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Rock Star Romance Ultimate Volume 2

Page 104

by Mankin, Michelle

  “Cartoons?” she whispers

  “Yeah.” I laugh. “You used to come over after school and watch them with Mads. You would laugh at the same damn jokes over and over.”

  “They were funny.”

  “Maybe. I wouldn’t have noticed; I was too busy being amused by how damn easily you smiled.” She looks at me and smiles. “Like that, Tales.”

  “I like smiling.”

  “Thank God, because I love your smile.”

  She pulls out the next. “Star Wars?”

  “Vintage, and Billy went with me. He likes that shit.”

  “Do you?”

  “I did as a kid, and so did you. Mads hated it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “There’s more.” I point to the bag.

  She reaches in and pulls out another tee—Rolling Stones.

  “It’s vintage, but new.”

  “I like it.” Her smile is bigger now as she reaches in for another one.

  Pearl Jam, The Doors, The Who—one after another, she pulls out the T-shirts, grinning from ear to ear. She then pulls out the long skirts, all thin material and flowing.

  “So, I was thinking...I don’t want you to change because of me, I want you to be the same girl I have been drawn to since forever. I want you in clothes that don’t scream groupie, and I want you naked in my bed. I’m scared to death that my lifestyle will change you, and I want nothing to do that. Not me, not the road, not a damn thing, Tales.”

  She turns and looks at me. “I’m not changing.”

  “I need you to soar, too, Tales. Follow your dreams, not mine.”

  “I am.”

  “I know.” I push her hair away from her eyes and then pull her toward me, just so I can smell her. God, she smells good all the damn time and everywhere, too.

  “Look, I found a little house on the shore. I want it to be a place where you and me, you know...”

  “Have sex?”

  “Well, yeah, but maybe...I don’t know. Fuck, Tales, live together?”

  “I live with my mom, Memphis. She needs me.”

  “I need you, too.”

  “I’ll be there for you anytime, anywhere.”

  “Good. Then you’ll move in.”


  “Tales, I’m serious. I’m gonna be on the fucking road the whole damn month of September, and that’s just a start. If I can grab a plane and get home, I want your ass there, ready for—”

  “I’m going on tour with my dance company, Memphis. When we’re in town at the same time, I will be—”

  I’m still trying to swallow that pill- her being on the road and shit- but this whole ‘Soar Memphis’ has me tripping.

  “I love you, Tales. What the fuck? I’m asking you to—”

  “You what?” she asks, stunned.

  “I love you, and—”

  “Stop. Just stop at that and let me enjoy that before you go and attach strings to it, okay?”

  “Attach strings? Wow, Tales, that’s fucked up.” She’s acting like she didn’t say she loved me, and she fucking does. I know it.

  “No, Memphis. Love is not fucked up.”

  Insta-tarpoon. Tally said fuck, and she knows I’m hard because I am railing her in the back right now.

  “It’s new. We are going in two different directions and—”

  “Cut the shit, Tales!” I snap. “Tell me what you want.” And do it now, I want to scream.

  “You. Just you and me and every second we can get together, without”—she smiles and moves her back from side to side slightly—“obstacles in our way. I want you, but I want me, too. What you just said”—she holds up the clothes—“what you did … You want the same thing.”

  “All right, then.” I put my guitar on the ground.

  Fucking head-trip. A motherfucking head-trip. I need an answer or duct tape and cuffs. Either one would work right about now, so I’m gonna step away to figure out what defensive move I’m gonna need to take.

  “Look, I need to get some sleep—”

  “Memphis?” She stands up slowly. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  She giggles as she turns to walk away.

  “Tales, don’t go.”

  She looks back.

  “Go with me.”


  “Doesn’t matter; just come with me.”

  And here we go again. Fuck!


  * * *



  I walk up to his vehicle and smile. “Want me to drive?”

  He opens the passenger door. “No.” I turn and wrap my arms around his trim waist and hug him tightly. “You’re a pain in the ass,” he tells me.

  “We’re both young,” I respond.

  “And talented. I get it; we both have a dream, so why don’t you go back to school? I can—”

  “I like teaching dance much more than I like dancing on stage for the applause.”

  He leans back and looks down. “Really?” The way he says it makes me laugh.

  “When have I ever wanted the spotlight?”

  “You should be in it, Tales.”

  “No. I like seeing others in it, like you, the kids, the dance team, but as a whole …” I make a face that shows my distaste.

  “Then come on the road with me. Teach us some moves.” He squeezes my ass.

  “There isn’t a move I could teach any of you. The talent’s there; the skill is honed. It’s perfect.”

  “Not true. Me up there without a guitar—”

  “I’ll tutor you.”

  “You will, huh?”

  “In what, three weeks?”

  “Two,” he says quickly.

  “But you—” Has he been holding out on me? Why the hell do I wonder that? Good Lord we both just need to stop and enjoy a moment.


  “Right.” I step away and get in the Escalade.

  He gets in the driver’s side and asks, “Where to?”

  “Feed me,” I say then decide to say something to change the darkening atmosphere. “Something salty and warm. Maybe a cream—”

  “That’s enough, sweet cheeks.”

  “You could have just talked to me,” I say, pointing to bulge. I still don’t understand why he would go and mess with… that.

  “You’ll like it. Now enough talk about—”

  “Fine.” I bet it hurts. Well I think it must I mean, hello!

  It’s quiet for too long.

  “My mom is going out of town for the weekend.” I turn in my seat and look at him.

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  “Come stay with me, then?” he says.


  “Our place.” Grrr. He’s being so stubborn.

  “Or you stay with me.”

  He looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

  “More privacy,” I allude.

  He doesn’t reply. He pulls into the pizza place he used to take his dates to in high school, and I laugh.

  “Old faithful?”

  “What?” He looks at me confused.

  “Nothing.” I open the door and get out.

  “Oh, I see now. I like the pizza here, and I know you do, too.” He takes my hand and links our fingers as we walk in.

  “Tony, what’s flying, man?”

  “Well, lookee here.” Tony, the older Italian owner of the shop looks over at me and laughs. “And Tallia Priest.”

  “Hey, Tony.” I feel my face heat up.

  “Did he kidnap you, or did you come willingly?” Tony jokes.

  “Kidnapped me,” I say, grinning at Memphis.

  Memphis rolls his eyes then orders his favorite pizza. “Chicken, bacon, ranch, a medium.”

  We then sit in a booth where he sits across from me.

  “Ever think about leaving this place?”

  “We both kind of have.” I answer.

  “I mean farther a

  “Of course. And you?” I take off my sweater and sit back.

  “No, not really.”


  The weekend plans were cancelled. Memphis and the band had to travel for some interviews in Texas, hoping to sell out the shows there. He was apologetic, and I was understanding, even though it stung.

  The next week was busy, and something interesting happened. Ted, a member of the dance team, ended up spraining his knee. I talked to the manager of the dance team and learned that Ted’s partner, Anna, would be asked to leave the team. They just didn’t have time to train a replacement for Ted and all of our dances use partners. I offered to leave, instead, despite being afraid I would lose the classes I had and nervous that I was taking such a risk, but she didn’t accept. She asked that I stay on.

  I decided that I should call and find out if the Stevie Danielle’s offer was still good. She said she was just about ready to fill the position, but she would still prefer me. I told her I was still interested and asked for another day to think about it.

  I explained my situation to the manager, and she asked if she could change my mind, I told her no. This is a big deal for me. I hate disappointing people. I also hated telling Memphis to soar when I myself wasn’t even considering taking a step to do the same myself.

  I walked out and grabbed my phone out of my bag, ready to call Stevie Danielle’s back when a message appeared.

  Stevie was willing to give me an extra thousand-dollar bonus.

  I messaged, asking if I could continue teaching my classes, and she responded immediately with yes.

  Fate? I believe so.

  I met with her assistant that evening and signed the confidentiality form after reading over my obligations. Four shows that were weekday, state fairs: New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Expenses were paid, meals included.

  I couldn’t talk to Memphis about it, because of the confidentiality form, but that was all right with me. I am going to get a taste of what traveling with a rock and roll band is like, even if it isn’t with Memphis. Then maybe, just maybe, it won’t scare me so much to admit that I would love to someday work side by side with the man I love.

  I wasn’t lying when I told him the band had great stage presence, but it could always be better.

  I wasn’t putting all my eggs in one basket, not at all. I was sismply testing the waters.


  It’s been over two weeks, and I have seen him once. We talked about the classes I have been teaching and his crazy schedule while at Tony’s for pizza again. He always wants to go there, and I thought it was because the road made him homesick, but he wasn’t even gone long. I worried about him. We kissed and cuddled in the car, though he seemed to be exhausted all the time.

  I have stayed away from the band’s Twitter and other social media pages. I remember how it felt the first time, and now they were actually out there on their own and not fronting for someone else.

  I honestly love working for Stevie. She is outrageous and the total opposite of me, and I am entertained all the time. She often asks about our private lives, but I never talk about Memphis. I got this gig based on my talent, and I will not use his name now nor in the future.

  Shaunna is bass, Courtney acoustic, and Kellie plays the drums in the band. They are just as cool. They aren’t around a lot, but when they are, it’s a laugh a minute.

  Cassy, Ivy, Joely, and Christi sing back up, while Christa, Liz, Dani, and I are the dance crew.

  Cassy, Ivy, Joely, Christi, Liz, Dani, Christa, and I often work together.

  I never really fit in anywhere when Madison wasn’t around, but here … Here feels good. I now understand why Memphis loves his career so much.

  We are all packing our bags up and ready to leave when Sonya, Stevie’s assistant, comes in and hands us all an envelope.

  Payday! Oh, how I love payday.

  On my way to the dance studio, I send Memphis a message.

  Tomorrow night? <3

  I wait for his reply until it is past time to change into my ballet outfit.

  The smiles, laughs, and dedication make everything better until it’s time to do our circle goodbye, and the last little, pink tutu scoots out the door.

  I laugh as I change into shorts and a tank top. It’s hot and humid in New York City in the summer.

  My life is busy, and I love my work and am dedicated to Memphis and my relationship, yet I have never been lonelier.

  I gather my things and look one last time at my phone. Still no reply.

  He’s busy, I keep reminding myself. It’s less than two weeks from his very first concert as a headline band, right here in New Jersey. My heart swells with pride, but it also aches, something I need to get used to, and for him I know I will.

  I lock the studio door behind me and start walking to the train station. A year ago, I was here and scared out of my mind when walking alone, but now I know I am not alone in the city. There is a cop on every corner and dozens of people walking in the same direction I am.

  I walk to 49th Street to catch the N, taking in the lights and the people around me. My timing is perfect, and I get on the subway and find a seat with no one sitting on either side. In three minutes, I am at 34th Street in Herald Square. From there, it takes one minute to catch the train back to Hoboken in less than fifteen minutes. After twenty-six minutes, I am off the train and walking the two blocks to my little apartment where I can soak my aching feet and shower off the day.

  I walk into my apartment to find a note. Mom is anti-cell phone, so notes are a common thing to find on our little table.

  I pick it up and read that she is with Susan, a woman from our church, at the hospital. Emergency appendectomy and she will be home in the morning.

  I kick off my sneakers, and I’m pulling my hair out of the elastic band holding up the not so perfect ballet bun when a knock on the door startles me. I quickly walk over and peek through the hole.

  Three locks later, I am ready to jump on Memphis when I notice him looking at me strangely and realize I am a complete mess.

  “Rough day, sweet cheeks?” he asks as he hands me one single white rose.

  “It was, but it just got better. Come in.” I step back. “Are you hungry?”

  “Hungrier than Gandhi on day twenty-one.”

  I laugh. “That’s hungry.”

  I turn to walk to the refrigerator, and his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back.

  “Tales.” His voice is deep and rough.

  “Oh … oh … um, shower.”


  Once I turn around, his eyes are penetrating me. I seriously feel them everywhere. He wants me as much as I want him.

  He leans down and kisses me, a growl escaping his throat, and I feel him against me. I suck on his tongue the way I want to suck on him, and then I pull back slowly as I hook my thumbs in his waistband and feel the steel of his piercing twitch against my touch.

  “Oh, wow.”

  “I am going to fuck you so good, Tally.”

  I can’t respond. The look of desire seems more intense than ever before.

  “Once I’m in there again, I’m never coming out, you feel me?”

  “Can’t wait to.” I scramble to unbutton his pants as he pulls my tank top over my head. I pull his tank top off, and he immediately yanks my shorts and underwear down.



  “Aw, fuck, Tales.”

  “Please.” I have him in my hand, carefully stroking him up and down as he walks me backward to the bathroom.

  “You miss me, Tales?”

  “More than I can even—”

  “Show me, Tales.” He reaches around me and starts the shower. “Stroke me harder.”

  I squeeze him, and he rocks his hips into me.

  “Fuck,” He hisses. I tighten my grip even more and feel the steel running through him. “Fuck!”

  I want him so badly I set my foot on the side
of the bathtub and rub him against me. He hisses, and I moan when he pushes against me, sliding up and down the lips of my vagina.

  “You’re soaked, Tally. So fucking wet.” He nudges me, and his piercing hits my clit.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Yeah, Tales.”

  “Yeah, oh, yes.” I feel the metal of his dolphin piercing rub up and down me, and I push against it, trembling.

  “Fuck.” He does it again, and I come from the friction alone.

  He then lines himself up and pushes inside of me. I feel his heat, the metal, the pressure of his size. He reaches underneath my leg that’s still on the side of the tub and pushes slowly in.

  “Easy,” I cry.

  “Fuck, Tales, does it hurt?”

  “Just different.”

  “Sorry. Fuck, what was I thinking?” he says, starting to pull away.

  “No! No, don’t pull out. Different isn’t bad, just different.” I wrap my leg around him and push against him.


  “Yes,” I whimper.

  “I’ll rock you slow, Tales.” His hips circle, and then he pushes in a little. Circle and more, again and again, as he cups my breasts and kisses my neck. “Wrap your legs around me,” he says, and I do.

  With one hand, he holds me, squeezing my ass. I feel his finger rubbing from the back side of my opening and around my back entry.

  I open my eyes, trying to decide if I will tell him no, and then get completely lost in the reflection of his ass with my legs wrapped around him as the warm water cascades down his back.

  OMG! His piercing isn’t the only thing that’s different. Forever Steel and… I look closer, an emerald. I can’t believe he did that. Wow, just wow. Absolutely beautiful.

  The water changes course at each ripple of muscle and in the dimples above his very round, hard, muscular ass.

  I begin to meet him, delicious thrust for delicious thrust, watching our entwined bodies in the mirror.

  Beautiful, erotic, sensual, stimulating.

  “I love you, Memphis,” I moan into his neck, still watching us.

  “I love you, Tallia,” he growls.


  * * *


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