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Ice: Part I

Page 20

by Penny Hawking

  Ice smiled at his text. She started to type when she got another text from him.

  -okay his tears are real. i gotta take care of my lil bro. moms freaking out.

  -yeah, yeah of course. Hope he’s okay.

  -see you in school. Love you.

  Ice smiled.

  -I love you too

  She stared at the heart he texted her and brought the phone to her heart. This feeling was amazing.


  Peyton moaned into her mouth as he moved against her.

  Ice wrapped her legs tighter against him. Scooting her butt on the edge of the desk. Her head moved to the side as they deepened the kiss. She sighed into his mouth as their lips parted and reconnected just as quickly. Peyton grabbed her ass to press her against his body. He wanted to feel her heat, feel all of her.

  Ice broke off the kiss. “That was the bell…” she whispered breathlessly.

  He groaned in protest and kissed her again.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders again as they fell back into their make-out. Peyton’s hands roamed desperately over her body. Feeling, squeezing, grabbing whatever he could get his hands on.

  Ice laughed and broke off the kiss again. “The second bell.” She giggled pushing him back as she slid off the desk.

  “Let’s skip school.” Peyton replied, adjusting himself in his jeans. “Let’s go to my house.” He moaned.

  “No, I’m not skipping school.” Ice eyes widened.

  “Have you ever skipped school?” He asked putting his hands up.

  She shook her head.

  “Do it one time.” He put his index finger up and grinned. “One time.”

  Ice shook her head and leaned into him. He grabbed her and kissed her again hard.

  “Okay, let’s go.” She whispered against his mouth.

  Peyton lifted his head. “Out of school?” he whispered.

  Iceria bit down on her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes.”

  Peyton picked her up and twirled her around. She laughed as she threw her head back. “Put me down.”

  “Let’s go quickly before you come back to your senses.” Peyton joked as he grabbed his backpack and her hand.

  Ice laughed as he spun her around. She hurriedly grabbed her backpack as he rushed them out of the empty classroom.

  They looked down the hallway, there were still enough students walking around for their exit not to be noticeable.

  “Follow my lead.” Peyton whispered, holding her hand tightly.

  Ice tried not to giggle as she leaned into him.

  “No eye contact.”

  This time she laughed and covered her mouth.

  “Hey Ice!”

  She turned to Brooke waving at her from her locker. She put her hand up, but Peyton immediately brought her hand back down.

  “No acknowledging friends.” He pulled Ice to the other direction. She laughed and quickly waved bye to Brooke as she followed him.

  “You’re really bad at this huh?” Peyton joked as he bent down and kissed her heartily. Her laugh got lost under his lips.

  They smiled at each other and casually walked out the school.


  “I want to know everything about you Iceria Aniyah Johnson.” Peyton said straddling the log.

  “There’s really not much to know.” Ice said looking questioningly at the log. It was irrational of her to think that the log was going to give way…but still the irrational fear was there. “…can we get off this thing now?”

  “Awww is my ice princess scared?” Peyton asked in amusement knowing full well Ice looked completely terrified of being on the log.

  “You really like nature huh?” Ice said looking down at the river below. “Every time we go somewhere you take me to the woods or something. Should I be concerned?”

  Peyton threw his head back and laughed loudly. His grey eyes sparkling as he jumped up and balanced himself on the log.

  “Peyton get down!” Ice said holding onto the log even tighter.

  He put his hands out. “Ooohh….oohh…shit! Shit!” He moved to the side waving his hands frantically in the air.

  “OH MY GOD! GET DOWN!” She reached out for him.

  And just like that, he stopped falling and straightened himself up. He grinned at Ice and bowed.

  “I hate you.” Ice said clutching her chest in fear.

  “Yeah but you’re also no longer holding on to the log for dear life.”

  Ice looked down in surprise. Her hands were up, her thighs were no longer squeezing the log. She hadn’t even noticed. She moved her head and her eyes wandered to the river below. Hearing the sound of the water crashing against the stone.

  “Don’t look down!”

  It was too late. She groaned and closed her eyes. Her hands going back down to grip as much of the log as she could.

  “Look at me.”

  She shook her head.

  “Ice look at me.”

  “We’re gonna fall and die.”

  “Trust me.” He whispered. She felt his presence and knew he’d moved closer.

  She opened one eye and peeked at him. Grey eyes staring back at her softly.

  “Trust me.” He repeated.

  Ice groaned and opened both eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. “When we talked about skipping school this was not what I imagined.” She admitted.

  His hair blew in his face as he leaned forward. “Did you really want me to take you to my house?” He asked mischievously.

  She shrugged. “Watch TV or something.” She responded trying not to smile.

  Peyton grinned and tucked his hair behind his ears. “Or something?”


  “Something like fucking on my bed?” He questioned, an eyebrow raised.

  Ice reached out and nudged his shoulder and he grinned.

  “I want that so much.” He admitted. “But I know you’re not ready.”

  She blushed and looked down.

  He watched her carefully. “Seriously Ice, I will always want to fuck you.” He admitted. She lifted her head. “But I can wait.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip and tugged on her earlobe shyly.

  “I mean like not forever---”

  Ice laughed and covered her mouth.

  He reached over and took her hand off her mouth. He replaced it with his lips, kissing her gently before backing away. “I really want to know everything about you my little ice-cream.”

  Ice shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just Ice, there’s really nothing much to know about me.” She looked around the forest. “Everything you need to know you already know.”

  “You keep pretty much to yourself, why?”

  “Why not?” she countered.

  “People say your family’s pretty private.” Peyton continued.

  Ice tensed. “You ask people about me?”

  “You answer questions like somebody who has a secret.” He smiled.

  She stared at him seriously for a moment. Her brown eyes lowered. She stared at the log they were sitting on. “I don’t have anything to hide.”

  “I’ll tell you about myself, if you tell me about yourself.” Peyton continued gently.

  Ice shrugged. “Fine, what’s your middle name?”



  “Yeah.” He nodded.

  Ice smiled. “That’s so…settled…Joseph…wow okay…like interpreter of dreams Joseph?”

  Peyton nodded.

  “Like multicolored coat Joseph?” she grinned.

  He nodded again.

  “Like he was so cocky that his brothers beat him up and sold him into slavery Joseph?” Ice smiled again. Well, well thank God for little children’s church.

  Peyton groaned when he realized what she was doing. “Later becoming leader of Egypt Joseph.” He smirked.

  Ice thought for a minute. “I like it, it suits you…Peyton Joseph Stone…that’s a really powerful name.” She admitted looki
ng at his chest. “It proves you’re gonna be somebody.”

  She looked up at his face. This time Peyton looked was the one to look at the log solemnly. “Everybody’s gonna be somebody…It just matters if that somebody is the somebody you want to be.” He said seriously. “My dad used to say that.”

  Ice was taken back, by his change in attitude. It was like a switch. It wasn’t light hearted playful, teasing Peyton. This was somebody brand new. Intrigued she probed a bit more.

  “Is that somebody, the somebody you want to be?” She asked cautiously watching his hand reach in his pocket. Probably for a cigarette. Sure enough, he pulled out a black n mild and lit it. She really did not approve of his smoking, but she had to admit the black n mild gave off a vanilla scent, that smelled soothing.

  “Depends if a certain somebody wants to be somebody for somebody even if he feels he’s a nobody among nobodies who pretend their somebodies.” Peyton admitted, taking a slow drag.

  “Okay Mr. Poet, that’s getting confusing, let’s stick to names.” Ice said chuckling.

  “Want me to break it down for you, using names?” Peyton asked slowly looking straight into her dark brown eyes.

  “Yes.” Ice replied.

  “Tell me about the fire in Kansas first.” He countered.

  Ice froze as she stared at him. She looked away uncomfortably. “What are you talking about?” she asked, her voice high. “Who told you about a fire?”

  “I asked people.” He replied. “I told you, I just want to----

  “Maybe you should stop asking people about my business!” She replied emotionally.

  “Ice…” Peyton’s mouth dropped open in shock. “I just….”

  “I want to go home.” She stood up fearlessly on the log and turned around.

  “Ice.” Peyton stared in surprise as she practically walked off the log almost slipping but that didn’t stop her. “You’re walking like a pro on that log.” He said proudly. Ice hopped on to the ground and headed for his motorcycle. “Fuck.” He threw his cigarette to the river below and rushed up. “Ice wait up!”

  Ice rushed to his bike, feeling as if she couldn’t breathe. She closed her eyes and tried not to cry. Why was he asking these questions?

  “I’m sorry! I’m sorry.” He grabbed her and spun her around. “I’m sorry, I didn’t----I----” He dropped his hands as he watched her. “I can see it’s really sensitive for you, and I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  Ice stared at the ground, refusing to look at him.

  Peyton sighed. “I just wanted to get to know you.” He offered a smile. “And I’m nosey as fuck.”

  “I want to go home.” Ice whispered, crossing her arms over her chest. “Please.”

  Peyton sighed again and rubbed his face. “Okay…okay fine.” He picked up the helmets from the floor and handed her the lime green and black one. “But you know you’re my girlfriend, we should be able to talk to each other.”

  Ice didn’t respond as she grabbed the helmet.

  “I want to talk to you.” He whispered and shrugged

  She nodded and put the helmet on without another word.

  Peyton watched her before putting on his own helmet. He’d talked too much. Too fast, too soon. He didn’t know the first thing about pacing. Now he wondered what he had to do for damage control. He climbed on top of his motorcycle and Ice climbed up behind him silently. He drove out of the woods in confusion, but more intrigued than ever in the girl sitting behind him.


  Ice closed her bedroom door sullenly and leaned against it.


  She slid to the floor as the tears she’d been holding back fell down her cheeks. Why had he asked her about that? Why couldn’t she live a normal life. She hit the door with the palm of her hands in frustration before burying her face in her hands.

  Her happiness was short lived. Everything. Everything always came back to that.

  Her phone vibrated and she looked down in pain. She reached into her purse and took out her cellphone.


  “Hey, Ice. Are you still with Peyton?”

  “No, why? What’s up?” she asked Brooke’s frantic voice.

  “I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to be sad and disappointed but dammit Ice you need to know.” She said nervously.

  “Brooke what’s going on?” Ice asked sighing as she wiped her face.

  “Ice, Peyton is bad news! Seriously he’s a fuckboy and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Brooke…” Ice sighed.

  “He fucked over my sister!” Brook yelled exasperated.

  “Your sister?” Ice questioned. “You have a sister?”

  “Half-sister remember? She lives in California and seriously, Peyton did her dirty.” Brooke said angrily.

  “Peyton? Peyton, Peyton?”

  “There’s only one Peyton Stone in the entire world and it’s that scumbag! I’ve hated him forever and I just…I don’t want you to be his next victim.”

  “His next victim?” Ice blinked nervously. “Brooke what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Shit…..okay Ice, listen…..”


  Peyton picked up his vibrating phone lazily. He rubbed his abs and rested his hand in the hem of his boxers as he pressed his thumbprint on the home button.

  -im outside.

  “Oh shit.” He whispered seeing Ice’s text. He stared in confusion before quickly replying.


  He threw his phone on the bed and grabbed his sweats. It was almost 10. He was sure it was past his girlfriend’s curfew.

  He smiled as he grabbed a black shirt and slipped into his slippers. Maybe she wasn’t as mad as she’d been this afternoon. All his unanswered texts. He should apologize for snooping. It was obviously a sensitive matter for her. Peyton knew he did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. But he cared about her. He cared about her a lot. And if she needed him to back-off, he’ll back off.

  He’ll take it slow.

  He grinned and rushed out his bedroom. If she was here this late. He should invite her upstairs. Show her what a true Peyton Stone apology was.

  He rushed down the stairs, straight down the hallway to the front door.

  “Going out?”

  “Just for a bit.” He answered his mom as he opened the door. “Ice is outside.”

  He stepped out into the cool night and smiled as he saw her car parked where it usually was.

  Excited, he jogged to her grinning.

  Ice opened her car door and got out. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to control herself as he made his way towards her.

  “Hey babe.” He grinned, his hair blowing gently as he put his hands in his pockets. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  “I was going to wait till tomorrow.” Ice’s voice trembled as she stood stiffly before him. “but I couldn’t….I….”

  Peyton took a step forward in concern at the tone of her voice. At her distance. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “You spewed all this crap about getting to know me!” Ice yelled in frustration.

  “Ice----I said I was sorry. Geez.” He shrugged. “I’ll back down.”

  “Who’s Maggie Forlin?” she demanded

  Peyton froze, his body tensed as he stared at his girlfriend. He tried to remember to breathe.

  “Who is she? And what did you do to her?” Ice demanded in pain.

  Peyton looked away, focusing on everything but Ice. “I don’t know who that is.”

  Ice scoffed. “Is that what you’re going to say about me when you’re finished with me?”

  “Ice…” Peyton pleaded taking a step forward.

  She moved back away from his outreached hand. “I almost trusted you.” She whispered hoarsely. “But you’re a liar and a hypocrite, Peyton Stone.” She turned around and quickly climbed in her car.

  “Ice don’t walk away.” Peyton rushed to her car door. “Don’t leave like that!”

er engine came to life an she swerved back, driving away quickly without so much as a backwards glance.

  “Fuck.” Peyton lowered his head and closed his eyes.


  Peyton walked back inside his house and slammed the door behind him.


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