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Ice: Part I

Page 38

by Penny Hawking

  “Look at me.” He whispered breathlessly. “Baby look at me.” Ice struggled to open her eyes, but she did as she stared into Peyton’s dark grey eyes. He smiled lovingly and looked back at her, his lips parted as he slid out and rammed back inside her. Ice gasped his name and moaned it over and over again. Their mouths urgently clashing as the need to get closer overcame them. Peyton didn’t once take his eyes off hers even as he kissed her again and again. His hips rocking back and forth in desperation. Her palms ran down his back and she grabbed his hips. Peyton put his tongue in her mouth again, which she eagerly sucked on. One hand supported his body while the other hand travelled down between her legs. He casually ran a thumb over her swollen clit and Ice moaned again.

  “Faster?” He whispered in her ear. Ice nodded and panted against his neck. Peyton picked up the pace rubbing her as he watched her face. Ice closed her eyes as she moved with his thrusts to reach her climax. She was almost there. Oh God. But right before she was pushed over the edge, Peyton slowed down dramatically and stopped rubbing.

  Ice groaned frustrated. “Peyton.” Was all she managed to say right before she bit down on the crook of his neck. She licked it and kissed it.

  Peyton grabbed her hips. “I came too fast earlier. We’re gonna make this one last.” He said breathing hard. Ice tilted her head and she kissed him hard as she tightened her legs around him more making him groan.

  “I want to cum now.” Ice said struggling to speak. “Peyton please.”

  Peyton resumed his previous pace as he met her gaze. “You’re mine.” He said softly kissing her.

  “I’m yours.” Ice nodded. Peyton groaned as he thrusted into her harder. “And you’re mine.” Ice managed to say as she raked his back, her hips matching his.

  “I’m yours.” Peyton replied agreeing. “Thanks for trusting me. “He tried to catch his breath as he dropped his face to her. Nose to nose and body close, his eyes stayed on her as his fingers moved to resume rubbing her. His eyes dark with lust, Peyton panted as he rammed into her. “I love you Ice. I want to marry you, I want you to have my kids, I’ll give you everything you ever dreamed of.” He moaned in her ear. Ice kissed him passionately. She held him tighter as she felt her body tense and then soar, the long-awaited orgasm rocking her body as they bucked against each other. Peyton whispered more words in her ear that she couldn’t make out as he rocked against her harder, slamming their lower body together as he came inside her. His eyes shut tight as his body shook but he kept thrusting.

  “Ice.” He moaned loudly as he once again collapsed against her.

  They tried to catch their breath as they clung to each other. Peyton laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes. Her hands went up to run her fingers through his hair. They stayed like that for a couple minutes, until their heartbeats were in sync.

  “Is it always like that?” Ice asked her voice returning with just a slight tremor in it.

  “I think it’s just us.” Peyton answered honestly in a low sexy voice. Ice brushed his hair and smiled. He lifted his head and looked at her. His grey eyes seeming piercing through her very soul. “Are you okay?” He asked. “It’s our second time in an hour.”

  Ice tucked his hair behind his ear and nodded. “I’m better than okay…can I say it was even better than before.” She whispered.

  Peyton smiled and kissed her softly. He touched her bottom lip with his tongue, brought his hand up to cup her cheek, and kissed her again. Ice matched his kisses as they deepened. He lazily pulled out and groaned in satisfaction as he rolled off her.

  “This is the best.” He whispered. “This is the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  Ice giggled. “No, it isn’t.”

  “Yes.” He turned his head to her. “It honestly is.” He reached for her, but Ice abruptly sat up.

  “You didn’t pull out.” She whispered, her eyes wide as she held his sheet against her chest.

  Peyton watched her for a couple seconds, tilting his head slightly.


  He smiled brightly. “We’ll get the morning after pill. It’s fine.” He shrugged it off casually and sat up also.

  “Oh okay…” She whispered timidly.

  “Why you don’t want to have my kids?” He questioned raising an eyebrow at her.

  Ice laughed and pushed him playfully. “We’re seventeen.” She laughed again shyly and ran her fingers through her tangled hair.

  Peyton smiled at her but didn’t say anything else.


  They both lifted their heads to the knock and voice at the door.

  “Oh my God, I forgot about your siblings.” Ice blushed deeply as she hugged the sheets to her body.

  “What is it?” Peyton called out as he stretched lazily.

  “It’s almost lunch time.” Priya called out. “And the movie’s over.”

  “Okay we’ll be right there.” He replied. “Order some Chinese.”

  “Yeeeaaahhhhh!” The heard Bam-Bam’s exclamation of joy.


  “I want lo-mein! I want lo-mein!” Bam-Bam’s voice was heard as it faded away.

  Ice rubbed her face and turned to Peyton who was simply staring at her warmly. “You think they heard us?” She whispered.

  He grinned. “You were pretty loud.”

  She gasped. “No…no I wasn’t…. was I?” She whispered.

  “Peyton, oh Peyton…oh Peyton you fuck me so good.” He moaned in an exaggerated high-pitched voice.

  Ice grabbed his pillow and hit him with it. “I didn’t say that.” She giggled.

  He laughed and grabbed her, tackling her back down on his bed. She laughed as their lips found each other again. Eyes closed they both were reluctant to pull apart.

  “I wanna spend all day in bed with you.” He whispered huskily as his hand caressed her face. “Telling our deepest, darkest secrets and…” He grinned mischievously. “Fucking your brains out.”

  Ice tried unsuccessfully to hide her smile.

  “I think I’m addicted.” He murmured as he brushed his lips against hers.

  Ice wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him hard. “Me too.”

  “What do you two want to order?” Priya asked through the door.

  They heard small pitter patter and the moving of the doorknob.

  “Hey no fair.” Bam-Bam knocked on the door. “I wanna come inside too.”

  “Bam-Bam leave them alone.” Priya’s softer voice scolded her younger brother.

  “Pey-Pey! Ice!”

  “We’re coming!” Peyton rolled his eyes. “Give us a minute!”


  After having taken another shower and freshening up, Ice sat on the floor with Bam-Bam while he showed her his Legos.

  She hadn’t stopped smiling. She couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Here this is for you.” Bam-Bam said excitedly as he extended a Lego ice-cream to her.

  “This is for me?” Ice whispered in amazement. “Oh, thanks Bam-Bam.” She took it and the little boy beamed.

  “You like it?”

  “I do. I like it very much.”

  Bam-Bam shot up and threw his arms around her. Ice laughed and hugged him. The little boy moved his head and kissed her square on the mouth.

  Ice’s eyes widened in surprise.


  The little blond boy turned his head to see the scowl on his brother’s face.

  “Ice is my girlfriend.” Bam-Bam exclaimed. He turned to Ice. “You’re my girlfriend right?”

  Peyton reached over and yanked his little brother up by the collar. “Get your own.” He placed him back down and playfully kicked his butt. “Now go wash your hands, the food’s ready.”

  Bam-Bam grabbed his butt and scurried away.

  “Ready to eat?” Peyton asked grinning.

  “I’m starving.” Ice groaned standing up quickly.

  “Sex does that to you.” He whispered smacking her ass.

�� She blushed. But he simply pulled her into another kiss. It seemed like Mr. Stone couldn’t keep his hands off her. She smiled as he brushed his nose with hers. She wasn’t complaining. If she could be this happy for the rest of her life, she would want for nothing else.


  Ice couldn’t believe she’d spent the entire day with the Stone family. After lunch they went to the park. There she met up with Maddie and Jo. They’d hugged her as if she’d been missing for years. Ice couldn’t believe she cried but she did.

  She told them she wasn’t going back home. She told them that her mom was crazy. They were shocked. Holding her and comforting her.

  She told her best friends she’d slept at Peyton’s house. They’d grinned. They looked her over and gasped. Ice blushed, more than grateful Peyton was talking to Tyrone and some boys near the swing.

  Maddie and Jo were so embarrassing. She had to laugh along with them. And for those couple hours, she actually forgot the impending trouble at home. She enjoyed it. Her friends, the atmosphere, the weather. When she looked around, she was so grateful to be a part of this all. So grateful to have the support from people she cared about.

  She held eye contact with Peyton several times in the park and it made her blush. She’d actually slept with him. And it had felt amazing. No wonder people went crazy over sex, no wonder people fought and killed for it. What an experience. What a feeling.

  She’d blinked and hugged herself. But she was getting reckless. How many sex ed classes had she had in her life and the one thing they told them to do, they hadn’t. She had to remind him to stop by the pharmacy before they went back home. She had to take the pill. There was just too much going on right now for her to worry about wither or not she was going to be pregnant with Peyton’s child. They were too young. And as much as she liked the idea, they needed time to grow up and work a little.

  Even though Maddie and Jo were talking around her, telling her the stories that had happened last week at school. She stared off at Peyton who it looked like was currently scowling at a middle school kid. The tall boy with raven black hair was with three of his friends. The friends who seemed to have taken another step back.

  Priya on the other hand was glaring at her body as he pointed his finger to the boy who was currently standing his ground. Whatever was going on, Ice could see that calm and collected Priya was embarrassed as she shifted unsure eyes to the boy with the dark black hair. She hit her brother’s arm, but Peyton continued, and he said something which caused him to point in the opposite direction.

  The boy looked at Priya before Peyton stepped in between blocking their gaze. Whatever Peyton said this time must have been serious because the young middle school boy put his hands up and took a couple steps back.

  Priya’s straight blond hair blew in her face as she elbowed her older brother hard before storming away. The black-haired boy also left with his group of friends.

  “He’s so annoying!” Priya groaned as she came over and sat next to Ice, her arms crossed over her chest. Her pink lips pouted and blue eyes dark with anger.

  “Awww what’s wrong pretty?” Maddie asked the 11-year-old boy.

  She huffed and glared at Peyton making his way over to them. “He thinks I’m a baby.” She mumbled.

  “Was that boy your boyfriend?” Jo teased.

  Priya turned a deep shade of red and covered her cheeks. “….no he’s just…. he’s just a 7th grader at my school…..he’s nice…he’s nice….” She blushed and lowered her eyes.

  “He’s cute.” Jo nudged her.

  Priya grinned timidly and shook her head.

  “Let your sister live.” Jo looked up as Peyton joined them.

  Peyton scoffed. “That boy’s nothing but trouble.”

  “I’m not a baby!” Priya pointed at her brother and hopped off the bench. “Stop embarrassing me in front of my friends.”

  Peyton chuckled as she pushed him deliberately before walking off. He turned and took Priya’s place next to Ice, putting his arm around her shoulder.

  “You’re such a bully.” Ice shook her head smiling.

  “I was 12…. the kid’s not innocent.” He remarked.

  Everybody chuckled as Ice felt something vibrate. She looked down and reached into her pocket to take out her phone. Her face fell.

  “What’s wrong?” Maddie whispered putting her hand on her shoulder.

  “It’s my mom.” She said.

  “Yikes, the she-devil.” Jo whispered.

  “Answer it.” Peyton said. “And tell her you’re not going back home.”

  “Well damn….” Jo said appreciatively, her eyes wide in amusement.

  Ice shook her head and handed him the phone.

  Peyton took it and answered.

  “Mrs. Johnson.”

  “Well since Iceria doesn’t know how to pick up her own phone, would you please rely the message that her father had a heart attack and is currently in the hospital. If she cares an ounce about this family, then she might want to drop by and show her face.” Melissa said sadly.

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open.

  “What it is it?” Ice asked nervously.

  “Tell her we’re in room 301 in case she wants to come.” Melissa hung up abruptly

  Peyton hung up and turned to her.

  “What happened?” Ice asked.

  “Babe, your dad just had a heart attack.”

  “Oh my God.” Maddie and Jo whispered simultaneously.

  “What?” Ice gasped. She looked confused. “What?” She asked again seeming disoriented.

  “We gotta go to the hospital.” Peyton said standing up abruptly and grabbing Ice’s hand and lifting her up.

  Ice shook her head. “He couldn’t have a heart attack. He was just fine yesterday!” She yelled at him.

  It pained Peyton to see her so shaken up. Especially since he thought they were having the best time of their lives right now.. He wrapped his arm around her. “It’s okay, let’s just go, it’s probably nothing serious.” He said kissing her head.

  “I don’t get it. I don’t get it, what’s happening?” Ice murmured. “I should have gone home.” She whispered. “God, why did I leave the house?”

  He turned to Jo and Maddie and they immediately nodded in understanding.

  “We’ll watch Princeton and Priya.” Jo spoke up. “You two go.” She hugged Ice. “Go see your dad.”

  “It’ll be fine.” Maddie hugged her also. “I promise.”

  “Thanks…. hold up, I’ll tell Priya really quickly.” Peyton nodded. “If they’re tired, they can go home. She has the house keys and she’s…. she’s smart, she’ll be fine.” He rushed.

  Peyton turned and ran to his little sister as Maddie and Jo hugged Ice tightly.

  Ice tried to breathe as she watched Peyton tell Priya something. The little girl nodded and looked over in concern. Peyton cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. Priya pointed back at Bam-Bam and Peyton nodded, rubbing her shoulder one more time before rushing over to Ice.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” He said quickly, pulling her over to the family’s Audi Q7 that they’d came to the park in.


  Peyton pulled up to the hospital faster than expected. He’d tried to offer her words of comfort but could see she was nervous. She kept rubbing her hand and murmuring she should have stayed home. They both hopped out the car and he quickly grabbed her hand.

  “It’s okay.” He squeezed it affectionately

  Ice smiled shakily and nodded. They walked through the double doors and Peyton led her right to the receptionist.

  “Um…we’re here to see Charles Johnson, he just had a heart attack, he’s in room 301.” Peyton said taking charge.

  The old woman with the mustache looked up at him and chewed her gum. She looked at Peyton through her red rhinestone glasses. “Visiting hours are over sir, we have an exception for family members only.” She said popping her gum.

  Peyton nodded. “Good, now give us the

  The woman looked at Peyton again and talked slower. “I said family members only…did you not hear…now your lady friend here I’m assuming is family…you I don’t think so.” She said popping her gum again. She resumed typing on her keyboard.

  Peyton rolled his eyes. “I’m his son.”


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