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Father of Storms

Page 18

by Dean Jones

  Seth focused his mind, knowing the Spae would help him, and concentrated on the space around him and willed the energy to thicken hoping it would form some kind of shield then he set about the warriors around him. One thought burning in his focused mind was of his wife and their new life together, he wasn’t letting himself be killed here today no matter what.

  Seth's sword moved with speed and precision and he let out a guttural scream to let anyone near him know what they were dealing with. He saw the fear flicker in the eyes of two warriors to his left and he moved to them first killing both quickly with efficient cuts from his sword. He quickly spun around and felt a spear hit his side but the energy around him caused it to deflect harmlessly away and he buried his blade into the throat of the man who had tried to take him from his wife.

  The wild look in Seth's eyes was unmistakable and all those who stood before him could see this mighty warrior was not going to be taken down easily.

  The Wessex warriors regrouped and pushed forward from two sides. Again, Seth felt a spearhead press into the energy around him and once more he drove his sword into the offender’s throat.

  The sight of spears and swords bouncing away from him when the warriors knew he should be lying defeated at their feet was causing an anxiety to spread among them. They approached cautiously trying to find a gap in this man’s defence.

  Seth turned and took two steps forward causing one of his enemies to fall over a dead bodyguard. Pouncing, he slashed across the fallen man’s stomach. Knowing he had inflicted a fatal blow he turned his gaze to those who remained.

  Breathing heavily, he looked hard at the four who stood before him and noticed the rest of their group were fleeing away back to the main bulk of their force.

  Seth raised his arms above his head inviting them to drive their spears into him, his confidence had grown and his belief in the energy shield he had created around him was unshakable.

  The men paused not knowing what to do until one threw his doubts away and drove his sword hard at Seth's chest. The pain burned as the very tip of the sword embedded itself in his chest, quickly he brought down his sword and removed the offending weapon and its owner's arm with one fell swoop.

  The three remaining warriors advanced as one stepping over the severed arm as it twitched and spurted blood. They were hoping to catch him off guard and finish the job thinking the sword had inflicted significant damage.

  The end came quickly, and the three warriors lay dead at his feet as the final man breathed his last as he bled out from the loss of his arm to Seth’s sword.

  Looking up he could feel the adrenaline surging through his body, he stood on top of the fallen warriors and let out another roar, this time of triumph. Glancing around the battlefield he could see the fight was going their way and they had successfully driven the Wessex army back towards the river. It was a matter of time now, Seth knew it and a warmth entered his body as he looked at the blood coming from his chest.

  Today had been a good day and he knew all would remember his name when they spoke of this battle, he could see the looks on the faces of his countrymen as they regrouped around the still unconscious King, yes, they would remember he was sure of it.

  The Aftermath

  Aethelbald regained consciousness as he was being carried from the field on his horse, Seth heard the groan from his King and stopped the column of men, so he could pass him water and ensure his senses were still with him.

  “What of the battle, how did it play out?” Aethelbald looked down the line of men following their horses and could see there were still a great number of Mercian’s present.

  “It went well my lord, we drove Sigeberht and his army back into the woods. I dare say he is trying to regroup and spur them on for another fight tomorrow.” Seth gave Aethelbald a look which told the King he didn’t think they would need to fight again.

  Aethelbald hauled himself upright on his horse and looked around to see where they were, then looked back to Seth with a puzzled look on his face.

  “What of the rest of my guard Seth, where are they?” Seth could sense the concern in his voice and he thought about how best to tell the King the truth of it.

  “My lord, they all fought bravely by your side and even more so when you fell…. but they did not see the battle through to its end and were lost to Wessex Men spears and swords.”

  What Seth wanted to say was completely different, they were dead, and it was because Aethelbald was arrogant and overconfident, sending the front line of defence to the flanks was a decision which caused those men to lose their lives.

  Aethelbald rubbed his head and looked at his last remaining bodyguard.

  “But you remain, Seth, still at my side….and not a scratch on you I notice?”

  Seth clenched his teeth together and gave a respectful nod and a small smile. “I have been lucky once again my lord, my wife will be most grateful you have brought me back in one piece once more.” The falseness of his statements was causing a lump to form in his throat; here he was guiding the Mercian army back to camp after every one of them had given their all to ensure victory. Many had lost their personal battles and were left on the field, but the victory was gained, and his King had slept through most it with men laying down their lives around him to ensure he would wake alive and not at Woden’s table.

  Aethelbald grimaced at the sound of Seth mentioning his wife, something which didn’t go unnoticed.

  “I am sure she will welcome you back….” Aethelbald trailed off as if thinking of something else.

  “I think we should renew the numbers of my personal guard; can you see to it Seth that worthy men are recruited and posted to my tents this evening?”

  Seth nodded and seeing the King was capable of steering his own horse, broke away to check on some of the wounded men who were to the rear of their procession and to gather new blood for the King’s guard. As he rode he could hear words of praise and awe emanating from those he passed. Some openly congratulated him on the victory.

  Seth secretly wished the King would hear of his deeds when they sat around the fires that evening as the tale of the fight is retold by a thousand voices.

  Each, he hoped, would tell of how Seth had stood over the King and killed a hundred or more Wessex warriors and the sight of him stood atop the fallen, bellowing the Mercian army on, drove them into the woods. He knew there would be some exaggeration but there would be nothing better to drive home to Aethelbald what Seth had had to do to ensure victory.

  And so, it was as night fell and meals were finished the men broke open jars of mead and began to recall the events of the day. Seth enjoyed several of the accounts of his ferociousness in the face of the enemy. In one tale he had ripped out a man’s throat with his bare hands as he pulled the warrior's spear from his side. He chuckled to himself as he passed through the camp and paused frequently to drink with the groups of men from the different villages and towns of Mercia.

  Aethelbald had held his own court with some of the lords of the towns no doubt trying to establish the sequence of events from the battle and to see how much of the men’s stories he could take as truth.

  Seth circled the camp once more and decided the King had had enough time with the town chiefs to work out how instrumental he had been in firstly, ensuring Aethelbald’s own survival and secondly, inspiring the men to another victory. Surely now he wouldn’t begrudge him spending time with his wife and starting a new life away from all of this…or would he.

  Staying close to his own tent, which was within calling distance of the Kings, Seth sat beside his fire and finished off the meal he’d left from earlier. Watching the Kings fire, he could see Aethelbald was still in talks with some of the leaders, how long did he need with these men to find out what had happened?

  Seth looked closer and realised he didn’t recognise three of the men sat at the King's side and reached for his sword instinctively. Aethelbald appeared unconcerned by the new members of his retinue and his new guard was clos
e by should anything untoward happen. He was sure the men he had picked would serve the King well. Satisfied he settled into his furs to sleep the weariness of battle from his bones.

  News from Home

  They had broken camp and were heading for Seckington, which was a small town an hour’s ride from Tamworth. Aethelbald had decided this was where he would entertain the congratulatory feasts and praise on his fine victory over Wessex.

  They had a day’s easy ride ahead of them and Seth wished they would increase the pace as he was aching to return home. It was mid-morning when the remaining army set off. Many of the men had returned to their homes over the last few days leaving only those who lived around Tamworth to pack up and transport the King and his encampment.

  Thankfully the pace was quickened, and Seth watched as the men and horses drove along the road happy in the knowledge that by daybreak he could be in the arms of Meredith.

  He heard a noise from behind and turned his horse to see what had made the sound.

  He watched as a man trotted closer on his horse then recognised him as Beornred, an ambitious town lord who had been spending more time at Aethelbald’s castle than in his own home. He was a short plump man who had all the charisma of a pile of pig dung and smelled as bad.

  “Good morning Seth, I hope you are well and happy to receive a visitor?” he was polite though, Seth had to give him that and for what he lacked in prowess on the battlefield he made up for with his abilities in the politics of the King’s court.

  Seth nodded and stopped so Beornred could halt opposite him, he didn’t want him sat too close as he’d just finished his meal and didn’t fancy seeing it again so soon.

  “I have heard some disturbing news from Tamworth Seth, news I felt you should hear quickly so you can make plans.” Seth could see whatever it was Beornred had to tell him was going to give him the greatest of pleasure when he saw Seth’s reaction.

  “It seems that our King has made some new friends from Wessex and Sigeberht will not find himself welcome upon his return home. Sometimes it is the politics of war which bring the most profitable results I find, don’t you Seth?”

  Seth stared at Beornred and then shrugged his shoulders deciding not to pit his wits with him lest he finds his own words twisted against him. He could see this was not what Beornred had come to tell him, this was just a piece of a seed he wished to plant so it grew in Seth's mind over the coming weeks slowly fed by off-the-cuff remarks and gestures which had made Beornred his reputation as a wolf in the court.

  “I have also heard grave news of the cruellest kind from one of my sources, I am afraid I have just met with one of Aethelbald’s servants and he tells me he overheard the King talking about you Seth.” Beornred paused to look around him to make sure they weren’t being watched or overheard by anyone passing then continued.

  “More to the point, this man heard the King mention your wife specifically to a messenger who was sent to speak with a local named Ripley.” Seth's interest was soon triggered at the sound of Ripley’s name and he leaned in closer.

  “What of my wife, what was the message this man was asked to relay?” Seth demanded the answers from Beornred.

  Beornred raised his hands towards Seth, to pacify him, and once again looked around them.

  “My man did not hear the full discussion, but he did hear the King tell the messenger to give this Ripley permission to do whatever he thought was needed to ensure the matter they had discussed did not become a storm. Now I am not sure what they discussed but I do know Ripley is a nasty, vindictive little man who I have heard has no great love of you or your wife, due to the fact you do not attend church I believe.”

  Seth's mind was racing, what message had the King sent to Ripley?

  Beornred could see the conflict going on in Seth's mind from the expressions on his face and he gave a small smile to himself.

  “I am sure it is nothing, but I would want to check on my wife as soon as I could if this man had a grievance against her and was potentially planning a visit.”

  Seth needed no further convincing and turned to set off on the journey home. He knew he could get back in under a day’s ride and if he left now he could be at his house at nightfall if he pushed his horse.

  Seth looked back to see Beornred was still stood beside the road waiting.

  “Thank you for coming to me with this news Beornred, I am grateful and hopefully I can repay this kindness in the future?” This is what Beornred was waiting for and a smug grin appeared on his face.

  “I wish you Gods speed Seth…or Woden’s I suppose in your religion?”

  Seth didn’t wait any longer and set his horse off on the journey home hoping he found all was well when he arrived.

  Racing along the road, Seth tried to focus, he needed to speak with the Mara and he needed them now.

  He knew he couldn’t contact them while he was riding so he pressed on for several hours until he felt exhaustion creeping up on him and knew he had to stop and rest.

  Seeing a clearing in the trees ahead he decided this was as good a place as any. He secured his horse and sat down beside it, relaxed as best he could and focused his mind on the Mara.

  It took a little longer than usual, but Seth was finding it hard to keep himself calm enough to allow his thoughts to slow and his conscious mind to let go of the words Beornred has spoken to him.

  Soon he was in the trance-like state he needed, and he could sense the Mara were close by, he called to them, but they did not respond.

  “I know you are there Mara…. answer me!” The Mara slowly appeared to his left as he continued to fight his own mind to keep himself there with them.

  “Master Seth….it is good to see you again.” This was not the traditional greeting Seth had come to expect but he had more important things on his mind, so he paid it no attention.

  “Tell me of my wife Mara, tell me she is safe!” There was a silence and Seth's focus began to wane as his frustration and anger grew.

  “Mara!” Seth's voice boomed, and he could tell it had the desired effect on the two daemons.

  “Master, we cannot say if she is safe or not for we do not know…. we have been expecting this to happen and we wished we could give you more positive answers to your questions. We are very sorry, master.” They were sincere in their response and Seth could sense the sadness they had within them.

  “Please Mara, tell me anything you know. Tell me the things you hear in the night the things men are dreaming of in my village anything to stop me from going mad with panic.” Seth's desperation was growing, and he was fighting to stay with the Mara.

  “Master…you were glorious in battle, just as we expected you to be…remember how it felt master…always.” They were gone, Seth’s mind had broken, and he slumped on the ground next to his horse.

  After a drink and some bread, he climbed back into the saddle and galloped along the road urging the horse to go faster as the sun began to set behind the trees.

  The Conspiracy

  It was quiet in the village, just how Ripley liked it, after all silence allowed for reflection and that's what God wanted. The service had gone well and more and more of the village were converting to his religion and worshipping his God.

  Ripley had been tireless in his pursuit of those who were guilty of the worship of false idols and of those who followed the 'old ways’. Now the King was building him a new church and repenting his evil ways, by direct request of Boniface, the rest of the villagers were following by his example.

  He smiled at the thought remembering the day Aethelbald had summoned him to explain the letter he had received.

  “Explain this nonsense to me” the King had demanded, and Ripley had poured over the letter with reverence before providing the King with his summary of the request within it.

  “Boniface is asking the King, that’s you, to turn his back on his lustful ways and turn fully to God to allow the evil spirit who held him be vanquished,” he said, “he asks you give pe
nitence to allow you to be purified and reminds you that your lustful thoughts will alter the image of God within you to the likeness of a vicious demon.” He scanned the rest of the letter, “it also reminds you that you are King over many because it is the will of God’s grace” he paused before adding “which could be taken from you at any point God so desires, my Lord.”

  The final part wasn’t really in the letter, but he felt it important to add a slight threat of losing all he had which he knew would give his King pause for thought.

  Of course, there were still those within the kingdom who were resistant and maintained their evil ways, but he was keeping his eyes on them and had others of the church who were sympathetic to his cause.

  One had gotten away from him, Seth, he was certain he was in league with daemons and, by association; his wife must be as well! He could understand her marrying him as her parents arranged it but to stay with him proved she was guilty.

  Ripley walked into his house still thinking of how to deal with those two as well as the small pocket of the others but those two were key to breaking the rest.

  He gave a start as a shadow moved in the corner of the room and a tall man, still carrying a sword made his way towards him.

  “Who are you? Speak your name or be ready for the wrath of the King should any harm come to me.” Ripley was a coward at heart and the site of this man bearing down on him holding the hilt of his sword worried him immensely.

  “Be still Ripley, my name is John and I am in service to the King” he gave a slight bow.

  "I have ridden hard from the King’s side to deliver a message to you.” Ripley now settled and, sure he wasn’t going to be attacked, put on an air of importance.

  “Well then, John, you should get on with delivering this message and don’t delay any further!” he instructed.


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