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Blue as Sapphires

Page 19

by Constance Bretes

  “When are you figuring on having your famous cookout with the pig?” Dave asked Riley.

  “Maybe in late August again this year. It will be in between the other social events we have going on in town that month.”

  “What events do we have in August? I can’t remember.” Dave’s forehead puckered.

  “Uh, the Shakespearian day and the end of summer concert.”

  “What’s up for July?” Dave asked.

  “July fourth parade and the classic car show.”

  “That’s it?” Dave asked. “I thought we had something else going on in July.”

  “Well, I know a few ranchers are offering to let folks come out to their ranch and ride the ponies free one Saturday in July.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I knew there was something else. We go to the Double J Ranch in Potter Town. Katy loves the horses,” Dave said.

  “So, what kind of band is The Town Rockers, a rock-and-roll band or a country and western band?” Marissa asked.

  “Country and western,” Riley said.

  “Do they sound anything like what we danced to a few weeks ago at Rock Creek Inn?”

  Riley chuckled. “No, they’re a more modern country and western band.”

  “You guys went to the Rock Creek Inn? That music is so boring I could fall asleep while eating my meal!” Heidi shrieked.

  “I thought it was nice,” Marissa said quietly.

  “It was nice,” Riley said.

  “It was probably nice because there was testosterone and estrogen stuff going on.” Heidi giggled.

  “Gads, Heidi, you don’t hold back speaking your mind, do you?” Cindy said exasperatedly.

  “Why should we beat around the bush? Just call it like it is,” Heidi said.

  “Well, I can almost see why you’re divorced.” Cindy looked over at Heidi.

  “What do you mean? I like a good-looking, testosterone-laden man in my bed, and I’m not ashamed of it.”

  Riley and Dave had stopped talking and looked over at the women. Riley’s jaw dropped opened, then he clamped it shut.

  Dave quietly chuckled. “You’ve been through three of them already. Are you planning on hooking up with the whole town?”

  “Dave!” Cindy said, embarrassed.

  “Yep, until I meet the one!” Heidi quipped, laughing.

  The band started to play, and Marissa looked over at Riley, and said, “Let’s dance, Riley.” Riley watched her face turn pink.

  “Okay, sure.”

  They stood and walked out to the middle of the road where people were dancing. Riley drew her in his arms, and she cradled her head on his shoulder.

  “It was getting a little too much for me there. I had to get away for a bit,” Marissa confessed to Riley.

  “Heidi’s always been one to say things to shock others, but today she seems in rare form.”

  Riley and Marissa danced several dances together.

  “Do you think it’s safe to go back there, or do you want to walk around?” he asked Marissa.

  “I think it’s safe now, and we can go back.”

  They walked back to where the others were. Dave and Cindy were talking between themselves, while Heidi was talking to her kids.

  “I’m going to walk over to the beer tent and grab a beer,” Riley said.

  “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll go with you, Riley,” Dave said.

  “If someone could bring me one, I’d appreciate it,” Heidi chimed in.

  “Marissa? Cindy? You guys want some beer?”

  “No, none for me, thanks,” Marissa said.

  “No, I’ll have water. Thanks,” Cindy said.

  After listening to the band, watching the people dance, and idle talk, Riley took Marissa home that night. He got out of his truck and walked with her up the steps to her house. He put his hands on her shoulders in a possessive gesture.

  Her finger tenderly traced the line of his cheekbone and jaw. She ran her fingertips across his face and touched his check with the palm of her hand, then reached up and kissed him, lingering, as if she was savoring every moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her back. He felt her shiver in his arms. His hands roamed up and down her back and then circled her waist.

  He moved his lips off hers and along her jaw. He planted a kiss in the hollow of her neck. He gently put his hand back on her shoulders and pulled away. “I…I better go, Marissa,” he said hoarsely.

  He stepped back and stared at her. He could see the lust that glittered in her eyes. It was hard to pull away from her, but he knew she wasn’t ready. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and backed up a half a step.

  Chapter 17

  Marissa realized Riley had stepped away because he’d promised to take things slow with her. It was because of what she said. God, she wanted him. She loved the feel of his body against hers. Was she ready?

  “Okay.” She hung her head.

  “I’ll be by tomorrow,” he whispered.

  He turned and walked out the porch screen door. She watched as he walked to his truck. Her body was begging for his touch, and her lips were still warm and tingling from his kiss.

  Marissa thought about Riley and how good and natural it felt being with him. She had never had this kind of companionship with Mark, and adding to it was being with her friends. She was starting to understand what Riley said about the town. Everyone knew each other and not only helped their neighbor out, but also found time to be together and enjoy each other and the activities. For the first time, she was a part of this small community.

  When she was a young girl she always dreamed about her and Riley and being happy ever after. Her years with Mark brought nothing but sadness and disillusion. Now, she wondered if there really could be a happy ever after ending.

  * * * *

  When Riley and Marissa pulled into the parking lot behind Southerlyn’s Jewelry and Gem store Heidi and all her kids were just arriving. Katy came running down the back stairs of the store and ran up to Lizzie. Dave and Cindy came out with three double inner tubes and five single inner tubes.

  “Let’s stop at the gas station on the way out and get these things blown up. I have rope in the back of my truck I can tie them down with,” Riley said.

  While at the gas station, Dave said, “We’re taking our car to the campsite and leaving it near the Garnet Dam. Heidi will follow us and take us to the start point at Butte Dam. Riley, you and Marissa can go to Butte Dam and wait for us.”

  “Okay,” Riley agreed.

  Riley drove to Butte Dam, and he and Marissa waited for everyone else to get there.

  Finally the rest of their party arrived and they all got out of the car. Cindy looked at the group. “Marissa, you and Riley take a double, you too Heidi, I’ll take a double with Dave, and the singles will go to the kids.”

  “Stephanie will ride with me so there are enough singles for all the kids,” Heidi said, holding on to Stephanie’s hand.

  Marissa walked up to the river and stuck her toes in the water. “Yikes, it’s cold!” she hollered out.

  Riley chuckled. “It’ll be warm once you get in.”

  “I don’t think I want to get my butt wet.”

  Heidi walked into the water up above her ankles and swiftly came back out. “That was ice cold.”

  “What? Are you guys all chickens?” Riley said with a lopsided grin.

  “I don’t see you in the water,” Marissa pointed out.

  “Oh yeah? Watch this.” Riley grabbed the double inner tube and ran into the water, creating a big splash, then jumped into it.

  Next, Heidi’s kids and Katy ran in, jumped in their inner tubes, and began floating down the river.

  “Come on, Marissa. Get in and let’s go,” Riley shouted to her.

  Marissa took a deep breath, ran into the water, and jumped in next to Riley. “Oh my God, it’s so cold!” she exclaimed.

  Soon Dave and Cindy were in, and then Heidi and Stephanie got in.

  Riley gave
the inner tube a push and the current pulled them through the river. Occasionally, they hit a logjam and had to get up and walk over it. He kept a watchful eye on the kids as they jumped in and around the adults.

  Partway down the river, Marissa laid back and put her hands in the water. She splashed Riley occasionally with her hand.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish, sport.” Riley gave a half-smile.

  After a few minutes of splashing Riley, Heidi’s oldest son, Dan, got Marissa’s attention by showing her a few tricks he’d learned about swimming. Riley had nonchalantly maneuvered the inner tube around so she couldn’t see him as he slipped out of it. He came up beside Marissa. “You’re gonna get really wet now, sweetie,” he said mischievously. Before Marissa could respond, he flipped her over, and she went under the water, and came up sputtering.

  “Riley, that was mean!”

  Dan laughed and said to Riley, “Uh-oh. Now you did it.”

  Riley jumped back into the inner tube while Marissa pushed her hair back and used her hands to wipe her face. She looked at Riley with mock evil in her eyes.

  “She’s gonna get you back, Riley,” Dan quipped.

  Marissa came up behind Riley, lifted him up in the inner tube, and flipped him over. Riley came up out of the water chuckling.

  “Oh boy, there’s trouble now,” Dan said, and Heidi laughed, along with Cindy and Dave and the rest of the kids.

  Riley and Marissa danced around in a circle, splashing each other.

  “You deserved that, Riley. After all, I just splashed you a little bit,” Marissa said.

  “Just a little splash, huh?” Riley taunted, then he splashed her.

  She turned sideways and splashed him back. They circled and splashed a few more times, with the kids all getting involved in the splashing. They splashed Riley, then turned and splashed Marissa. Heidi, Stephanie, Dave, and Cindy stayed off to the side watching and laughing.

  “Don’t you know how to be a man and take care of that situation?” Dave teased Riley.

  Riley drew his brows together. “Careful there, Dave.”

  Heidi and Cindy rooted for Marissa. “Come on, girl, give it to him!”

  “Hey, Riley, I’m on your side. Since you’re outnumbered by all these girls, we can take them on,” Dan said, laughing.

  “Yeah. Listen, you go that way, and I’ll go this way. We’ll get the girls in the middle,” Riley whispered to Dan.

  Still kicking up water and splashing, Marissa and the girls soon found themselves in the middle between Dan and Riley.

  “Uh-oh. We’re in a predicament here,” Marissa said, looking around her.

  “Yeah, and just how do you think you’ll get out of it?” Riley asked, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

  “Hmm, maybe this will work.” Marissa quickly stepped up to Riley and planted a kiss on his lips. Riley was momentarily taken aback as Marissa jumped into the inner tube.

  “Wow, didn’t see that coming, did ya?” Dan said, smirking.

  “No, I didn’t.” Riley stood there for a few minutes and then flopped into the inner tube next to Marissa. “Now that we got that out of our system, shall we continue down the river?” he asked, a half-smile on his face.

  Heidi and Stephanie floated up beside Riley and Marissa. “Can I ride on your lap?” the little five-year-old Stephanie asked Riley.

  Riley smiled. “Sure.” He leaned over and lifted her up out of the tube she and Heidi were in and put her on his lap. She sat with her little feet hanging over the top of the inner tube.

  * * * *

  Marissa looked at Stephanie and Riley. How precious the little girl looked in Riley’s lap. Oh Riley, the kids would all adore you. It was the first time in a long time she had thought about having children. She had wanted to have children, but she refused to bring a child into the world with Mark as their father. If he beat on her, he would probably beat on the children as well, and she would not risk it. But thinking about having kids with Riley and watching him with Stephanie gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. She would do it with Riley if she could get beyond her insecurities and the pain of her past.

  She knew her feelings for him were growing, and she really loved being with him. She felt cared for, protected, and above all, she felt like a woman.

  When they arrived at the Garnet Dam, they got out of the water.

  “How about you all come over to my place and have pizza?” Marissa suggested.

  Everyone agreed to come over. They went back to Butte Dam, got into their vehicles, and drove to Marissa’s place. Marissa sent Dave and Riley to pick up the pizza.

  “The house hasn’t changed any since I was last here. That was what...ten or twelve years ago?” Heidi said.

  “It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long.” Marissa moved the faceting machine off the table and placed it on the buffet. She wiped the table down so everyone could be seated around it as they ate the pizza.

  “You have a lot of buckets of gravel to look through. Are you getting sapphires from them?” Cindy rested her chin on her palm.

  “I’m getting some. I wish I was getting more.” Marissa came back from the kitchen with plates and napkins, and sat down across from Cindy.

  “How come some of the sapphires are more expensive than others of the same quality and weight?” Heidi asked.

  “Montana is the only state in the US that has sapphires. The sapphires we find here are the clearest and best in the world, so people are willing to pay more for them. Also, because of the popularity here the past few years, there are more prospectors, and the sapphires are becoming scarce,” Marissa said.

  “Let us know if you want to sell any of yours to us, Marissa. I think Dave would be very interested,” Cindy said.

  Riley and Dave returned with the pizza. The kids gathered around and got their slices, and the adults sat down at the table while the kids sat in the living room. Marissa served everyone iced tea.

  “Riley and I were talking about us getting together for a cookout at his place followed by going to town to watch the fireworks on July fourth,” Marissa said.

  “Oh, that sounds like fun!” Cindy said enthusiastically.

  “The kids are going to their grandparents, so that leaves me open to come,” Heidi said.

  “What would you like us to bring, Riley?” Marissa took a bite of her pizza and washed it down with some iced tea.

  “What would everyone like to eat?” he asked. “Pork ribs, steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs?”

  “Let’s do steaks!” Dave suggested.

  “Is everyone happy with steaks?” Riley asked.

  “Steaks sound good to me,” Cindy said.

  “Me too,” Heidi added.

  “What about you, Marissa?” Riley asked.

  “Steak sounds good to me too,” she answered.

  “Okay, now what would everyone like to bring?” Riley looked around at everyone and took a bite of his pizza.

  “I can bring potato salad,” Cindy said.

  “I can bring a relish tray,” Heidi added.

  “I’ll bring the coleslaw,” Marissa said.

  “Okay, I’ll get the steaks, condiments, paper products, and drinks,” Riley concluded.

  Debbie, Heidi’s middle child, came up to the table. “Mom, we would rather go to Riley’s house for the cookout than go to Grandma and Grandpa’s.”

  “Sorry, sweetie. This is your dad’s turn with the holidays, and it’s where he’s going, and you guys have to go,” Heidi said.

  Debbie walked away with disappointment on her face.

  “What time do you want to start the cookout, Riley?” Marissa asked.

  “How about six?”

  “That sounds great,” Cindy said.

  After everyone left, Riley stayed behind and helped Marissa clean up. She made some more iced tea, and they sat down on the back porch with their drinks.

  “It was a fun day,” Marissa said.

  “Yes, it was. I’m glad you enjoyed yourse
lf.” Riley smiled and stretched out his legs in front of him.

  “When you get to take your sheriff hat off, what do you like to do?”

  Riley was silent for a second. “I like to go fly-fishing once in a while, and I enjoy hunting. In the winter, I go snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.”

  “Do you own a snowmobile?”

  “Yes, I have an ATV so I can ride out to the end of my property and onto state land. How about you? What do you like to do?”

  “I love to read, and of course, gold panning and sapphire hunting. I like to facet the stones and create beautiful gems. I’ve never done any of the stuff you’ve done though. Do you like to travel?”

  “I’ve been to a couple of different places, but I really prefer to hang out here,” Riley answered with a lopsided grin.

  “I traveled a lot when I worked for Heartland Diamonds. I even got to go to Washington DC and see the Hope diamond at the Smithsonian Institute.”

  “I heard it’s a beautiful stone.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Ever wish you could have it?”

  She shook her head. “No, they say it’s cursed.”

  “You believe that?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m not willing to find out.”

  Riley said his goodbyes and got up to leave. Marissa followed him. He stopped in front of the elm tree and looked at the carving MS loves RM 4 ever.

  “Did you carve this?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Marissa said, embarrassed. Why did he have to say anything about it?

  “Back in high school a girl wrote her name and my name with a heart on a piece of paper and it got tossed around. Someone said it was you and me.” Riley turned to look at Marissa. She knew her face was red. “Was it really you and me?” he asked.

  “It was just a silly schoolgirl crush,” Marissa finally admitted.

  “Who do the other initials here belong to?”

  “Another young girl with a crush, I’ll not reveal her name.”

  “Tell me, Marissa, do you still have a crush on your childhood sweetheart?”

  “No,” she blurted out quickly and looked down to the ground to avoid his gaze.

  “Are you sure about that?”


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