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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

Page 95

by Mankin, Michelle

  “All right, Xavier.” Taelyn situates herself in front of her very pissed off husband. “Finn, think about who we are and not what you know of the industry.”

  “But?” Finn snaps.

  “But nothing, Becket.” Xavier shakes his head. “Are you here for us, too, or is this all about what we can do for you? Because look around. We’ve pushed our asses off because we believe in you four fuck-sticks.”

  “Hey, X, he’s a fuck-stick; I am just—”

  “Innocent?” X lets out a forced laugh. “STD?”

  I can’t help smiling. “Epic name.”

  “You guys have four days till you return. I was gonna make you come back early, but my wife reminded me I’m not a dictator, or some shit like that, and I agree. You’ve busted your asses for a year and deserve to have some fun. So think about this, Finn: we aren’t trying to fuck you here. You should know that by now. Okay, STD, keep it wrapped and see you soon.”

  “Have fun,” Taelyn says.

  “Peace,” Nickie D chimes in. “Out.”

  The screen goes blank, and I look at Finn. “Can’t you just trust them?”

  “Trust?” he huffs as he stands up. “Wait until you get dicked over just once, and that shit will harden you, too, and not just your cock. Get fucked twice, and you’re stone.”

  “You trust us, don’t you?” Billy asks.

  “You don’t even want to be here half the time, so I don’t think you’re gonna fuck us unless you leave. River is, well, River, and I know he’s cool.” He looks at me. “You, you are true blue, but the past few days, you’ve been a little—how do I say this?—in your head.”

  “You wanna give me what?” I laugh, standing up.

  “In your wildest dreams,” he snaps.

  “You wouldn’t?” I joke. “If I really needed it?”

  “Not if we were the last people on Earth and armless so I couldn’t jerk off.” Finn gets up and walks back to his room.

  “Going to shower,” River yawns. I know he’s not, though; he’s going back to bed.

  Billy takes off, too.

  I look around and see Tally standing in front of the stainless, walk-in, industrial-sized fridge.

  I get up and walk over. “Where is the queen?”

  “Shower,” she says, turning to look up at me, not showing a bit of awkwardness. “You need to be nice to her.”

  “Ask me nicely.” I can’t help putting my hand on the base of her elegant, long neck and using my thumb to turn her chin to the side. “Your neck is pornographic.”

  She sighs, and I see her emerald greens roll.


  “Fuck, Tales, you are a very, very sexy young woman.”

  She moves her head back, looks at me, and clears her throat. “You have a lot coming up, huh?”

  “So do you, right, Tales?” I hold eye contact, not backing down. She is gonna give me another excuse; I know she is.

  “Well, then I guess we should just get this out of the way so you can move on with your life.” She grabs my face in both hands and pulls it toward her, but I pull back. She looks stunned and embarrassed, but she’ll get over it.

  “When I kiss you, it’ll be from head to toe, in a very private setting, Tales. It won’t be in the kitchen or hurried. It will be slow, hot, wet kisses that, regardless of where they are placed, will cause you to feel it just about…” I put my hand flat to her stomach and then push my fingers below her waistband. Her body quivers, and her eyes close as her mouth gapes. “Tonight, we’re all going out to dinner, but I want you to sit next to me and pretend the same fucking thing I will be—that the dinner is a prelude to a kiss and to what is about to … come.”

  “Memphis.” She stops my hand’s slow descent.


  * * *



  I hear a door open, and Memphis slowly moves his hand away and winks at me. “Prepare yourself.” He steps away, leaving me in a state of disarray.

  I watch as he lifts his hand to his nose and inhales deeply before licking his fingers, one by one, as he continues walking away.

  Prepare myself? Prepare myself for what?

  “You guys wanna play?” I hear Memphis from around the corner.

  “This early?” River asks.

  “I am pumped up, feeling inspired, ready to fuck shit up,” Memphis says in his sexy rasp.

  Dear Lord, prepare myself.

  I walk in the room to find Madison sitting on the bed, wrapped in a towel.

  “Talk to me, Tales,” she says as she looks at me curiously.

  “I just have a lot going on.”

  She is sitting on a towel, knees open a bit wider than they should be, and I must look shocked because she laughs.

  “Bikini area.”


  “Hair removal lotion. Two more minutes and then I get to rinse, Tales. Then you’ll be less uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not uncomfortable,” I say in the most uncomfortable sounding voice on the planet.

  “Okay.” She laughs. “Sleep walking again?”

  “I guess.”

  “To Memphis’s room?”

  I nod.

  “Thank God he knows I’d de-nut him if he ever touched you.”

  “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t do that; he’s your brother,” I say, before I even think about what I’m saying.

  She looks at me oddly.

  “Madison, I’m not as innocent as I used to be,” I say as if it’s no big deal.

  “I know, but guys like Memphis—”

  I should shut my mouth, but I can’t. It’s Mads, and even though I am not telling her what is … not going on, I can’t shut my mouth.

  “Memphis isn’t all that bad, really. I mean, he has been decent to me. I threw up on him, sleep walked into his room, and well, he was nice.”

  I am knotting my shirt as she looks at me as if she knows. Dear Lord, she knows.

  “Tales, I know my brother, and I know you.” I expect more, but she remains silent.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re going through a lot. Even though you won’t talk about what is bothering you right now, you need to. I feel like you’re projecting. You’re going to make rash decisions. You’re fixating.” She swallows back emotions, and my heart cracks a little. “I am not judging, Tales. I’ve been there.”

  Madison never gets like this. She never gets emotional.

  “I think you need to talk to me. Tell me where it is you’ve been.”

  She smiles and it’s a sham; I know it is.

  “I need to rinse this stuff off before I get a rash or something.” With that, she leaves the room.

  Warning from Madison or not, I have had feelings for Memphis Black for a long time. Be it annoyance, a crush, a fascination, or a fixation, I am going to explore them.

  I look over at the bottle on the nightstand, then pick it up and read the information.

  Prepare yourself? That I will.

  When Madison comes out, she smiles. “Let’s do something fun today, just you and me.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’m gonna shower first.”

  “Then come meet me outside?” she asks.

  “Of course.”

  I walk into the bathroom with the lotion tucked under the bath towel.


  “We can all go,” Memphis says sternly to Madison, “then come back here, and we’ll all go out to dinner.”

  “I’m sure the guys don’t really want to go shopping and then to dinner with your sister, Memphis,” she replies with an exaggerated eye roll.

  He looks back at them, and despite the aviators they are all wearing, I can tell she is right.

  “I’ll go,” Billy offers.

  Memphis’s head whips around, and in a gruff tone, he says, “Thanks.” He looks at me, then at Madison. “See? It’ll be fun.”

  “Pedicures and bikini waxes sound like fun?” she shoots at him.
  “Watching might be,” River chimes in.

  “I’m driving. Let’s roll.”

  We get in the Escalade, and Madison and I are in the back, Billy is sitting shotgun. Memphis is driving like a normal human being.

  “Where do you wanna go?”

  “Shopping, the pedicures, then—”

  “Let’s get the shopping out of the way, skip the pedicures, and do some swimming?”

  She grins at him. “Miami Design District, and I’ll think about it.”

  “You do know I’m not loaded yet, Mads.” He smirks.

  An hour later, Memphis comes around the corner, while I am looking at a Louis Vuitton bag.

  “Are we having fun yet?” he asks.

  “She is.” I nod to Madison. “She is looking at the same bag she spotted when we came in. She keeps walking away, but then ends up right there.” I look up at him and see he is smiling.

  “What caught your eye?”


  “If you could have anything in here, what would it be?”

  “Honestly, nothing,” I answer.

  He grips the bottom of my T-shirt, his lips curling up on the side. “That’s right; you’re more retro.”

  “Right,” I say as his knuckles run across my skin, causing my nipples to harden immediately and my face to feel hot, because retro, I am not.

  He looks down. “I love the look on you, Tales. There’s only one thing that would look better.”

  “What?” comes out in a whisper.


  “Tales, come over here,” Madison calls out.

  “The queen has spoken,” he mumbles, and I giggle. “You better go.”

  I walk over to where she and Billy are laughing. I’m so glad she’s happy, but I wish I knew what it was that was bringing her down.

  The entire time shopping, Memphis would show up at the most random moments, always when Madison was talking with Billy, and he always had something sexy and … naughty—very, very naughty—to say to me.

  We didn’t get pedicures or waxed, thank the Lord. I can’t imagine having pink eyebrows for the next couple days.

  Back at the house, Madison holds up a beautiful white slip dress against her as she stands in front of the mirror. “We get to dress up.”

  “What’s the place called?” I ask as I push Madison’s hanging clothes to the side and spot my black and white, long, floral, wrap skirt and a black tank top.

  “LIV, I think. Memphis and Billy both said it was a cool, chic place.”

  I look down at my attire, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  “It’s perfect, Tales.” She smiles as she drops her bra and pulls the dress over her head.

  After messing with my hair and realizing the Florida humidity is not my friend, I go with a loose twist.

  “You done yet?” Mads asks, putting on one more swipe of mascara.

  “I just need a couple minutes.”

  “Need my help?”

  “No,” comes out rather quickly. Madison likes makeup. I, however, do not.

  She laughs.

  “Go spend some time with your brother. I’m sure I can manage.”

  She smacks my butt. “You have the best ass in the world. So jelly.”

  I smile. “You have the best hair on the planet and a perfect body, so don’t hate.”

  She turns to walk out of the bathroom. “Mascara would make those green eyes pop, just sayin’.”

  I look in the mirror, seeing the girl next door. I will once again pale in comparison to Madison’s stunning beauty. I decide to swipe one coat of mascara on my lashes because she’s right; a little pop wouldn’t hurt when I am almost certain I am going to be hanging on to every naughty word Memphis Black rock star says in a club full of beautiful, well-dressed women.

  When I walk out, Memphis stops mid-sentence and smirks. “Damn, Tales.”

  “Leave her alone.” Madison swats his arm jokingly.

  “Leave her alone? I’m going to have to watch out for you both tonight. No motherfucker within a five foot radius or he’s going down.”

  His eyes are locked on me the entire time he says it. My gaze is taking in the black T-shirt that fits his muscular build like a glove. He is wearing dark denim jeans and those black boots. He looks hot. So, so hot.

  “Let’s roll. The car is waiting,” Finn says, walking into sight.

  His hair is long on top and cut close on the sides. Tonight, he has it pulled back and has trimmed his beard. He is wearing an unbuttoned, black button-down with a white tank, black jeans, and black boots.

  River walks in, smirking. “Be right back.” Then he walks toward his room.

  “Chillz.” Finn shakes his head.

  “Hey, at least he remembered to put it away and didn’t bring it with him this time,” Billy says.

  Billy is dressed in a white linen shirt, khaki shorts, and loafers. No black boots, I think to myself. He sticks out, but not like a sore thumb. He is beautiful yet much less the stereotypical rock star.

  River walks out in a white tee, black pants, and yes, black boots.

  After dinner, we stand in line to get into the club, and Memphis is behind me. I feel his breath on my bare neck when he whispers, “Neck porn. Fuck, that’s hot.”

  I glance back at him, eye level to his chest. “I like that shirt.”

  “Looks better on the bedroom floor.”

  I can’t help laughing.

  He leans against the wall. “Do you know how badly I want those long, sexy legs wrapped around my waist, Tales?”

  I roll my eyes.

  He laughs and pulls a coin out of his pocket. “Heads, I get whatever I want from you tonight. Tails, I make you cry out my name.”

  I look around to see if anyone heard him. All three of the guys are surrounding Madison and listening to a story about Memphis when he was younger.

  “Wing men.” He winks.

  “OMG, I think that’s Zach Efron,” I hear a whisper behind us.

  “Here we go,” he huffs.

  “Is he here?” I whisper.

  “Could be, but I am pretty sure they’re talking about—”

  One of them taps him on the shoulder. “Are you—?”

  “Yes,” he answers before she even asks a question.

  “We loved you in High School Musical. Aren’t you dating Vanessa H—?” Again, he cuts her off.

  “Broke up with her because she wouldn’t swallow.”

  They all gasp while I laugh.

  “It’s important,” he says, defending himself or, rather, defending the real Zac Efron.

  “Some girls just don’t like to do that,” the dark-haired one says.

  “Understandable. I just won’t waste my time with them. I need my girl to swallow. I mean, honestly, I can’t imagine going through life—”

  “You ready?” I interrupt him, nodding toward the door.

  “She must swallow, then.”

  I whip my head around and look at the girl who just said that.

  “She does, and she likes anal. Begs for it even.”

  “You are a pig.” I try to be angry, but my nerves get the best of me, and I laugh.

  “Can we get a picture?” one calls out from behind us.

  Memphis doesn’t respond, only looks up at the bouncer. “They’re asking for pictures.”

  “Thank you, sir.” He nods.

  We walk in, and I look behind us, expecting them to follow, but they don’t. They are denied access.

  We walk up to the bar where Memphis orders a round of slippery nipples.

  “Are they good?” I ask.

  “I’ll tell you later. Have I mentioned how hot you look tonight?”

  “Come on, Tales; let’s dance,” Madison shouts over the noise.

  It is then that I look around and see just how beautiful the club is. Not only is the club architecturally appealing and extravagantly designed, but it’s a mix between an exclusive lounge and an ultra-modern nightclub, and the people ar
e just as beautiful.

  I look back as Madison drags me to the dance floor and expect to see Memphis looking at everyone, watching all the women dressed beautifully in couture, practically see-through clothing and expensive jewelry, but he’s not. He’s staring at me.

  “This is DJ Drunken Monkey in the house! Let me hear you say ‘Whoa-oh.’ ” He waits for the crowd to respond and they do. “Say ‘Whoa-oh,’ ” he says again, and it continues until “Pretty Girls” by Iggy and Britney starts to play.

  Mads and I start to dance and sing along. Mads sings Iggy’s part, and I get Britney’s.

  The floor is packed as we dance, bodies rubbing up from behind us as the music takes control. It’s the only time I feel free, no inhibitions, so I go with it.

  “One Hot Mess” by Malea starts, and now it’s not just bodies pressed tightly, there are hands on my hips and a little grinding. Mads has a guy behind her, too.

  I look back, expecting to see Memphis, but I don’t. It’s a Ricky Martin look alike with amazing moves. I look at Mads and put my palms up and shrug,

  With my hands in the air and Ricky’s on my waist, I tip my head up and see the very angry eyes of Memphis Black from the second level, getting a bird’s eye view of the dance floor.

  “Mads!” I yell over the noise and point up. “Your brother is angry.”

  She looks up. “Where?”

  I laugh. “He was right up there.”

  “Fuck him, Tales. It’s me and you, dancing.” She hands me a blue drink she took off the cocktail waitress’ tray. “Bottoms up.”

  We slam down the drinks. They don’t taste like alcohol; they taste like Kool-Aid.

  I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Memphis standing behind me.

  He looks at the Ricky Martin look alike. “That’s mine.” He slams back his drink and shoves the glass into the guy’s hand. “Take that up for me.”

  Whoa, what was that? I think to myself.

  “You looking for a fight? ’Cause you’ve got one,” Ricky snaps.

  Finn steps between them. “Walk, man, while you can.”

  Memphis looks at me. “If we’re gonna be playing around for the next couple of days, it’s one on one, you feel me?”

  “I was just dancing.” I blush and look to see if Mads is watching this. She’s not; she’s dancing with River and Billy.


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