Releasing Hannah

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Releasing Hannah Page 7

by Tl Reeve

  Hannah cried out. “You’re trying to kill me with pleasure.”

  Hannah tried to grip his finger, but he pulled free. “What a way to go.”

  “Yes, I—” He inserted one of the silver balls, and any rational thought she may have had fled her. Every bit of her, down to the most microscopic molecule focused on his attention. He flicked Hannah’s clit again, and her muscles clamped down on the ball, sliding it deeper inside of her. Sparks of electricity plucked at her flesh. Seconds later the other ball joined the first, smacking against it.

  The fullness surprised her. Any type of movement sent her spiraling out of control.

  “No coming.” Raphael sat back on his haunches, his cock pressing against the front of his leathers. Hannah licked her lips and nodded. “Good girl. Now, I want you to masturbate for me.”

  “What?” Her heart pounded. A fine tremble worked through her. Touching herself would cause her to have an epic orgasm. On one hand, she didn’t want to disobey him, but on the other, the thought of disappointing him had her hesitating.

  Raphael cocked a brow.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. Hannah tugged gently on the clips and rolled her hips. She had never played with herself in front of anyone, and the idea of doing it for him spiked the desire to please him.

  Lowering her hand, Hannah tweaked the clamp attached to her clit. Inside her, the balls shifted and caused an incredible friction. She shuddered through the wave of bliss.

  Hannah could feel herself grow wetter as her eyes locked with Raphael. She didn’t know what was more erotic, staring at him while masturbating with her body coiling into a tight mess of need, or knowing he grew harder with arousal while watching her. A slow burning fire built in his gaze. His biceps flexed.

  Fuck. Another wave of ecstasy rolled through her. She was unable to look away from Raphael. She saw his nostrils flare when a fresh wave of her arousal coated her fingers. Hannah tugged on her nipple clip, and a jolt pure bliss traveled down the chain, sending a delicious vibration through her clit. “Oh fuck, please.” She whimpered.

  “No Hannah, not yet.” He fisted his cock. “Watch me, Hannah. You come, and I stop. It’s that simple.”

  Nibbling on her lip, she continued to play with herself. She teetered on oblivion as she watched his hand work his length. I want to be the one doing that. She winced as another wave rocked her body and threatened to send her careening out of control. “Fuck it! I can’t stand this anymore.” She moved toward Raphael, but stopped as an intense throb of pleasure built within her. Her silent plea went unanswered.

  “Fuck what?” He hovered over her seconds before he smacked her ass with the crop.

  Hannah screamed. Her muscled clamped down on the balls as they knocked together inside of her. “Fuck me, Dominare.”

  Raphael smacked her ass again and chuckled. “I don’t plan to let you off easily.” He tugged one of the clips off of her nipple.

  Hannah’s body convulsed as she cried out. A delicious mix of pain and pleasure washed over her. “What do you want from me?” Running a hand over her back, he released the other clip, “I want your complete submission. I want you to trust me to be the Master you need. I want you to stop hiding.”

  Hannah felt the blood rush back into her nipple and she moaned, “You have it. I am yours.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her body ached with need. She physically hurt from not being allowed to climax. Every muscle pulled taut as she willed herself to calm down.

  “Lay down, Hannah.” He purred against her ear. “I want to see your beautiful body when I finally let you come.”

  Hannah settled back and watched him as he removed the last clip attached to her clit. She wanted to come so bad, but the need to please him overrode her own desires. “So fucking wet. Damn, Hannah. What level are you?” he asked, running his finger along her slit.

  “Green, Dominare.” She hissed when the pad of his thumb brushed against her clit.

  “Very good.” He bent his head and sucked on her nipple while continuing to torture her clit with his feather light touches. “Who is your Master, Hannah?”

  “You are, Dominare.” She ground her hips against the palm of his hand.

  “Yes, I am. I always will be Hannah. Come for me.” He bit down on her nipple as he pinched her clit. Hannah screamed as she felt the rhythmic ripple of her muscles combined with fiery need rushing through her. The intensity of her release threatened to pull her under the blanket of darkness. The clank of the metals balls barely registered as they spilled out of her. “Fucking perfect. You are a beautiful.”

  Hannah panted, trying to regain some semblance of her tattered control. Lighter than air, she watched as he positioned himself at her entrance and sheathed himself in one thrust. A mixture of their moans filled the room as he retreated and drove himself deeper into her. She could feel another orgasm building as he moved against her.

  “Come again,” he demanded, thrusting into her in short fast strokes. Her body complied easily with his request. She jerked in his hold, riding the waves of bliss coursing through her. “That’s it, Hannah give yourself to me.” Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he continued the ruthless pace until their cries of completion filled the room.

  In those sacred moments, he whispered how proud he was of her. How beautiful she’d been when she came for him. “I’m the luckiest Master ever. It is an honor to have you as my sub.” He kissed her softly before pulling from her. Her eyes drifted shut. The bed dipped a short time later, and he slid back into bed. After gathering her in his arms, he pulled the covers over them. “Sleep well, tesoro.”

  The idea of having his own sub terrified Raphael, but also filled him with happiness. Breathing in her scent—floral with a hint of something sweet, he nuzzled her neck and groaned softly as his dick became rock hard. Never had another woman made his blood boil, or made his body yearn for her touch.

  The soft music of her phone woke her instantly, the cocoon he’d wrapped them in, dissolved. “Shit, I’m late.” Hannah popped up and moaned as Raphael pulled her back against him. “Baby, I have to get my phone. Jude is going to chew my ass.”

  “Did you just call me baby?” He asked.

  Hannah stilled next to him. “Yes. Is it not appropriate?” The phone continued to ring, begging for her to pay attention to it.

  Raphael smiled, “I like it actually. Answer your phone, tesoro, and tell Jude it was my fault you are late.” He rolled out of bed and moved toward the bathroom. “Tell him you’ll be there after you’ve had breakfast.”

  Hannah nodded as she answered her phone. “Good morning Jude. Yes, I know I am late.”

  Closing the door behind him, he didn’t hear the rest of her conversation. Once Jude knew where she was, he wouldn’t question Hannah. Turning on the water, he stepped into the still cold spray and began to wash himself.

  He figured after taking her to breakfast, he could stop by and talk to Jude about Kapinsky. He’d gone through the man’s personnel file while he waited for them to show back up at the office. He’d actually found a couple of interesting things, which really didn’t surprise him. The man wasn’t the perfect little police officer he claimed to be.

  “Jude said he needed to talk to you when we got there,” Hannah said, stepping into the shower with him. His face had been under the water when she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Does he now? Well good, because I need to talk to him too. I found out some stuff about Kapinsky.” He sighed as she squeezed him and kissed his back.

  “I thought we could conserve water. I hope you don’t mind.” He watched as she filled her hands with soap. Rubbing them together, she added a little bit of water and began to wash his stomach and chest. His head lolled back on his shoulders as her fingers brushed against his shaft. A soft moan passed his lips.

  The water cascaded over him, washing the suds from his body as she continued to rub his flesh. Hannah went to her knees to wash his legs and feet before standing again and capturing his lips w
ith hers. Raphael wrapped his arms around her and pinned her against the wall. Lifting her legs, he wrapped them around his waist and buried himself in her.

  Their muffled cries of pleasure filled the shower as he leaned against her. Slowly he began to move, this wasn’t about domination. It was about making a connection, a bond. Hannah moaned against his ear as he grabbed her ass and held her against him. Kissing her again, he tilted her hips and thrust deeper into her. The feel of her body tightening around him spurred him on. He wanted to feel her come.

  Hannah ran her fingers through his hair. Her soft mewling had him surging against her, quickening his pace. Raphael could feel his release building as each stroke of his length heightening their pleasure. He groaned, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

  Hannah tightened her grip of his hair. The muscles of her cunt pulsed and contracted around him seconds before she went rigid in his arms. “Come, Hannah,” he grunted.

  Her screams filled the shower. The power of her release triggered his own. Raphael groaned as his come filled her. He couldn’t move. He buried his head against her shoulder, as he fought to catch his breath. Hannah’s body sagged. Her legs uncurled from his waist, and he eased her feet to the floor of the shower.

  They stood together for a moment longer before pulling apart. It wasn’t the start to their day he’d expected but, he nevertheless enjoyed it. He didn’t realize until that moment how much he missed just having a companion in his life. “Good morning, Hannah.”


  Hannah dressed quickly and head downstairs to wait for Raphael. She wondered why everyone called him by his last name. In fact, she’d only heard Jude utter it once. Jonas. She liked his name, and while she waited on him to finish getting ready, she made it a point to use his given name from then on.

  Hannah glanced around her. Last night, she’d only had one thing on her mind and hadn’t taken the time to look around. On the mantle over the fire place she’d totally ignored the night before, were pictures of Jonas throughout his life. She picked up one of him as a child and smiled. He looked happy. It made her wonder what she looked like as a child and if she’d been happy.

  “See anything you like?” Jonas asked, wrapping his arms around her.

  “This picture of you is adorable. How old were you?” she questioned, showing him the photo. His cheeks were chubby and pink, his eyes wide with happiness.

  “I was two in that picture. My mom thought putting me in a monkey suit made me debonair. This is the best shot they got.” The top buttons of his shirt were undone, his bow tie hung from his collar and he had grass stains on his knees.

  “Well, I like it,” Hannah said, placing it back on the mantle.

  Jonas smiled. Taking her hand, they left for work. “Do you remember anything about your childhood, Hannah?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t remember anything other than the orphanage. I really wish I did though. I miss having a family.”

  “I promise after all this crap with Kapinsky is done with, I’ll do my best to find your family.” Jonas got into the car beside her. “Until then, let’s talk about you being my submissive.”

  “I already know the rules, Jonas, what more is there to know?” she asked, when they stopped beside his car.

  He regarded her for a moment.


  The slow smile tugging at his lips had her insides turning to goo. “You said my name.”

  “Yes. Do you not want me to use it?”

  He leaned in, his hand wrapping around the back of her neck as he pressed his forehead to hers. He said nothing for long moments before brushing his lips across hers. “Say it again,” he murmured.


  Taking one more second to hold her, he stepped back to open the door for her, and his whole demeanor changed. She tracked his movements as he came around the front of his vehicle and got in. “This goes beyond the conventional rules of a sub and Dom,” he said. “This is between you and me. I believe you are a sexual submissive. It’s the reason you have a problem with figuring out what you are supposed to do.” Jonas laid his hand on her thigh and squeezed it slightly. “You are so independent, changing who you are completely just won’t do for you. You have to be you.”

  “So I’ll only be required to do what you tell me while we play?” Hannah glanced over at him.

  “Pretty much. You’re nothing like Nisey or Kalinda, and you’re sure as hell not even close to Rena. You can’t take someone running your day to day life. However, in the bedroom, it’s like a compulsion for you. You have to please your partner. That’s where I come in.”

  “You make it sounds like it’s a bad thing. Perhaps I should have someone who tells me what to eat or how to wipe my ass.” She snorted. “It goes against everything I know, Jonas. I won’t be anyone’s door mat.”

  “Did I say I wanted someone like Nisey or Kalinda? No. I said you’re not like them. I said you only need me to dominate you in the bedroom. So lose the attitude and the jumping to conclusion. It’s getting on my last nerve.” His words were harsh, but true. Hannah had a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. She knew it.

  Swallowing her pride, Hannah cleared her throat, “I’m sorry I jumped at you, Jonas. Sometimes I forget not everyone is out to get me. It’s one of my worst habits.”

  “Apology accepted. I know this will take some getting used to.”

  “I agree.”

  The rest of the ride to work was silent. She thought about what Jonas told her and agreed. She’d never be a twenty-four-hour sub. She didn’t have the wherewithal to do so. She had to be herself without someone trying to curb her. She’d been treated that way in the orphanage. No more. She wouldn’t be a victim, even though she knew the difference now.

  When he pulled up to the gate, Jonas rolled down the window and smiled at Rena. “Good morning, Jude’s waiting on us.” She stood back, allowing him to pull through the gates. Though everything between her and Rena hadn’t been completely copasetic, and she didn’t think she’d ever get a full fledge friendship from the woman, she held out a little hope.

  Hannah laced her fingers through his before bringing them to her lips and kissing his knuckles. “I guess it’s time to enter the real world again,” she whispered.

  “It is,” he replied. “All will be well. I promise.”

  “I know.” Hannah grinned. “I trust you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Waiting in his office, Jude sat behind his desk while Jackson relaxed in the chair across from him. Hannah walked in first and sat down, and Jonas stood behind her. Jackson and Jude both had shit eating grins on their faces, and she blushed. Their knowing looks made her blush. The assholes knew what she’d done the night before, and it made her squirm. A protective hand came down on her shoulder and she relaxed marginally.

  “What was the information you found out, Jude?” Jonas questioned.

  “You look positively glowing this morning, Hannah,” Jude remarked, opening the file he had on his desk.

  Taking a deep breath Hannah knew she could play their ridiculous games too. “I had the most amazing sex last night. The things Jonas can do with his tongue.” She sighed. “He’s just…”

  “Hannah! So wrong on so many levels. Stop please,” Jude said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “I thought you’d be happy for me.” She pouted.

  Jackson chuckled next to her. “You’re too much.”

  Ignorance was bliss, and Hannah played it well. “What do you mean? I thought Jude wanted honesty.” She bit her lip trying to look innocent while not laughing. Behind her, she could hear Jonas clear his throat on a laugh.

  “Bite me.” Jude smiled. “Anyway, I found out some things about our friend Kapinsky last night while you two were playing.” He pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Hannah.

  Hannah read each of the entries and narrowed her eyes. “You sneaky son of a bitch,” She muttered. “It’s like I said, he’s doing it on his down time
and no one has ever caught on to it.” She handed the paper over to Jonas.

  “So when he ‘walked in’ on you, he was probably getting ready to break in. You did all the work for him.” Jonas handed the page back to Jude.

  The paper contained the dates and times of every break-in on the east side of town, along with the days Kapinsky had been on duty. They matched up. It gave him opportunity and pointed the finger at him. Hannah she didn’t like the cleanliness of it. It was almost too perfect. Right now, although the circumstantial evidence pointed to the man, she wanted hard proof she could see with her own eyes.

  “Obviously, he couldn’t just walk away,” Jude said. “He had to bring you in to take the suspicion off of himself.” Jude blew out a breath of frustration. “All we have to do is catch the bastard, but how? He always seems to be one step ahead of us.”

  Hannah tapped her thumb on Jude’s desk. “I think I want to stick around up here. I kind of got attached to the people and the scenery. I guess I could buy a house on the west side. Hire you guys to put in a security system in and wait to see what happens.” She had the money to fill the house with enough stuff to make the man’s mouth water. Of course, Jude’s security system would protect the crap she bought. When and if Kapinsky tried to break in, they’d be able to catch him.

  “I like the idea. It actually would work. All we have to do is find you a place to live.” Jude nodded.

  Hannah waited for Jonas to protest and tell her no, she couldn’t put herself in harm’s way. Instead he said, “If we work this right, we’ll be able to get his mother too—if she’s helping the bastard. The little woman does have quite the rap sheet. From what I can tell she’s done time at Rikers. All of her charges were breaking and entering. Kapinsky, aka Jonathan Baker, was also arrested as a youth for shop lifting, as well as breaking and entering. Since he was a juvenile, they sealed his record after his release from detention. It also helps that he changed his name.”

  Damn. A fucking criminal hiding in a cop’s uniform. Pretty fucking genius if she said so herself. Who in their right mind would suspect that an officer out to protect the city from nefarious intentions could be the real bad guy? She wouldn’t have. Sure, she’d heard about the corruption in Chicago’s politics and on its police force, but until now she’d never witnessed it first-hand.


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