Human By Day, Zeta By Night
Page 42
“Wh…what did you say his name is?”
“It’s Entil, spelt E-n-t-i-l, and maybe you can’t remember, but he used to visit you when you were a very young child.”
“And what about the really scary tall one dressed all in black who comes as well? That one is even worse!”
“That is Entil’s Teacher, Garnibis, who accompanies him sometimes. She’s very old and wise, and you have absolutely nothing to fear from her.”
“And are you sure he won’t do anything to me if he touches me? He won’t paralyze me again?”
“Kate, I promise, you have my word. Just hold your hands out with palms facing upwards, and try to relax so he can touch you. Believe it or not, he’s really sad that you’re scared of him. You used to play together when you were little. Go on, just reach out to him.”
Trembling slightly, Kate held her hands out towards Entil, and as she did so I instructed him to come forward slowly so as not to frighten her, but he hesitated. “Are you sure, Alarca? I don’t want to upset her and make things worse.” A look of trepidation filled his eyes, and for a moment I thought he was going to cry.
“Go on, Entil,” I encouraged him, “it’ll be okay.” There I was between these two scared beings — talk about an intergalactic ambassador!
With eyes closed tightly, Kate tried to hold her hands steady as Entil reached out towards her and very gently gripped her hands so as to bring the center of his palms against hers.
“That’s it, Kate!” I encouraged. “Try to relax — he won’t hurt you. Just see if you can feel the energy passing between his hands and yours.”
Frowning in deep concentration, she stayed still and unresponsive for a moment, then her fingers began to close on Entil’s hands, as an incredibly strong energy current passed between them. Kate’s eyes suddenly opened, and her face lit up with a look of total amazement as recognition dawned, along with an expression of profound joy, and the next moment they were hugging each other like old friends.
“Entil,” Kate cried, “of course I remember you! You were the one who used to lift me up out of my cot when I was tiny, and take me to play with the other children. We used to have so much fun floating those pretty-colored blocks around the room and making lights turn on and off with our minds. How could I ever have forgotten! And that’s what you’ve been doing again, isn’t it? Taking me to classes on the big disc? Now I finally understand why I’m suddenly so smart at math.” The look of sheer relief in Entil’s eyes said it all, and the next moment they were chatting away telepathically, almost unaware of my presence.
But then Kate turned to me with a frown of puzzlement. “Ali, there are still lots of things I don’t understand. Do you mind if I ask you some more questions?”
“Course not, Kate. That’s why I’m here tonight, to help sort things out for you, but by the time you wake up tomorrow morning you’re not going to remember that I’ve been here. You’ll remember Entil coming, but not me. All that you’ll be aware of is that you had a dream about me, but it won’t be very clear.”
“But why, Ali? Why won’t I remember you coming?”
“It’s just the way things are Kate. Maybe someday you will, but not quite yet. Now what do you want to ask me?”
“Umm, okay, for a start, how do I get onto the ship from here? One minute I’m in my bed, and the next minute I’m up on the disc. I’m sort of aware of being floated out through the closed windows of my room on this beam of light coming down that both mom and dad have seen. What is that all about? Is it the light that lifts me up?”
“Well, Kate, let me start by asking you a question. Do you study physics at school?”
“Oh, yes, you mean learning all about electricity, atoms, magnetism and stuff like that?”
“Yes, exactly. So do you understand about the composition of seemingly solid physical matter — that it’s not really as solid as it appears to be but rather is made up of billions of atoms grouped together to form molecules which are all vibrating at a certain rate?”
“Yes, Ali, I know that. And also that atoms are made up of electrons orbiting around a central nucleus, just like planets orbiting around a sun.”
“Correct, and if you think about a solar system, with the vast distances between each of the planets and the sun, you realize that it’s really composed of more empty space than solid matter. And believe it or not, the atoms that make up our bodies and everything else around us are exactly the same, so therefore, we ourselves are really composed more of empty space than solid matter.”
“Hey, wow, you’re right! I hadn’t thought of that.”
“So therefore,” I continued, “moving a physical, human body composed of mostly empty space through a seemingly solid closed door or window which in reality is also mostly empty space is not all that difficult providing you can just align the empty spaces with the solid bits, as the ET visitors are able to do when they transport you. Especially if they take you in astral form, because your finer astral or spirit body is a lot more ‘widely spaced’ than your more solid physical body. To get your astral body through the closed window is like pouring water through a sieve, and it is simply a matter of energy passing through energy. Do you understand what I mean?’
“Mmm, yes, I think so. What you’re saying is that because everything is composed of atoms, everything is energy, even though it looks solid. Like, my body is really just all energy, and so is the window.”
“Yes, Kate, and the higher energy vibrates, which is simply the continual movement of the electrons around the central nucleus, the finer the substance becomes. This is the difference between your physical body and your astral or spirit body. The astral body vibrates at a higher frequency that the physical body.”
Kate’s eyes suddenly lit up in understanding: “Ahhh, now I remember being told something about that in class. Our teacher used ice, water and steam as an example of increasing vibrational frequencies in relationship to matter. That’s what you’re talking about, isn’t it?”
“Absolutely! And that’s an extremely good example we can relate to in everyday life. This too explains the light beam you asked about. Very high frequency energy manifests as light — in fact it is light, and it’s the beam of light energy that causes your vibrational frequency to go higher. Your energy frequency synchronizes with the light frequency, so for a little while you become light, and that’s how you’re transported onto the waiting disc.”
All the time I’d been talking to Kate, Entil sat quietly on the side of the bed, allowing her to become re-accustomed to his energy, but now it was his turn to speak up. “So, Kate, perhaps after this you will appreciate the need for the classes you attend on the disc, and will now consciously retain more of what you are taught. Most of the lessons concern energy, because the human species of Earth needs a deeper understanding of this aspect of your reality, and most especially the intrinsic link between science and religion, which of course is learning how to work with energy frequencies at a higher rate in order to meld with the light.”
“And,” I added, “it is knowledge such as this that ones like you are to bring to Planet Earth. This is why you are being taught so much about energy and how to work with it consciously, for the evolution of the entire human race depends upon this understanding. This too is why it is vitally important for you to move beyond the fear barrier, so that your mind is no longer blocked and limited but rather open and flexible enough to absorb and retain this sacred knowledge in order to pass it on to others. This high-frequency energy is not only light — it manifests also as love, and to meld with it fully all fear must be purged from your inner being.”
Then Entil continued, “A big part of our job is to help you with this process, and now that you have faced your greatest fear in opening up to me, you can see that in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. You now understand that I am not here to ‘steal your soul’ but rather to help you unfold and expand into your full potential on a higher level of awareness.”
l, Katie,” I put in, “I think you’ve had enough lessons for one night, and I can see you’re now feeling a lot more comfortable with Entil. As I said before, when you wake up you won’t recall my presence here, but you will remember him, and not be afraid any more.” With that I leaned forward and touched her lightly on the forehead. She settled herself back under the bedclothes and within seconds was sound asleep.
Chapter 42 Only Thing to Fear is Fear
“You’re looking a bit wiped out this morning Ali Cat,” said Paco. “Have you put in a heavy night ‘upstairs’?”
“Don’t even ask!” I yawned, rubbing my eyes and stretching to try to ease the knots of tension in my neck and shoulders. “The Controllers were having a real picnic last night and managed to sabotage our computer system, which put our Earth surveillance out of action.”
Paco put the newspaper aside that he was reading and looked up in amazement. “You’re kidding — your computer system? I mean, you’re really kidding, right?”
Looking at my face, he knew I wasn’t.
“How the heck could that happen? How could anything negative even get on board the disc to do such a thing? I’d have thought you Guardians, of all people, would have some sort of sophisticated protection device installed. How could the Controllers infiltrate and interfere with your computer system?”
“They do have a high level of technology,” I shrugged, at the same time trying unsuccessfully to stifle another huge yawn. “Nothing is completely foolproof, I guess, and they are incredibly cunning. It was our Earth surveillance system that went down first, so it had to be somebody down here up to no good, directing the interference to put us out of action.”
“Hang on, hang on, now you’ve really lost me. What do you mean ‘somebody down here’? On Earth you mean? But who would have the technology to disable computers on an ET disc?”
“I just said, Paco, the Controllers do, and they’re even using our own technology against us; technology that was back-engineered from our crashed discs. We really hoped that it would be utilized for the benefit of humankind, but we hadn’t taken into consideration the incredibly deep level of brainwashing and mind control that is being exerted over a vast majority of the population. The cunning, greed, over-inflated egos and hypocrisy that motivates some people down here is truly beyond words.”
“Oh, come on, Ali Cat! I know you’re feeling a bit off at the moment, but surely we aren’t that bad.”
“I’m sorry, Paco, but yes, this planet is a real worry. I’m not saying there aren’t any good people here, because there are — in fact there’s plenty of kind, decent folk, and the majority of them wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what is really going on behind the scenes. If they did, I can guarantee they’d be just as horrified as we are. The situation is so sad, because Earth is a lovely planet — a real jewel in the cosmos, and life could be wonderful for everybody if only greed and the tendency to exploit the weak and vulnerable could be purged from the consciousness of humankind, particularly of those who are in authority.”
“But, Ali, I still don’t understand how somebody on Earth could possibly interfere with anything up on an ET disc? Okay, I can believe certain ones here have acquired the technology to shoot down discs that venture too close, but to actually sabotage your computers — how can they do that?”
“Just as they can interfere with and intercept communication equipment down here. Billions of Earth dollars have been spent to send hardware out into space for such purposes. And then there are the mind-control techniques and psychic-spying practices that have been perfected over many years. Most people have no idea of how much this is being used and how successful it is, not only in the field of espionage, but also in connection with ET and interdimensional contact.
“So why is this happening? It doesn’t make sense?”
“Okay,” I replied, settling myself down for what was going to be a long session, “it all began millennia ago in Atlantis, so let’s look at the re-emergence of the Atlantean civilization in recent times here on Earth, just as some psychics predicted.”
“Wow! Yes, I have read about this, that Atlantis is predicted to rise again. But what do you mean? What’s the connection?”
“Well, Atlantis has already emerged, but not quite in the way the predictions have been interpreted. The problem is that you’re all so physically oriented down here, so people have mistakenly looked for a physical event in the way of land rising up from the sea. Atlantis has already risen again, but it’s more a rebirth of part of the Atlantean consciousness rather than a physical reincarnation of the actual landmass.
“It’s like when people reincarnate. It’s not their physical bodies that rise up to live again, but rather their minds or spirits that return in new physical containers to learn new lessons and to balance karma. Atlantis is flourishing right under your noses, growing more powerful with each passing decade, and most of you are not even aware of it.
“A part of the Atlantean culture, and most particularly the group referred to as the ‘Sons of Belial,’ continue to reincarnate here on Earth because they need to face certain karmic choices involving technology, ego and power, all of which were abused before, and which eventually led to the demise of the whole civilization. This karma must be allowed to play out again in order to hopefully be balanced and resolved, hence our technology ‘accidentally’ falling into their hands.”
“Are these the ones you refer to as the Controllers?”
“Yes! These souls, the ‘Sons of Belial,’ who abused technology and power in Atlantis, have become trapped down here, unable to move on to higher levels. They’ve had to wait for similar conditions to be present on Earth again so they could ‘repeat a grade and re-take their exams’ — those tests they failed so miserably before. The problem is, many of them don’t want to move on. Their goal is physical perfection and eternal life on the physical plane on Earth, with slave labor to do all the work for them.”
“Ali, before you go any further,” said Paco, “I’ve got a question. Do souls always have to return to Earth to work through karma, or can it be balanced on higher levels as well?”
“The Law of Karma applies on all levels, but it’s on the first galactic level in which Planet Earth is situated at the present time, that there is more opportunity to balance it.”
“And why is that?”
“It’s because of the extreme polarization here. This is one of the main reasons that we’ve tried to stop Earth humans from destroying themselves and their planet. Earth is a very important and necessary part of the cosmic plan in that it’s a major ‘school’ planet and an ideal environment in which to work through karmic lessons and tests. There are other level-one planets where this can be done as well, but Earth is one of the best. It’s sort of like a cosmic Oxford or Harvard, if you know what I mean, and it is a major learning center offering a wide range of choices and opportunities because of that polarization. This provides its inhabitants with plenty of scope to exercise their free will so they can make the choices which dictate whether they’re ready to evolve to higher planes of reality or not. As I’ve said before — evolution is all about making choices.
“This too is why there’s so much diversity among Earth humans. People from many different planetary cultures have chosen birth here over the millennia. Because of the astral energy screens that effectively keep younger souls trapped here for many lives, Earth has also become something of a ‘prison’ planet. Until these souls begin to mend their ways by making right rather than wrong choices, they remain imprisoned here, unable to go elsewhere to cause trouble.”
“Ah, okay,” said Paco, “that makes sense, I guess, but let’s get back to this Atlantean thing. What’s it got to do with all the negative stuff that’s going on in connection with ETs visiting Earth?”
“Well, just as happened before, this Atlantean group has become very power-oriented. This group is comprised solely of the ‘Sons of Belial,’ because they are the asp
ect of the culture that is still held by bonds of karma. The positive aspect of Atlantis has been able to move on to higher realms. The Controller group has again got itself into a position of power from which it is able to exert maximum control over planetary affairs. This suits it very nicely, and naturally it doesn’t want to lose this. In fact one of the group’s main purposes is to safeguard the status quo on Planet Earth, from which it is benefiting in a big way, but which it also believes is threatened by our presence here.
“Unlike legitimately elected governments, lack of funds is not an issue with this Controller group. Endless funds are available to them for research — funds which are the result of nefarious activities such as drug trafficking. Why do you think this is such a seemingly unsolvable problem on this planet? Wouldn’t you think that something as devastatingly evil and as potentially threatening to the whole fabric of society as illegal drugs would be determinedly stamped out by any government worth its salt? But no, the problem only grows bigger, the reason being that there are others more powerful behind the scenes pulling the strings, as it were, and there isn’t a lot that legitimate governments can do about it.”
“But where do your people come into the equation?” asked Paco.
“Well, our presence on Earth is posing a big threat to this behind-the-scenes shadow group who run the show here. They’ve been top dogs for many centuries, in fact millennia, often operating through clandestine secret societies, placing certain ones of their own into positions of power where they’re able to exert total control over world economy, politics, religion, etc., and therefore total control over the entire planetary population. The very last thing they want is their age-old enemies, the Guardians, stepping in to offer self-empowerment to people. It’s in their best interests to keep the people of Earth imprisoned, disempowered and dependent, both on physical and spiritual levels, and fear is, and always has been, their most powerful weapon.