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The Power to See

Page 25

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  Dominic’s body stiffened. “It sure didn’t look that way when I entered.” Dominic turned around. “His hands were intimately holding yours.”

  The way Dominic’s lips curled around the word intimately made Brianna shudder. Dominic sounded exactly like Salazar and it freaked her out. “I know,” she said. “Look Dominic, I’m sorry it happened, but he cornered me. What was I supposed to do?”

  Dominic shook his head. “When you were with him—and let me be absolutely clear, this was around the same time we started dating—were you in love with him?”

  Brianna wondered why it mattered. Simple jealousy? Or was it something else? “Of course not. He was only using me.”

  “I know, you keep claiming to be the innocent victim.”

  This was a side of Dominic she’d never seen before, and it was a side she didn’t like. He was being nasty and it seemed like he was trying to back her into a corner. Weren’t they supposed to be on the same side?

  “Let me ask you this,” Brianna said, standing up. “When we first got together, were you still in love with Claire?”

  “I’m the one asking questions right now, and we’re talking about you and Matt. Now answer me!” he yelled.

  Brianna jumped, not expecting his outburst. “He sought me out,” she calmly said, “not the other way around. You have to know you’re the one I want to be with, and I’m marrying you.”

  “You say that, but I’m not sure you really mean it. We can’t forget that this is an arranged marriage. You told me way back that you were going through with the wedding, no matter who it was to.” There was a sour look on Dominic’s face like he was completely disgusted with her.

  Brianna moved closer to Dominic. “What about you? Are you really in love with me, or are you in love with the job, and I’m simply a side note?”

  Dominic’s head jerked back, stunned. Then the shock subsided and pure rage came to the surface. In that moment, it was like Brianna was staring at Salazar. She wanted to back away from him before he lost his temper and hurt her. But this wasn’t Salazar; it was Dominic, and he wouldn’t hurt her, right?

  He said, very slowly, distinctly pronouncing each word, “You can never question my love for you. The job is a side note. Not you. You are my life now that I have killed for you.”

  Did he really love her? Brianna used his break-up with Claire as a way to get close to him—catch him on the rebound. She thought they had a friendship building. But real love? Lust and love weren’t the same thing. Perhaps he was confused.

  Brianna walked over to Dominic and hugged him. He kept his hands in his pockets, not responding. She was surprised. Usually any sort of physical contact allowed her to get the upper hand. Perhaps she should tell him that she loved him too, but it would be a lie, and he would know.

  “I need to see your father, to make sure this security breech doesn’t happen again.” Brushing off her arms, he began to leave the room. “Just one more thing. You told me the two of you dated. You never said anything about sex.” Dominic’s eyes pierced hers. This was a technique Salazar used when he was trying to determine if someone was lying or not. Brianna didn’t respond. She wasn’t sure she could say anything that would calm him down. His face was flushed and his hands were shaking.

  “I’ll take your silence as confirmation. Was this before or after I took the job for your father?” Dominic was beginning to understand the extent of Salazar’s manipulation.

  “It was before we were together.” Brianna’s voice was barely audible. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she couldn’t bring herself to lie either.

  “Let’s be clear. Was this before we started dating? Before we were engaged? Before we made love—had sex? When?” Dominic demanded.

  “I don’t remember.” She turned away from him, unable to tolerate his expression.

  “How many times?”

  “I don’t know.” Brianna wondered why it mattered.

  Raising his voice, “So it was more than once. You’ve fucked him more than you’ve fucked me.” He turned, slamming the door on his way out.

  Dominic stormed into to Salazar’s hotel suite, eager to find out where Brianna’s bodyguards were and how Matt was able to gain access to her so easily.

  Before Dominic could say anything, Salazar said, “Don’t let this fool upset you. That’s what he’s trying to do.” How did Salazar know what happened with Matt?

  “I know,” Dominic said, “but I wish I could kill the son of a bitch.” Dominic wanted to kill Matt for not only using Brianna, but for loving her.

  Working for Salazar wasn’t what Dominic thought it would be. Each day drew him deeper into the organization, and there was no backing out. His one consolation was Brianna—but now that wasn’t what it seemed. Dominic was drowning.

  He knew something had happened between Brianna and Matt, even before she told him. He could see the chemistry between them. Given Matt’s disposition earlier today, Dominic knew Matt wasn’t just using Brianna. Matt was in love with her. Matt’s purpose for visiting wasn’t on behalf of the DEA; it was for personal reasons. Brianna told Dominic that Matt didn’t want her to go through with the wedding—he was obviously fighting for her. But, to what extent did Brianna have feelings for Matt? Did she love him? Even after everything Matt did to her, he still had some emotional bond with Brianna. It was a connection Dominic didn’t have with her.

  “I’m glad you were able to restrain yourself,” Salazar said, pouring a drink of whisky. “We need him untouched. It’s to our advantage he’s still trying to work on Brianna. It means that the DEA has nothing, and she’s their only hope.” He handed the glass to Dominic.

  “Is that why her bodyguards were missing?” Dominic asked.

  Pouring a second glass for himself, Salazar smiled. “You’re quick.”

  “The next time you decide to pull a stunt like that, please let me in on it. What if Matt did something to Brianna?”

  “She was never in any danger.”

  Dominic couldn’t stand to be around Salazar any longer. He wanted to be free from the mind games. “I’m going back to my room to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding.”

  “You mean tonight at the rehearsal,” Salazar said.

  “No, I mean at the wedding. There’s no need to rehearse something that’s already staged, is there?”


  Salazar was pleasantly surprised Dominic remained so well composed. He was also pleased that Dominic confronted Brianna on the matter. She had to be clear that Dominic was in charge and would be in control of her life. She also needed to understand that Dominic would enforce consequences for unacceptable behavior.

  Brianna had too much of her mother in her. Like Christina, Brianna was feisty, determined, and passionate—not necessarily a good combination. Dominic would have his hands full with her. But once Brianna learned that Dominic was in control, and once he knew how to keep her in line, things would be fine. Dominic just needed to overcome his upbringing. Richard had softened him up, but Salazar was slowly getting rid of Richard’s influence.

  Salazar took a sip of whisky, thinking back to his own upbringing. His father had known that being raised by Phillip wouldn’t make Salazar into the cartel leader he needed to be. When Salazar turned eighteen, there were detailed instructions from his father on contacting and finding a man by the name of El Diablo. At the time, Salazar didn’t understand the necessity of traveling all the way into the Amazon jungle to meet with a mystery man. After all, he excelled in chemistry and could handle the production with no problem. He thought it would be a waste of his time. He was wrong. El Diablo trained Salazar—he taught him how to kill, torture, and manipulate others. El Diablo turned out to be a genius, albeit a slightly crazy one, who transformed Salazar into the person he was today—an untouchable king of a never-ending empire.

  Salazar took another sip of whisky. He was beginning to trust Dominic. He sincerely hoped Dominic and Brianna would have a trusting relationship. Dominic needed someon
e to rely on. Salazar had Phillip through the years. Phillip never posed a threat or challenge to Salazar, and that was why family was so important. The bond unbreakable.

  The day Phillip revealed he had lung cancer, Salazar knew things were inevitably changing. It was a little over a year ago when Phillip told him he was suffering from a life-threatening disease. Salazar wanted to hire specialists to treat him, but Phillip insisted that things were as they should be.

  Salazar downed the glass of whisky.

  Back in his hotel room, Dominic felt trapped. Even though the suite was practically the size of his parents’ house, it seemed like the walls were closing in on him. He got in his Porsche. Going for a drive usually cleared his mind and calmed him down. However, driving around Coronado Island, Dominic still felt confined. He needed to get further away. He turned onto Orange Avenue, taking the Coronado Bridge to the I-5. Once on the freeway, Dominic could breathe easier.

  While driving, he called Stephanie for his daily update on Claire’s mother.

  “I’m sorry, Dominic. They told the family to say their good-byes and to be ready. She doesn’t have much longer.”

  Even though Dominic knew this was coming, it was still a shock to have it confirmed. He couldn’t imagine the pain Claire must be in. To lose a parent—it was unthinkable. Claire’s mom was supposed to be there to watch Claire grow up, get married, and have children.

  “I want to see her,” Dominic said, tightly clasping the steering wheel.

  “Claire’s at the hospital almost every day. You should leave her be. Let her spend the last few days alone with her mom, in peace.”

  “Not Claire. Her mother. I want to see her mom and say good-bye.” It was only right. She was a wonderful woman and had always welcomed Dominic into her home.

  Dominic couldn’t fathom losing his mom. He hadn’t seen or spoken to Marie since he was thrown out of the house. He’d tried calling. No one answered or returned his calls. Their fight seemed so trivial now, especially in light of Claire’s mom. Brianna told him she sent his family a wedding invitation, but he didn’t expect them to come. If he wanted to repair his relationship with his parents, he’d have to sever all ties with Salazar.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, but if you want to see her, she’s at Scripps Hospital.”

  “Thanks Stephanie. For everything.”

  After arriving at Scripps, Dominic checked-in at the information desk then headed up to the sixth floor. What was he supposed to say to someone about to die? And what if Claire was there? What would he say to her? Did she know he was going to be married tomorrow?

  When Dominic got to the room, he found the door cracked open. Without peeking in, he knocked softly. A nurse was leaving and she told Dominic he could go on in. Shifting his weight from foot to foot, he gripped the door handle and entered the room. Claire’s mother was alone, lying on the bed, her head turned toward the window. She was bald and as white as the sheets. A tear glistened on her cheek. Dominic cleared his throat to get her attention.

  When she turned toward Dominic, her eyes widened and she grinned. “It’s good to see you.” Her voice was soft and a little hoarse. The smile vanished, like it took too much energy for the simple gesture.

  “I wanted to come.” He stopped just before saying before you died. There had to be some sort of etiquette when it came to deathbed talk. Dominic sat on the chair next to her bed.

  “Everyone went to grab something to eat in the cafeteria.”

  So Claire was there. Clutching his hands together, Dominic leaned forward in the chair. “How’s she doing?”

  “Claire’s having a hard time.” Her lip quivered and tears filled her eyes.

  Dominic rubbed his face. He didn’t want to cry. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled. He wondered what else to say. I still love your daughter? Sorry you’re dying? Hope it goes well? What do you say to someone facing death? Was she terrified or ready?

  “It’s okay Dominic. You don’t have to speak.” She reached out and took his hand, comforting him. Her hand was cold and rough like sandpaper. Dominic firmly held it, not wanting to let go.

  They sat in silence for several minutes.

  “Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me. But Claire will be back soon, and I don’t want to make things any harder on her.”

  Dominic stood and kissed her forehead. “I promise your family will always be taken care of,” Dominic said. “I swear on my life to watch over them.” He turned and left before his emotions could overtake him.

  Wearing her wedding dress, Brianna stood staring at the full-length mirror. Thirty minutes. That’s all that was left of her single life. Brianna humorlessly laughed. She was only twenty-two and had barely dated. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. Whenever she actually thought of being married to Dominic, and all that it entailed, her breathing increased, leaving her on the verge of hyperventilating.

  It was infuriating—Brianna would always be at Salazar’s mercy, doing what he wanted. Going to the DEA wasn’t an option. Salazar would find her and make her pay. As much as she dreaded an arranged marriage, it was better than Salazar’s wrath.

  Brianna hoped she’d learn to love Dominic. It would take some time, but her feelings would develop, she was sure of it. Last night, Salazar sat her down and went over his expectations of her. She was required to give Dominic a wedding night to remember. If Dominic wasn’t satisfied, Salazar said she’d be sorry. Not knowing the specific threat was worse. He’d done some pretty terrible things in the past. She had no intension of finding out what he’d concoct this time. Brianna had to have sex with Dominic that night, and any other night he wanted to. It made her want to puke.

  Brianna heard someone enter. She looked up to see Marie reflected in the mirror.

  “You came!” Brianna was pleasantly surprised.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful. Dominic’s heart will melt when he sees you.”

  “I didn’t expect you. Thank you for being here.”

  Marie came next to Brianna, taking her hands. “Richard and I couldn’t miss our only son’s wedding day. Marriage and family is something we take seriously.” Marie didn’t smile. Her face was unusually white and the skin under her eyes was puffy.

  Brianna squeezed Marie’s hands. “I’m glad you came. I know the situation is awkward for you, but I know it’ll mean the world to Dominic that you’re here.”

  For some reason, Brianna was drawn to Marie. Perhaps it was because Marie knew her mother far better than she did. For whatever reason, Brianna wanted Marie to like her and approve of her as a daughter-in-law.

  “You look just like Christina,” Marie whispered, releasing Brianna’s hands.

  “Would my mother be happy I’m marrying Dominic?” Brianna wondered if her mom approved of Salazar having his hand in everything.

  Marie stood, staring at Brianna in the mirror.

  “Would she approve?” Brianna asked. There was silence. Marie dropped her gaze to the floor. “Marie?”

  “If you love him,” Marie said, “then she would approve.” Before Brianna could breathe a sigh of relief, Marie continued. “What she wouldn’t approve of is Dominic working for Salazar. Christina wouldn’t want you to pull another person into his deception.” Marie looked up at Brianna, and her face suddenly lit up with intensity. “Listen to me. You can protect Dominic. You can keep him from your father.” Her eyes were wild and frantic as she desperately clutched onto Brianna’s arm. “You can save him, can’t you? If you love him like you say you do, then help me keep him from your father. I beg you—please don’t let Salazar have him.”

  Didn’t Marie realize Dominic had more pull with Salazar than Brianna did? And it’s not like Brianna let Salazar have him—he willingly walked into that one. Once they were married, though, Dominic’s fate would be sealed, and there’d be no turning back.

  The dread on Marie’s face startled Brianna. Most people feared Salazar, including herself, and for good reason. The terror Marie exhibited
was different, and that bothered Brianna, especially since Marie knew Salazar through Christina. The only logical conclusion to draw was that Christina must have also been scared of Salazar, just like Brianna, which didn’t make any sense.

  The question then became, did Salazar deceive her mother? She’d never thought about it before, and Brianna really didn’t know enough to speculate. If her mom didn’t agree with Salazar’s life—well, that changed things. Because Brianna felt the same way.

  “I can’t even protect myself from Salazar,” Brianna whispered. “How am I supposed to protect Dominic? If I knew a way out, I would’ve taken it by now.” Maybe if she worked with Dominic, they could find a way out together. Although, would Dominic want to get away? So far, he’d been quite the loyal subject, enjoying his Porsche and doing Salazar’s bidding.

  “I understand. I understand completely. Please keep this conversation between us.” Marie blinked away tears.

  “Of course.” Brianna didn’t mean to push Marie away. She understood where she was coming from. Dominic was her son. Marie loved him and wanted to protect him. It would be nice to have that.

  “One more thing,” Marie said. “Did you investigate that matter we talked about?”

  “I’m working on it. It’s difficult when my every move is being watched,” Brianna said.

  “I understand,” Marie nodded. “But don’t forget. It might change the way you see things.”

  The wedding coordinator entered and announced it was time to walk to the ceremony site. Marie quietly left. Taking one last look in the mirror, Brianna squared her shoulders. It was time to play her part. She picked up her bouquet and followed the coordinator outside.

  Walking along the curved sidewalk, Brianna breathed in the fragrant smell of jasmine. Maybe if she just pretended it was Matt she was marrying, she’d be able to feel happy.

  “I almost forgot,” the wedding coordinator said, “I’m supposed to take you to the main restroom inside the hotel.”


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