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Full Frontal Fantasy

Page 2

by Lyla Sinclair

  When he pulled out, his fingers brushed my clit once more and I jumped and stood upright. Damn, I needed to come.

  I watched his muscular frame move toward the nightstand again. When he bent over, I wanted to kick myself for leaving something very important out of the script. There was nothing in there about him completely removing his pants. I would never see that tight ass pantless…unless he requested the second meeting I’d agreed to, the one where we fulfilled his fantasy.

  I saw him slip a condom into his pocket. He began squirting lube on his gloved finger and another wave of arousal washed through me.

  I remembered the script. “What are you doing, Warden?” I asked.

  “You know the drill, Jenny. Inspection isn’t over yet.”

  “Please don’t search me there, Warden. I’m not hiding anything. I promise.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. Bend over.”

  I bent again, wondering if this could possibly feel like I’d imagined it. What if—?

  His gooey digit touched my ass hole.

  I moaned.

  The warden began pressing his finger at the entrance but it was puckered up tight. If it was too tight for his finger, then it would surely be too tight for—

  He broke through and I couldn’t keep my bottom from squirming with pleasure. The tip of his digit wiggled around inside me and a series of jolts bounced through my body.

  “Relax,” he said. “I just need to check a little farther.” His finger inched forward and my hips began a slight rhythmic thrust, attempting a fucking motion. “Be still,” he commanded. That wasn’t in the script, but I got a hot flash from the harsh sound of his voice. I already wished we had definite plans about when we’d meet again.

  “Oh-oh-oh!” I complained as he slid his finger out of me slowly.

  “I think you’d better move forward and put your hands on the bed. I’m going to have to do a more thorough search.”

  Oh yes!

  I knew what was coming now and I was more turned-on than I’d ever been before, but also more afraid. I followed his instructions and bent over with my hands on the bed, my rear sticking up toward him again.

  Squeezing my eyes tightly closed, I listened to the soft rustling sounds and the packet ripping open. Maybe I couldn’t do this. Flapjacks. Maybe I should say it now and get out of here.

  Flapjacks? Really? What a lame safe word! It was the word my grandfather used for pancakes. I’d wanted something I couldn’t possibly say accidentally in a moment of excitement, but flapjacks? How could I possibly say that to this handsome, super-hot, younger man? Now that I’d seen him, I was embarrassed he even knew it was my safe word. His was “cyborg”—not that he needed one for this particular scenario—but it was so much cooler than “flapjacks”.

  Oh! I was startled out of my thoughts by the feel of his slippery cock between my ass cheeks.

  He bent over me. “Prepare for a thorough inspection, Jenny,” he said, low and husky into my ear. Then he stood and I felt his cock prodding my ass. I was still so tight, he pushed and slipped away, then pushed and slipped away again. I arched my back, pushing my bottom higher. He pulled my butt cheeks apart then pressed his tip firmly against my tiny hole. He rotated in a circle for several glorious seconds as I sighed with pleasure—then he pushed his way in and pain seared through me.

  I flinched and cried out. He grasped my hips and held me still until the throbbing eased.

  “Don’t run away, Jenny. I’m not through with you yet.” It was an ad-lib, but it pulled me back into my fantasy and, even though the pain was worse than I’d expected, I didn’t want to throw in the towel yet. “I’m good to my girls,” he said, back on script. “This way you’ll still be a virgin. We’ll take it nice and slow…”

  I felt totally perverted for being turned-on by that, but for a woman who’d been in control of dozens of employees and hundreds of major corporate accounts, the idea of being dominated like this was an arousing change of pace.

  He moved his now-gloveless hands to my breasts and kneaded them, and boy did they need to be kneaded. Then he pinched my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and squeezed as he pushed his cock farther into my ass. The pleasure-pain at my nipples somehow balanced out the pain-pleasure in my bottom and my body turned into one big ball of pleasure…or pain. It didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  “Oooh…oooh…yes,” I heard myself moan.

  He bent over me, pressing his chest to my back. “Yeah, you like it, don’t you Jenny?” He pushed himself into me fully. I could feel his pubic hairs tickling my rear end. For some reason that made it feel more real…more personal. “Tell me you like me inside you,” he murmured into my ear. He freed my hair from the band that had been holding it back. That wasn’t in the script either and this was feeling strangely intimate now. It frightened me, yet I couldn’t disappoint him.

  “I love having you inside me,” I whispered.

  Placing his palm on one of my cheeks, he turned my face toward him. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, no longer steely but sparkly and sincere. Then his lips covered mine, his tongue exploring me with the intensity of a true lover as his cock slowly pushed forward and pulled back again inside me. I was overcome with desire, with emotion.


  I freed myself from his kiss and turned my head away. He cleared his throat and I got the impression that, like me, he was trying to clear away the overly personal moment we’d shared.

  His left hand went back to squeezing my breast, while the right skimmed down my body to my pussy. His finger slid between my lips, circling my clit in the most pleasurable way.

  He thrust into me now, harder and faster as he continued to work my clit.

  “Ahhh… Oh God!” I cried.

  “Is this what you wanted, Jenny? A good,” thrust, “hard,” thrust, “ass fucking?” He was pounding me now, just like in my fantasy.

  “Yes…yes…” I murmured.

  Then my ass and my clit began to throb simultaneously, feeling like two separate orgasms working in unison. The sensation swelled throughout my body and I started to shake and spasm, crying “yes, yes, yes!” throughout.

  My orgasm seemed to trigger his. He groaned loudly and we both lost control, falling forward onto the bed. But he rolled us onto our sides and continued thrusting into me until I stopped jerking.

  Finally. Exactly what I needed.

  We lay there quietly for several minutes. At first I was recovering then I was trying to figure out what to do. I’d never thought it through to the aftermath. What do you do after the orgasm, when a complete stranger still has his cock in your ass and his arms wrapped around your stomach?

  “Hey,” he said softly into my ear. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “I’m fine, and you?” I realized I sounded like something from one of those foreign-language learning tapes.

  “I’m great.” His nose was buried in my hair, his lips against my ear. I felt a pang of…something. “Listen, we have the whole night here,” he said. “I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like we…“ His voice trailed off.

  Even though he didn’t finish the sentence, I knew what he meant. And it was totally crazy because we only knew each other as “Jenny” and “The Warden”. Yet I so wanted to stay here and get to know this guy, whoever he was.

  He tried again. “Anyway, let’s just stay and enjoy each other’s company—off script.”

  The word “script” jarred me back to reality. We used scripts for our trainings at my company. And I’d purposely written a script and used Fantasm so there would be no real personal interaction, no chance that the person who knew about my most secret fantasy could follow me into my real life.

  “Um, I need to…” I pointed to one of the two bathrooms provided nearby. I thought it was really great the way they’d allowed for “his” and “hers”.

  “Sure,” he said as he released me. “We’ll get showered up and I’ll meet you back out here in a few minutes.”
/>   “Um…” I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to take him up on his suggestion, but how could I? At the moment, I needed to get away from his compelling presence and think this through. “Sure, okay.”

  On my way to the bathroom, I grabbed up my clothes and held them in front of me casually, as though I wasn’t trying to hide my body from him.

  He wasn’t fooled. “You know I’ve already seen you naked, right?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but that was minutes ago. You never know what could have changed since then.”

  He laughed out loud and just before I ducked into the bathroom, my mind took a picture of his face, warm, smiling, handsome… I shut the door and locked it.

  I looked around the opulent room as though there was going to be someone in there to help me decide what to do next. This was the most beautiful bathroom I’d ever seen. It seemed excessive until I realized there were probably people who had bathroom sex fantasies.

  Then I noticed the door. I wasn’t sure if it had been purposely placed there as an escape hatch for women in my situation or if it just happened to be the back sound stage exit before the place was redesigned, but I took it as a sign. I threw my clothes on and raced to my car.

  I didn’t slow down until I was twenty miles out of L.A.

  Chapter Two

  I’d never had a woman run out on me before. In fact, most of them seemed to consider me some kind of catch.

  Talk about a humbling experience. After my shower, I’d actually gotten into bed and waited there for an hour. I felt like an asshole when I finally checked on her and realized she’d ditched me.

  What really stung was that out of all the one-night stands, she was the one I’d actually wanted to stay. I didn’t know if it was the mystery of the situation or the way her hair smelled when I nuzzled the back of her neck or the way her soft brown eyes widened when she first saw me or—

  “Did you come to play or are you going to sit in the cart all day?”

  I was supposed to be in the middle of a golf game with my sister Lynn, but my head sure wasn’t in this round.

  “I was taking a moment to enjoy nature’s bounty,” I said as I pulled a driver out of my bag and walked toward her. “Look how green the grass is.”

  “I’d hardly call that nature’s bounty. Some guys come out here and plant it, baby it constantly…I bet it’s even genetically engineered for golf courses.”

  I put the ball on the tee and grasped my club with both hands. I had a flashback of holding my other “club”, pressing it into Jenny’s tight little—

  I swung and hit the ball. Our eyes followed it as it sliced to the left, disappearing into the trees.


  Lynn chuckled. “I mean, you’re never as good as moi, of course, but your head is really up your ass today,” she said.

  Actually it was more like my head was up someone else’s ass. “Look, Lynn, I have sort of a…romantic issue,” I blurted out.

  Did I just say the word “romantic”?

  She’d been reaching into her cargo shorts for a ball, but suddenly seemed to have forgotten all about it. “Wowsa! You? I didn’t think you ever had ‘romantic’ issues.”

  Groan… Oh, what the hell? “I think maybe I need a little advice.”

  “And what makes you think I can help?”

  “Well, you’re a woman…and you date women…then there’s the fact that you’re a shrink.” This was embarrassing. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. “Plus you’re the closest thing I have to a brother,” I said to lighten the mood.

  “Har-har.” She walked over to the tee box and set her ball. She swung and the ball arched perfectly, landing at the edge of the green.

  “Do you have to be such a cliché?” I teased.

  “You’re just jealous because you could never beat me in sports. Probably why you spend so much time at the gym. At least you can have bigger muscles than your sister.”

  I flexed my arms and showed her my guns, deciding this was a good time to change the subject and forget about the advice. “You were waaaay older than I was. Still are. Hey, is that a crow’s foot next to your eye there?”

  “Such a funny boy,” she said as she patted me on the cheek. It reminded me of when my mom used to do the same thing. But as my eyes threatened to tear up over the memory of Mom, the patting turned into more of a smackdown.

  “Ouch! Damn!” I said as I stepped back.

  Lynn laughed then went serious on me. “So what’s the problem?” she asked.

  How could I phrase this delicately? “I met this woman and I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  “So call her.”

  “It’s not that simple. I don’t know her number… I don’t really even know her name.”

  “For God’s sake, Ryan, you had sex with a woman without even asking her name?”

  “No, it wasn’t like that, it was…” There was no way I could give my sister any details whatsoever about what Jenny and I had done together. “Look, Lynn, haven’t you ever had the feeling you’ve let something really great slip through your fingers?”

  She stood there for a moment, leaning on her driver, her head tilted in thought. “No, I don’t think so,” she finally replied.

  I let out a frustrated breath.

  “This is really getting to you, isn’t it?” she asked, with much more sympathy than she usually showed her younger brother.


  She dropped her club and came toward me. “Looks like you need a little therapy.” She threw her arms around me and squeezed, something she’d only started doing since our parents died. Mom had been the big hugger in the family.

  As I hugged Lynn back, I was reminded that she was about six inches shorter than I was. Even after all these years, my all-knowing big sister was a giant in my mind. I kissed the top of her head as I wondered what was happening to me. This was the first time I’d ever needed a hug after a one-night stand.

  Lynn let go and looked up at me. “Now isn’t there some way you can connect with her again?”

  I thought about the agreement we’d made. Although my pride had been wounded when Jenny ran out on me, if she was a woman of her word, she would show up once more to fulfill my fantasy.

  That was it. I’d wait a week so I didn’t seem too desperate, then swallow my pride and contact her through Fantasm.

  “You know what, Sis? I’m glad I came out here with you today.”

  “Really?” she asked as she pulled the scorecard out of her pocket and waved it in my face. “You must be a real masochist.”

  I laughed and went off to look for my ball, hoping Jenny wouldn’t go back on her word.

  * * * * *

  I was back in my office in San Francisco the following Monday, supposedly rewriting one of our new customer service trainings, but I was having a hard time focusing. I couldn’t stop staring at my email inbox. I shouldn’t have wanted him to contact me again. I certainly should have hoped he’d leave well enough alone…but I didn’t.

  I hit the refresh button once more, just in case. But why would he want to see me? I ran out on him after agreeing to stay. He had no way of knowing it was because I found his presence too compelling. That I was afraid if I spent another second with him I’d want to hog-tie and drag him back to my apartment, which was contrary to the whole point of using a service like Fantasm.

  There was a tap at my door, which I typically kept closed so I could concentrate. Maggie from human resources poked her red head in. “Celeste?”

  “Hi, Maggie. Come in,” I said. She’d worked for Mr. Murray even longer than I had. By now she felt like family, since I’d known her for so long. Every year, her hair got redder and her eye makeup got darker. Maybe she needed a new eyeglass prescription.

  I rolled my chair back and got up to greet her properly. I hadn’t seen her since she’d returned from her vacation.

  As I was about to round my desk, I glanced up—but when I saw the man following her in, I lost all coordination
and caught one high-heeled foot on my desk leg as the other foot was moving forward. I put my hands down on the desk to keep from falling and froze in an awkward position as I looked up again to see if I was hallucinating.

  No. It was him. The guy from Fantasm was standing right behind Maggie.

  All I could do was stare and blink.

  “Celeste, I brought you a temporary assistant to help you while Diane is out with her surgery. This is Ryan Marshall.”

  “Wh— Huh?” I uttered stupidly as I unwedged my foot and moved to the side of my desk.

  “Are you okay?” Maggie asked. “Did you hurt your foot?”

  “Yes,” I said, realizing my left foot was throbbing almost as fast as my heart was beating. “Um…clumsy.” I glanced down at my foot then up again quickly. He was still there, smiling like the proverbial cat that ate the canary.

  What the hell is this?

  Ryan stepped forward and extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Celeste. I’m sure I’ll enjoy working under you.”

  Under me? As I remember, last time he was over me.

  I forced my arm forward. His warm hand enclosed mine, shook it and gave it an extra squeeze. My traitorous crotch squeezed right along with it.

  “Um…pleasu— Nice to meet you too,” I replied.

  “Well, I’ve got an applicant waiting, so if you two don’t mind…”

  “No…yes…fine.” I waited a moment until Maggie stepped out of my office, pulling the door closed. “It’s you!” I said. “How did you—? Are you stalking me?”

  “No, it’s a bizarre coincidence, I swear,” he said. “But I’m glad because I really wanted to see—”

  “This can’t be happening.” I’d spent the past twenty years building my career, fifteen of them at this company. And now I was watching everything I’d worked for slowly circle the drain. How long would it take before word spread around the office? This kind of knowledge about one’s boss was too juicy to keep secret.


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