Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 36

by Judy Carroll

  “I get the feeling,” Kaz went on, “that in Kate’s dream the little boxes symbolize the way our human minds are so limited and compartmentalized, you know, everything separate and divided and closed off in its own little box. We often find it very hard to see the whole bigger picture in many situations, particularly if it involves looking at something from another person’s point of view. In fact many people find this quite confronting. The ETs, on the other hand, tend to take more of an overview, so they are able to tap in to a truer perception of reality and what is really going on around them.”

  “And what about the fear factor she experienced, and feeling giddy when told to count the spaces between the boxes?”

  “Okay,” Kaz replied, looking thoughtful, “it’s fear that causes us to tie everything up in neat little boxes, because in order to see the bigger picture of any given situation, we need to look more deeply within our own self, which requires a giant leap of faith and trust. Many people simply cannot do this. It’s too confronting and results in their feeling as if they’re spinning out of control. Remember it was the act of focusing on the spaces between the boxes that caused Kate to feel scared and dizzy. She was being made to focus upon this hidden aspect of her being, because it is this very thing, these ‘spaces between the boxes,’ that represent the almost unconscious state of mind in which we as humans operate. Having to look at this brought about a sense of unease and off-centerdness.

  “The thing is,” Kaz continued, “having to look at the bigger picture in a more unified, less fragmented way, and being made to confront any issues connected to it is a big part of Kate’s accepting and melding into the greater aspect of her psyche. For some Earth humans this can be almost impossible, but it’s something the Star Children must learn. Some find it easier than others, but it’s all about starting to tap into another tenth of their conscious awareness. A lot of the Star Kids go through these difficulties. I know Ben and Kira certainly do.

  “And don’t forget Maddie, it’s not just Kate’s journey, but yours, too, as her mother. Think how far you’ve come since we first met — how well you’ve handled your daughter’s experience, and how you knew what questions to ask.”

  Now it was Maddie’s turn to look thoughtful. “Well, yes, I suppose so. And the bad spirit? What is that?”

  “Definitely her own inner fear, which she’s externalizing as Kira did. The way it ran from her when she went to heal it with love is clearly symbolic of how the fear is ‘tying her up’ in her progress and blocking her freedom of movement on the soul level. But it also symbolizes a desire to be healed, so it only made a token attempt to escape. The love is beginning to override the fear, and as with Kira, that’s what it’s all about — the triumph of love and trust over fear, which in the end will bring about a state of connectedness and wholeness. All the Guardian-inspired tests are directed towards this.”

  “Wow, thanks Kaz!” Poor Maddie looked so relieved. “That does make a lot of sense. Do you agree, Father Lopez?”

  “Oh, yes, Maddie, for sure. People are beginning to realize that the ‘Kingdom of God’ truly is within. I do tend to believe that a lot of what once would’ve been looked upon superstitiously as ‘demons’ and ‘bad spirits’ attacking us are really our own inner fears being externalized as thought forms. This doesn’t mean that they don’t pose any danger to us, but the way to overcome them is definitely to acknowledge your own God-given power of love. This is obviously a very important lesson being given to the Star Children, as well as to many others down here on Earth.”

  As Paco was speaking, Kaz leaned back in her chair, seemingly deep in thought. “You know what?” she put in when he’d finished. “We’ve talked a lot about love and fear being the opposites of each other, and we’ve discussed how love is the God within, and fear an expression of the inner ‘Satan.’ We’ve gone into a lot of detail about what the different types of fear are, for example fear of death, fear of change, fear of appearing gullible or stupid, and fear of losing control over a person or situation. We’ve also talked about how these various fears are expressed through the lower emotions of greed, envy, lust, over-inflated ego, bigotry etc., but what about love?

  “Remember there are different aspects of love, too, for example, family love, romantic love and love between close friends. And there are many different ways people express love — through touch, words, kindness and compassion. Often what we think of as love really isn’t — it’s more possession, or neediness, or exploitation. In fact it seems to me that there’s much more conditional love rather than unconditional love around, and really, it’s unconditional love we should be striving for.”

  “I agree, and it seems that we really need to work hard to develop that quality.” Maddie added.

  “Yes, as humans, we do.” Kaz replied thoughtfully, “My feeling is that real love grows out of a deep, inner connection with self, and an acknowledgement of the God within. This in turn helps us to love ourselves first and foremost, but at the same time this self-love is not about being selfish and egotistical — that grows out of fear. It’s really all about connecting with and acknowledging your own inner God spark.

  “And when you truly love yourself in this way,” she went on, “you don’t become self-centered but rather God-centered, which in turn makes you more patient, more compassionate, and more able to empathize, listen to and tune in to others. Recognizing and acknowledging your God within enables you to recognize and acknowledge this same God Spark in all those around you, which in turn helps you to practice unconditional love, in which there’s no room for jealousy, envy and hurt feelings. Just think about what a wonderful world it would be if everyone could do this! No more jealousy, no more cruelty, no more exploitation of the weak and vulnerable by the powerful, no more judgment, bigotry, wars and racism — a real Heaven on Earth in fact.”

  “The thing is,” Paco shook his head, “knowing some humans, it sounds like asking a lot — but then again, as you’ve just said, Kaz, it all starts with ourselves.”

  As the four of us sat for a few moments in silence thinking about this, my mind went back to how I’d not practiced this concept to the best of my ability over the last few days, and how very easy it is to slip. Sneaking a quick glance at the others it was obvious from their expressions they’d not fared much better.

  “Oh, all right, then!” Kaz was the first to shatter the guilt-ridden silence. “Yes — I did swear at that silly woman in the supermarket the other day. And I also expressed very deep envy and jealousy towards that lucky sod who won five bloody million on the lotto last Saturday night. Now let’s just move on, shall we?”

  “I agree,” said Paco, “and on the strength of that, I reckon this would be a really good time for somebody to come up with another question to, you know, shift the spotlight a little and release us all from under the microscope.”

  Maddie of course was quick to oblige. “I know what I’ve been meaning to ask. We were talking before about what’s been written on ET contact, but it’s all so confusing. One says one thing, then somebody else says the total opposite, so what should we believe? How can you tell who’s right and who’s wrong, and who’s being honest and who is bending the truth or outright lying, and who is motivated by greed or ego? And this doesn’t just apply to books on ETs, but also to other spiritual books on subjects such as reincarnation, spirit contact, channeling, ascended masters, angels or whatever.”

  “Funny you should ask that, Maddie,” Paco chimed in, turning to me. “We were just talking about that the other day, weren’t we, Ali? How there’s so much in the way of confused and very mixed messages coming through in some books on ET contact and other related subjects. I consider myself to be fairly well educated, but I still find a lot of this confusing, and it’s very hard to sort out fact from fiction.

  “I suppose because ET contact deals mainly with peoples’ minds, this confusion on the part of experiencers is quite understandable,” he went on, “but what I find very off-putting is the wa
y some researchers and authors are so adamant about who are the ‘goodies’ and who are the ‘baddies’ among the ET visitors. They often contradict each other. It seems to me that the negative force of fear that we were talking about before is having a field day in all of this. What do you reckon, Ali? You’ve been involved with this nearly all your life.”

  “Well,” I answered, “it seems to me that discernment is very important here. You need to recognize and tune into the energy underlying the information and again ask yourself the key question — is the motivating energy love, or is it fear/ego?

  “It’s really important to remember that a true spiritual teacher never criticizes or belittles others — they are always totally non-judgmental. Passing judgment on others indicates a weakness within self. A true spiritual teacher never ever does or says anything to make you give your power away, or to make you feel unworthy, or less than they are. Instead they’ll do their best to show you how to tap into your own inner God Spark, and encourage you to seek out and find your own inner truth.

  “After all, remember what Jesus said about his own seemingly miraculous abilities: ‘All of this and more you yourselves can do.’ A true teacher emphasizes the equality of all, and that all have the Spark of God within. They never put themselves up on a pedestal as being ‘special,’ ‘chosen,’ or above ordinary folk, because if they do it shows that they are motivated by fear and ego rather than by love.”


  Chapter 38 Star Children

  Multi-colored balls whizzed crazily around the room, and the sound of happy children at play ricocheted off the walls. Treading carefully to avoid stepping on the little ones crawling about on the floor, I almost missed seeing the bright orange ball flying straight at me seemingly out of nowhere. A swiftly raised hand and a short, sharp burst of energy out of my palm sent it spinning upwards, bouncing off the ceiling to land plop in the lap of the one who’d aimed it. The look of sheer incredulity on his face was quite hilarious. “Matthew, I should have known it’d be you!” I glared at him in mock reproach which quickly turned to a fond smile as two enormous black eyes met mine with a look of bland innocence.

  “Sorry, Alarca, but I didn’t do it on purpose. It sort of just jumped up by itself and flew at you.”

  “Yes, yes, I know, Matthew. Just like all those frogs that ‘accidentally’ came in through an interdimensional portal during Maris’s lecture on the history of the Guardian culture last week.”

  “But, Alarca, his lessons are so boring. Somebody has to liven them up.”

  The teeming host of hopping, croaking frogs that had suddenly materialized in the lecture room on the big disc had certainly enlivened Maris’s delivery, much to everybody else’s amusement, especially when one of them landed on his hat and puffed itself up to enormous proportions, before deflating moments later in a tremendous and obviously deeply satisfying croak. Needless to say, it all went down-hill from there.

  My amused train of thought was interrupted by the appearance of Elder Garnibis, not through the doorway I’d used, but rather through another portal, which delighted the children no end. They all ran to her, crowding around, wanting to be touched, to be as close as possible to her beautiful energy.

  Up here on the disc things are so different from down on Earth. Everybody, even the youngest child, has a much deeper way of seeing, looking past the outer physical façade to the soul within. Many weird and amazing beings can potentially manifest on our discs because the discs are both time and interdimensional portals, so this deeper way of seeing is most necessary for all of us to acquire.

  These children too were all very different from each other. There was a good mixture of Star Children, whose home world is Planet Earth, and the less human-looking hybrids, both our own and ones we’ve rescued from Earth laboratories. Most of the Star Children have the outer appearance of perfectly normal Earth humans, whereas some of the hybrids look almost pure ET, and there are many variations in between, including bloodlines of many Star Nations throughout the universe. Despite these outer differences, they all play happily together, learning and mastering skills in our classrooms that no school on Earth could ever teach them.

  These lessons are mostly about working with energy — molding and shaping it to form physical and semiphysical matter, and levitating and moving objects around using only mind power. They start with light things such as balls and plastic blocks, then, as their skills develop, they move on to more difficult projects such as levitating themselves and each other. Another lesson is to create energy balls — multi-colored balls of light that can be moved about solely by their creator’s willpower.

  As the children grow older, they move past these games and into deeper learning experiences such as math and science, but of a far more advanced form than is taught on Earth. There are other lessons as well, and many of the Star Children find that the skills they acquire up on the disc often reflect and parallel what they are studying and learning in their daily lives on Earth.

  “Come children!” Garnibis called. “For tonight’s lesson we will travel through one of the portals to a special place — a magical place where you will get to meet some of the very interesting creatures who live there. As you know, our universe has many different layers and levels, far, far beyond what Earth humans perceive as ‘reality.’ Because of who and what you are, you are not limited by this narrow perception of what reality is. You must allow your minds to expand and grow — to see and experience fully the true magic of our universe and to understand properly just what it means to be a citizen of the Cosmos. Now come along all of you, and make sure you stay close to either Ashka or myself.”

  As Garnibis stepped out through yet another portal, the little ones followed, with Ashka taking up the rear to keep an eye on them all. For a moment I had to just stand back and watch. It looked so beautiful seeing Ashka, clad in her gray container with its large head, great black, almond-shaped eyes and thin, quite fragile-looking limbs, holding a pretty, blonde, blue-eyed Earth child by one hand and a half-and-half hybrid child with the other.

  The little hybrid boy clung to her with both hands, looking decidedly nervous and not sure if he really wanted this new experience or not, whereas the Earth girl’s eyes shone with excitement and expectation. “Don’t be scared, Theo,” I heard her telepath to him. “It’ll be fun, you’ll see!”

  Ashka looked over to me with a fond smile in her eyes. “Come on, Alarca, it will be fun! Come and join us.”

  Passing through these interdimensional portals always reminds me of stepping through a small waterfall, except that the “water” feels more jelly-like and closely resembles pinkish-silver light. Whether we are simply coming on board the disc or moving from one galactic level to another, our journey always includes moving through these openings. If we are only travelling a short distance, the “waterfall” is only about a foot in thickness, whereas if it involves a longer trip through time and space, it can be anything from about a yard thick to a quite long tunnel.

  I thought back to the first time I’d consciously come on board as a Earth human child, almost totally unaware of my forgotten Guardian connection, and how scared I’d been when Maris led me through a portal for the first few times. I really thought that I’d died and gone over to the other side. Closing my eyes and holding my breath as we passed through, I’d fully expected to feel the same wetly suffocating sensation as one experiences standing directly under a shower or waterfall, but it wasn’t like that at all. It was actually quite beyond description in Earthly, physical terms, because while it felt like thick, slightly sticky water, it wasn’t — it was light, and it had the most wonderful, regenerating effect on the body, which also became light as it passed through.

  Keeping a close eye on the little ones to make sure none of them became frightened, I was amazed at how they all took it in their stride. Even the Earth children were fully aware of who and what they were, and they seemed quite accustomed to moving easily through the dimensional veils, having b
een consciously brought onto the disc from a very early age. Awareness of such things is spreading rapidly on Earth now, far different from when Ashka and I had taken human form down there all those years ago. Time was certainly speeding up.

  The next moment we stepped out of the pink-silver light veil and found ourselves moving through an opalescent mist that swirled around us in rainbow-colored clouds of vapor. We stayed close together to make sure nobody got lost, and very soon we emerged on the grassy bank of a stream. Wending its way over smooth pebbles, around large moss-covered boulders and under overhanging branches, the stream emptied itself into the basin of a large, deep rock pool. The falling droplets of cascading water acted like prisms, refracting the filtered sunlight into a myriad of tiny glinting rainbows, which played across the surface of the tumbling water, lending a touch of mystical magic to the scene.

  Blending subtly into the tinkling and gurgling of the stream and waterfall came sounds of laughter and much splashing from the pool, where a small troupe of water nymphs, known on Earth as Naiads, enjoyed themselves hugely in the shallows and under the cascade. Delicate green-tinged faces, framed by long, wet tendrils of hair resembling some sort of tangled, grassy vegetation that might be found at the bottom of a pond, turned as one towards us, and large darkly slanted eyes similar to our own regarded us with curiosity.

  Here in this magical dimension fear was unknown, and no matter what language or mode of speaking, lines of friendly communication could always be opened up telepathically. These beings knew that a group such as ours, of young hybrid children under the care of a Guardian Elder, posed no danger whatsoever, and so several of them came over to us, offering prettily colored pebbles from the bottom of the pool as tokens of welcome. We passed these among us, delighting in the smooth, soft feel of them in our hands.

  The Naiads invited us to join them, knowing that being related to the Dolphin folk of Planet Earth, we also feel deep kinship with the element of water. The more daring ones of our group plunged fearlessly to the very bottom of the pool, moving with dolphin-like grace through the cool, green depths. Here there were small underwater caves to explore, tangled tree roots to poke about in, and tiny silvery fish to be observed darting to and fro among the rocks and weeds on the floor of the pool. Those of us with a less adventurous disposition were happy to splash about in the shallows or else immerse ourselves under the cascading waterfall to watch and enjoy the lively antics of the others.


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