D.S. the Messenger

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D.S. the Messenger Page 10

by Raymond McClary

  He noticed the receptionist along with a few security guards walking with her looking around for him. He locates Patrice just as the director instructed everyone to take a five-minute break.

  “Yes! Here’s my chance. Mrs. Goodness!” Patrice turns and looks at him strangely. “I have to speak to you. I have a message for you.” He took a few steps towards her and one of the bodyguards stepped in between Sage and Patrice.

  The bodyguard stood about a foot taller than Sage and 150 pounds heavier. The bodyguard said to Patrice, “Do you know this man?”

  “No Stomp…I don’t.”

  The bodyguard turned to Sage and said, “I’m sorry sir but you have to go.”

  “Mrs. Goodness I just want to give you a message, but out of respect for you I would prefer to tell you in private.”

  The bodyguard said, “Oh no sir! Patrice does not talk to anyone that is a stranger in private. Do you want to talk to him Patrice?” Patrice looks at Sage for a moment and slowly did a gesture indicating no.

  Sage says, “It’s regarding Perry…Perry Strong.”

  “I’m sorry sir, but I don’t know who you are talking about.” The receptionist and security approached Sage and told him that he had to leave. Sage began to feel uneasy about the situation he was in. He had the feeling if he had uttered another word they were going to create a problem for him. As he turned to walk away he again noticed the bullhorn next to the director’s chair. Sage picked up his pace and grabbed it. He ran over to a ladder near the set and climbed it to the top. By this time he had everyone’s attention in the hanger, including Patrice. He turned it on and slowly shook his head indicating his disappointment in her for not letting him talk to her privately. He spoke into the bull horn, “Patrice Goodness, out of the twenty times you and Perry Strong had sex, he attempted to infect you with H.I.V. This ends my message.”

  There was a stunned silence. Then the bodyguard turns to Patrice and asks, “Is this true Patrice? Did you have sex with this man Perry?”

  “No it’s not true! That man is a liar…He is a liar! Someone must have hired him to discredit me! To defame me because I don’t know anyone by that name!”

  Everyone looks back at Sage. He smiles. “Well if he does not exist, why do you have a permanent tattoo with his name in puzzle form on your stomach?”

  “Do you see any tattoos on me?”

  “No I don’t, but when you remove that body spray paint from that area, everyone will see it.”

  The bodyguard walked away from the area only to return with rubbing alcohol. He threw it on her stomach. Patrice put up a fight as he rubbed his hand across her body and noticed the pear on her belly button with the vine pointing down to her vagina. Everyone just stared in amazement.

  The bodyguard says, “How could you do this to me? You told me that I was the only one besides your husband, but you put another man’s name on your body? And now I may be infected?

  A security guard says, “Patrice may have infected me also. I’ve been sleeping with her for the past four months.”

  The director sits in a chair and begins to cry. The Assistant Director said to him, “I understand why you are so upset. This is going to ruin the commercial shoot isn’t it?”

  “No, I’m not worried about the shoot, I’m concerned about my health.”

  “Don’t tell me that you slept with her too?”


  The receptionist says in her southern accent to Patrice, “To be married, you are one trifling whore! You are worse than a careless groupie!”

  Patrice sat down on the floor and cried as she covered her face in shame. Sage stepped down from the ladder, looked back at everyone in the studio and left to return to his car. Once inside, he pulled off and drove down the road and into a gas station. He pulled out his book and read off the next two names that also resided in the Virginia area. Angela Tinthe, a local radio personality. And Joselyn Bergens, a Pastor.


  He returned to his hotel room and used the hotel gym and sauna to relax and relieve the minor tension that remained after his night of passion with his wife. Sage became so tired that when he opened the door to his room, he collapsed onto the bed and immediately went into a deep sleep at 1:00 p.m.

  His dream takes him to an amusement park. He notices that he was standing next to the Tunnel of Love. He smiles fondly as he thought of Deva, but that smile disappeared when he heard Perry’s voice. He was walking towards Sage with a woman holding his arm. The woman says, “You know I’ve never been on that ride before?”

  “You never got on this ride? Well we are about to change that Angela.”

  Her cell phone rings. Angela looked to see who it was and was hesitant as to whether she should answer it. He asked, “Is it from home?”


  “Then don’t answer it. This is the second time since we’ve been together for the last ten minutes that your phone has gone off.” He strokes her hair and asks, “Can you turn it off for me please Angela?”

  “I’m sorry Perry.” Angela turns off her phone.

  Perry says to the ticket taker, “Since no one is riding this, do you think it could stall while we are inside for maybe 45 min?”

  He slips the ticket taker a fifty-dollar bill, who in return says, “Sir, you have an hour. Now listen, when your hour is up, you will hear the motor in the tunnel come on, thirty seconds later, the chairs will move.” “Perfect! We’ll see you on the other side.” Sage followed them inside of The Tunnel of Love. Once the seats entered the tunnel, Angela anxiously grabbed at his belt. The float stopped. He grabs her hands and says, “Let’s get off.”

  “It’s water around this thing. We can’t reach the ledge. We’ll get wet.”

  “No we won’t, I will.” He removed his shoes and socks and stepped into the water. “Brrr…This water is cold!” Angela laughs as he picks her up and gently places her on the platform. “See Angela, you are not wet.” He took off his jacket and placed it on the floor. Angela sat down on his jacket and watched as he lifted the bottom of her earth-toned, flowery sun dress and pulled her thong to the side. He placed his head between her legs and began pleasing her.

  “Now you are wet.” He said.

  “Umm, yes I am. Good and wet. Can I have it now Daddy?”

  He whispers, “I love it when you talk to me that way.”

  “You do Daddy?”


  Sage thought, Daddy is trying to kill you. Daddy is going to infect you with his poison libido. Daddy is an evil daddy. You sure picked the wrong daddy.

  Perry stood up and proceeded to put a condom on. Sage walked towards him with a puzzled look. “He didn’t pinch the condom. What are you up to P?”

  Angela whined in a high-pitched tone,

  “Daddy…Oh Daddy, thank you for giving me this good loving Daddy. Take the rubber off.”

  Both Perry and Sage said, “What?”

  “Take it off. I want to feel that head of a tamer you have. I want you to feel my warmness…It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

  “On the contrary, you have a lot to worry about if he removes that condom!” Sage said.

  Perry reached down and snatched the condom off and re-entered her. Sage could sense Perry’s scrambled emotions. While on top of her, Perry rested the side of his face on her shoulder and stared at the displays inside the tunnel. Tears fell from his eyes.

  “Oh I just cannot believe this…You are in love with her!? But she’s married P! What makes her so different from the others?”

  Perry smiles as he displays a plotting expression. While still facing the displays he grins while moaning, “Oh Angel, you feel so good….”

  Sage yells, “I know you are not doing what I think you are? Too much concentration to fake one P! Besides, you are a horrible actor!”

  Perry says, “I’m about to aaagh!” Angela pushes Perry off of her onto his back and excitedly jumped on top of him. Perry says, “Whoa Angel! What gives?”
  “I know what you are up to. Faking that orgasm so you could save your endurance for tonight when you come by the studio. We’ve been doing this too many times, baby, for me not to know the difference. Well I want all of it right now!” Angela pokes him in the chest.

  Sage says, “If you really love her P, you would stop right this moment and leave her.”

  Angela glides her tongue across his lips while looking into his eyes. Perry says in a begging tone and submissive manner, “Angela, please don’t make me….”

  “You said that you would always please me. So please me now Daddy…I want to feel it when you burst inside of me.”

  “Talk about famous last words. But knowing you, P, you’ll only release enough for her to feel. Not all of it. That is going to exhaust you.” Sage says, shaking his head.

  Perry kissed her. Angela looked at him strangely and said,

  “I thought you didn’t like to kiss on the lips?”

  “I kissed you, because I love you, Angela.” They kissed again as they climaxed together. Angela felt his partial force as it slowly emerged from him and it filled her with delectation. Angela displayed a smile of complete satisfaction and embraced the moment.

  Perry in a drained voice says, “We have to get back inside the chairs of this float before it moves. It’s an hour now.”

  “Are you still coming to the studio?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because I know you, Perry. One moment your plans are with me, and within a blink of an eye, your plans are elsewhere. Considering that I sense a change in your emotional vibe, there’s a seventy-thirty chance that I may see you tonight. The odds are against me of course.”

  Perry laughs as he picks her up and places her back into the seat. “What’s so funny?” Angela asked with a serious look.

  “You are right.” He says as he puts on his socks and shoes.

  “What? That I have a seventy-thirty chance of seeing you?”

  “No, that my plans change within a blink of an eye. Remember, that’s how I met you.” They begin to kiss as the motors start up and the ride exited the Tunnel of Love.

  Afterwards, they headed back towards the parking lot. Sage is walking along the side of them as they approach a car that was identical to Perry’s Porsche, with the exception in color. This one was white.

  “Perry. Now that you have expressed your feelings to me, what’s next?”

  “What do you mean what’s next? There is no next. You have a husband that you can’t leave. And I have love for a man’s wife who he literally cannot please. This is the limit for us. As simple as I am saying this, it just can’t grow any further.”

  “Well at least I know whether I will see you this evening or not.” They kiss. “Call me when you are available.” Angela gets into her car and drives off.

  Perry got into his car and started cussing as he drove off. Sage says while in the car, “Thought you could keep a normal relationship with that virus, hunh? You had the chance to come clean and leave her alone and chose not to. You are one weak, pathetic, poor excuse of a man. All of this over flesh!”

  Perry pulled into a church parking lot. “Now you want to pray? For what, forgiveness? Or are you seeking salvation or guidance, comfort and repentance? You have got to be kidding me!” Sage stops talking for a brief moment and says, “I apologize for what I am saying. It’s not right for me to make comments such as these. Everyone, including me, has done things in the past that they are not happy about and asked God for forgiveness.” He sighs, “I’m lashing out because of the hurt I have inside for you not letting me be there to help you, that’s all.”

  They walked inside the church. Perry found a spot in a pew, got down on his knees and began to pray. Sage also got down on his knees beside him. A woman walked out from behind them. Perry did not hear her but Sage did. As the woman walked towards the front of the church, Perry looked up at the woman who looked at him. They startled each other. “Sir, I did not know you were in here.”

  “I’m sorry I startled you. I’ll be going now. I just needed to pray and this was the first place I saw so….”

  “This is the house of the Lord. You continue to pray while I’m about to lock up the church and when you are done, I can unlock the door for you to leave.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s no problem. It’s no problem at all.” The woman sees the tears falling down the side of Perry’s face. “If you need to talk to me, I am here for you as well. Perry and Sage noticed the concern and very caring expression on her face and in her gray eyes. Perry says, “I do need to talk to someone.” The woman sits down next to him.

  “Tell me what troubles your heart. My name is Joselyn Bergens. I’m the pastor of this church.” Sage stood up.

  “My name is Perry Strong.”

  “I can tell that you feel alone in this world.”

  “I do.”

  “And no one can understand your pain.”

  “That’s right.”

  “By the Lord’s will, whether we like it or not, we have trials and tribulations. So it is always asked, how we resolve them without losing faith? But the key to solving all of our problems is and has always been before us.”

  “What’s that?”

  “To put God first. Ask for his guidance in resolving your problems. God does not place a burden greater than what our minds can handle. You must remember that you are a child of God.”

  Perry bursts out with laughter.

  “I don’t think that I’m a child of God. I don’t think he cares about me or ever loved me.”

  “God loves you and will guide you as long as you remain mindful of his presence.”

  “At one time I believed that God did love me and looked after me…Now, I feel like an abandoned child in the midst of a dark forest without a purpose. Maybe my purpose is not to recognize myself as one of God’s children but rather a handyman for Satan.”

  Joselyn places her hand on the back of his head and neck and began to massage that area.

  “It is troublesome to see a man in such dire straits. For a few moments, I want you to reflect on something more relaxing, something that will help you to ease your mind and release your stress.”

  Perry began to relax and reflect back to the moment he was in Massachusetts. Sage was also able to see his reflected moment.

  Perry was walking down a supermarket isle when he sees a gentleman with a very familiar face. He walked closer and said, “Sir, I know you.” The older man says, “You look familiar as well.”

  “Oh, I remember now. You used to live in my area until your house burned down.” It was the Indian man.

  “Yes, young man I remember you now. You were always with the other fellow.”

  “That’s right, his name is Sage and I’m Perry. You live out here now?”

  “Yes, I do. How about you?”

  “No, I’m just passing through to see some friends and then on my way to Canada. Wow, it’s been over fourteen years since I last saw you.”

  “Yeah, that’s when you saw me in the store and called me Mr. Gigolo.” They both laugh. A woman walks by the aisle and the Indian man notices Perry wink at the woman and says, “I see you have an eye for beautiful women.”

  “I sure do.”

  “Well let me give you a little bit of advice. If you want to deal with a woman like that, you have to have the know-how to get her and the finances to keep her.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  Perry stares at her and says, “Look at those sexy eyes.”

  “Yeah, and look at those diamonds on her ears.”

  Perry laughs, and says, “Look at those perfect looking legs.”

  “Look at the tennis bracelet.”

  “Her toes look so tasty, I could suck on those all night.”

  “Those sandals of hers don’t look cheap either.”

  “The way her clothes are fitting her, tells me that I need to snatch her up and take h
er home and give her a good spanking.”

  “They have high maintenance written all over them. Listen Perry, your pockets have to run pretty deep if you want a woman like that under your arm.”

  The woman that they were staring at, walks down the aisle to Perry, kisses his cheek and says, “Baby I have everything that I need. I’m hungry. What are we going to eat?”

  Perry looks at the Indian man whose mouth was hanging open. Perry says, “I don’t know, but toe-sucking is definitely on the menu! You take care and it was good seeing you again.” As Perry and the woman walked away, the Indian man did not utter a word. He just stood there in disbelief.

  That memory made Perry grin, but then he became very sad again. The Pastor says, “Tell me what’s bothering you.” He looks at her with eyes of sorrow and gloom.

  “I’ve hurt a lot of people and I don’t want to do that anymore. I wish my tongue was cut out and fed to dogs so I can stop luring women into my life.”

  “Perry, women can be gullible, but it’s also their choice as to whether they want to be with you or not. It’s not your tongue that casts a spell on them to be with you. Only Satan has that type of power and even he is limited to the power of suggestion and I don’t think you are Satan. Do you?”

  “No I don’t. But I feel like one of his helpers.”

  Joselyn asks, “What do you say to them? The women? How do you sway them to meet your desires?”

  “Pastor, I don’t think it would be wise to….”

  “No, it’s okay. Tell me.”

  Sage says, “Evidently not if your name was in his book.” Perry looks and picks up Joselyn’s hand. “I see that you are married.”

  “Yes, and happily.”

  “How does he feel about you being here?”

  “He should feel just fine since I am in the house of the Lord.”

  “I know that God is around all the time…I’m talking about being here alone?” He strokes her cheek, and begins to talk in a seductive manner. “You are too beautiful to be here doing things by yourself. If I were your husband, I would never let you out of my sight. Loneliness is something you would be no more.” He runs his fingers through the back of her hair. “From nibbling on your ears while gently running my fingers across your firm and delicate nipples…To rubbing my tongue on those soft lips that lie between those anxiously sexy, throbbing, looking legs. Making sure every inch that I give you is guaranteed to bring you pleasure beyond belief…. Do you want to taste what I want to give you?” In a daydreaming tone she responds, “Yes…I mean, no.” Joselyn rises from the bench and walks towards the back of the church towards the door. “I think it’s time that you left Mr. Strong.”


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