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The Power to See

Page 20

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  Salazar’s mother and father raised him to believe in God. They prayed together every day as a family. But, when Chavez killed Salazar’s parents, when he was only ten years old, Salazar stopped believing in God. If there was a God, He wouldn’t have allowed Chavez to take everything from him. So Salazar turned his back on God, and he began to look elsewhere for strength.

  Once, he almost believed in God again. When he first met Christina, he thought he’d found an angel. But when she left him and loved another man, Salazar knew there was no such thing as virtue. That’s when he unleashed the beast and like an animal, killed and took what wasn’t his. He consumed all the power he could obtain.

  A woman entered the room. “Sir, this just came in on the fax for you.”

  Salazar’s trance broke, and he took the fax from the woman. Reading the paper, he smiled.


  Brianna entered the dining room. “You want to see me?” she asked, knowing something was wrong.

  “Sit down,” Salazar said in a measured tone. Walking slowly around the table, he came up behind his daughter, placing his hands on her shoulders. At that moment, she knew he was aware of her relationship with Matt. She could tell by his tight grasp, and she feared not only for her own life, but also for Matt’s.

  In a calm, soft voice, Salazar began, “You fucking whore. How could you? How could you cheat on your husband?”

  Husband? She wasn’t even married yet.

  “Haven’t I made myself clear?” Salazar’s nails pierced the skin on her shoulder blades.

  If Brianna was going to make it out of there alive, she needed to start begging. But talking to Salazar was never one of her strengths. Her fear of him caused her mind to lose focus and things never came out right.

  “I promise I’ll be faithful to Dominic,” Brianna stammered. “I would never cheat on my husband. I understand the vows of marriage are sacred.” She tried to turn around to see his face, but he only tightened his hold on her. He came in close, his head on her right shoulder. His hot breath danced around her ear. She froze—the mere thought of him biting off her ear made her body quiver.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Salazar declared, sounding pleased with himself. “Are you going to beg for his life?” he asked with anticipation.

  It was no use since Salazar already made up his mind. As usual, he’d concocted a plan and was two steps ahead of everyone else. Racking her brain, she grasped for any possibility she could think of. Something to try and help Matt.

  “No. I will not beg like a dog for Matt’s life,” she said, turning her fear into courage. “I will tell you this: if you kill Matt, I won’t marry Dominic.” Two could play his game. If he planned to control and threaten her, she was going to do the same. After all, she’d learned from the best. Not that she expected to win, but at least she’d go down fighting.

  “Excuse me?” Salazar released his grip and took a step away from Brianna.

  Sucking in a fresh air, she gripped the sides of the chair, channeling every bit of strength she had. “That’s the deal,” she said. “I won’t marry Dominic if you kill Matt. Hector’s case is over. I’ll have Steve wrap things up and I’ll never see Matt again. I promise I’ll be faithful to Dominic.”

  “No,” Salazar barked.

  Brianna jumped up. “Please! For once will you listen to me. I’ll go to Matt. I’ll tell him I can never see him again, and I will come home and be totally in love with Dominic.” Tears slid down her cheeks.

  “I said no.”

  “If you don’t, then I’ll tell Dominic everything. I won’t pretend to love him. I’ll even tell him you paid Claire to break up with him. It’ll destroy him.” She hoped this was the key to saving Matt since Salazar had a soft spot for Dominic.

  Salazar walked over to the window and gazed outside. She watched his reflection, trying to gauge his mood. He smiled. Why in the world would he smile? Brianna just threatened him, he should be mad. Scrutinizing him, he seemed pleased with himself. Had she just walked right into one of his traps? There was no way, he couldn’t have predicted she’d stand up to him.

  His smile vanished and he spun around, facing Brianna. “I won’t have you destroy Dominic. We’ve worked too hard. He deserves whatever he wants.” Salazar’s eyes narrowed, hatred radiating from them. “Fine. Go to Matt and end it completely. Then, when you come home, do whatever it takes to make Dominic happy—whatever it takes. Are we clear?”

  “Yes.” She hurried from the room. Outside in the hallway, Brianna collapsed against the wall, breathing hard. It was too easy. She was missing something.

  “Rene?” Salazar’s voice drifted into the corridor. He must be on the phone. Brianna ran to the garage. She had to get to Matt.

  Brianna stood in front of Matt’s house, waiting for him to answer the door. She glanced back at Ben. “You aren’t going to hurt him are you?” she whispered.

  “Our orders are to protect and bring you home safely,” Ben said. There was a hint of a smile on his face. Something was wrong.

  “Matt doesn’t deserve to die for what I’ve done.” Brianna couldn’t help but remember Derek’s needless death. Ben shrugged.

  The door flew open. “What’s the matter?” Matt asked, pulling her inside.

  “How about, Hi, nice to see you?”

  “It’s always nice to see you. But you’re as white as a ghost and your eyes—they’re lacking something. What’s wrong?” Matt gripped her arms, holding her in front of him.

  Surprise washed through Brianna. Matt was perceptive. He always seemed to see the real her. Besides the blatant physical connection they had, they were forming an emotional bond.

  “My father found out about us,” Brianna said as she wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck, hugging him tight.

  “He found out? He didn’t hurt you did he?” Matt’s hands quickly assessed her body.

  “No, but I won’t be able to see you again.” Somehow she needed to convince Matt to leave and get far away from Salazar’s reach. The sooner the better.

  Matt walked over and armed his security system. Not that it would stop Salazar, but it was better than nothing. He raised one finger, indicating for Brianna to wait, while he grabbed his phone and sent a text.

  “Don’t get mad,” Matt began, “but are you sure you don’t want to talk to Chris? I’ll go with you. We can work something out. I promise I’ll protect and keep you safe.”

  Brianna wanted to believe him, but she was more concerned with his safety than hers at the moment. She shook her head. Matt walked over and stood before her. This was their last time together. Ever. “I can’t imagine my life without you. I feel like a part of me is being ripped away. If only things were different.” She didn’t realize how much she needed him, relied on him, and had begun to love him.

  “But they can be,” Matt pleaded with her. “You have the power to change your life.”

  “There are always consequences for our actions. No matter how you look at it, he’s my father, and I’m so far in, I can’t get out.”

  Matt ran his hands through his hair. “So this is it?” She nodded. “Then let’s forget the world, and just focus on each other and our last time together.” His voice was gruff with desire.

  “Forget the world?”

  “All of it.”

  Matt hooked his fingers around Brianna’s belt loops, tugging her toward him. Throwing her arms around his neck, her mouth slammed into his, craving every inch of him.


  Brianna awoke on the floor next to the couch, amid a plethora of blankets and pillows. They never made it to the bedroom. Glancing outside, it was almost dark. She needed to get home before Salazar totally freaked.

  A murmur of voices came from the front door. Ben must be asking for her. Straining to listen, Brianna realized one of the voices was female. Brianna wrapped a blanket around her naked body, knelt on her knees, and peered around the couch. Matt stood in the doorway, his body shielding whomever stood outside.

; “So you’re not going to invite me in?” the female voice asked.

  “Not now, Rene. I’m working.” There was a hard edge to Matt’s voice.

  “Then why did you invite me here?” the girl asked.

  “I didn’t. Who called and told you where I was?” Matt whispered.

  “Someone from the DEA.”

  “Shh—keep your voice down. I’m undercover,” Matt hissed.

  “But it’s our two-year wedding anniversary.”

  Brianna heard what Rene said, yet it seemed unbelievable. Matt was married? He was a DEA agent? He was only using her? Hurt and rage consumed Brianna. A ringing sounded in her ears. Brianna turned to search for her clothes and accidentally hit the end table, knocking over a wine glass.

  “What was that? Who’s in there?” Rene questioned.

  Brianna heard Matt shut the door.

  “Bri, you awake?” he asked, his face pinched with worry.

  Brianna didn’t respond or even acknowledge at him. She needed to leave as fast as possible. Where were her clothes? Grabbing the blanket, she balled her fists in the fabric, hoping to calm the rage threatening to boil out. Brianna kicked the pillows out of the way. There her clothes were, discarded on the ground like trash.

  “Bri, look at me.”

  The front door opened and closed. Matt cursed under his breath.

  “What’s going on?” Rene asked.

  Brianna refused to look at Matt’s wife. Quickly seizing her clothes off the ground, she ran to the bathroom. The walls protected her from Matt’s eyes, but she could still hear him and his wife.

  “Matt, what’s going on?” Rene asked, again.

  Brianna fumbled with her underwear, pulling them on.

  “It’s not what you think,” Matt said.

  “So you’re not cheating on me?” Rene screamed. “You’re not sleeping with another woman?”

  Brianna hooked her bra clasp and slipped the straps over her shoulders.

  “I can explain.”

  “I trusted you. When you told me you were going under again, I trusted that you would still honor us. But you couldn’t keep your hands off of what—another DEA agent? A drug dealer? A hooker?” She started crying.

  Brianna tugged her shirt over her head.

  “Rene, I’m working. You just blew my cover. Thanks a lot.” There was a hard edge to Matt’s voice.

  “You’re an ass.”

  Brianna slid her legs in her jeans, yanking them up.

  Matt gently said, “I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

  “Don’t. Just don’t.”

  A few moments later, the front door slammed shut.

  With shaking hands, Brianna struggled as she zipped her jeans. Taking a few deep breaths, she mustered up all her strength and walked out of the bathroom, ignoring Matt. Blocking everything from her mind, refusing to think about any of it, she went straight to the front door. If she could just make it to the car before she lost it.

  “Brianna,” Matt’s voice was as smooth as silk. He reached for her arm, restraining her.

  If only she didn’t feel fire igniting throughout her body when he touched her. Unable to say anything, she reached down, pulled out her cell with her free hand, and pushed the panic button.

  “Please talk to me,” Matt pleaded.

  Ben burst through the front door, gun drawn.

  “Ben, get me out of here. Now,” Brianna demanded.

  Matt released her. “Bri, please don’t go. Let me explain.”

  Ben escorted Brianna to the car. Safely inside the vehicle, she started sobbing. Her heart was torn into pieces. Matt was the first man she loved. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have fallen for him? Just because he looked at her a certain way? That was his job—to make her fall in love with him so she would reveal things about her father.

  She was simply a means to an end. How dare he play with her emotions. And to think she stayed up at night, planning ways to get away from Salazar, so she could be with Matt. Brianna thought her father was being unreasonable, but he was right. Salazar knew this could happen, and he was just trying to protect her.

  Brianna wouldn’t make this mistake again. Ever.

  Ben entered the study where Salazar and Phillip sat smoking cigars.

  “What?” Salazar demanded, smoke swirling around his head.

  “It’s done,” Ben said.

  “Good. Keep an eye on Brianna. Let me know if I should be concerned.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Salazar leaned forward to grab the martini sitting on the coffee table. “One more thing, Ben. Have someone take care of Rene.” He took a sip.

  “You want her killed?” Ben asked, astonished. She was innocent, what had she done to deserve this?

  “If I can’t have Matt killed right now, then I at least want his wife killed. Make sure it appears like a suicide. After what happened, that should be easy enough.” Salazar and Phillip laughed, the sound echoing in the study.

  Ben hesitated.

  “Is there a problem?” Salazar asked, glaring at him.

  “No,” Ben answered. “Of course, I’ll have someone take care of Rene.”

  “Do it quickly. I’m sure Matt will be heading to his real house to put her in police protection—if he has any brains at all.” Salazar set the martini on the table, then motioned for Ben to leave the room.

  Ben turned and hurried away. When Salazar first told him the plan to set Brianna up, Ben was thrilled. He thought Brianna deserved to find out Matt was married, and a DEA agent, in the cruelest way imaginable. Now that he’d seen how it all played out, Ben felt sorry for her. He never realized she actually liked Matt. This entire time Ben thought she was just fooling around with Matt to get back at Salazar and throw it in everyone’s face.

  Ben hated the games Salazar played.

  He pulled out his cell and texted one of the other bodyguards, asking them to take care of Rene. Why did the innocent always get caught in the crossfire?

  When Ben reached Brianna’s suite, he leaned his forehead on the door, trying to calm his raging nerves. She was going to blame him for it. All he ever wanted to do was protect her, not get caught up in Salazar’s web of destruction.

  He knocked. There was no answer. One of these days, Salazar was going to push her too hard, and she was going to do something stupid. Guess that’s why Salazar instructed Ben to watch over her today. After knocking a second time, Ben opened the door and stepped inside. Brianna was nowhere in sight. A soft cry came from the other room. Taking a deep breath, Ben walked into her bedroom.

  Brianna lay on her bed, crying. She appeared vulnerable. In all the years he’d known her, she had rarely shown any weakness. There was an intense longing in him to reach out and touch her. Ben balled his hands into fists, restraining himself. He took watch in the corner of the room.

  She pushed herself up, staring at him. “What are you doing?”

  Her eyes were red, hair sticking up in different directions. Attempting to keep his face neutral, Ben said, “Salazar instructed me to keep an eye on you.”


  “So my father knows what happened?” Brianna asked. It was like he had eyes everywhere, watching.

  “He was appraised of the situation.” Ben stood still as a statute in the corner of her room, focused on a spot above her head. Why wouldn’t he look at her?

  “He was informed Matt has a wife?” she asked. That she’d fallen for his act? Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Yes,” Ben said, his eyes darting to hers for a brief second. “And that Matt’s an undercover agent for the DEA.” His jaw clenched.

  Brianna didn’t remember telling Ben anything in the car. He was well informed. “Do you know how my father discovered my relationship with Matt?”

  Bens shoulders slumped forward and he stared at the ground. “Salazar suspected something was going on. He asked me for confirmation.”

  “Of course.” Ben was Salazar’s little pawn. “So you knew I w
ent there to break up with Matt?” It seemed rather convenient that Matt’s wife just happened to show up, but it didn’t matter. What’s done was done.

  Ben rushed over and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. “Salazar’s just watching out for you. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt. Imagine if he hadn’t found out? It could be much worse.”

  “Oh, I know. Trust me, I know.” Her recent conversation with Phillip played over and over in her mind. Phillip had warned her, and Brianna was the one that gave the DEA a way in. She was unbelievably stupid.

  “I hate to see you like this. I still care about you,” Ben said gently.

  “You don’t have the right to say something like that to me anymore.” Why did he want to bring this up now of all times?

  “I still love you,” he said glancing down at his hands, resting on the bed mere inches from hers. “I’m sorry I said anything. I shouldn’t have. Please know that I’m here for you. If you ever need to talk or anything.” He abruptly stood and went back to the corner.

  “Thank you. I need time to myself, to think. I promise I’ll be okay. Please give me some space.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right in the other room if you need anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything you want.” He left her bedroom.

  Brianna gazed up at the ceiling. The pain was unbelievable. Her heart was fractured, broken into billions of pieces. Her head pounded and the ceiling spun around and around. She was surprised to feel physical pain, like a numb ache throughout her entire body.

  She managed to pull herself out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. Her face was red and puffy from sobbing. Was she upset because of lost love? Love unrequited? Or for being betrayed? Staring at her face in the mirror, the pain slowly turned to rage. She refused to sulk and give him power over her. She was strong.


  Brianna watched Phillip leave, Salazar closing the door behind him. She descended the stairs. “Can we talk for a second?” she asked before Salazar retreated to his room for the night.

  “Of course.” He stood in the foyer with his hands in his pockets.


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