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Suture Self : A Bed-and-breakfast Mystery

Page 28

by Mary Daheim

  Judith shuddered. “How odd. They give Joe’s name,

  but not his previous or current occupation.”

  “The police don’t want to broadcast Joe’s activities,”

  Renie said.

  “Maybe,” Judith allowed, deep in thought.

  “Addison Kirby might be able to read between the

  lines,” Renie suggested as her phone rang. Once again,

  she smiled broadly as she heard Bill’s voice on the

  other end.

  Judith started to listen to her cousin’s half of the

  conversation, but was interrupted by the arrival of Dr.


  Mary Daheim

  Alfonso. He was upbeat about her progress, and assured her that she’d be able to manage a shower.

  “Just don’t stay in there too long singing Broadway

  hits,” he advised. “We’ll see about getting you on a

  walker tomorrow. It looks as if you’ll be able to go

  home Saturday if you keep improving at this rate.”

  Judith started to ask the doctor if he knew anything

  about Joe, but his beeper went off, and he made a

  hasty, if apologetic, exit. Renie had just hung up the

  phone and was looking disconcerted.

  “Bill just spoke with Jeff Bauer, the manager at the

  Toyota dealership,” she said. “It seems that some

  scruffy-looking guy was hanging around the lot and

  they figured he must have stolen it. Cammy still hasn’t

  turned up.”

  “Why didn’t they keep an eye on him?” Judith


  “They were really busy,” Renie replied. “Bill wasn’t

  the only customer who’d come in to have work done

  before the snow started. The salesman who noticed the

  scruffy guy was with some long-winded customer who

  wanted to look at a used car on the other side of the lot.

  Bill figures that Cammy was taken while the salesman

  and the customer were looking at the other car.”

  “Scruffy, huh?” Judith murmured.

  “It figures,” Renie said, looking angry. “Who else

  but some impecunious jerk would steal a car?”

  “Good question,” Judith said with an odd expression

  on her face.

  “What are you thinking?” Renie asked, narrowing

  her eyes at her cousin.

  “Well . . . Nothing much, really, except that . . .” Judith’s voice trailed off as she avoided Renie’s gaze.

  “Fine,” Renie snapped. “If you’re going to keep se-SUTURE SELF


  crets, I won’t tell you what Bill said about the Randall


  Judith jerked to attention. “What?”

  “My husband’s mind works in convoluted ways,”

  Renie said cryptically. “After thirty-five years, more or

  less, I still have trouble figuring out what lies behind

  his rationale for doing things. That’s one of the many

  reasons Bill never bores me.”

  “Good grief,” Judith cried, “you sound like Bill. Just

  tell me what he said about the Randall kids. And don’t

  give me your usual parroting of your husband’s psychobabble.”

  “Okay.” Renie’s expression was bland. “Bill broke

  his confidence because you need a distraction. That’s

  how I figure it, anyway.”

  “What?” Judith stared blankly at her cousin.

  “Because you’re so worried about Joe,” Renie said.

  “Besides, Margie Randall isn’t Bill’s patient anymore.

  Not to mention the fact that Margie’s husband has been


  “Get on with it,” Judith said between clenched teeth.

  “According to Margie, Bob had been an extremely

  stern, demanding father,” Renie said. “The obituary the

  family put together wasn’t too far off the mark. In consequence, the kids rebelled. Nancy has been fighting a

  drug addiction and Bob Jr., who is gay, was tested for


  “Good Lord!” Judith cried. “Those poor kids! And

  poor Margie!”

  Renie nodded. “It’s awful. But Bill didn’t know

  what the results of the HIV test were because Margie

  quit seeing him about that time. It seems that Bob Sr.

  left quite a legacy—and it’s not in dollars and cents.”

  “Not in common sense, either,” Judith murmured.


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  “He doesn’t seem to have been a very good father. I

  guess he wasn’t much of a husband, either. Of course

  you can’t blame him for everything. That is, children

  can make choices. But to rebel, they often choose

  the—” Judith stopped speaking as Margie Randall all

  but pranced into the room.

  “No matter what happens,” she said in a chipper

  voice, “we don’t want to be glum, do we?”

  “What?” Judith gasped.

  “Life can be hard, so it’s not always easy to endure

  what fate has in store for us,” Margie said, all smiles.

  “Just tell me about Joe,” Judith said as apprehension

  overcame her.

  “I will,” Margie replied. “If you think you can take


  Judith swallowed hard, and said she could.


  “I FOUND MR. FLYNN,” Margie Randall announced

  with a triumphant expression.

  “Oh!” Judith clenched her hands. “How is he?”

  Margie simpered a bit. “Doing rather well,” she said

  in a tone that indicated she was taking some of the

  credit. “He’s expected to recover.”

  Judith sagged against the pillows. “I’m so relieved! When can I see him?”

  “Well . . .” Margie frowned, chin on hand, fingers

  tapping her cheek. “That’s a different matter. He’s

  not allowed visitors.”

  “But,” Judith protested, “I’m not a visitor, I’m his


  Margie shook her head. “That doesn’t matter. Dr.

  Van Boeck is back at work today, and he makes the

  rules. I’m sure it’s all for your husband’s good. He

  mustn’t be disturbed.”

  “Can I call his room?” Judith asked.

  “No,” Margie replied. “There’s no phone. Tomorrow, perhaps. Time is the best healer.” Again, her expression changed, radiating joy. “I must dash. My

  brother-in-law has just gotten the most amazing

  news. I must be with him.”

  Margie fairly flew out of the room.


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  “Damn!” Judith breathed. “I know I should be elated

  that Joe’s better, but I wanted so much to see him. I

  wonder if Margie’s right about the no-visitors rule?”

  “It makes sense, in a way,” Renie said. “After all,

  he’s just turned the corner and he probably has to stay

  completely quiet.”

  “I guess.” Judith heaved a big sigh, then turned to

  Renie. “Goodness, I hadn’t thought about it until now,

  but how are Joe and I going to manage when we both

  get discharged? Neither of us will be in any shape to

  help the other, let alone take charge of the B&B. I can’t

  expect the Rankerses to keep pitching in.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Renie cautioned. “If

  things get really desperate, won’t the state B&B association help you out?”

” Judith answered slowly, “they have backup

  personnel. But I’d hate to avail myself of it. Besides,

  I’d go nuts watching somebody else run Hillside


  “Relax,” Rene urged. “We’ve got other things to

  worry about. Like our recovery. And Joe’s. Not to

  mention Bill’s mental state.”

  “Did he mention the Chihuahuas this morning?” Judith inquired, trying to stop fussing.

  “No,” Renie said. “He was too involved with the car

  disaster and the Randall kids.” She paused, gazing out

  the window. “Hey—the icicles are dripping. Maybe

  it’s finally beginning to thaw.”

  “It’s certainly sunny enough,” Judith said, then gave

  a start as a loud whirring noise could be heard from

  somewhere. “What’s that? I don’t recognize it as a routine hospital sound.”

  The whirring grew louder, making Renie wince. “I

  don’t know. I think it’s coming from outside,” she said,



  her voice rising to be heard over the noise as she got

  out of bed and went to the window. “Good grief!” she

  cried. “It’s a helicopter! It looks as if it’s going to land

  on the roof!”

  “An emergency, I’ll bet,” Judith shouted. “Someone

  has been flown in from an outlying site.”

  “What?” Renie watched as the copter disappeared

  from her view. The whirring died down a bit. “Did you

  say an emergency?”

  “What else?” Judith said. “An accident, I suppose.”

  The whirring resumed almost at once. Renie gaped

  as the helicopter reappeared and began ascending over

  the parking area. “It’s leaving. What did they do, throw

  the patient onto the roof?”

  Judith frowned. “I suppose they can make the transfer really fast,” she said. “But that was really fast.”

  “Too fast,” Renie muttered, heading back to bed.

  She’d just gotten back under the covers when Dr. Ming


  “I hear you’ve been a very active patient,” the surgeon remarked with an off-center grin. “You aren’t

  wearing yourself out, are you, Mrs. Jones?”

  “Me?” Renie gave the doctor a sickly smile. “I don’t

  want to get weak.”

  “You won’t,” Dr. Ming assured her. “What’s making

  you run all around the hospital?”

  “Oh—this and that,” Renie replied vaguely. “For example—what was with that helicopter just now?”

  Dr. Ming was examining Renie’s shoulder. “That’s

  coming along just fine. Your busy little ways haven’t

  done any visible damage.” He paused, moving Renie’s

  wrist this way and that. “Helicopter? Oh, that was a

  transplant delivery. We don’t usually get them here

  since we do only orthopedic work. But with the snow,


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  this week has been different. We’ve had to take on

  some exceptional cases.”

  “Transplant?” Renie said. “What kind?”

  “I’m not sure,” Dr. Ming replied. “Does this hurt?”

  he inquired, bending Renie’s arm toward her body.

  “Not much,” she answered. “Heart, maybe?”

  “Heart?” Dr. Ming frowned. “Oh—the transplant. I

  don’t think so. We couldn’t do that here at all. What I

  suspect is that the organ was flown in along with the

  surgeon. None of our doctors could handle a transplant. We aren’t trained for that kind of specialty.” He

  patted Renie’s lower arm. “You’re coming along just

  fine. Want to visit the physical therapist and then go

  home tomorrow?”

  “You mean Blanche Van Boeck isn’t evicting me

  today?” Renie asked, faintly surprised.

  Dr. Ming laughed as he backed away from the bed.

  “No, she’s too busy.” He glanced at his watch. “In

  fact, in about twenty minutes, Blanche is going to

  hold a press conference just down the hall. If you’re

  not doing anything else, Mrs. Jones, you might want

  to listen in. I’m sure she’ll have some words of wisdom for us all.”

  Renie sneered, but said nothing until Dr. Ming had

  left. “Why is Blanche holding her damned press conference out in the hall? Why not the foyer? Or the auditorium? I assume they have one. Teaching hospitals

  always do.”

  “Don’t ask me,” Judith responded without enthusiasm. She couldn’t take her mind off Joe, though something else was niggling at her brain. Not that it had

  anything to do with her husband. Or did it? Judith was

  afraid that the anesthetic had dulled her usually logical

  mind. “Blanche held that other press conference out in



  the hall,” she pointed out. “Maybe she likes the intimacy.”

  Renie had gotten out of bed again. The icicles were

  definitely thawing, in big, heavy drips. “Hey,” Renie

  said, excited, “there are some workmen out in the

  parking lot. It looks as if they’re clearing off the cars

  that have been stuck there.”

  “Good.” Judith shifted positions, trying to get more

  comfortable. The sound of happy voices in the hallway

  distracted her. “Who’s out there?” she asked Renie.

  “Huh?” Renie turned toward the door. “I can’t

  see . . . Oh, it’s the Randall kids. Jeez, they’re practically skipping down the hall.” She moved as quickly as

  she could to watch their progress, which halted at the

  elevator. “They’re high-fiving,” she said. “What’s

  going on with this family? Whatever happened to

  proper respect and bereavement?”

  Judith’s interest perked up. “They’re glad he’s

  dead,” she declared. “That’s the only possible explanation.”

  As the brother and sister disappeared inside the elevator, Renie stared at her cousin. “Do you think they

  killed Bob Randall?”

  Judith shook her head. “No. I can’t imagine an entire family plotting to murder another relative. I mean,

  I can, but it seems unlikely.”

  “Hold it,” Renie said, sitting down in Judith’s visitor’s chair. “What are the three guidelines Joe uses

  when it comes to homicide? Motive, means, and opportunity, right?”

  “Right.” Judith was looking dubious. “Okay, so

  Margie had all three, assuming she really hated Bob. In

  fact, she indicated that she may have delivered something lethal to each of the victims.”


  Mary Daheim

  Renie raised a hand in protest. “Who told you she

  admitted being the so-called vessel? It was Bob Jr., not

  Margie. How do we know Margie ever said such a


  “Good point. But either way, it assumes that

  Margie—or her son—knew what was in Joan’s Italian

  soda, Joaquin’s juice, and Bob’s booze. Why would

  Margie admit such a thing to anyone?”

  “Because she’s a total ditz?” Renie offered.

  “I don’t think she’s as much of a ditz as she pretends,” Judith said. “I think Margie—if she really said

  it in the first place—was speaking metaphorically.

  Why would she go to all that trouble to kill Joan and

  Joaquin before finally getting to Bob? And
why kill

  him here, in the hospital? She could have slipped him

  a little something at home.”

  “What about the others? Bob Jr. and Nancy and even

  Jim?” Renie asked. “Could one of them have used


  “As ‘the vessel’?” Judith gave her cousin an ironic

  smile. “Maybe. But why kill the other two? We haven’t

  seen any connection between Joaquin Somosa and

  Joan Fremont and Bob Randall Sr.—except that they

  were all well-known, successful individuals.”

  Renie looked thoughtful. “I know that Margie and

  Jim both evinced a certain amount of sadness at the

  time of Bob’s death. But then they let loose, and the funeral hasn’t even taken place yet. What do you think?

  Denial? Relief? Hysteria?”

  Slowly Judith shook her head. “It’s impossible to

  figure out because we don’t know them. You have to

  consider who benefits from any or all of the three

  deaths. Apparently, not the Randalls. Bob Sr. was

  worth more to them alive. Stage actresses in repertory



  theaters don’t earn that much. Of course you have to

  consider insurance policies, but would Joan or Bob

  have had huge amounts? That means expensive premiums. Bob was probably insured to the max when in his

  playing days, but the team, not Margie, probably was

  the beneficiary. And he didn’t really play ball in the era

  of million-dollar quarterbacks.”

  “Somosa might have had a big personal policy, since

  he did play in the era of million-dollar pitchers,” Renie

  pointed out. “But Mrs. Somosa was in the Dominican

  Republic when Joan and Bob died. That bursts that


  Judith looked startled. “What?”

  “I said, that bursts that . . .”

  “Balloons,” Judith broke in. “What about the guy

  who delivered the balloons and the cardboard cutout to

  Bob’s room after he came back from surgery? Did you

  get a good look at him?”

  “No,” Renie confessed. “He went by too fast. And I

  was still sort of groggy. The only thing I really remember besides what he was carrying was that his

  shoes didn’t match.”

  “Interesting.” Judith paused for a moment. “What

  if he also delivered the Wild Turkey? They must

  know at the desk who came in.”

  “Probably,” Renie said, then stopped as a chattering

  stream of people began to filter down the hall, accompanied by TV equipment and snaking cables.

  “It must be the newshounds arriving for Blanche’s


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