Releasing Hannah

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Releasing Hannah Page 6

by Tl Reeve

  “Can I have your attention please,” Hannah shouted. “My name is Hannah. I will be your cat burglar for tonight.” She figured it was better to announce herself than be found and get arrested again. “I am looking for a Mr. or Mrs. Montez.”

  A woman in the back of the crowd held her hand up. “That would be me.”

  Hannah smiled at the woman. “It’s nice to meet you. Great place you got here, love the décor,” she said, schmoozing the owner.

  “We were surprised when Jude called to say you would be here. We don’t quite understand why he said to keep the alarm on though,” Mrs. Montez replied.

  “There have been some break-ins reported around the area, and Jude wanted to make sure his security systems were up to par. Tonight was an exercise. Any minute now, Jude will let me know he captured my signal. He’ll get back with you at a later time, and explain his findings.” Hannah handed her a card with Jude’s number on it. “If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a holler.” As if Jude knew where she was in her speech, her phone rang. “Well got to go, that’s my boss. Have a good night.”

  Hannah took the elevator back down to the lobby. Then walked out of the building and got into the car waiting for her. “How long did it take?” she asked.

  “Just under three minutes. Any sign of Kapinsky?” Jude questioned, pulling away.

  “No. I can see why they need the security system though. Some of their shit is expensive and tacky as hell too.” Hannah sat back and fastened her seatbelt.

  “What would the chances be that he just happened to showed up Mrs. Robertson’s but not at the Montez’s?” Jude tapped the steering wheel idly.

  “If we go by what we know so far, Kapinsky answers calls on the opposite side of his precinct. It would be why we didn’t see him tonight.”

  “True, but it doesn’t fit,” he muttered. “If we look at this logically, we know it’s my systems taking a hit. There’s more money to be made on the east side, so why is the west side getting more attention? There is more to this.” Jude blew out a breath of frustration.

  “If there is, we’ll find it. I know we will,” Hannah said, tapping his knee.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter Six

  Raphael paced the length of Jude’s office. Hannah and Jude were supposed to have been back twenty minutes ago. Since he’d left for work, he thought non-stop about Hannah. Last night had been amazing. Though they talked about everything, including her self-doubt, he’d be remiss if he didn’t worry about her regressing. She’d floundered a bit, but he knew she’d grow more confident as time went on.

  “I’ll have Raphael check the records at the police station tomorrow to see if Kapinsky’s down time matches up with the burglary dates.” Raphael watched as Hannah came around the corner.

  “Fuck, I should have called. I’m sorry.” She glanced down and shifted uncomfortably.

  “No problem. I figured you guys got caught up out there. So, how did it go?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Buy me dinner, and I’ll tell you. Boss over here didn’t give me a lunch break.” Hannah stuck her tongue out at Jude.

  Raphael cocked his brow. “Are you trying to top from the bottom?” he purred against her ear.

  “Top from the what?” Hannah asked, scrunching up her nose.

  Jude stood by the door and chuckled. “He’s asking if you’re trying to take charge and tell him what to do.”

  “Oh...oh!” Realization dawned on Hannah. “No. I’d never try to.”

  “Relax, I’m messing with you.” Raphael kissed her forehead.

  Hannah sighed and laid her head against his chest. “Can we still get dinner then? I am famished.”

  “Yes, we can.” Raphael smacked her ass, causing Hannah to yelp.

  “See you in the morning, boss,” she said as they headed out.

  Once outside, Raphael pulled Hannah to him and kissed her soundly. He’d missed her more than he figured he would and just needed a moment to breathe her in. “Where would you like to go for dinner?”

  “I thought we were going to your house?”

  The thought of her being in his house and playing in his space, turned him on. It took all of his will power to go slow. She needed all of the aspects of a relationship along with him being Dominant. “We’ll get there. I figured dinner out would be better. We could actually take a moment to get to know each other.”

  Hannah bit her lip and nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

  Pulling out of the driveway, he turned left and drove toward the small Italian restaurant near his place. The service was great and it was intimate enough, they could talk without worry of being overheard. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Hannah take in her surroundings. Always vigilant. After parking in the lot behind the restaurant, Raphael got out and came around the car to Hannah, who’d already gotten out. “You really are very independent, aren’t you?” he said, humor lacing his words.

  Hannah shrugged. “It’s a habit. When you’re treated like I have been, you tend to depend on only yourself. It’s safer that way.”

  He’d done his homework to learn who Hannah was when he knew he wanted her. She’d been orphaned at a young age in a foreign country after horrific accident killed her parents. She had no family to speak of, unless you counted Jude and Jackson. She didn’t go to college. Got her GED. Her skill set had been a natural talent both men cultivated and harvested. After her last time in Chicago, she moved to Georgia to pursue a job on her own merits, not wanting to take one from Jude. Why it changed now, he didn’t know. Maybe she missed her family, or perhaps she wanted to stop running. The only thing he didn’t have was a connection between Jude and Jackson. How they found her. How she got home. None of it made sense. The hostess led them to their table and left them to decide on their dinner. Raphael always had the prime rib carpaccico, the mix of meat and cheese was delicate but filling. Setting the menu aside he waited as Hannah decided on her meal. It’s time to break the ice and push her a little. “When did you know you were submissive, Hannah?”

  Hannah licked her lips and shifted in her chair. “I don’t know. I never knew. I liked what Jackson and Caelan did to me. So I guess when I was here last.”

  “So you never experimented before then?” he questioned, intrigued she’d never experimented before now.

  “I don’t think so.”

  How does she have any type of meaningful relationship with anyone like this? Fuck everyone else! The hardnosed side of him forced its way to the surface. “Hannah, what if I told you that you get off on being spanked? We both know you like when my cock is buried deep inside your luscious pussy.” Not caring who saw what he was doing, he kissed her deeply. “It pleases you to see those you care about happy. You enjoy the thrill of receiving praise because it is something you actively seek out. It makes you hot. Aroused. Wet.” He smirked. “It’s all part of the process of learning more about yourself. Finding what makes you tick besides the obvious.”

  “You are incorrigible.” Hannah huffed trying to sound indignant.

  “I’ll give you that. It’s part of what draws you to me, to this lifestyle. So why deny it?” He sat back in his chair.

  “Okay, sure I’ll agree with you a hundred and ten percent, but what does it all mean Raphael? Why should I lose who I am as a person, just for a little kink? It’s not worth it to me. I will not be a hapless victim again.”

  “I’m not asking you to be a victim, and I sure as hell wouldn’t make you one either. That’s not what being submissive means.” Raphael sighed in frustration. “Five years ago I watched this beautiful little sub being spanked during a demonstration. The way she reacted to the paddle set me on fire. I knew she was the one for me. But I was fucked up in the head. It had only been a couple of months since I had denied a submissive what she needed. I also cold-cocked Olivia. I was an undercover cop. If I gave up my cover, everything my department worked so hard for would have gone down the tubes. A killer would
have gone free and I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “That’s is all well and good, Raphael, but what does that have to do with me?” She challenged him. Pushed his limits, to see if he would strike out in anger—or walk away?

  “The submissive I watched had been so responsive to her Master. By the time he told her to come, I wanted to come. I watched every scene she did and was told she’d been looking for Dom, yet I’d been afraid of myself—of what I’d do to her. So I walked away.”

  “You’re talking about me, aren’t you? You were the Dom Jackson and Caelan talked about? I thought the reason why you left was because I wasn’t good enough. That you heard about what happened between Jackson and me,” Hannah whispered.

  He sighed then took a drink of his water. “I can only imagine what you must have gone through.” Raphael grasped her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “Hannah, I never wanted to leave you. I was the one who was afraid. I had to unscramble my own brain. It’s time for both of us to stop hiding.”

  Don’t hide anymore? Hannah sighed and shook her head. “What made you come back?” She needed to know why. “Caelan called me. He told me you were floundering and lost. After last night, I knew I couldn’t leave. I had to be here for you. I had to give you what you craved and find myself. Hannah, I found myself last night in your arms.”

  Did he just said what I think he said? “Fine, so you’re back and you want me to be your submissive.”

  Raphael snorted. “I just told you I wanted to keep you and all you can say is, fine? Geez, I think I need a firmer hand with you—make you learn your place with me.”

  “Bring it.” Hannah squared her shoulders and arched her brow.

  “Oh I will, and when I am done with you, you will submit to me—fully. You’ll never again question my desire for you.” He threw his napkin onto his empty plate. The time had seemed to fly by while they ate.

  “What are you doing?” Hannah asked nervously.

  “It’s time for your first lesson in submission.” Raphael stood and walked around the table toward her. “Stand sub. We’re done here.” Hannah did as he asked and followed him out after he left money for their bill.

  The ride back to his place had been silent. The ominous tone of his voice made her uneasy and unsure if she wanted to continue her journey with him. Grow a set Hannah. Get the bullshit out of your mind and finally fucking live. Stop hiding. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. It was time to pull her boot straps tight and take the plunge.

  Pulling into the driveway, Hannah gapped at the enormity of Raphael’s place. “All of this is yours?”

  “Yes. My mom and dad left it to me when they passed away. I grew up here,” Raphael said getting out. “Come on, let me show you around.”

  Hannah got out and followed him up the walkway to the front door. “Cool. It’s a beautiful place.” Soft lighting greeted her as she crossed the threshold into the living area. To the left of a set of stairs led up to the second floor. Around the corner she saw an open kitchen with another hall that led to the other part of the house. Hannah walked around the living room like she belonged there. Even though she had the money to live like he did, she saw no need. She was happy in her modest home, with her truck. Why did a man need this much room?

  “I used to hold play parties here every so often. Everyone from the club came by, and we just let loose. Sometimes the club can be overwhelming, and you need to relax.” Raphael stalked over to her. Like a predatory animal on the hunt for his prey.

  “So Caelan and everyone has been here before?” She couldn’t think. He was too close. Too imposing. The night before had been different. Hannah was caught up in the excitement of the situation.

  Raphael snorted. “Am I making you nervous, Hannah?” His finger trailed across her shoulders as he walked around her.

  Hannah jerked slightly at his touch. Her heart pounded. “No, Dominare.” Yes, Dominare.

  “I think you’re lying.” His finger ran down the front of her shirt between her breasts.

  “Okay, maybe a little bit.”

  He stepped closer to her, “Just a little bit? Something tells me it is more than just a little bit.”

  She wanted him close to her, but not too close. One minute hot. The next cold. Whatever the happenings between them, she thought she’d go insane. “What are you doing to me?”

  “I love the reaction you have to me, Hannah. You are so pliable, virginal almost.” He slid his hand up her stomach and over her breast. With his thumb and forefinger, he tweaked her nipple, pulling slightly. Hannah moaned and arched to him. “Beautiful.”

  Before she could stop herself Hannah stepped up and kissed him. She needed to taste him again. Her hand cupped his shaft and gently stroked him through the denim of his jeans. She craved him—his touch to the point of bad, and in those seconds when their mouths were fused together, she didn’t care about protocol. She swallowed his moan as he surged into her hand. Finally, equal footing. This I can work with.

  Biting down on her bottom lip, he sucked it into his mouth and pulled from her grasp. “Naughty sub, teasing her Sir,” he said, catching his breath. “Strip and follow me.”

  Hannah watched as he walked away. His gait confident, yet predatory. His ass filled out his jeans making her mouth water with desire as she quickly removed her clothes. Not caring where they fell, she hurried following after him. At the end of the hall, she found him at door holding a key in his hand. “You’re not going to go 50 Shades me are you?”

  Her insides tingled at his bark of laughter. “No, girl. I’m not.” He continued to laugh as he put the key into the lock. “Once we’re inside, all pretenses are done with. Got it?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  The lock disengaged with a twist of his hand. “Go on in. Take a look around.”. Every imaginable piece of equipment was there, along with an assortment of toys and some things she’d never seen before. Walking into the space, she didn’t know where to start her exploration first. The scent of leather and cleaning product clung to the air. The orange spiciness of it soothed her. She ran her fingertip along every wooden surface, the act a subconscious one. She swiped at the floggers and crops hanging from a rack before continuing around the room.

  “Follow me over to the bench.” He motioned for her to keep up with him.

  “I know spanking you will make you come, but that’s not what we’re doing tonight.” A wicked glint filled his eyes. “Tonight I am going to teach you about delayed gratification.” He held up a long y-chain on each end were clips. “I have what I need. Let’s go to my bedroom.”

  “Wait. What?” Hannah trailed closely behind him. Her mind raced trying to figure out his angle.

  “Problem?” he asked.

  No. Well…. “I don’t think so. Why did you show me your playroom if you meant to take me to your room?”

  He grinned. “Anticipation.”

  Hannah narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Oh.”

  “Now, now,” he murmured. “You’re still going to enjoy what I’ve planned for you.” He climbed the staircase and opened the first door on the right.

  “Okay,” she said, stepping into his personal space. “On the bed,” he directed, as he walked to the closet.

  Hannah complied with his demand. With her head bowed, she heard the snick of his zipper as he undid his pants. The rustle of hangers tortured her. The need to move grew. She yearned to stretch. Pace. Do something before she went stir crazy.

  “Don’t you move,” he commanded. “Tell me Hannah, have you ever had a flogger used against your ass?”

  “No, why?”

  “Don’t worry about it for now. I’ll explain later.” His footsteps grew closer. “I want you to clip each of these to your nipples and this little one to your clit, do you understand?” He showed her the sliver chain again.

  “Yes, Dominare,” Hannah answered, taking the instrument from him while peering up at the leather pants he now wore. Without any fanfare or grace, she
attached the clamps to her nipples. A gasp of pain mixed with the tiny niggle of pleasure passed her lips as she tugged on the chain. Attaching the last smaller clip to her clit, she moaned. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit is right, Hannah. You’re so fucking hot.” He flicked one of her nipple clips.

  Hannah hissed, jumping a little. “Oh damn.” She shivered as the smaller clamp tugged gently on her clit ratcheting her closer to her climax.

  “You will not come. Do you understand?” He pulled out what looked like a riding crop and flicked his wrist. The end of the leather tag came down on her ass. Hannah cried out.

  “Yes Dominare, I understand.” Is he fucking nuts? Every time she moved, her orgasm gain on her. Her blood heated and coursed through her.

  Chapter Seven

  “Lie down. I have one more thing I need to do before completing this exercise.” Hannah watched as he opened a small velvet box. “Do you know what these are, Hannah?” He held one silver ball up so she could see it.

  “No, what are they?”

  “These are called Ben Wa balls,” he stated.

  “What are they used for?”

  “You’ll see. Spread your legs.” He crawled toward the middle of the bed, the silver balls clenched in his fist. “No matter what I do to you, you will not come.”

  How could he ask her not to come? Hell she teetered on edge already from this little display of his. She glanced down and bit her lip. The buttons of his leathers had been left undone. “I’ll…I’ll try, Sir. I-I make no promises.”

  His heated breath fanned against her thighs. In the next instant, his tongue slid through her slit, before bumping her clit. Oh God. She moaned arching to him. Hannah fought the urge to ride his face. He flicked the clamp with his tongue, and she bit her lip. She let loose the whimper building in her chest. “What are you doing to me?”

  Raphael chuckled against her folds. “What does it feel like I’m doing, tesoro?” He slipped a finger into her pussy.


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