various levels of the Human Ladder. It is only the fact that some of us too have fallen, and made mistakes, that gives us the right, the knowing, and the compassion to reach out and try to help our human children avoid those same mistakes that we have made along the way. We know where the pit-falls are, and the steep and treacherous edges where a foot can easily slip, plunging one right back down into the abyss, because we have walked the same path.”

  “Oh, shit! What was that?” came a most unpriestly oath as the disc, seemingly right on cue, suddenly dropped like a rapidly descending lift, leaving our stomachs up above our heads somewhere.

  “My goodness!” I replied shakily. “Talk about plunging into an abyss! That must have been an enormous atmospheric disturbance to affect a Disc this size to such an extent. Normally you hardly feel them on these really big ones. I hope everyone’s all right.”

  It was then that Paco’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh, my God, it’s got me! I’m trapped! Help! The chair is going to swallow me alive!”

  It took a second or two to register what he was going on about, then I burst out laughing, or at least expressed profound amusement as far as my gray container would allow. “Oh, Paco, for heaven’s sake, it’s okay. That’s just a safety measure! Haven’t you ever been on a plane and seen the ‘Please Fasten Safety Belts’ sign come on during a patch of turbulence? Ours are automatic! In the same way that the seats mold themselves to accommodate whichever body sits in them, they also immediately close those arm things around us at the first indication of turbulence. The sudden drop activated it. Hang on, it’ll release you in a moment. Just talk to it with your mind — assure it that you’re okay and that the danger is past. They usually sense into these things themselves, but you got such a fright, the chair is probably still picking up on your nervousness and holding on. Take a deep breath and relax, and it will too.”

  The look of relief on poor Paco’s face was so comical as the arms finally folded themselves neatly back with a click.

  “You and your damned alien devices! For a second there I thought the rotten thing was attacking me.”

  “Now Paco, don’t get annoyed with it. It only has your safety and welfare in mind, and you have to admit, it did its little job really well, didn’t it? So thank it nicely.”

  “Huh? Thank it? But it’s only a chair, for goodness sake. Why should I thank a darned chair?”

  “Paco, just do it! It’s not just a chair. It’s part of the Mothership, and therefore linked into the disc’s consciousness. If you don’t treat it with respect it might just decide to hold on and not let go — and don’t tell me I haven’t warned you!” I added for good measure.

  “Oh, great! That would be just my luck — trapped for eternity by a temperamental ET seat belt, doomed to orbit Earth for the next two million years!”

  “Don’t worry, brother dear,” I assured him. “I would keep you alive and well by feeding you yummy blue and pink paste out of tubes, washed down by a choice of blue or yellow liquid, and you’d never need to go to the toilet ever again.”

  “Oh, goody,” came the most unenthusiastic reply.

  “Now where were we?” I frowned, trying to remember what I’d been telling him prior to the disturbance. “Ah yes, I know — we were all falling into holes, weren’t we? As I said before, our people too have had their share of ups and downs through countless physical-plane lives in mortal form, with plenty of tests and learning experiences along the way, so we know very well where all the difficulties lie.”

  “This is something I’ve been meaning to ask you, Ali. What planet do the Guardians come from? Are you from the Zeta Reticuli star system as some Earth researchers claim?”

  “We’ve had lives there, but now we don’t actually come from any physical planet as such, having evolved past the need for mortal form, except of course to carry out our work with physical-plane humans. We do have a home base however, which has an energy signature that translates roughly as birthplace, home or realm, and we also maintain a base in the Zeta Reticuli Star System, as well as in other places.”

  “But what about the planets you were just talking about before, you know, where your people have had so many lives?”

  “During the course of our evolution we’ve experienced lives in all the various planetary cultures. I can most especially recall a number of lives in the Sirius star system as well as several as an Earth human. In fact, I’ve had heaps of lives in many different ET cultures. Once we evolve to Guardian level, we’ve moved past all of that, except to go among those cultures to carry out work.

  “The Altarians and Pleiadians are right at the top of level two, so they are able to access 20% of their full conscious awareness, which is why they seem so highly evolved in the eyes of Earth humans. They also look more human than we do, at least in the Earth sense of the word, so they often step in to help us with really frightened level-one humans.”

  “And why do we need to experience life in human form? What’s it really all about?”

  “Well, the human kingdom on planets such as Earth forms a bridge between the animal kingdom and higher realms of spiritual realization, and as such, it carries certain learning opportunities. As human beings you are creators in the making, so, it is within the human kingdom that you must learn to master emotion. Creation is simply the process of transferring the energy of thought into physical matter, and herein lies great responsibility, for to create in a positive way with thought, it is first necessary to learn to master the negative emotions through self-control and discipline.

  “This is the main reason for human existence — to learn to work with emotion and thought in a positive and constructive way so that order and positive creativity are the result rather than the chaos and disorder that results from thought patterns which stem from negative and uncontrolled emotions. And if humans wish to know how well they are learning this lesson, they must look closely at their own lives. You are as you think, so you need to look at whether your life is in order or in chaos.

  “It’s really important for Earth humans to clearly understand the potency of their thoughts, and the very tangible thought forms that all of you are capable of creating. Most people on Earth do not have the faintest idea of the damage that can be done with uncontrolled emotions and thoughts of anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, lust and intolerance, which, as I said before, all stem from the Satan within — the vibration of fear. The results of these negative thought patterns and emotions of humanity are expressed most strongly in black and ugly thought forms which inhabit the lower astral planes. These are the devils and demons which plague humankind and are, in their own way, very real, having been created out of the collective consciousness of the human race.”

  “What do you mean exactly by the astral plane?” Paco wanted to know.

  “The astral plane,” I replied, “is also known as the plane of emotion, illusion and dreams. It is not very far removed in vibrational frequency from the physical plane, and covers a wide band of frequencies from the very low, which is that region Earth humans think of as ‘hell,’ to the higher ones that most people think of as ‘heaven,’ for it is to this level that souls generally go after physical death. It is from this astral plane that spirit communication originates, and because it’s composed of such a wide range of frequencies, this communication is not always of the highest order, and can be confusing and misleading at times.

  “There are plenty of ego-centered entities of the lower-astral realms who gain huge amounts of energy and amusement by attaching themselves to human mediums and channeling all sorts of messages which are purported to be from ‘highly evolved spirit guides and masters.’ These are also the ones responsible for such phenomena as spirit possession, the more nasty types of hauntings, and many of the supposed negative ET e
ncounter experiences. Some of these thought forms have been created by minds affected with drugs or alcohol, and can be extremely dangerous, cunning and controlling if they manage to hook their claws into human minds whose psychic centers are open and unprotected through also using drugs or alcohol, or even doing psychic experimentation and development without proper preparation, self-discipline, understanding and intent.”

  “Ali,” Paco interjected, “please excuse me for interrupting, but this is something I’ve heard about before, in the way of certain dangers that are involved in psychic development and so-called occult practices. Can you explain this more clearly?”

  “Yes, Paco, I can. Occult practices which are designed to open oneself to the super-conscious, if not undertaken correctly and with proper control of the emotions, can instead open one’s psyche to the realms of the subconscious mind, which is the dwelling place of a person’s own hidden fears — fears which may have their origin in distant past lives. This is why dabbling in such pursuits as crystal gazing, fortune telling, seances and ouija boards without proper understanding, control and intent can very easily open the psyche to interference by negative energies and entities, which can be very dangerous indeed and a huge stumbling block to true spiritual awakening.

  “Lower-astral-plane entities are trapped in their ‘hell’ because they will not let go of fear-induced emotions and vices. Cosmic Law states that like attracts like, so if a human being on the physical plane embarks upon any form of psychic development without the very best and purest of intentions, then they will automatically attract these lower entities to themselves like a magnet, thus unwittingly becoming a channel for the dark forces.”

  “But surely,” Paco asked, “If a person is very psychic, then aren’t they highly evolved spiritually as well, to have those abilities?”

  “No way, Paco, absolutely not, and it is because of this misunderstanding that many people become hurt and disillusioned after visiting a psychic reader for advice and being badly misled or told something that is completely wrong or even quite destructive or dangerous. Just because someone is psychic does not mean that they are necessarily highly evolved spiritually. Being ‘psychic’ and being ‘spiritual’ is not the same thing, and, in fact, some who display psychic talent have not progressed very far at all, and one must be extremely wary of taking advice or guidance from such individuals. Think about it — many members of the animal kingdom are extremely psychic, but would you want advice from them?

  “More and more people on Earth are beginning to manifest psychic and healing abilities now that these perfectly natural talents have become more widely accepted through the New Age movement which has come about as a result of the vibrational shift that Earth is undergoing — the shift from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age.

  “It’s through these emerging abilities that many are at present being tested to see whether they are truly ready to step up to a level of greater spiritual responsibility, or if they are going to abuse the limited powers they have been given. Learning to work correctly with psychic energy is one of the hardest tests that humans come up against on the path of spiritual awakening, as there are many emotional traps and pitfalls for the unwary. One of the main tests lies in the fact that those who manifest these perfectly natural abilities tend to be regarded on Earth with awe, reverence, and envy, when sometimes the reality of the matter is that they have failed the test of ego, power or greed in past lives, and so now are being tested again to see if they have learned better this time.

  “These are often ones of a rather emotional temperament, and it is this facet of their character which attracts like-minded, emotionally charged astral entities to them, like moths to a flame. These entities will, in exchange for energies created by the negative emotions of their ‘host,’ help them manifest psychic abilities, which eventually result in the host being caught up in an ego trip expressing in manipulative or controlling behavior. This ‘wonderful and powerful’ psychic then draws a gathering of adoring disciples around them, all eager to give away their personal power to their ‘guru,’ thus providing even more emotional energy for the entity to tap into and feed off. This can potentially be a very dangerous situation for all concerned, except for the astral entity, who is having a wonderful time basking in the glory of its host’s ego-trip and all the while growing stronger and more potent by tapping into the emotional energies thus created. The end result for the humans involved is often sickness, either physical, mental or emotional, and a most disenchanted and disillusioned group of disciples who may be turned off from any form of spiritual development for many lives to come, thus causing a block in their soul journey.

  “Wait a minute,” Paco interrupted, “are you saying we shouldn’t even try to develop psychic abilities?”

  “Please don’t misunderstand me. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with possessing psychic ability, in fact it is perfectly natural and certainly not evil, but if one wishes to make use of these abilities, it is most important to examine the motives behind the wish. If it is to make heaps of money, or to manipulate and control others, or to show off how sensitive or ‘powerful’ you are, then stop right there.

  “Over the span of millennia, the negative force has manifested on and around Earth through the group we refer to as the Controllers. These beings are the hidden force behind many secret societies, and they have also manipulated and controlled humankind through fear-based dogma and superstition entrenched within traditional religions of Earth. Now that they are losing their stranglehold in this area, various New Age belief systems are being used to manipulate and control minds through the myriad psychics, seers, channelers and prophets of gloom and doom that have been so prolific upon the Earth plane over the last few decades.

  “So,” Paco sighed, “this is why we need to work on our feelings that bring up fear.”

  “Yes, as their name implies, the Controllers use mind control and can impinge upon the minds and auric fields of psychics to influence the messages and teachings given out. In this way they have fuelled the fear behind the concept of ‘evil aliens’ who are conspiring to take control of Planet Earth. This negative propaganda is carefully designed to play upon humankind’s intrinsic mistrust of anyone who looks a little different or is not of your tribe, and it is proving to be a huge test for those humans who get caught up in it. Overcoming this negative message involves tapping in to your own self-empowerment — the God within, in other words. It also involves placing your trust in the ultimate good and getting past the barrier of fear.

  “Believe me, it is not ‘evil aliens’ of whom the human race needs to be wary, but rather those of your own kind who strive for positions of power and control among your people and then proceed to preach the gospel of intolerance, bigotry, hatred and fear. Surely we do not need to point out to the people of Earth that the Commandment to ‘Love Your Neighbor as Yourself’ refers to every soul upon the planet, no matter the color of their skin or the particular belief system they may choose to follow. This also includes all other living creatures upon Earth and of other planets and dimensions as well, for we are all One.

  “Well,” said Paco, “it seems to me that the bottom line in all of this is trust and love — pure unconditional love that has nothing to do with emotion or passion, but rather of tolerance, respect and compassion! It’s the message I’m trying to teach at church.”

  “Absolutely!” I replied. “It’s that simple. And simplicity is the essence of the whole thing. Don’t allow yourself to become caught up in complexity. There’s no need for complex dogmas, belief systems or rituals — in fact the negative force uses complexity and ‘mystery’ as a tool to create confusion in human minds. Just keep everything in your life simple and pure, and remember that God is love. Love is the motivating energy behind all of creation, and is all that truly counts in the end.”

  “My goodness!” said Paco. “I should get you up in the pulpit delivering a sermon. I can just see that weird, gray face with its huge black eyes peeri
ng out from under a monk’s cowl. I know! You could start the sermon in your human form then shape-shift in the middle of it!

  “Gee! I wish I could do that,” he added thoughtfully. “At least it’d be a good way to keep their attention. Although knowing my congregation, they probably wouldn’t even notice!”


  Chapter 24 An ET Housekeeper

  “Hello, anybody home?” I called, taking the back stairs of the presbytery two at a time. Paco had only recently moved to his new parish closer to home, and this was the first chance I’d had to pay him a visit. I was justifiably proud of my adopted brother, and as I stood there waiting for the door to open, I couldn’t help but think of how far he’d come in the years since his ordination, and how well he’d succeeded in what he’d set out to prove: that a Rom could indeed do anything!

  Up until the time of his acceptance into the Priesthood he’d taken great care to keep silent about his Gypsy background, however, once he was safely and irrevocably ordained, he quietly but proudly proclaimed his true heritage to anyone who enquired, and was pleasantly surprised to find himself accepted far more readily than he’d anticipated — another example of operating in fear vs. trust. In fact, in the parish where he’d been serving until recently as assistant priest, his superior had proven extremely supportive and had given him every encouragement to remain in close contact with his family and the others of the Romany community. Now here he was, finally appointed to his very own parish, a fully ordained member of the Roman Catholic Priesthood, as self-assured, secure and confident as the best of them.

  “Oh, Ali,” he greeted me. “Thank God it’s only you! But what are you doing here anyway? I wasn’t expecting you. Why didn’t you call to say you were coming?”


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