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Father of Storms

Page 26

by Dean Jones

  “I am so sorry sir, you must think me very rude to just stare at you, I honestly don’t know what came over me?” She was still blushing, and Seth grinned and shook his head slightly

  “It is I who should apologise as I mistook you for a woman who you resemble and...well it has been a long time,” he said.

  “Well that’s fine, shall we look at Exmouth?” she stared at her screen for a second trying to clear her head. No man had ever looked at her the way he had just done, it was like he had looked directly into her souls and found something she didn’t know was there. It was very intimate and yet she found she liked it and turned her head slightly to look at him again and saw he was still looking at her. Her heart leapt, and she didn’t know what to do, he was…she didn’t know what he was, but she knew she wanted his name and number.

  “So, Mr…?” she asked again

  “My name is Seth,” he said and reached his hand across her desk and she took it. Electricity moved up her arm and set her hair on end.

  “Seth…” she finally managed to say. “That’s a lovely name, do you live locally?”

  “Not yet,” Seth said, “but by next week I will.”

  Manipulating the Press

  The bell rang, and people started to gather their belongings and kiss their loved one’s goodbye, but Nicola still hadn’t got the answers she wanted.

  “Listen, Gary, I know you are scared but really it’s the best way to get whoever did this to you exposed so that no one else ever has to worry about this happening to them.” Gary shook his head and people started walking out of the ward.

  Nicola wasn’t the type to take no for an answer and pressed the man sat wrapped in his dressing gown. It had taken three years to find him and more than one favour to get his details, so she could gain entry to the psychiatric ward to speak to him.

  “Gary, or do you prefer Gaz?” She had one last attempt to pal up to him, but he wasn’t buying it.

  “This is really quite disappointing, to be honest,” she started before crossing her arms and looking at him over the top of her glasses.

  “Your friends were more talkative; do you know that?” They weren’t but he didn’t need to know the truth, after all, he’d been sat in this hospital for over seven years so what would he know about reality.

  “They told me all about it and I just want to hear your side as it seemed a very strange story…don’t you remember?”

  Nicola had been trying to get to the bottom of the story for a while now, ever since coming across the paper clipping in the library about three boys found wandering around Haytor Rock delirious and quite badly beaten by all accounts. They hadn’t recalled anything, according to the report, and the case was put down to drunken youths having gone too far but there was something she instinctively picked up on. She knew when there was a story, and this was clearly a cover-up of some kind and she wanted to know what had happened or she’d just write it up as she saw fit and who would know any different?

  “Gaz, I spoke with Smitty last week and he tells me you were the one who made the decision to go up to Haytor Rock and it was you who caused it to happen. I just want your version of the events so when people read my story they don’t get the wrong idea about you…do you see where I am going with this…do you?” The time had come for threats, this usually worked, and Gaz was no different.

  “He knows where I am…he could get me whenever he wants…. I can’t say anything.” he stammered.

  “Who, Smitty?” she asked confused.

  Gaz shook his head “Smitty and Ste both know who, and if you spoke to them then you know too.” He looked at her and for the first time and Nicola could see the fear in his eyes.

  “Who is this you are talking about, was there someone else on that hill with you?” Gaz nodded.

  “She called him Seth...” he trailed off as he recalled.

  “Listen, you can’t say I told you anything OK?” Nicola shrugged, after all, what good is a promise to a crazy man.

  “You have to promise.” Gaz pressed.

  “OK, I promise. You will be referred to as an anonymous source, happy?” Gaz took a deep breath and turned to face her.

  “Excuse me, love.” Came a voice from behind her, “visiting is over, you’re going to have to say goodbye and leave I’m afraid.” Nicola shot a look at the plump nurse behind her and gritted her teeth.

  “erm…could we just have ten minutes more; my brother is just telling me something really important and our parents have been at their wits end not knowing about…you know?” she lied.

  The nurse looked at Gary and nodded, “five minutes but you have to go when I come back OK?” Satisfied, she turned, and Nicola returned her attention to the man who was about to give her the story of the decade.

  “Carry on,” she urged as she opened her notebook to a clean page.

  “We were young you see, and we’d had a bit to drink…anyway, Smitty saw this bloke and woman ducking behind one of the walls and…well…we thought we’d have some fun.” The look of shame was clear on his face as he spoke.

  “Then things got out of hand and I stuck this Seth with my knife, but he wasn’t normal and before we knew it he was everywhere all at once…then there was this glowing ball and he told us not to mention it ever but well you see, I’m dying and my family well they don’t care about what happens to me so I suppose what’s the worst he could do now?”

  “That’s nice,” Nicola said, “but what about Seth?” She wasn’t interested in any human element and just wanted detail. “Tell me more about this glowing ball, was it a weapon of some sort or perhaps something reflected the sun…it was summer after all?”

  Gaz shook his head, “it was a ball of electricity…just hung there as he spoke to us then, I was in the air and the pain was like nothing I could describe.” She watched him flinch at the memory as his hand pressed against his chest as if feeling it again.

  “Then I was walking around with Ste and Smitty for hours not knowing what to do until someone found us and well…we went home.” He concluded.

  “Who were these people, Seth and what was the woman called?” Gaz looked up and smiled.

  “She was nice, really fit if you know what I mean?” Nicola could guess.

  “Anyway, she worked in one of the big travel agents in Exeter, we’d seen her loads of times…Marcy, she was called…don't remember her surname sorry…” he trailed off again as footsteps came from behind them.

  “OK love hope you got what you needed but it is time to leave now sorry.” Nicola packed up her stuff and stood to leave. Just as she was turning to go Gaz grabbed her wrist.

  “Be careful, darlin’, he wasn’t normal and if you see him please tell him I hope he chokes on rat shit!” he smiled in defiance as she walked away and out of the hospital.

  She hurried to her car, it had started to rain, and she silently cursed herself for not bringing her coat. She had parked on the street outside the hospital and it was a minute or so before she reached for her keys, opened the door of the beat-up blue Nissan and climbed in. Immediately she took out her notepad to read through the account again. Seth and Marcy from Exeter shouldn’t be too difficult to find, she thought.

  Scrolling through her phone she found the number of the editor for the Star, this was the kind of story he’d love, and she waited as the phone rang.

  “Hello, Nicola” came the voice on the other end, “what have you got for me this time, more conspiracy or do you actually have a story?”

  Nicola grimaced but kept her calm at the dig. “I have something special this time Dave, a real mystery!” She recalled the story to him over the phone, embellishing as she saw fit before pausing while she waited for the verdict.

  “Not for me Nicola love, sorry” Dave sighed on the other end of the phone, “there’s no mileage in a story about nobodies from ten years ago, people want scandal and celebrity misbehaviour these days…go find me a story like that and we can talk.” Without waiting he hung up the phone and Nico
la slammed her mobile onto the seat beside her.

  “Interesting Conversation, Nicola?” she spun around and saw a man sat in her back seat.

  “Who the fuck are you?” she exclaimed.

  “My name is Corey, I mean you no harm and merely wish to discuss a…proposition with you,” the man said and she could feel herself relaxing as he leaned forward slightly and she saw he was wearing a white hoodie, of some sort, which covered his face but amazingly it didn’t seem to matter.

  “I just so happen to be looking for a man called Seth and from what you’ve said, and from the investigations you have undertaken, I am sure it is the same man we are both looking for…which is why I am here.” Nicola blinked, and the words sunk into her mind like syrup over hot muffins.

  “What do you mean?” She asked, her senses starting to come back to her.

  “It’s fairly simple really Nicola, I think we can help each other.” She caught a flash of a smile from beneath the hood, “I need to flush Seth out and want you to do it for me.” He concluded.

  “Why would I do that?” Nicola asked though it was only instinct that kept the questions coming as she was starting to feel she should be helping this man and for the life of her she couldn’t come up with a good reason why she shouldn’t.

  “Well, you need to sell stories to papers, you want to be a famous journalist and you also have a desire to be on TV, am I correct?” she saw another briefest of smiles from inside the hood. “Of course, I’m right my dear.” He said without waiting for her response, “now I could just make you do it for me but that would be less productive, and I fear I may lose the dirt-digging-never-care attitude you have. So, I propose you sell your story to Dave and, believe me, he will make sure it's printed. I can also promise every story you write about Seth will appear in as many newspapers as you desire from this day forward.” He paused as he let his words settle.

  “In the future, if I am pleased with the progress you are making, we can arrange TV news, how does that sound my dear, do we have an agreement?” Nicola took a deep breath and considered what she’d heard.

  “How would you keep your end of the bargain, Dave just hung up on me?” There was a snigger from the man and his hand reached out towards her. She noted it had age spots on the back.

  “Pass me your phone please,” Nicola obediently dropped it into his open hand.

  She sat and watched as he dialled a number and waited. As the phone started to ring he pressed the speakerphone button and waited.

  “Hello, how did you get this number?” Came a stern voice of a woman as the call was answered.

  “It’s me,” Corey said.

  “Yes, sir, what would you like?” The woman’s voice was now deeply respectful.

  “I want Dave Spencer, the editor of the Star, to call Nicola Stuart immediately to offer her space on page five of his paper to print her story…is that clear?” He asked though Nicola could sense the answer would be in the affirmative.

  “Crystal clear sir give me five minutes.” He hung up and passed the phone back as they waited in silence.

  Six minutes later her phone rang, and she looked to see ‘Dave – Star’ appear on the caller display.

  “Hello, Dave?” She answered tentatively

  “Ah Nicola, I’ve had a rethink and reckon I could squeeze your story onto to page five of tomorrows paper if you get it written up and sent across in the next couple of hours…we’ll pay you the usual if you’re OK with that?”

  Nicola looked bemused at Corey who was relaxing in the back seat of her car and she could sense he was smiling.

  “Erm…yes that’s fine I will email you in a bit,” she replied.

  “Excellent, I look forward to it, thanks Nicola,” and he hung up.

  “So, we have a deal, do we?” Corey purred. Nicola didn’t hesitate

  “Damn right we do!”

  Our Child, At Last

  The winter sun was setting over the hills of the Yorkshire Dales as Seth walked down the path towards the farmhouse. At the kitchen window, he could make out Marcy busying herself with the evening meal and he smiled contentedly to himself.

  They had moved to Seth’s farmhouse six months ago and had been eagerly setting up the house for family life. Marcy had become pregnant shortly after their marriage the previous year and they had decided that since Seth had this lovely remote farm in the Yorkshire Dales then it would be an excellent place to set up home and start their lives together as the Goodman’s.

  The wedding had been a small affair with only a few members of Marcy’s family present and no one from Seth’s side. They had known this would be the case and had deliberately booked a small venue to excuse the lack of numbers and avoid any questions.

  Seth remembered the day fondly as he strolled through the gate and paused to look at the house for a moment. The stone keep he had bought at auction all those years ago, was still the main part of the house but he had invested in a small extension to ensure there was space enough for a growing family and he admired the work of the stone mason, who had expertly spliced the old house with the new extension.

  He smiled to himself as he recalled the telephone call he had made to Val to reacquaint themselves and engage her services once more to look after things for him.


  “Good morning, Garret and Hurst Investments how can I direct your call?” Came the chirpy voice of the receptionist. Seth smiled at the name of the company. After a quick internet search, he had found Val had started this company shortly after they had parted ways and the fact she had used his surname brought a warm feeling.

  “Ah, could you put me through to Valerie Hurst please?” Seth requested.

  “I am sorry, Miss Hurst is not taking any unsolicited calls, you will need to speak to her PA, I will transfer you now, who should I say is calling?” It was a perfectly reasonable request, but Seth paused.

  “Erm…My name is Seth,” he began, “Seth Goodman.” The line went dead before a ringing tone followed by hold music took the place of the silence.

  Seth waited a couple of minutes before the call was answered by a stern male voice.

  “Mr Goodman, what business do you have to discuss with Miss Hurst. I have checked, and we do not have any record of your name and so you will understand my caution?”

  Seth was taken aback, ‘Caution’ what could she possibly need to be cautious about?

  “Erm…yes, I suppose I understand; however, it is important I speak with Val, let her know Seth has called and pass on my number for her to contact me, I have need of her services.”

  “Mr Goodman, as I said, we do not know who you are and as such I will not be passing on any messages unless you explain to me what it is you are calling about?” The man’s voice was becoming insistent

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?” Seth asked trying to change tack.

  “I didn’t give my name; now what business is it you wish to discuss with Miss Hurst?” He countered. “She is incredibly busy, as am I, and we don’t have the time for this so if you would kindly answer my question or I shall end this call?” Seth had not been spoken to like this for a very long time and his blood begin to boil at the tone of this man.

  “I fully appreciate you are busy sir and recognise your employer is wary of calls from unsolicited people however I can assure you she will want to speak to me and I will not be divulging the nature of my business to anyone other than Valerie Hurst.” Seth took a breath to calm himself, “now, you either put me on hold while you put your head into her office and tell her Seth is on the phone or I will make my way to the office and walk in their myself…I can guarantee you, not letting her know I am calling will be much worse than passing my message on!” the phone went quiet and then the tone, which signified he had been disconnected, kicked in.

  “Bloody idiot!” Seth shouted at his mobile. Thirty seconds later it rang, and Seth answered.

  “Mr Goodman forgive me I…erm…accidentally cut you off…” the man’s voi
ce was considerably politer now.

  “Miss Hurst is eager to speak to you and has instructed me to pass on her personal number for you to call, anytime.” He recited the number and Seth wrote it down on a pad next to his chair.

  “Now if there’s anything at all you would like in addition to this Mr Goodman, please do not hesitate to contact me, you can ask for me directly when you call reception and I will ensure they know to put you straight through.” Seth smiled to himself.

  “I still haven’t learned your name,” he mentioned.

  “ah Yes, apologies. My name is David Richardson, and as I said, anything you need then let me know…” Seth made a note of this too.

  “Thank you, David, you have been most helpful,” Seth said.

  “You are welcome, I look forward to speaking with you again.” Seth hung up and looked down at the number on his pad before dialling and waiting for it to connect.

  “Seth! Bloody hell it’s been what, five…six years?” Val’s voice had lost none of its enthusiasm in the intervening time.

  “About that,” Seth replied, “how have you been?”

  “Marvellous, absolutely fucking brilliant to be honest. My company has grown twenty-five per cent in the last three years and is now going from strength to strength.” The pride in her voice was unmistakable and Seth felt an equal amount in her for the achievements she had made.

  “That’s fantastic, Val, I knew you’d make something of yourself…one day.” Seth joked.

  “Prick!” she laughed in return.

  “So, what’s new, how have you been?” she asked eagerly

  “Well I am married now and am looking to move back to Yorkshire and my old farmhouse. You may recall I left it and now I feel it would be an ideal location to set up home for my wife and our unborn child.”

  “Married and she’s fucking pregnant!” Val exclaimed, “you don’t hang about do you, Seth, not changed a bit!” She laughed, and Seth smiled to himself feeling the joy from his old friend. “Congratulations, I am truly happy for you,” she said sincerely. “Enough of the pleasantries though, what is it you need from me?” she asked.


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