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Saven Deception

Page 14

by Siobhan Davis

  “Hell, yeah. I want to marry the bathroom,” I joke, flopping down beside her. “I think they’ll have to forcibly remove me from this city once the six months are up.”

  “Do you think we’ll get the option to stay on?” She twists around onto her stomach, and I mirror her action.

  “Oh God, I really hope so. I’m going to be so depressed if I have to return to normal life after this.” I lay my head on my outstretched arms and sigh contentedly.

  “We should make a pact.”

  I arch a brow.

  “Sit up,” she commands, pulling herself up and sitting cross-legged on the bed.

  I sit in the same pose facing her.

  “We are going to enjoy every single solitary second of the next six months, and we are not going to worry about the outcome. Right?”

  “Right.” My voice resonates with steely determination because Jenna is right. There’s no point worrying over what’ll happen in six months’ time, and I don’t want such concerns to overshadow this amazing experience. I need to cherish every minute, every moment. There’ll be plenty of time to worry about the future once “The Experimento” is over.

  “We need to pinky swear,” she says, wiggling her little finger. I wrap mine in hers and grin. “We solemnly swear,” she starts, and I giggle. “To enjoy every minute of our time in Thalassic City, and we promise to make this the best adventure of our lives. We will try new things, make new friends, explore the entire city, laugh and have fun, and shop, and wear lots of makeup and skin-tight clothes …”

  She’s really hitting her stride now. I click my tongue and throw a disapproving look at her.

  “You are definitely changing up your style. Don’t argue with me on this, Sadie. Your body cries out for a makeover, and I hereby nominate myself your new style advisor.”

  “God help me.” I roll my eyes to the heavens. “What else?”

  “Um, where was I before I was so rudely distracted.” She taps a finger on her lower lip, and her eyes light up mischievously. “And we also solemnly swear to date up a storm, kiss tons of hot boys, and have loads of wild, hot—” She stops mid-flow at my obvious expression.

  “I’m not pinky swearing to that!” I poke a finger in her gut.

  “What? I didn’t say anything!” she protests, mock-innocence written all over her face.

  “I know what you were going to say, and that’s a deal breaker for me.”

  “Okay, scrap that last part. But you’re agreeing to the rest.” She smiles sweetly at me and I laugh.

  Maybe she has a point. If I weren’t so inexperienced, I wouldn’t have gotten my panties in such a knot over Logan. I should broaden my horizons if I’m to stick to the whole “steering clear of him” lark. “Okay. We’re on.” I squeeze my pinky around hers and we’ve sealed the deal.

  “Yee-haw! Giddy up!” Jenna shrieks and I roll around laughing.

  Soon she’s joining me and we’re doubled up on my bed in convulsions, shoving and swatting one another playfully.

  “Is this a party for two or can anyone join in?” a booming voice says out of nowhere and I scream.

  Dante sprawls against the wall, one foot propped up as if he owns the place.

  “How did you get in here?” My eyes narrow to slits as an icky feeling drips down my spine.

  “The door was open.” He saunters toward the bed and gestures with his hands, as if he’s Moses parting the Red Sea.

  “You’re not sitting on my bed. In fact,” I say, brushing my messy hair back off my face. “I’d like you to leave my room.”

  “Sadie,” Jenna says, pleading. “He was only being friendly.”

  Or pervy, but I keep that observation to myself.

  She climbs off the bed and threads her hand in his. Dante smirks as he drapes an arm around Jenna, pulling her in close to his side. The look of adoration on her face catches me completely off guard. Suddenly, I realize I’m fighting a losing battle, and I’ll have to find a way to tolerate Dante if I wish to retain Jenna’s friendship. Although the realization makes me want to hack out my insides with a chainsaw, I value Jen’s friendship too much to forgo it because of a douche like Dante.

  Briefly closing my eyes, I prepare to eat humble pie. Stepping forward, I look directly at Dante. “We may have gotten off on the wrong foot.” His mouth twitches. I work hard to quell the distaste building in my mouth. “How about starting over?” I’m surprised I don’t choke on the question especially considering I don’t mean a word of it. I’m solely doing this for Jenna.

  “I’m game for pretty much anything,” he says, smugly. “Apology accepted.”

  WTF? I revisit my little speech. Nope, I can’t think of anything I said that constituted an apology. The guy is even more arrogant than I assumed.

  Reaching out, he captures my hand, planting a wet kiss on my skin. He eyeballs me with fierce concentration and a look that promises retribution. Fear substitutes the blood in my veins as he winks and says, “I can’t wait to get to know you better.”


  I rise well before Jenna the next morning. My entire being buzzes with nervy anticipation. Neither Jarod, Neve, nor Jenna has enrolled in school, so I have to face this all on my own. While I’m a teeny bit scared, I’m also chomping at the bit.

  Overexcited, I barely slept a wink all night. Sleep deprivation and attractiveness do not go hand in hand I decide as I examine myself in the mirror. I look like the walking dead. Pale, dry skin and dark, bruising shadows under my eyes greet me in my reflection, and I sigh. Even my normal cherry-red lips appear lackluster today.

  “Hey, you’re up bright and early.” Jenna drifts into my room in her pajamas. Stifling a yawn, she throws herself down on my bed.

  I perch on the edge of the bed. “I couldn’t sleep. I’m too keyed up.”

  “Are you worried about school?” She slithers up the bed, leaning against the headrest.

  I mirror her position. “A little. Mostly, I’m super excited.” I grin, cementing my point like an idiot.

  “You’ll be fine.” She briefly pats my knee.

  “What about you? Are you anxious about starting work?” I wrap my arms around my legs.

  “Not a bit. I can’t wait!” Her eyes gleam and I smile.

  Jenna has secured a customer service position in a large well-known-brand women’s retail department in the new shopping district.

  “I’ll find out how much of a staff discount I receive today, and then we can plan a shopping trip.”

  “I’m sure that’ll be the last thing on your mind today.”

  “I’ll have you know that I’m taking my role as your personal style advisor very seriously,” she quips, swinging her legs off the bed. “Which reminds me. What the hell are you wearing?” She walks around the bed and stands in front of me, hands on hips.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I squint at my black pants and white shirt combo.

  “It’s way too boring, Sadie. That’s what’s wrong with it. You’re dressed as if you’re going to work in the factory. It’s time to mix things up a bit. Remember, you pinky swore?”

  “I know. But my options are rather limited.”

  Jenna darts to the closet with purpose and yanks open the door. Shifting through the rails, she plucks out a pair of worn denim jeans, a white vest top, and a pink shirt. “You’re not wrong,” she says, spinning around. “We definitely have little time to waste. Put these on, they’re not great, but it’s a slight improvement.” She flings the clothes at me. “Get changed while I get some stuff from my room.”

  “Yes, boss.” I mock salute her.

  I’m wearing the jeans, vest, and shirt when she reappears with a small red purse.

  “Sit,” she commands and I drop onto the bed. Opening the purse, she removes a small tube of gloss, some blush, a pencil, and mascara. “Close your eyes.”

  I do as I’m told and try to subdue my pale lashes while she brushes the wand over them. Next, she applies a layer of blush
to my cheeks and slicks a dab of gloss on my lips.

  “Wow, Sadie. That really suits you. Go look.” She shoves me into the bathroom.

  I stare in amazement at my reflection. Outwardly, it doesn’t look like I’m wearing any makeup at all, but the enhancement is unquestionable. Color has returned to my lips, and my skin is flushed pink. My eyes look wider, more startling, now that thick, black, sultry lashes fan them, and my almost albino brows are colored a muted shade of brown.

  It’s given me the necessary boost that I needed. I’m already feeling more confident about the day ahead. “Thanks. You’re going to be brilliant at your job.”

  “I hope so. At least I know I’ll enjoy it. I still cannot believe I actually get to do this every day.” She has that dreamlike quality in her gaze again. Snapping out of it, she points at me. “Anyway, you look great. Knock ‘em dead today.” She hugs me quickly. “I’d better get a move on. Being tardy on the first day would not be the best way to make a good first impression.” She turns on her heel.

  “Good luck,” I call out.

  “Ditto,” she shouts.


  I’ve managed to make it from our apartment, to the RT station, and onto the school campus without missing a beat. Off to an encouraging start, I’d hoped. Until now. Standing in front of the humungous TC School and University Campus, I feel like an ant in a world of giants.

  Tilting my head, I sweep the campus on all sides. Though I’m right in front of the main building, there are numerous other outbuildings and a huge outdoor sports arena. All the buildings glisten under the glare of the morning sun. Looking up, I peer intently at the artificial sky, but I can’t spot the replica sun anywhere. Fluffy white clouds coast through the azure blue sky, and I marvel at the man-made world I now call home. It’s as real as the real deal, and except for the shiny newness of all that surrounds me, it’d be easy to forget this is all at the bottom of the sea, just as Jarod predicted.

  The temperature is the same pleasant warmth as yesterday, and I’m feeling a tad bit overdressed. Shedding my black jacket, I bend over to stuff it into my book bag when I’m knocked off my feet. Tumbling full circle, I land flat on my back on the lush, green grass, the contents of my bag strewn all around me. Pushing off my elbows, I sit up and rub a sore spot at the base of my spine.

  “Crap,” a male voice says. I glance over at the boy with the long limbs sprawled on the grass in front of me.

  Shooting to my feet, I’m by his side in a split second. “Are you hurt?”

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He hauls himself up and beautiful hazel eyes meet mine, widening in surprise. “You’re …” He stops mid-sentence, and I’m immediately uncomfortable.

  “I’m what?” My throat constricts suspiciously.

  “Sorry, forgive me. It’s just you remind me of someone.” Scrubbing a hand through his cropped chestnut brown hair, he looks suitably shamed. I relax. “I’m Haydn. Nice to meet you.”


  “I’m so sorry for tripping over you like that. I didn’t see you there.” He bends down and starts picking up items from my book bag.

  “You don’t have to do that.” Crouching down, I wince as a dull ache spreads over my lower back.

  “Stars. Are you hurt?” He radiates concern.

  “It’s nothing a hot bath and a few pain pills won’t fix later.” I swipe books and pens off the grass and stuff them in my bag.

  Wordlessly, he hands me the remaining items.

  I straighten up and smile. “Well, I better get going. I don’t want to be late for my Psychology class. Nice meeting you.”

  I’ve only taken one step forward when he gently taps my elbow. “Wait up. I’m heading there too. Can we walk together?”

  “Sure.” He snatches his coat and bag off the ground. “What other classes are you taking?” I ask as we walk side by side up the steps toward the main building.

  “Government and Politics and Sociology. You?”

  He walks super-fast and I’m struggling to match his stride. “Business and Government and Politics too.”

  “Sweet. Here,” he says, reaching out and removing my book bag from my shoulder, “Let me carry that for you.”

  I’m about to protest when my eye notices something unnerving. Logan is standing beside the main door, flagrantly watching us. He looks furious. I shrink back before remembering he’s a cheating jackass. Nervously linking my arm in Haydn’s, I smile up at him in an overly exaggerated gesture. “Thanks. That’s super nice of you.”

  He must sense Logan’s death-glare because he looks decidedly unsure all of a sudden. Haydn observes the two of us.

  “Ignore him. I intend to,” I say.

  Haydn eyes me curiously. “What?”

  His head whips around in Logan’s direction while I steadfastly ignore him. A girl has only so much willpower. If I dare to take another look, I risk being sucked right into those hypnotic blue eyes. Despite strong compulsion urging me to look, I keep my eyes fixed firmly in front of me, and Haydn allows me propel him toward our first class of the day.


  The morning flies by agreeably. Haydn has been in all my classes so far and his presence is reassuring. We’ve also struck up a friendship with Fern—another regular classmate—and now the three of us are headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

  Fern looks like a little pixie with her short, neatly trimmed jet-black hair and tiny frame. She’s even smaller than I am, and I revel in the chance to look down at someone for a change. It’s only an inch or two at most, but this is a major novelty and I’m going to totally milk it.

  Any other resemblance fades at that point however. Fern glides down the corridor like an ethereal heavenly being. She’s all light limbs and graceful movements, and I feel like an Oompa Loompa beside her with my inelegant stride.

  We chatter aimlessly as we line up, loading our trays with food. Having skipped breakfast, I’m ravenous and could easily eat my body weight in pasta. Haydn leads a path through the maze of the large cafeteria as Fern and I talk animatedly about our favorite books.

  Ignorant of my surroundings, I slide in the bench beside Haydn, and Fern sits on the other side of me.

  “Hi, Sadie,” a deceptively alluring voice says. I freeze on the spot. Cautiously, I lift my chin and look Logan squarely in the face. He’s sitting directly across the table from me. Firm, toned arms rest on the Formica tabletop as he studies me with unashamed interest. His dazzling blue eyes invade mine, drawing me in, attempting to suck all logic and reason from my mind. An electrical charge stretches between us, enticing and magnetic, and damn near impossible to ignore. All the blood rushes to my face.

  Holy hell, he is frigging magnificent up close. Unbelievably earth-shatteringly gorgeous, and the craving to touch him is hitting me like a full-force tsunami. If I stay here, I won’t be able to resist his charms. I resolutely refuse to give him that power over me, and he’s treated me like a fool for the last time. He’s nothing but a self-centered, arrogant, cheating son of a bitch, and I need to get as far away from him as possible.

  Fern surveys me quizzically as Logan’s eyes settle on mine. With enormous effort, I twist sideways and level a heinous look at Haydn. “You didn’t tell me you knew him.”

  “There wasn’t time.” At least he looks suitably sheepish.

  “You should’ve made time.” Standing up, I maneuver around the bench.

  “Sadie.” Logan appeals to me with that seductive voice of his. Summoning every scrap of willpower, I ignore him and step away from the table. Keeping my back straight and confident, I walk to the far side of the cafeteria. I plonk my butt down at an empty table and attempt to control my beating heart.

  Though I’m sitting here alone, like a total loser, I’m proud of myself. For not giving in to my inexplicable desire for him. For staying strong and true to myself.

  “Okay. So you need to fill me in,” Fern says, scooting into the seat beside me. Her eyes glimmer in anticipation.
  “Nothing much to tell.” I stab my fork into a piece of pasta.

  “Yeah, right,” she says, creasing up. “There were so many sparks flying I was afraid of getting burnt just sitting beside you.”

  I drop my fork, mouth open. “It’s that obvious?”

  “Damn right. I’d say the whole room felt the electrical charge.”

  Great. Now the whole campus will know what an idiot I’ve been. I groan and push my plate away, appetite destroyed.

  “What’s the problem?” Fern asks, her face searching mine.

  “He’s got a girlfriend.” My face contorts sourly.

  “No way.”

  “Yes, way.” I throw out a casual shrug despite my insides being tangled in knots.

  “The dirty cheat.” She looks disgusted.

  I don’t owe him anything, but she needs to be set straight. “We didn’t actually do anything, though he was majorly flirting with me.” I leave out the part where he said I was beautiful and that he wanted to kiss me. No need to heap more fuel on the humiliation fire.

  “Hon,” Fern says, stretching over. “If he was my boyfriend and he looked at a girl the way he looked at you, I’d kick him permanently to the curb.”

  Before I can respond, Haydn appears in my line of sight, making a beeline for us. I stiffen in my seat and Fern notices. Haydn crouches down beside me, his hands gripping the edge of the table. “I should’ve told you we were friends. I’m sorry, Sadie.”

  “You knew who I was, didn’t you?”

  He nods in confirmation.

  “How come?”

  “Logan told me about you, and he showed me your picture. That’s how I recognized you outside.”

  My cheeks flush beet-red with embarrassment. How many of his other friends has he shown the picture to? I’ve never felt more foolish or gullible in my entire life. Believe me when I say that says a lot. I wish I could click my fingers and be anywhere but here.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Fern glowers at Haydn and I’m impressed at her willingness to jump into things on my behalf, even though we’ve only met. “How can you be friends with that asshole?”


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