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The Power to See

Page 10

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  “John’s been murdered,” Chris said.

  Matt sat up. He’d been friends with John since they went to training at Quantico together. “Who did it?”

  “John’s been under at Twilight. We’ve linked Twilight to Salazar. The confidential informant who provided us with the info on the club was found dead last week.”

  John should’ve been pulled out when the C.I. was murdered.

  “Anyway,” Chris continued, “we’re bringing in the owner, George, for questioning.” Chris quickly ran through the details of how John’s body was found and what evidence they had. He told Matt he’d call him once they were done with George.

  Matt couldn’t believe John had been killed and his body left in such a grotesque way. Matt grabbed his bottle of Tums—his ulcer was flaring up again. After popping two tablets in his mouth, he opened the drawer on his nightstand and pulled out his father’s badge, rubbing it between his hands. John’s murder was a stark reminder that if Matt’s identity was discovered, he would end up like his father or John.

  A few hours later, Chris called Matt and demanded that Matt concentrate everything on Brianna and getting into her confidence. She was the ticket to getting Salazar, and Chris wanted Salazar brought down, no matter what.


  Brianna was in the garage heading toward her car. The garage was a twenty-thousand square foot space located under the three main floors of the house. She was about to open the car door when Ben came up behind her.

  “I spoke with your father,” he said, “and there’s been a slight change of plans.”

  Brianna turned, glaring at him. Why was he always interfering?

  Ben continued, “I can’t possibly vouch for your safety at a venue like a baseball game.”

  “That really isn’t my problem is it?” She got into the car and started it up.

  “I’m sorry Bri, but I can’t let you go. Your father agrees—it’s too much of a security risk.”

  “What’s the real issue here? Protecting me or keeping me away from another man? Quite frankly, I think you’re jealous. God forbid I have a relationship with someone else.”

  “My job is to protect you,” Ben snapped. “And the only relationship you should have is with Dominic.”

  “Your idea of protection is sick and twisted.” Brianna tried not to think of Derek. She still blamed Ben for what happened that day.

  “That’s not fair,” he said, shaking his head. “I had no choice. You know your father. What was I supposed to do?”

  “I can’t get into this with you right now.” He stood in front of the car, blocking her.

  Brianna called Salazar. When he answered, he agreed with Ben. Glaring at Ben, Brianna said, “I understand your concerns regarding the security issues. However, we’ll be in a private box. This is the only time Matt and I have to discuss the case before the hearing on Monday.”

  “The two of you can meet somewhere else to work on the case. You are not, under any circumstances, going to a baseball game. End of discussion.” Salazar ended the call.

  Why was Dominic allowed to attend to a football game, but she couldn’t go to a baseball game? She wondered what Ben really told Salazar.

  “I’m sorry, Bri. I know how hard it can be.”

  “Get out of my way.” She shifted the car into drive.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to the office. I have work to do.”


  Brianna arrived at the firm in record time. Ben and her other bodyguards remained outside the building, giving her a tiny sense of peace and allowing her to feel alone—if only that were ever truly possible.

  Entering her office, she threw the files on the desk. Brianna hated being treated like a two-year-old. It was bad enough the control Salazar imposed over her life, but Ben? She didn’t like the active role he was taking in reporting her whereabouts to Salazar. He seemed to be going a step above and beyond the call of duty.

  And what was wrong with a baseball game? Surely there couldn’t be any added security risk. It had to be Matt then. Ben was probably just jealous, like usual. But was there something there with Matt? Brianna admitted she was attracted to him—she couldn’t help it.

  If she had a normal life and was able to choose anyone she wanted, she most definitely would be interested in Matt. As a little girl, when she envisioned getting married, she never thought it would turn out this way. All her childhood dreams had gone up in flames.

  Before she could stop it, the tears started falling. She hated crying—it made her feel weak and vulnerable. At least no one was around to see the spectacle. If only she could change the course of her life.


  Matt knew he needed to ignore any feelings he had for Brianna. It was imperative he keep his head on straight so he could focus on his goal: obtaining information to indict Salazar. Brianna just texted him, canceling their plans to attend the baseball game. He was sure it had something to do with the DEA agent’s death. When he texted her back, she replied that she was going to the office to work.

  It was the perfect set-up. The firm would be empty and Matt would be able to talk to Brianna alone. The tricky part would be maintaining a calm demeanor when he saw her. Matt needed to gain her confidence and trust, and he was willing to do anything to make that happen. However, anger kept rising in him. He really wanted to attack Brianna for her father’s crimes. Someone needed to pay for John’s death.

  Entering Brianna’s office, there was no trace of her anywhere. Matt was just about to turn around and leave when he heard soft crying. Peeking around the desk, Matt saw Brianna on the floor.

  Caught off guard, she jumped to her feet, turning her back to him so he couldn’t see her face. Brianna grabbed a tissue. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Not expecting to find her so helpless, Matt gently said, “I’m sorry. I got your message. I can leave.”

  She turned back around to face him. Matt marveled at how quickly she collected herself. This girl knew how to mask her vulnerability. But it was too late, he knew it was there.

  Brianna was dressed in casual clothes—clothes anyone would wear. She seemed so normal. Except her face was red and swollen from crying. Matt saw her desperation, and in that moment, he knew she needed his help. She was obviously yet another victim of Salazar’s, and Matt wanted to protect her.

  “We can go to my house to work—if that will make you more comfortable,” Matt said.

  Brianna’s face turned white and she glanced outside, as if she expected someone to crash through the window. Her eyes darted around the office. Biting her bottom lip, she finally nodded. “Is there a back door we can leave through?” she whispered.

  Recalling the bodyguards from the restaurant the other night, Matt realized Salazar must have her protected at all times. She probably wanted to leave and go to his place without anyone knowing. “There is, follow me.” Matt led her out of the back of the building and to the adjacent one. He had her wait there while he ran to get his car.

  “Did anyone see you?” she asked while buckling her seatbelt.

  “No, no one at all.” They drove to his house in silence. Several times Matt went to say something, but he didn’t want to be distracted by conversation. He needed to ensure he wasn’t being followed.


  When Brianna entered Matt’s house, reality hit and she realized how stupid it was to have come here. She slid her phone out of her pocket and turned it off.

  “Let me cook you dinner,” Matt said. “You have to be hungry.”

  “You don’t need to—I’m fine. Besides, we have a lot of work to do.” Being alone, really alone, without her bodyguards, made her nervous. Matt suddenly seemed too close.

  “It’s no problem. I love to cook.” Rolling up his sleeves, Matt went in the kitchen and pulled some ingredients from the refrigerator. Then he opened a bottle of wine.

  “Really? I don’t picture you to be the cooking type.” Brianna tried to relax. Pret
end she was just a normal girl.

  Matt grinned. “When you live alone, you have to learn to cook so you don’t starve.”

  “I guess that explains my lack of cooking skills.”

  “Here.” Matt handed her a glass of red wine.

  Glancing around the small house, Brianna saw several boxes on the ground. “How long have you been here?” she asked. Furniture was scarce and there weren’t any knickknacks or pictures.

  “Not long. I still have a lot of unpacking to do.”

  Turning her attention back to the kitchen, she watched Matt pull several things from the refrigerator. “I would ask you if I could help, but I really don’t know how to do a thing in the kitchen.”

  “Actually, you can chop these for me.” Matt pushed a cutting board, knife, and fresh parsley toward her.

  Even when she lived in her condo, she never prepared her own meals. Salazar insisted one of her bodyguards cook and taste the food first.

  “I’ll show you what to do,” Matt said, as if sensing her panic. He stood behind Brianna, took hold of her right hand, and helped her chop up the parsley while his left hand rested on her arm. He moved a little closer and said in her ear, “That’s it.” Brianna’s heart pounded. She couldn’t focus on the parsley. Matt’s hand moved to her waist and he pulled her body closer to his. Her body warmed and she wanted to turn around and feel him against her. As if reading her thoughts, Matt twisted her body around.

  Brianna’s breath caught when Matt placed both his hands on her face. She desperately wanted him to kiss her. He leaned down, his breath caressing her skin. Her hands moved to his chest, feeling his muscles beneath the thin fabric. Brianna wanted him. His lips hovered mere inches from hers.

  A vision of her bodyguards busting through the front door slammed into her mind. She suddenly remembered that terrible night with Derek, and she knew she couldn’t allow it to happen to Matt.

  Brianna shoved him away from her. “I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I can’t do this. I have to go.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She moved away from him before she changed her mind.

  “Where are you going? Brianna?”

  Her hands began to shake. Once Salazar discovered what she did, not only would Matt be punished, but she would certainly pay the price. How could she have been so stupid?

  “You have to take me back to the office. If they find me here with you—I can’t. We need to get out of here now.”

  “I’m sorry if I was too forward. If you’re not interested in me, just say so.”

  Brianna glanced into his eyes. He appeared sincere. More than anything, she wanted to close the distance between them. She wanted to feel his strong hands on her body. “I’m sorry, but we work together. We need to keep our relationship strictly professional.” Her body was screaming at her mind for being so rational.

  “We can maintain a professional relationship at the office, even if we see one another outside of it.” Matt smiled, the dimple on his cheek showing.

  “I can’t.” Brianna could barely say the words. She hated Salazar. Why wouldn’t he let her do what she wanted?

  “How come?” Matt asked.

  Brianna straightened her shoulders, trying to feign confidence. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to be involved with someone you work with.”

  Matt slid his hands in his pockets and his eyes shone with mischief. Almost as if he enjoyed the challenge. She’d never found another man so appealing. If she stayed there any longer, Brianna wouldn’t be able to prevent herself from giving in to Matt. And being there was risky enough. Having any sort of relationship with Matt would be deadly.

  He took a few steps toward her. “Why did you agree to come here with me?”

  “For the case,” she lied, not able to look at him. What if she told Matt the truth? Would he be able to help her? Could they be together?

  “Brianna, I don’t want to walk away from this. When I’m with you, I feel something. We can keep it private—no one needs to know.” His voice was low and husky. He took another step closer to her, so that they were only inches apart.

  Matt put his finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. His eyes penetrated hers. Brianna couldn’t take the intensity of his gaze—it seemed like he was trying to secretly communicate to her, or perhaps pull her thoughts right from her mind. She began to speak without thinking.

  “I can’t do anything in private. My father knows everything I do,” she whispered.

  “Then don’t tell him. Besides, why would your father even care who you see?”

  “He has this perfect vision of how my life should turn out. He raised me all on his own, and he still feels responsible for me. If he finds out that I’m seeing someone behind his back, it would be disastrous. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  They were still gazing into each other’s eyes. Matt tilted his head and brushed his lips across hers. A rush of emotions ignited through her body. Brianna had no idea a kiss could be so tender and potent.

  “I shouldn’t,” she murmured.

  “I’ll stop if you ask me.” He pulled back, breathing hard, his eyes questioning hers.

  Brianna’s life flashed before her eyes. Her father always watching, her arranged marriage to Dominic, her bodyguards who were with her everywhere she went. Her life would never be hers to do with as she pleased. Except right then and there, she was doing what she wanted. Brianna unbuttoned Matt’s shirt.

  Realizing it had been awhile since Brianna entered the office building, Ben decided to check on her. He felt horrible for having her plans canceled, but he didn’t regret it. Ben saw how Matt looked at Brianna at the restaurant—it was too intense. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Brianna didn’t look so enchanted with Matt. It was a bad idea to allow the two of them to work together. Ever since Derek’s death, she’d been different. Ben could see her questioning her circumstances, thinking about life. But then again, Ben wasn’t quite the same either.

  Brianna’s office was empty. Ben’s stomach churned—if he lost her, Salazar would torture and kill his mother and sister. If Brianna was taken, Ben would never forgive himself. He had to think logically. Matt came to the office earlier. He only stayed for about fifteen minutes before leaving. Maybe Brianna ran off with him. As much as the idea repelled Ben, it was the best case scenario and he clung to that hope. Time was of the essence. Ben rant to Matt’s office, searching for an address. In the top drawer of the desk, Ben found an old paycheck stub.

  He ordered the other two bodyguards to stay at Brianna’s office in case she returned. Then Ben sprinted to his car and drove straight to Matt’s house. When Ben pulled into the driveway, he turned the car off. Sliding his spare gun into his back pocket, Ben got out and went to the front door, trying to act casual.

  He rang the bell. Nothing. Ben rang it again.

  Matt cracked open the door, his eyes narrowing in. “What do you want?”

  Ben wanted to punch Matt’s face. Instead, he tried to see if Brianna was inside. Unable to tell, Ben focused on Matt. Matt’s shirt was untucked and his feet were bare. “I’m looking for Brianna,” he said, clutching his hands into fists.

  Matt shrugged his shoulders. “So?”

  “I need to know if she’s here.” Ben moved his hand to his back pocket, about to grab his gun. He heard Brianna’s voice. Unable to make out what she was saying, he left the gun in his pocket.

  “Yeah, she’s here,” Matt finally responded.

  “I need to take her home.”

  “She’ll be out in a minute. Wait outside.” Matt slammed the door closed.


  Matt locked the door, stealthily putting his gun behind one of the boxes. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Brianna. She’d managed to get her clothes back on while he was talking to her psycho bodyguard. But her hair was still a mess. Matt smiled.

  “I have to go with him.”

  Running his hand through her hair, Matt said, “Stay. I can drive you home la
ter.” He took her arm and kissed her wrist. “Don’t go.”

  “No one can find out about this.”

  “Your hair might give you away,” he said, laughing. Then Matt’s face turned serious. “No one will. I promise.”

  “I’ll see you Monday.” She kissed him on the cheek before gliding out of the house.

  Matt watched from the window as Brianna drove away. Sensing someone behind him, and he turned to find Chris standing there. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon,” Matt said. “I thought you were coming later tonight.”

  “I have Brianna under surveillance. When they told me you two were here, I decided to join Kevin and Jeff. I wanted to get a peek at her in person—they say she’s a real beauty.”

  “She is.” Matt didn’t like other people noticing her that way. “How long have you been here?”

  “Not long. Saw a car out front so I came in the back. I’m surprised you managed to gain her trust so soon.”

  “Yeah, it was easier than I anticipated.” Matt hadn’t intended to take their relationship to this level. At first he thought she could use a friend. But things just sort of happened and he went with it.

  “So what do you have for me?”

  “Not much.” Matt plopped down on the couch. “I don’t think she knows anything specific.” For some reason, he wanted the investigation directed elsewhere.

  “What do you mean? She’s working for her father—believe me she knows something,” Chris said, crossing his arms.

  “I’m not so sure. Brianna seems truly afraid of Salazar. I think her bodyguards are more than just protection. I’m sure they report her every move to her father. He seems to have her on a short leash.”

  “Probably because she knows something.” Chris started pacing in front of the couch. Matt wished he’d sit down.

  “Maybe,” Matt said. “She knows what her father does but I think that’s all.” There had to be a way to get to Salazar without implicating Brianna.

  “Matt, I’ve known you since you started with the DEA. I know you’re very good at what you do. I couldn’t do it. There’s no way I could go under and lead a different life.” Chris stood in front of Matt. “But that’s what you do. You always get what you want. Now, tell me what’s really going on.”


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