Book Read Free


Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I won’t. Maybe you can come and meet me one day when you guys are visiting?”

  Tabitha laughed. “You think she can take me?”

  “I think you’ll be the one being pulled off her,” Simon said.

  “What are you doing now?”

  “Waiting for a couple of the guys.”

  “These the preppy boys?”

  “One and the same.”

  “Why are you friends with them?” Tabby asked.

  “They’re good guys and besides, all of my friends are over there.”

  “We miss you,” Tabby said.

  “I know. I miss you as well.” He sighed. “Wish you were here.”

  “I wish I was there as well. I’d show you how to have a good time.”


  “Yeah, and our clothes would stay on,” she said.

  “There you go spoiling it. Hey, Tabby, can I ask you a question?”

  “Simon, this is what we do.”

  “I know, but, never mind.”

  “Talk to me,” she said.

  “Okay. It’s stupid.”

  “It’s only stupid that you’re not telling me. Stop being a dick and just tell me.”

  He laughed. “Love you too.”


  “Fine, does your mom have pictures of her pregnant with you?” he asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Are there any with my mom?”

  “Not that I know of. I’d have to go and check, why?”

  “I asked my parents about it and they each gave me a different answer,” Simon said.

  “What do you mean?”

  He told her the two different stories.

  “Simon, it was so long ago, I imagine they’ve forgotten.”

  “Would they, though?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m their first kid. Removing that memory, it’s got to suck, right? You’d remember losing something so close to you.”

  “I guess. It could be that the memory of losing stuff is too hard. Shoot, Dad’s home and he’s been pissed. I’ve got to go. Don’t overthink this, Simon. There’s probably some kind of explanation that puts it all into perspective.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “I’ll talk to you later?”


  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” He hung up just as Eddie and Dean arrived in a car. They didn’t own bikes and as they climbed out, Simon couldn’t help but laugh. They had some dress pants, a crisp pink shirt, and a vest over the top.

  “Come on, man, don’t laugh.”

  “I can’t help it. You both look like nice boys.”

  “You’re a dick,” Eddie said.

  “We hanging out or what?” Simon held up the cash. “My treat.”

  “I need pizza,” Dean said.

  “You start and I’ll follow.” He climbed back onto his bike and followed them just out of Piston County to one of the best pizza places in town. It wasn’t as good as Mia’s, but he couldn’t expect her to cook for him whenever he wanted it.

  There were a couple of cars he recognized.

  “Really, you want to come here where the jocks and their groupies hang out?”

  “They’ve got the best pizza. Come on, man, it won’t be too bad,” Eddie said, slapping him on the chest.

  Simon walked inside with his boys, and there was a spare booth. He clocked the jocks, including Amber. Giving them a wide berth, he took a seat, and the waitress was already there, ready to serve.

  They ordered a couple of large pizzas, garlic bread, extra fries, and he was starving, so he had a couple of additional toppings on the side.

  “Amber’s watching you again,” Eddie said.

  “Yeah, she can watch all she wants, but she can’t have.” He ignored her.

  “Simon, I want to ask you something,” Dean said.

  “Ask away.”

  “To get into your club, what do you have to do?”

  Simon looked up, a little taken aback. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “You want to join Chaos Bleeds?”

  Dean nodded. “I can’t take this shit much more, man. I’m…” He stopped, looking around the room. “They’re organizing my wedding. I can’t, fuck, I want my own life. I thought I could act with this shit, knowing I’ll be able to make it out on my own, but that’s never going to happen. I’m not going to get my chance.” Dean ran a hand down his face. “I can’t stand this shit. I just want a clean break from it all. Is it too much to ask?”

  “It’s not too much to ask, but being with the club, it’s more than wearing a leather cut and riding a bike. It’s family, man. It’s about giving your life to them, trusting each other. Having each other’s backs and shit like that. It’s deep. It’s not some quick decision you make.”

  “I get it, man.”

  “Do you? It’s life or die.”

  Dean nodded. “I’ve watched you guys for years. I remember the first time I saw you all in the café, years ago. I was like five years old. My parents were so uptight and pissed. They have this superiority thing where they believe they count, but others don’t. They’re greedy and like to control. You can’t be controlled. I need this.”

  He stared at his friend, who looked almost desperate. “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t want to get married at eighteen. If I do ever get hitched, I want to have some say in the woman I marry.” Dean shook his head. “I can’t, I’ve been thinking of getting emancipated.”

  “Well, shit,” Eddie said.

  “Is this happening with you?” Simon asked, seeing them both dressed the same way.

  Eddie shook his head. “I had a family dinner.”

  “And you’re still eating pizza?” Simon laughed.

  “Did I say I ate it? My grandparents were down and when they are, we have to deal with proper protocol.”

  “Right,” he said.

  “It’s just what happens.”

  “I don’t know how much longer I can take,” Dean said.

  “Any lawyer you see through your family, they’re going to know,” Simon said.

  “I know.”

  “I’ll talk to my dad, if you want. He’ll be able to find someone who’ll handle this for you.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “If you’re serious about leaving your family, and you know what you’re doing, I can get someone to talk to you.”

  “Fuck, yes. Please, yes.”

  Chapter Five

  “You’re going to look hot,” Tabitha said.

  “I don’t care if I look hot,” Daisy said. “It’s cold out.”

  The high school was already completely taken over by Halloween. Streamers, banners, spider webs, and all manner of decorations had exploded into each classroom and the halls.

  Tabitha loved it. She loved everything to do with Halloween, even if her bestie wasn’t the most well-receiving of it.

  It was lunchtime and even though there was a chill in the air, they rarely sat indoors to each lunch. She wore a sweater to ward off the cold.

  Anthony, Miles, Rachel, and Markus were already at their table. Simon had decided to cut class to go and get stuff ready for tricks he wanted to play. Blaise, Constance, Damien, and John were also present. They were outsiders. They didn’t have MC parents, but they were close to them. They’d developed friendships with them along the way, and even though they didn’t wear the leather cut, they had their backs.

  “Look at the little rebels,” Miles said.

  “Bite me.” Tabitha glared at her brother.

  Miles just burst out laughing. “I can’t believe Whizz called our dad. That was fucking cold!”

  “Don’t I know it,” Tabitha said.

  “It’s not funny,” Daisy said. “I’ve had my computer taken from me. I’ve only got my cell.”

  Tabitha looked toward Anthony. While her Simon was back in Piston County, she got her kicks out
of watching these two. She didn’t know if she was rooting for them, or wondering what would happen if they never got together. All of that was a problem for another day.

  She had other things on her mind.

  “Did I tell you some chick is trying to hit on Simon?”

  “Piston Simon?” Miles asked.

  “One and the same.”

  “Are you thinking we need to take a trip to Piston County?”

  This was what she loved about her brother. No matter how much laughing or joking he did, he always had her back.

  “I think it could be. What do you guys say, a trip to Piston County?”

  “Is this just for you guys?” Blaise asked.

  This always put her on edge with the outsiders. It was hard.

  “I don’t see why not,” Miles said. “You got to get your parents to agree to a sleepover and visiting another town.”

  “Then I’m out,” John said. “At times, I’m lucky they haven’t thrown my ass in boarding school.”

  Miles laughed. “We’ll send you postcards.”

  “I’d like to,” Constance said. “My parents don’t give a shit. I’m up for getting out of this shithole.”

  “Hey, this shithole is family,” Markus said.

  Constance looked at him, brows lifted. “Yeah, for you, who lives in a nice place with a dentist mother. Not for me with a mom in and out of rehab and a dad who won’t let her move on. This is family to you, not to me. I’ve got you guys, that’s it.”

  “You need some help with that shit?” Miles said.

  “What shit?”

  “Your family.”

  “Nah, I’ve got it covered. It’s fine.”

  “You need help, you tell us.”

  “Will do.”

  Tabitha looked at Miles, who continued to look at Constance. She had already turned away. After a few seconds, Miles averted his gaze but caught her staring. She offered him a smile and he glared. “The fuck you looking at?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “As interesting as all this is, Dogs are approaching and Ryan looks mad,” Daisy said.

  Glancing at her friend, she followed her gaze, and sure enough, the Dogs were on their way.

  They all got to their feet. She and Daisy stood by Anthony’s side. They all had each other’s backs.

  Some of the kids ran off in the opposite direction, clearly not wanting to be in the line of fire.

  Tensed and ready, Tabitha watched.

  Luke was at the head of the group. He always was. Ryan by his side.

  “Do you think we were going to let that slide?” Luke asked.

  “You don’t bring Quad business here,” Anthony said.

  “Anything you got to say, you do so on Quad territory. You upset about getting your face rearranged, don’t be taking on fights you can’t win,” Miles said.

  “Ah, they have to hide behind all the nice little rules. They’re a has-been club, baby. We should ignore them. They’re not worth our time.” This came from Daniella. She was a Dogs kid and considered the queen in her group.

  Tabitha hated her. Daniella was a coward and had a reputation for taking her opponents from behind. It was the only way she could get ahead.

  “We’re weak, as opposed to the Dogs who are made up of easy pussy and whores?” Tabitha asked.

  Daniella glared at her. “Takes one to know one.”

  “Don’t talk to her like that,” Daisy said.

  “And what are you going to do about that?” Daniella asked. “You’re the fat useless one of the group. You’re not even a real Skull. You’re a kid no one wants, and I bet your ass is going to be passed around.”

  Tabitha couldn’t allow this to spiral out, so she did what any self-respecting friend would do. Daniella had stepped close to their group, thinking school grounds made her safe. She reached out, grabbed her hair, pulled her close, and slammed her face against the bench tabletop, smearing food from the trays that were left.

  “You want to say that again?” She lifted her head up and slammed it back down.

  Daniella cried.

  She didn’t have to worry about the Dogs rushing her. Her guys would keep everyone at bay, and that was why she landed a few more blows.

  “Teacher coming.”

  Her guys moved, and she threw Daniella at her people, blood coming from her nose and a cut on her head.

  Tabitha felt no remorse. Taking hold of Daisy’s hand, she quickly looked all concerned.

  “What is going on here?” Mr. Rivers asked.

  “I don’t know. She slipped,” Daisy said, speaking up first. This did surprise Tabitha, but then her friend would always have her back.

  “Yeah, man, she was coming onto Anthony, offering to suck his dick. I didn’t realize the Dogs weren’t packing good meat,” Miles said.

  “That is enough from you,” Mr. Rivers said. “Daniella?”

  Tabitha waited.

  If she squealed, it would make their club look weak, and The Skulls would win.

  Seconds passed.

  “I slipped.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I slipped. I fell. You need to learn to get decent cleaning crews on this shit,” Daniella said.

  Mr. Rivers looked insulted. “If that is all.” He turned on his heel and backed away.

  “This isn’t over,” Luke said.

  Tabitha shrugged. “You can count on it.”

  The Skulls didn’t move. The Dogs were the first to leave, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Badass, Tabs.”

  “You’re going to pay for that at the Quad,” Daisy said. “It’s not going to be good.”

  “Don’t care. She had it coming. Anyone who talks shit to you like that needs to be taught a lesson.” Tabitha stopped talking as Anthony stood in front of Daisy. He reached out, cupped her cheek, and she waited.

  No words were spoken.

  Time stood still.

  She nibbled on her lip, waiting.

  Anthony stepped away, and the moment was gone.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Tabitha said.

  Daisy frowned. “What?”

  The bell rang and lunch was over.

  Tabitha sighed. “Time to get to class. Meet me before last period.”

  “PE, yay,” Daisy said, hugging her friend. “Don’t go hitting anyone else.”

  “I won’t.”

  They all headed back into the school. She loved how people stepped out of their way. The Skulls were feared even if the Dogs liked to think they owned the school.

  Anthony and Miles left first, each of them dispersing down a separate corridor to their class. She now had English, and she entered the classroom, going toward the back, near the window.

  She loved sitting near windows, staring outside at the passing world.

  There was nothing more comforting to her.

  Time passed.


  She jumped as a book was slammed down on the table right beside her. Turning, she saw Luke sitting right beside her.

  “This seat is taken,” she said.

  “Not today.”


  “Not happening.”

  “You think this is going to go well for you? My crew will eat you alive.”

  “And after that little show, I figured you were a hard-ass who didn’t need anyone at her back.”

  “I don’t.”

  The teacher watched them and she knew she couldn’t allow this to happen.

  “Go on, try it. You think any of the teachers are going to interfere with our stuff? They’re too fucking afraid to be caught up in the line of fire.”

  “You want to declare war here?”

  “We were at the Quad. You shouldn’t have been there.”

  “There’s no such rule to state only one of us can be there at any one time. Don’t try to make possessive claims that don’t belong.”

  “We were having fun.”

��No one would take on your psycho. Our psycho did, and you don’t like it.”

  Luke grabbed her arm and before she could stop him, he dragged her right out of the classroom. No one stopped him.

  This was one of the few classes she didn’t share with her crew. The only class with Luke.


  “Let go of me.”

  This guy was strong. She wasn’t used to being overpowered. The few guys she had fought hadn’t been this strong, or they’d gone easy on her because she was a girl.

  He threw her into a bathroom and she caught herself up against the wall, putting her hands out to stop her from impact.

  She turned and glared at him. “Are you feeling like a big tough guy?” She slapped her hands together in applause. “Look at you, throwing me around.”

  He advanced on her, his hands slamming either side of her head. She didn’t flinch, didn’t even move.

  “I’m trying to make it to graduation alive,” he said.

  “You’ve got two whole years to keep on fighting. We’ll go easy on you.”

  “Dammit, Tabby, not this again.”

  She slammed her fist against his gut, but he didn’t show any sign of that even hurting. “Do not call me Tabby.” There was only one person who called her Tabby, and he was in Piston County right now.

  Luke smiled. “Why, what are you going to do about it?”

  He was pulled off her and she saw Anthony waiting. He threw Luke against the sinks.

  No words.

  Just actions.

  Luke got to his feet with a laugh. “I should have known you’d be here.”

  “You think you can make a move on our girl and get away with it?” Miles came in.

  Tabitha was even surprised to see Daisy standing there, arms folded. They all looked pissed. Rachel was there, Markus, even Constance, Blaise, Damien, and John.

  Luke held his hands up. “Wow, can’t even have a conversation without everyone. Is that what you all do? One big fucking orgy?”

  Anthony struck him again.

  Tabitha put a hand on his shoulder. He gave no sign of being distressed or pissed off. This was Anthony. Calm. Like it was merely an action. Nothing more.

  Daisy stepped forward. “Walk away.”

  Luke glanced at Daisy before returning his gaze to hers. Tabitha folded her arms, waiting. She always thought Ryan was the stupid one.

  “I suggest you leave school for the day,” Miles said. “We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”


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