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Black Wings: A Dark Romance

Page 13

by Winter Fox

  When he spoke, his voice was husky, and deep with desire. “Seduce me.”

  “What?” I was totally confused. Wasn’t seduction his job?

  “Seduce me,” he said, again. “Make me need you, Cara.”

  I sat with my legs stretched across his hard body, feeling completely stupid. “I don’t know how. Why do you want this from me?”

  He sighed in frustration, and reached forward to place one finger against my lips to silence me.

  “No more talking. Seduce me, and do it in in silence. This is your last chance, slave.”

  There wasn’t anything else left to do. Taking a deep breath, I placed the palms of my hands against his chest, and leaned forward to breathe softly against his ear. I mimicked his earlier movement, darting my tongue out and tracing the flesh of his neck slowly.

  I hadn’t meant to do it, but my hips involuntarily ground down against him, and my wet core pressed against the hardness of him, through his jeans. He moaned, and tipped his head back against the blankets.

  I took the opportunity to trail soft kisses across his exposed throat, while my fingers slid down his ribs until they found the hem of his black T-shirt. I hooked the material with both hands, and he leaned up off the bed to allow me to pull the garment up and over his head. I threw it to one side, before bending my head back down to continue my trail of kisses over his broad, sculpted chest. His hands lifted from the bed fractionally, but he somehow found the will to place them back down.

  It was clear he wanted this to be entirely one sided, although I had no idea why.

  When I reached the waistband of his jeans with my mouth, I paused. I was so fucking turned-on that I wanted to carry on, all the way down. Taking him into my mouth, and hearing his groan of delight alongside the taste of him, and the feeling of the heat of his release at the back of my throat.

  Yet, the part of me which hated this man with every fiber of my being, was screaming at me to stop. Don’t you dare go any further.

  So, I compromised. I sat up, and slid my robe off, exposing my body to him. His eyes darkened as he studied the curve of my full breasts, and I sensed the temptation for him to raise his hands and touch me. He managed to resist it though, and I found myself irritated by his control.

  Seduce me.

  How was I supposed to seduce him, when he wouldn’t let me?

  Changing tactics, I lifted one of his hands in my own. First, I placed his finger inside my mouth, sucking him inside in the way I had wanted to take his cock. His eyes widened slightly, and I felt his breathing increase.

  Seizing the moment, I pressed his wet finger against my nipple, before squeezing his fingers around the soft flesh with my own hands. He followed my silent instruction, and grabbed my breast, hard.

  I repeated the process with his other hand. First taking him into my mouth, then laying his fingers against my breast. Telling him to own my flesh. Giving myself to him.

  The stimulation of his hands against my hot skin, was driving me crazy. I started to move my hips in a circular motion, grinding my wet pussy against his twitching cock through the fabric of his jeans. He growled at me, and his hips bucked to try and press himself harder against me.

  I smirked at his response; before sliding one of my own fingers into my mouth. I moistened it a little, before sliding it down my body, and starting to rub frantic little circles over my clit.

  “Oh. My. Fucking. God,” he growled as his hooded eyes followed every single revolution of my finger.

  I threw my head back. Wanting to bask in the pleasure of the little electric impulses which ran through my core as I pressed myself down against him, and used my finger to send myself hurtling toward the edge of orgasm.

  But I never got the chance to take myself there.

  With a roar that sounded like a grizzly bear, he flipped me onto my back, so that he was pressing his body down, hard onto mine. I knew that I had sent him over the edge, and I was glad. Glad that he would now take control, and help me with the unbearable build-up of heat, and need. I had to come soon, or I thought I might die.

  Instead of tearing his jeans down, and forcing his way inside me, he did something that was so totally unexpected, and alien to me that I was stunned into complete stillness.

  He darted forward with the ferocity of a striking viper, crushing his full lips hard against my own. His tongue broke the barrier of my lips apart with ease. And he eagerly searched my mouth until he found my own tongue.

  He tasted as sweet as honey, and I found myself desperately returning the gesture—opening my mouth wider to allow him to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, pulling him against me, and my hips involuntarily bucked against his body. Good god, I needed him in that moment. I had to have him inside me, and I was sure that if he didn’t fuck me, I was going to explode with need.

  When he tore his lips away from mine, I whimpered and reached out to pull him back to me. But he was so much stronger than I was, it was useless to try and make him stay. He sat up, straddling me in the way I had sat over him earlier.

  “You are,” he murmured. He wasn’t looking at me with lust in his eyes, any longer. He was looking at me like I was a dog that might bite at any second. There was a wariness in his eyes.

  I reached out to touch his cheek. I was still so caught up by the storm of emotions we had just created together. And, when he flinched away from me, my heart gave a single ice-cold beat.

  He ran his hands through his damp hair, his face filled with a look of, despair? Then he was standing up, crossing the room, and I was left staring at the half-open door. Turned-on, unsatisfied, and completely alone, I began to cry.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I didn’t cry for very long. When my mind processed what I had just seen, my eyes snapped back up to the door. It was open. The door was open. This was the mistake that I had been waiting for.

  My eyes darted around the room, looking for something decent to wear. I quickly accepted that I wasn’t going to find anything better than the robe which I had discarded during my attempted seduction of Adonis.

  I cringed, as I thought back to the look on his face before he left. I obviously disgusted him.

  When I noticed his T-shirt still lying in a crumpled heap on my bed, I figured it would provide me with a little more warmth than just the robe alone. So, I shrugged the T-shirt over my head; before pulling the robe tightly around me.

  I didn’t bother looking for shoes. High heels were not going to be useful if I needed to run, or climb.

  I slipped through the doorway, and into the hall—desperately trying to work out how to get out of this place. I chose to run in the opposite direction to the playroom, for no other reason than I didn’t want to feel as though I were going back.

  I almost whimpered in delight when I turned the first corner, and found myself standing at the top of a long flight of stairs. The only thing I knew for sure, was that I had to get to a lower floor if I wanted to escape. So, I took the stairs three at a time, counting twenty-seven before I arrived at the bottom.

  Caution returned now that I was on the lower floor. I peered around the wall at the bottom of the stairs, and spotted the retreating figure of Esther making her way along the hall. I held my breath, waiting for her to disappear completely; before stepping out of hiding and jogging in the opposite direction.

  I reached a large window, and was delighted to see that I was at ground-level. I could see the trunks of the tall trees, disappearing into the distance, and there was a single story shed which was just taller than the window I was looking through.

  I tried the latch on the window, and miraculously it opened. Pushing it just wide enough to let my slim frame slip through, I dropped to the gravel path on the outside, and let the window close back over. There was no sense in leaving clues, if I could avoid it.

  I stood so still I could have been a statue; breathing deeply of the fresh, cool outside air. It had been days since I’d been outside—maybe over a week
now, I wasn’t sure.

  After permitting myself thirty seconds of pleasure, I looked from left to right, trying to make a decision. I had no idea where I was, or where the gardens went, so in the end it didn’t really seem to matter. I chose to run left, under the cover of what seemed to be a small forest of dark-green trees.

  I kept looking back over my shoulder, waiting to hear some sort of uproar which would announce the discovery of my flight. But after five minutes of flat-out running I started to tire, so I forced myself to slow down to a walk. I hadn’t heard a sound, and I knew I had the advantage because they wouldn’t know which direction I had chosen anyway.

  I had known the grounds of Adonis’ house were huge, but after a further fifteen minutes of walking I still hadn’t reached anything like a fence-line. How big is this dammed garden? I wondered.

  I pushed on for another five minutes, and this time I was rewarded by the sight of a wall of elaborate iron railings, which looked to me as though they were the perimeter of the land belonging to the house. I ran to the railings, and leaned against them, panting hard.

  They were high. But not so high that I wouldn’t be able to climb over them. There was a single-track road on the opposite side, and I figured that if I managed to get over the fence, I could follow the road to the nearest town. I might even be lucky enough to encounter a car to hitch a ride from.

  A sudden bark made me freeze, with one foot pressed against the small wall at the base of the railings. I hadn’t thought about guard dogs, and I had no idea if Rover was going to be friendly or not. I turned away from the sound and pushed myself up to try and grab the metal bar at the top of the fence.

  I pulled my second foot up, and was just about to lift my right leg to hook it over the top of the fence, when the back of my robe was grabbed, and I was dragged backwards until I toppled from the fence, landing painfully on my back in the grass.

  I looked up into the face of a growling dog, which I was pretty sure was a Doberman. It didn’t touch me, but the menacing growl was a warning. Don’t move. I bite.

  A man suddenly stepped out of the tree-line. He was on the phone, and I heard him say, “—the car to the small gate at the back of the property. We’ll be going straight home from there.”

  He put the phone into his jacket pocket, and came to a stop at my head. He was upside down, but I quickly realized that it wasn’t Adonis who was towering over me. It was Erebus.

  “Stand up, slave,” he ordered.

  I refused. Staying still, on my back.

  “If you don’t stand up, I’ll tell Oscar here to help you.” The dog growled as Erebus spoke, as though reinforcing what his master had said.

  I shakily got to my feet, and began walking back in the direction I had come. My escape attempt had failed, I would go back and accept my punishment from Adonis.

  Erebus had other ideas. He grabbed my arms, spinning me around to face him. “Have you ever heard the saying, finders’ keepers, Cara?”

  I nodded sullenly.

  “Well, I found you. So, I’m going to keep you. Now follow me.” He began pulling me along the fence-line.

  I pulled against him. “No. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  The slap came from nowhere, and it made my head ricochet back. I could feel the bruise it would leave rushing to the surface of my skin immediately. The dog growled, long and low.

  “Unless you want to be dog meat, I suggest you shut the fuck up, and walk, bitch.” Erebus pulled again as he spoke.

  This time I followed him under a daze of stars, and sickness.

  After a few minutes, we reached a small gate. On the other side a car was waiting—its engine thrumming idly. Erebus pushed me through the gate, and toward the open back door of the car.

  I really started to panic, Adonis wouldn’t know what had happened to me. He’d hate me for running away, and eventually he would stop looking, and I would be a slave to this monster for as long as he wanted to keep me. I was going to die in a basement, somewhere inside Erebus’s house.

  I kicked out at him, trying to avoid being pushed inside the car. But when the Doberman snapped at my face—just inches from my nose—I bit my lip in fear, and allowed Erebus to push my head down and slide me into the cool interior of the car.

  Erebus let the dog jump into the front passenger seat, next to a driver who was sitting quietly, waiting for his instructions. Erebus ducked into the car next to me, giving me a wicked smile as he shut the door behind him.

  “Take us home, Karl,” he instructed the driver.

  The driver didn’t hesitate, he put the car in gear and started to drive us along the road; away from the building which minutes ago I had wanted to escape, and to which I now desperately wanted to return.

  My frightened eyes met those of the man sitting next to me. “Erebus, please let me go back?”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied my face before he replied. “You feel something for him. Don’t you?”

  I frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  The slap came with as little warning as the one from outside. My already fuzzy head, felt a little fuzzier at the contact. But if Erebus noticed my discomfort, then he didn’t give a shit. He grabbed my hair, pulling my head toward him so that I could hear his savage whisper.

  “Your real training starts now, bitch. You will speak to me with respect, and you will always refer to me as master.”

  I was paralyzed by the fear of what was to come. My mouth wouldn’t work, and when I failed to answer him, Erebus wrapped his fingers tighter around my hair.

  “Do you understand?” He snarled.

  The fire in my scalp woke me from my daze. “Yes, master. I understand,” I whispered.

  He didn’t reply. He simply let go of my hair, and sat as still as stone on the seat next to me. I shifted my body, until I was as far away from the monster as I could possibly be. Then, I leaned my head against the smoked glass window, and watched in terror as the world forgot about me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  An entire week passed at the mercy of Erebus; before I finally allowed myself to accept the fact that Adonis wasn’t coming for me. Whether he simply hadn’t realized that Erebus had taken me, or whether he thought I had run so far away he would never find me; or maybe he just didn’t care. He had obviously given up on me, and so I had no choice but to give up on him.

  When we arrived at Erebus’s house—which was equally as impressive as Adonis’ estate—he had taken me straight to a sumptuously decorated bedroom. For a brief instant I was almost lulled into a false hope that perhaps it wouldn’t be so terrible here after all.

  By the time I noticed the chain which was securely fixed to the wall, he already had the collar attached to the opposite end in his hand. I backed away from him as he approached me. The whisper of a plea on my lips.


  He gave an exasperated shake of his head. “Please, what?”


  “Please, master?” I begged.


  The command rang through the air, and my blood ran cold. I did not want to kneel. I did not want to let him put the collar on me. I suspected that it was unlikely to ever come off if I did. On the other hand, I wasn’t able to go anywhere. So, it was only a matter of time until he got hold of me, and I’d already learned how much it hurt when I was disobedient.

  I made my decision.

  Slowly, I started to lower myself down until one knee came to rest against the soft carpet. I bowed my head respectfully, but kept my eyes up. I nervously watched his approach—a dark grin playing across his mouth. He bent down over me, ready to place the collar around my neck.

  “Don’t move, slave.”

  As soon as I detected that his head was above mine, I threw myself back until I heard a satisfying crunch when my skull connected with his nose. As he staggered back with a roar of pain, I leaped to my feet and snatched the chain from his hands.

  Not wanting to give him a second to recov
er from my first assault, I darted forward and wrapped the chain around his neck. As soon as he realized my intentions, he stopped roaring in pain, and began to claw at the metal links.

  I gave a hard yank, which I hoped would completely sever his air supply. The reddening of his face told me that I had nailed it, and I tightened my grip on the chain, keeping the pressure on.

  The look on Erebus’s face was a blend of panic and fear, now. I was winning, I was going to kill him. I wasn’t going to give him the chance to hurt me again.

  The next two minutes were both the longest, and the shortest of my life. Erebus suddenly changed tactics. Managing to muster just enough energy to draw his arm back, before releasing it like a coiled spring. His closed fist connected with my stomach—knocking the air out of me, and dropping me to my knees.

  He wasted no time in slipping the loosening chain from over his neck. The second he was free, he aimed a vicious kick to my stomach which sent me toppling onto the floor, coughing and heaving.

  He quickly clipped the collar closed around my throat, and grabbing hold of the chain, he began dragging me across the floor toward the bed.

  “You fucking bitch,” he howled repeatedly.

  I writhed in agony at the end of the leash. The mother of all panic attacks was twisting its way through me, and the typical panting and shortness of breath that came with it was massively exacerbated by the blows to my stomach—I couldn’t breathe.

  As a cold, dark claustrophobia enveloped me, I clawed at the collar around my throat. I felt as though it were choking me, even though it was nowhere near tight enough to impact my air supply.

  Erebus dragged my kicking and convulsing body up onto the bed. Then he straddled me. Using his legs to pin mine down, and his hands to press my wrists firmly against the bed sheets.

  I coughed, and choked beneath him. I looked up at his bloodshot eyes, knowing that mine were probably the exact same color. I wanted to speak. To beg for my life. Nothing was worth the feeling of terror which was eating its way through my body right now.


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