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Father of Storms

Page 21

by Dean Jones

  “Dave Bradley and this is my friend and partner Billy Smith,” Dave said as he eyed Sarah’s figure and breasts in the tight dress she wore.

  Sarah was used to men ogling her and to be truthful she found it uncomfortable. She had mentioned it to her mother who only replied, “well if you go to worked dressed like a hooker then don’t be upset if men treat you like one!” She knew she was right but for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to dress in anything else and always bought clothes which were short and usually a size too small.

  “Billy Smith?” she said trying to take her mind off Dave who was now openly checking her out. “So, that would be Agent Smith, right?” She smiled, “very apt for your line of work.”

  Billy blushed slightly, “not my real name you understand, just one I was given when I started here. To be honest, I would have preferred something more exotic. My mate, who started the same time as me, got given the name Martinez… Agent Martinez!” he shook his head “that’s way better than Smith right?”

  The lift doors opened, and Sarah went in with Dave and Billy close behind.

  “You know Dave, one day you’ll look at a woman like that and she’ll take out her taser and zap you,” Billy said. He was becoming uncomfortable with the way his partner was eying Sarah, who he quite liked and felt it was unfair how the rest of the lads referred to her as ‘Slutty Sarah’.

  “She doesn’t mind do you, Sarah?” Dave said as he placed a hand on her bum and began to rub. Dave had always had a thing for redheads and had been trying to get Sarah alone for a month. This wasn’t alone, but Billy wouldn’t say anything, so why not.

  Sarah moved back away from Dave who was now practically drooling. She looked to Billy for support, but he looked as stunned as she was. Dave advanced on her and pressed her into the corner of the lift.

  “Come on Sarah, you know you love it, everyone knows what you’re like.” He placed his hand onto her breast and squeezed. Sarah tried to push him off, but he was much bigger and stronger than she was. Looking up at the floor indicator she could see they still had twenty-five floors to go to the basement where I.T. was based. That’s likely two more minutes with this brute groping at her and trying to do god knows what while his dumb mate watches.

  “You get a kick out of watching women being sexually abused in lifts Billy?” She asked trying to get him to help by identifying what was happening as wrong rather than ‘a bit of harmless fun’ which she heard far too often.

  Billy twitched a little at Sarah’s words and realised what was likely to be the outcome if he didn’t do something. He knew Dave and had been there when he had done this before to other girls. It made him sick and the thought of his own sister or mother going through this entered his head and he grabbed Dave’s arm and pulled him off.

  “What you doing, Bill? I’m just having a bit of fun…she don’t mind do you, darling?” He resumed groping and trying to get his hand up her dress.

  “I do mind and I will report this to Corey!” She said forcefully. She didn’t like to use her bosses name as a threat and only in dire circumstances, which this was quickly becoming, did she ever drop his name.

  Dave paused for a second and Billy pulled him off again. It was a well-circulated rumour that Sarah and Corey were involved in some after-hours activities and Dave considered whether that would mean his employer would rather he not be touching her.

  “Just a little fun sweetheart, no sense getting your knickers in a twist,” he pleaded, “this little…misunderstanding doesn’t need to go any further than this lift.” He said as he distanced himself to the other side and willed the lift to move quicker.

  Finally, the doors opened, and Sarah led them out of the uncomfortable atmosphere and took them through the corridor to the room at the far end with ‘I.T. Systems’ displayed upon it.

  Once inside Sarah quickly scanned the room to find Peter. She found him near the printers at the far end and quickly moved towards him with Dave and Billy in tow.

  “Peter, this is Agent Bradley and Agent Smith. Corey has asked you help them to locate some people who may have recently checked into accommodation in the Paddington area,” Peter smiled at her and then held his hand out to Dave and then Billy who both shook it firmly.

  “Well, you boys have come to the right place. Let me grab these papers and we can adjourn to my office and let the lovely Sarah return to her ever so important work with the big boss,” he winked at Sarah who rolled her eyes and turned before quickly returning to the lift glad to be away from them all.

  All three men watched her leave, and each was lost in their own thoughts for a second before Dave broke their reverie.

  “We going to check out your computers or just watch Slutty Sarah?” he asked

  With a flourish, Peter retrieved the papers from the printer and beckoned them to follow him.

  Inside his cramped office, Peter added the papers to a large pile of similar documents next to his desk and sat down in front of the largest monitor Billy had ever seen.

  “Right then, give me details gents, when and where are we looking…” the screen came to life and Peter guided his mouse around his desktop until he located the icon he was after. A few seconds later and ‘Corey Enterprises Centralised Accommodation’ appeared on the screen before being replaced by a login.

  Dave gave Peter the details they were given, and he logged onto the database and added the parameters.

  Four results popped up and Peter gave a broad grin. “Excellent software this, all accommodation providers are connected to this system, whether they know it or not is a question, but it does come in handy,” he clicked through the results before settling on the first and opening details.

  “Here you go, a little example of the power of technology. The system details the name of the accommodation, its address and the guest details. For this hotel, The Blue Star, two guests, a mother and daughter, checked in at 14:35 on Monday and were given room number two hundred and forty-seven. The room was booked for four days so they will be checking out tomorrow.” Smugness written all over his face he continued “I could even bring up the means of payment, Cash in this instance…you want me to print these out for you?” Peter asked.

  With details of the hotel with matching criteria, Dave and Billy headed for the garage in the sub-basement to set off to check for the hotel.

  New Day, New Pain

  The familiar feeling of tightly bound dressings woke Seth from his dreams. He paused for a second to reflect on the memories they had awoken. It all seemed so long ago and felt like a different person, but he saw himself and it seemed so vivid and real that he could not shift the emotions the dreams had stirred in him.

  The irritation of the buzzing remained a constant companion clouding his thoughts and making it difficult to discern reality from fiction but as he stared at the grey ceiling he began to reflect on the imagery he’d seen while he slept and of the spirits who were his constant companions throughout it all.

  “The Mara…” he mused “I wonder…”

  The door opened, and Seth swung his damaged legs over the edge of the bed as he gained a seated position.

  “Ah, my favourite people visiting me again,” he said cheerily

  Doctor Garrett bowed theatrically and smiled at Seth, “good to see your spirits have improved my dear fellow, always a bit of a bummer when the patient is all doom and gloom.” He paced forward and began his now customary checks of dressings and bandages.”

  “I must admit, I have no idea why you are so happy, Mr Goodman, today we step up our little game and begin to really try.” Agent Harvey sneered.

  Seth just grinned and tried to look relaxed as his legs were bent and extended.

  “Amazing recovery Seth, stunning that you are able to bend these things at all, to be honest, they were in a horrific state,” Garrett said as he placed Seth’s foot on the ground for the third time.

  “I am genuinely in awe, even the bone has repaired, and your hands appear to be none the worse
and fully functional…” Seth clenched both hands into huge fists and looked again at Harvey who instinctively covered his broken arm protectively.

  “Yes, I am beginning to remember a few things, Doctor…” Seth trailed off.

  “Good, then you will have no issues telling us what we want to know will you?” Harvey chirped before beckoning several men into the room. “No refreshments this morning, Mr Goodman, straight to business. We don’t want your memory failing on us while you waste time eating, do we?”

  Seth was hauled to his feet and placed into a wheelchair before being strapped in and wheeled out of the room.

  Seth felt alive again and even the buzzing in his head was not going to stop him. He could feel her and that proved she lived…the thoughts and images in his head continued to swirl but he was slowly getting used to the rhythm of the noise and could find gaps in its pattern that allowed him to focus on other things.

  He hummed to himself as they made their way down the corridor towards the torture room and Hector. Harvey struck his head with a punch, but he continued to hum pleasantly.

  “Now, now Agent Harvey, there’s no call for that, let Seth enjoy his trip out of his confinement,” Garrett said.

  They paused outside of Hector’s room as the door was opened and they rolled Seth in.

  Garrett watched for a second before turning and walking with one of his assistants back to his lab. “Clearly going mad,” he said with a smile. “Corey will be pleased to hear we are making progress.”

  Hector closed the door as Seth was positioned into the chair. Electrodes were attached to his thumbs as he was securely strapped down. The two men who had placed him looked slightly concerned but Seth just gave them a grin and a wink. They both backed away looking more confused as Harvey and Hector whispered together near the controls for the device.

  Seth looked around for what seemed the hundredth time, though he had only been here three times before. He took in the clinical look of the room and once again compared it to a dentist’s surgery. He noted the coat stand behind the door which he hadn’t seen before and saw the jackets hanging there and thought it strange that in this environment something as normal as coats would peak his attention.

  Agent Harvey walked across his eye line and was grinning as he took up his usual position in front of Seth, which explained why he’d never noticed the coats. Hector moved, and Seth looked in his direction waiting for the process to begin but before anyone spoke he was convulsing as electricity entered his body, and it all went black.

  The Wait May Be Long

  The morning was creeping over the horizon and the heat of the sun hit Seth’s shoulders as he sobbed on the hill overlooking the burning church and several of the still smouldering houses which surrounded it.

  Hundreds of people must have died last night, and his rage wasn’t satisfied until he had made Ripley watch as everything he had built and loved was destroyed by the hand of one who could command the energy around him. He could still hear the screams, but he didn’t care, all he cared about was she was gone and those who had taken her had paid with their lives but still he was not appeased.

  He became aware of the Mara circling where he sat, and he was in no mood to speak with these liars.

  “Go away, Mara!” He screamed, “I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you get any closer,” he panted as his anger built again. How dare they come to see him after everything they had done, they told him he would have a daughter with his wife…how can he now she was dead.

  “I will kill you!” He screamed as he sank into meditation and appeared before the cowering Mara.

  His energy grew, and he raised his arms to crash them down on the shaking spirits at his feet. As he struck an almighty pull grabbed him and threw him backwards.

  “Now, now son I will not allow you to do that,” A voice boomed, “the Mara have been good to you through your years and you would crush them because you cannot control your anger?” Seth looked up from his now prone position and saw Woden striding towards him axe raised in defence of the Mara, who had scuttled behind him for protection.

  Seth thought about just attacking and being done with this world and for want of an alternative he sprang to his feet and was about to charge.

  “No!” Woden cried and Seth’s feet became stuck and he was unable to move. “My child, I recognise you hurt and believe me I can feel your pain but attacking me is not something which will bring her back and will not end well for you,” Woden said as he reached out and placed his free hand on Seth’s shoulder whilst keeping his axe raised as a visual warning.

  Seth said nothing and knew it was futile to struggle or fight someone as powerful as the entity in front of him.

  “You have lost, as I said you would. You have sacrificed something you never thought possible, but this I also told you.” Woden kept his voice calm and steady. “I also promised I would visit you again after it was done and now is the time,” he looked down the hill and saw the village and church in ruins as well Ripley’s broken and charred body on the still burning tree.

  “Your rage is mighty, Seth, as I have always known it to be, but you must let it subside and find your way back to the path because this is not who you are.”

  “Really, then who am I then?” Seth couldn't temper his anger and shouted his question at Woden.

  Woden sighed, “you are who you are, Seth. This is not something I will tell you, it is something you must discover for yourself and you will in time.” Woden sat down crossed legged and beckoned Seth to join him.

  Seth found he could now move and for a second, he paused considering what to do. Should he run and attack? He looked over to Woden and he shook his head in response to Seth’s thoughts. Still upset, he walked over to the God and sat beside him.

  “The world we knew is coming to an end, Seth, there are changes ahead which can no longer be postponed, but for you, this is not something that will bring you any solace,” he explained.

  “I am very old Seth, me and my kind have walked these realms for millennia, in one guise or another, and to each, their time must come. I have come to visit you before I too must accept the change which is upon us. But I wanted, you to know something and it is a thing to give you hope.” He looked at Seth and smiled.

  “The Mara did not lie to you, they were telling you exactly what would happen but the question you should have asked is when?” he shrugged “but of course our vision is perfect looking back… she will return, I have made it so.” Seth’s ears pricked up at this news

  “When, how long will I have to wait?”

  “Now you ask when!” He laughed and patted Seth’s knee, “the when is a long time in the future, I cannot tell you how long because to me it is just moments away but for you it will be several lifetimes and I think the time will heal your wounds and your heart for I do not think you’re in a fit state for her to return to you now,” he shook his head solemnly.

  “It has been a messy business, but you have coped with the challenges well and I am proud of you.” Woden got to his feet and peered down at Seth still sat on the ground.

  “As I have said, the time for the old gods has passed and my brethren and children have all gone, as there can be only one god…good bye my son and remember me and what I have told you.” His image began to fade and Seth, suddenly fearful, reached out.

  “How long Woden, how long will it be?” He called after him.

  “Wait, Seth, just wait…” and he was gone.

  Seth looked around him and saw the Mara trying to look inconspicuous though with their black gowns and fairy faces it was a difficult task to accomplish.

  “I will not speak with you again, Mara.” They looked like they had been struck and began to move towards him.

  “STAY, I will not harm you, but I need to be free of this, so I can grieve and clear my mind,” with that he mentally blocked the connection he had and then all was quiet, and he was left looking at his burning village.

  He got to h
is feet, turned and walked away.

  A Wandering Warrior

  The years and centuries passed but the pain of her loss did not diminish. He had discovered that burying the memory, of that period, through other pursuits was the best way to alleviate the suffering he felt each time his mind remembered. He had used his gifts to step out of the river which was time, whilst still interacting with the world around him. What this meant was while the world aged and developed he did not.

  Seth had moved from town to town at first, providing services as a farm helper or sword for hire, depending on his mood and the wants of the person paying him the coin.

  Over the years, he developed a taste for battles and headed deep into the world in search of the thrill of combat to drown out the pain and loss he felt deep in his heart.

  His anger knew no limits with a sword in hand and he entered the fray and heartlessly moved among the enemy soldiers taking life after life in the hope somehow this bloodshed would bring her back to him…but it never did. Only after the chaos of the battlefield, whilst alone nursing his wounds and counting his coin did it all come flooding back along with the remorse for the lives he’d taken to settle his own personal vendetta against the world.

  It didn’t take long for Seth to find a cure for the guilt as he would always make his way to the local inn and drown out the memories with ale before passing out into the blackness of his drunken mind.

  The Mara stayed silent for many years in fear of the reprisals from their master. Their only contact coming by way of dreams while their master slept. Although he rarely remembered the dreams they continued to try and make contact in the hope one day he would return to them as they had sworn their service and as such were with him for eternity.

  Their plan was to soothe his memories to remind him of who he was, so he could return to them focused on his task. They knew she would return as it had been told to them by one more powerful than any other.


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