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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

Page 98

by Mankin, Michelle

  “Fuck,” I groan.

  “He’s awake,” I hear Mads. “He’s awake.”

  “Shit, Mads, did you think I wouldn’t wake up?” I growl at her. “Fucking throat hurts.”

  “You had a tube down your throat. That’s normal after surgery,” the nurse says.

  “You shoved a fucking tube down my throat? You never said you were shoving shit down my throat. So help me God, you better not have fucked that up.” I try to sit up, but I can’t. “Am I tied the fuck down?”

  “You were fighting. We had no choice but to restrain you for your own—”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” I groan. It hurts. It hurts really fucking badly. “How long am I gonna feel like shit?”

  “A few days. And you’ll—”

  “Then knock me the fuck out. Fuck, I have to piss.”

  “You have a catheter in—”

  “Fucking masochists. I will end your lives if that shit doesn’t work again.”

  “Memphis, shut it down, man. You’ll be fine.”

  I look left. “X-man, if they fuck everything up for me, and I’m back to serving coffee—”

  “I’ll hire you on to wipe River’s ass.” He smirks at me.

  “Fuck you.”

  “If it still works, I’ll get you a hooker, but you aren’t fucking me,” he jokes.

  “Man, what a fucking mess.” I look toward Madison, who starts sobbing.

  “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. If I—”

  “Mads, you’re fine. Just muffle that cry; my fucking head hurts, okay?”

  “I have to tell you something,” she says, standing beside me.

  “Mom and Dad here?”

  “No, I didn’t call them,” she says and that lip pokes out.

  I laugh. “You didn’t what?”

  “They don’t deserve to be here. They’ve only come to two of your shows and—”

  “They’re busy, Mads. Shit, Dad busts his ass making bank, and Mom busts hers making everything perfect for all of us.”

  “Dad’s been cheating on her. I caught him, and I don’t know how to tell—”

  I gasp. “What the fuck did you just say?”

  “Madison,” I hear X as the room spins. “Not a good time for this conversation.”

  “Someone knock me the fuck out,” I beg.


  I wake up in the dark. I swallow, finding my throat is still sore. I try to move my hand, but it hurts like a bitch, and my head is spinning, and not because of the drugs, but because of what Madison told me.

  “I am gonna kill that mother—”

  “You’re awake?”

  I look right to find Tally is sitting there. I give a nod.

  “You’re in pain?”

  I nod again.

  “The nurse said you can drink. It might make you feel better.”

  “I don’t see how it could.”

  She looks at me sadly.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Tales. I mean, shit happens. Maybe not all at once like today, but shit happens.”

  “You’re going to be okay.”

  “Yeah.” I nod.

  “Wasn’t asking.” She gets up and sits on my right side, taking the cup off the rolling stand then bending the straw as she leans toward me. “Hydrate, rest, heal.”

  “It’s that easy?”

  She nods. “Hydrate, rest, heal.” Then she leans in and kisses my head.

  “Where’s Mads?”

  “Your band mates took her back to the house to sleep. She’s kind of … tired.”

  “She okay?”

  “She will be.”

  I take a drink, and then she sets it down and turns her body toward me.

  “You will be, too.”

  “My old man fucked around on a woman he told he loved every day on the phone or in person.”

  “Things happen. I know it sucks, but they do.”

  “You lost your old man,” I whisper because it hurts to talk.

  “Madison said she wants to kill yours,” she says with a sad smile.

  “She’s not alone.”

  “Can I get you anything?”

  I smirk, and she laughs, shaking her head.

  “Even in pain, I want whatever it is your offering.”

  “A kiss?”


  She looks hurt.

  “Tales, I haven’t brushed my teeth in a while. It’s definitely me being a gentleman.”

  “A toothbrush?”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  “I’ll be right back.” She walks towards the door.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “They did untie you.” She smiles a sweet smile.

  “That was fucked up, right?” It still pisses me off.

  “This is all fucked up.”

  “Tales.” I stop her before she leaves. “Tell one of them chicks I am taking this tube out of my dick if they don’t get in here and do it. That shit’s not natural.”

  The nurse comes in a few minutes later. “I’m Sandy. I’ll be removing the tubing.”

  “Good. Can I brush my teeth first?”

  She hands me a toothbrush with paste on it and a pan to spit in. When I’m done, she pulls the sheet away. I am looking down at my dick with a hose coming out of it. So fucking not cool.

  “You may feel a slight tug or pull when it comes out, but it won’t hurt.”

  “Gotcha.” I brace myself for it, anyway.

  “You’ll feel relieved, but you might pass urine when you don’t want to.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I snarl.

  She looks at me deadpan, and I realize Nurse Sandy isn’t fucking kidding.

  “This is an incontinence pad.” She shows it to me. “Lift your bum.”

  “I don’t have a bum; I have an ass.” I try my best not to be pissy, but fuck this shit.

  She gives me that look again. “It’ll get better over time.”

  “How much time?” I ask as she pulls the tubing out of my dick.

  “Not long.”

  “Sandy, when my dick is in your hand, I don’t wanna hear ‘not long,’ because it is.” She turns her back to walk out. “Tell me I’m lying?”

  “Goodnight, Mr. Black.”

  You have got to be fucking kidding me. I’m gonna lie here and piss myself, and she can’t even laugh at that shit. Fucking healthcare.

  The good news is, I’m not pissing myself. The bad news is, Tales hasn’t returned.

  I sit and wait and wait some more.

  When she finally comes back in, she is all wide-eyed, and her face is red.

  “You’re back,” I state happily.

  “Yep.” She takes my water cup and holds it up. “Drink.”

  “Not sure if that’s a good idea.”

  “Your throat.”

  I look at her, she looks at me, and neither one of us says a word. I see it in her eyes, though; she is questioning something.

  I shake my head.

  “Memphis …” she says in a warning, squaring her shoulders. “Hydration is necessary, so if you’re worried about”—she glances down at my dick; I swear to fuck she does—“something, just don’t. You’ve been through—”

  “Worried about what?”

  She glances down again.

  I shake my head. “Spill it.”

  “I heard the nurses giggling at their station,” she whispers.

  “About me?”

  She shrugs. “Something about an ass and not a bum and then length and—”

  “I’m not pissing myself, Tales.”

  She holds out the cup. “Take a drink, Memphis Black, or you won’t be pissing at all, and then you’ll get an infection, and you might just end up all sorts of”—she pauses—“fucked up. Your hand, your throat, and your penis, Memphis. Do you want those things most important in your life to remain … injured, or are you more worried about a little leakage?”

  “You said fuck, and my dick heard you.” I can’t hel
p messing with her. “And it’s seems to have blood flowing in the right direction, so …”

  “You’re a pig.” She smirks as she sits down next to me.

  “Careful, sweet cheeks, don’t get too close.”

  She laughs, and then her eyes fill up with tears. “You’re going to be okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to be fine,” I tell her so she doesn’t worry, but fuck if doubt isn’t on stage under the spotlight, center stage in my head. “I brushed my teeth.”

  “So did I.”

  “You wanna lean down here and kiss me? Make it easier on me?”

  “Of course.”

  Her lips are gentle on mine, soft and sweet, not like before and maybe not ever again, but right now, nothing has ever felt so good.


  I wake up to a blood pressure cuff strangling my arm.

  “You people are bound and determined to fuck something up on me, aren’t you?” I cringe and open my eyes.


  “You’re okay?” she chokes out on a sob.

  “I’m good, Mom,” I say through gritted teeth. I don’t know for how much longer, though. Shit, I don’t know how people survive in these places.

  “The good news is that you can go home today.” She forces a smile. “Also good news, I’ll be staying here until they release you to fly, so I am going to spoil my little boy and help him get well.”

  “Mom …” I whisper.

  “Don’t, Memphis. I need to do this.”

  “Yeah, well, when I heal, I have a thing or two I need to do, as well.”

  She shakes her head. “Heal.”

  “I will, Mom. So will you.”

  “I’m worried about the two of you. You and Madison are my life.”

  “He needs to get the fuck out.”

  “He has.”


  “He’s still your father.”

  “He ain’t shit.”

  “Memphis, I won’t have you talk about him like that. He provided a good life for us and—”

  “He funded a life; you provided it.”

  She sits down on the bed as tears spill out of her eyes, and I pull her head down to my chest. As she cries, my heart breaks for her.


  I walk into the house, the guys are all standing there, looking at me.

  “Is someone gonna say something? This isn’t a fucking funeral. I’m walking; my throat is fine.” I pull my mom’s head to my chest and cover the ear that is not crushed against me. “And my dick isn’t leaking and works just fine.” I look around, then let go of my mom. “Where are the girls?”

  “Grocery shopping,” Mom says as she shakes her head. “And I heard you.” She starts to walk away while all the guys laugh.

  “We have a cook available,” I call out to her.

  “I came to take care of you,” she says, walking into the kitchen, “so the cook gets a break. I’m sure it’s well deserved.”

  I look back as the Escalade pulls in. Tally is in the driver’s seat, looking smoking hot in that big thing.

  Madison gets out of the passenger side and wipes her eyes. She’s been crying. Again.

  I look at the guys. “Sorry shit’s messed up. I don’t like the drama. Really don’t like bringing it to you all.” The fucking hospital, the wreck my family has become, and now the fuck pad has been invaded by women no one can fuck.

  “This ain’t fucking drama; this is life. Shit drama.” River chuckles as he walks down the hall.

  I look at Finn.

  “Step the fuck out of your bitch pants, man. Tear off the Depends.” He grins.

  “Shit’s not funny. Could be leaking today because of this shit.”

  “But you’re not, so tug on your balls, get laid, and look around, motherfucker. Life is good. We’re in Miami, baby, and because of you getting your ass kicked—”

  “I didn’t get my fucking ass kicked, you asshole!”

  “You may have busted a nose.”

  I grin. “I broke his nose?”

  “Hell yes, you did, and you were bleeding like a stuck pig when you did it. I’d high-five your ass, but I don’t wanna make you cry.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You think Billy can pull off lead guitar?”

  “It’s acoustic; a trained monkey could pull it off. Now, if it was bass, we’d be fucked.”

  Speaking of fucked, I smell her as she walks by, and my fully functional, heat-seeking missile is … fully functioning.

  “Good afternoon, ladies.”

  “Wow, someone’s in a good mood.” Tally smiles over her shoulder.

  “I feel like I just got sprung after being in county for twelve months,” I say behind her.

  River walks out, chuckling. “Hashtag: white boy problems.”

  “Hashtag: suck it.”

  “Hashtag: not my job, man. Oh, and hashtag: you sure it still works?”

  I scowl at him and he smirks. I know the fucker’s just sucked on something, and its named chillz.

  “Oh, darn it,” Tally says, looking through a bag. “We forgot the chicken.”

  “How do you girls forget chicken when I am making chicken enchiladas?” Mom laughs.

  “Hashtag: blonde moment.” River grins like a fool.

  “You do know they’re both brunette, don’t you?” I comment, looking at his foolish face.

  “Hashtag: don’t give a fuck. But hashtag: your mom has a smokin’ body.”

  “I will fuck you up if you ever say shit like that in front of me again,” I hiss at him.

  “Come on, River; let’s go for a walk,” Billy says, shaking his head. Then I hear him say, “You really should stop smoking that shit.”

  “Mom, wanna come with?” Madison asks, grabbing the key fob.

  “I can go,” Tally offers, grabbing her bag.

  “No, I need some Mom time. Memphis has been hogging her.” She sticks her tongue out at me, and I smile.

  “Be right back. We’ll grab your prescription from the pharmacy, too.” Mads and Mom walk to the door.

  “They can deliver it, Mom,” I call to her as she walks out.

  “I’m your mom, Memphis.”

  I look over at Finn, then Tally. “I’m going to—” He doesn’t finish as he walks out.

  “Tales,” I say.

  She sighs and looks up. “You need to let her take care of you.”

  “Come again?” I can’t help thinking about how badly I want to make her do just that.

  “Your mom needs you to need her right now.”

  “How about you?”

  She nods, but her eyes aren’t sparkling. Emerald City has lost its luster, and I don’t like that at all.

  “Wanna help me out?”

  “With?” She tugs at her shirt. It has those robot-looking people on it. The green, red, blue, and pink— “Memphis?”

  Aw, fuck it. “I need a bath. Run some water?”

  “Sure.” She walks quickly by me, then stops and turns around. “I’m happy you’re going to be okay.” Then she walks back, grips my shirt, pushes herself up on her toes, and kisses me. Plants one right on me.

  She starts to pull away, but I grab her T-shirt and try to kiss her. However, she manages to step back.

  “Come on.” She all but runs into the bedroom.

  When I get in there, the water is already running. She stands there, fussing with that shirt.

  “Do you know how sexy you look in all those vintage tees, Tales?” I ask as I shut the door behind me. She shakes her head. “I always preferred the glamour shit, and now, when I look at you, I have no fucking idea why.”

  “It might have something to do with the pain medication,” she says as she nervously tangles her long, wavy locks around her finger.

  “The hair, too, Tales. I love it. I used to pick on you tirelessly about it, and now I’ve decided, when I get my first interview in Rolling Stone, I’m gonna tell all the little boys out there that the tight, kinky curls tame, and when they do, damn.” I
pull my shirt up and then over my head, groaning in pain.

  “Let me help.” She steps over to me and drags my T-shirt slowly down my arm. “Does it hurt?”

  “At this moment, I have no clue, and I don’t really give a shit.” Tales is stripping me.

  She folds my shirt and sets it on the counter behind me. Then she takes a deep breath and reaches out, her hands going toward my waistband.

  “I’ll get these.” Her voice is no more than a whisper. She’s nervous and I swear if I say some stupid shit and fuck this up, I’m gonna kick my own ass but I have to make sure she knows it’s not an expectation.

  “You sure you wanna do that?”

  She nods, biting down on her lip, and then, as if she has found enough courage, she unbuttons me as she breathes out slowly.

  I grab the back of her head and pull it so her forehead is touching my chest as I smell her hair before kissing the back of her head.

  She pushes my jeans down until she is kneeling in front of me. Her eyes are wide, eye level with the bulge in my boxers.

  “Step out?”

  “Yeah, Tales, yeah.” I step out, slow and easy, all sorts of turned on.

  She leans back on her heels and folds my jeans, before pushing herself up on her knees and setting them on the counter. Then she turns and looks up at me, swallows hard, and her eyes … Her fucking eyes are illuminated with want and desire.

  “I’m just gonna …” she says, hooking her little fingers on the waistband at my hips and slowly pulls them down. My dick is hard and centimeters from her face. “Step out,” she says, then clears her throat. She leans back and folds them before setting them on my jeans.

  Her folding the clothes is like a slow seduction, and if that was the intention, it fucking worked. I hope this is leading where I think it is. I never wanted any woman more.

  She pushes herself up on her knees, closes her eyes, and takes in a big breath of courage before she licks her lips then leans forward, placing her hands flat on my abs.

  “You’ve complimented me so many times over the past few days, and I don’t know if I have once told you, with every defense I have down, how amazing you look or how much you make me feel.”

  “Tales,” I say, gripping the base of my dick and rubbing her cheek with its head. “Don’t tell me; show me.” I want her mouth on me so fucking bad, and I know damn well she wants that too. No. Fucking. Doubt.


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