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Page 8

by Sam Crescent

“I command you to have fun.”

  She snorted. “You command me?”

  “Yeah, I command you. I wish I was there but I’ve got to stick around here and make sure it all works. I want you to have fun. You’ve got a right to it. Take pictures. Send them to me. I want to see it all as if I was there.”

  “Simon, come on,” a young girl said. His phone jerked as his arm was pulled.

  “Go, I will go and do as you command.”

  “Good. You deserve to have some fun and I want to hear all about it.”

  “I will, sir!” She saluted him.

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” She hung up the phone and sighed, sitting on the toilet. She pocketed her cell phone and held in a groan as the doors opened.

  “He’s just so dreamy. I get that he has the whole bad boy vibe, but come on. I would so do anything for Anthony. I would love to see his head between my thighs, if you know what I mean.”

  Tabitha frowned. She didn’t recognize the voice.

  “I don’t know how you can make a choice. Think about Luke,” another girl said.

  “One of the Dogs?”

  “Yeah, I hear he’s a monster in the sack.”

  She rolled her eyes. Seriously. They were talking about Anthony and Luke. Ugh.

  “What about Miles? I hear Louise had sex with him and she said it was the best she’d ever had.”

  She was going to be sick, really throw up.

  “Come on, who do you think is better, The Skulls or the Monster Dogs?”

  She’d heard enough.

  Flushing the toilet, she let herself out of the bathroom to see four girls. Two of which she recognized from class but didn’t actually know their names.

  She washed her hands, loving the tension that mounted.

  The urge to pummel both of them was strong. Instead, she dried her hands on a towel.

  Turning back to the group, she smiled. “It’s your lucky night. I catch you talking shit about my guys or my club again, you’re all going to be mourning the loss of your pretty faces after I mangle them. Happy Halloween.” She turned on her heel and walked out the door, heading toward the dance floor.

  She found Miles and Daisy dancing while Anthony was on the sidelines.

  Did she have to do everything herself? She was going to have to beat up her brother.

  “You didn’t ask her to dance?” Tabitha asked.

  “How is Simon?”

  “Don’t change the question.”

  “I don’t dance.”

  “Now you do.” She grabbed Anthony’s hand and pulled him onto the floor. She kept hold of his hands and moved them in a choo-choo train effect.

  “You’re mocking me.”

  “Dance.” She threw her hands up in the air and danced.

  “I don’t think ladies danced like that back then.” He pointed at her costume.

  She laughed. “Come on, guys, let’s take a pic for Simon.” She pulled her camera out. Daisy, Anthony, and Miles got in on the action. She stuck her tongue out, and it flashed.

  “Dance with me.” She stole Miles and urged Daisy into Anthony’s arms.

  “You’ve got to stop playing matchmaker, sis. It’s not fair.”

  “You’re not going to touch Daisy because you know he’ll break your legs. Why do you keep insisting on coming between them? It’s not fair.”

  “No, what’s not fair is you clearly not seeing that Daisy is oblivious to all the shit you want her to see.”

  She and Miles turned in a circle.

  “And what, I should just allow them to make their own mistakes?”


  “What if Daisy starts dating someone else?”

  “Then Anthony will either kill the guy or make sure she doesn’t date him for long. You’ve got to stop trying to protect them both. They’re teenagers. Let them have some fun.” Miles hugged her close and she looked toward her best friend.

  She was laughing but was in Anthony’s arms. They were so perfect together. She didn’t know why her friend didn’t see it.

  “Look at them,” she said.

  “Daisy is having fun. She’s already had a drink. Come morning, she’s going to be a bitch again. Let them work their shit out at their own time. You don’t need to keep helping them with this.”

  The dance ended and Tabitha moved away from the dance floor. She was thankful Anthony didn’t allow Daisy to go.

  She took her cell phone and started to snap pictures to share with Simon later.

  Folding her arms, she watched the dancing and decided against being a lone partner. She wasn’t going to be dancing with anyone but Simon. She had promised him all of her dances years ago.

  Leaving the main hall, she started to wander down the corridor. Guys and girls were all laughing, drinking, making out, and having fun.

  Sure, there was a lot of spookiness going on.

  “I didn’t think you’d be left alone,” Luke said.

  She turned to see him complete with vampire teeth but wearing leather. His hair was spiked, and blood spatter was on his clothing.

  “Are you following me?”


  “Good, then leave.”

  “I’m curious as to why you’re all on your own.”

  “I’m not on my own and if any of my crew see you with me, they’re just desperate for a fight.”

  Luke chuckled. “You think I’m scared of them?”

  “What is this?” she asked. “Do you have some kind of secret crush on me, is that it?” She wasn’t in the mood to deal with any shit. Her heart would always belong to Simon.

  Nothing and no one was going to change that. Not even this guy.

  “You think because I find you pretty I have some kind of crush?”

  “Oh, so you find me pretty. Good to know.” She rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

  “You’ve got an attitude, you know that?”

  “Yep.” She wasn’t about to deny something she certainly knew to be true. She had an attitude when it came to opposing clubs.

  The Skulls and Monster Dogs MC should never have crossed paths. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew this. Everyone did, and the only reason they did cross paths was because of the school change. Her parents hadn’t wanted her or Miles to go, but Lash and Angel had no problem sending Anthony.

  Everything went fine, so long as the two clubs didn’t mix. So far, their parental counterpart had yet to be caught in the same room. She truly believed for parents-teacher night, the school arranged for different days so nothing bad would happen.

  Just because The Skulls currently had a deal going which meant they weren’t involved in any kind of criminal activity didn’t mean they weren’t able to fight. In fact, there were a couple of times she’d snuck down when her dad, Tiny, had arrived back on a couple of the rides where they had to protect people, and he’d been pretty banged up. Bruises and bleeding, all sorts of problems. There had even been a couple of the guys who ended up in the hospital. Tabitha wasn’t an idiot. To the outside world, people believed The Skulls had gone soft. They hadn’t. They’d turned their skills towards actually helping people, rather than hurting them. The danger was still there and they put themselves in it on a regular basis, but again, she understood why. She’d seen some of the women and children, even men who they rescued, who needed their help. None of them were ever in a good way and on most occasions, serious therapy was required as well.

  “You know, you don’t have to be a bitch.”

  She stopped outside of a classroom and saw more people making out, even as spooky noises played in the background.

  “Nice of you to be able to tell me that.” She patted his arm.

  “You know Ryan wants to get the jump on Anthony,” Luke said.

  This made her pause and turn toward him. “You do know by telling me this, in a way, you’re picking sides.”

  “I’m not. I’m trying to get through high school. I didn’t want this, and I doubt you did as well.�

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “When?”

  “I’m not telling you that.”

  “By the jump, I’m guessing you mean he intends to play dirty?” she asked.

  Luke nodded.

  He didn’t have to tell her.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem. You want me to escort you back to the dance floor? It’s not good you being around all by yourself.”

  “I’m not. I’ve got you. My little white knight,” she said.

  “Be careful, Tabs,” he said. “You never know who is watching.”

  “I know.” She stepped past him but paused. “Thank you.”

  “I’m just trying to get through the school year.” He escorted her back to the dance floor and she stepped inside. When she turned to talk to him again, he was gone.

  Fine. Ryan was going to put the jump on Anthony. She had the warning clear.

  Glancing across the dance floor, she smiled at her friends. She hadn’t drunk anything but it was clear Daisy had. Her best friend was all relaxed.

  She doubted for even a second Anthony had drunk anything. The guy was a master of control.

  Folding her arms, she waited, watching everything play out. They all looked so happy.

  Miles was the first one to come toward her.

  “Come on, everyone is heading out by the lake for some fun.” He kissed her head as Daisy stumbled toward her.

  “Let’s go to the lake.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked.

  “Hell, yeah, it’s a great idea.” Daisy took her hands and spun her around.

  Bursting out laughing, Tabitha felt a kick to her stomach. She missed her best friend being like this so much. One day soon, she was going to get to the bottom of what was going on inside that head of hers.

  “We can’t stay too long,” she said, being the voice of reason for a change.

  Daisy snorted. “Come on, it’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait.” She let out a whoop, spinning around, and Anthony caught her.

  “No more alcohol for you,” Miles said.

  “Spoilsport. For the first time in like forever, I’m being fun and you guys want to take it away from me. No fun at all.” She blew a raspberry.

  After climbing into Anthony’s car, Miles settled in the back to keep an eye on Daisy. They took off out of the school and the moment the building was behind them, she took a deep breath. They’d made it through Halloween without a single fight or problem. Progress.

  They were headed just out of town toward the small lake that was often the site for families. There were always some kids who parked not too far to make out as it was secluded by the local woods and wildlife. Fort Wills had tried to build itself in the past few years as some kind of wildlife expert, especially since The Skulls hadn’t brought any real trouble to town.

  Anthony parked and out they all went. Blaise, Constance, Markus, Damien, and John also joined. Rachel and Simon weren’t too far behind either.

  John set up a small fire while Simon produced more alcohol. When he went to give the whiskey bottle to Daisy, Anthony took it from him, offering her some soda instead. Markus turned up the music from one of the cars, and that was it, they were all on their feet, dancing around the campfire. Along with Daisy, Tabitha kicked off her shoes.

  Letting the music fill the night air, Tabitha threw her hands up in the air, closed her eyes, swayed her hips, and just let go.

  There was no trouble, no danger, no acts, just her. She didn’t have to worry about what the future was going to hold.

  She was just a singular person.

  Daisy started singing along to the words and Tabitha burst out laughing, joining her. Gravitating toward her, they held hands, screaming out the words, slowing down, staring into each other’s eyes. The grass felt so good between their toes. When the song went loud and shouted, they joined in, stamping their food, emphasizing what they were doing and then both burst out laughing as the song ended and another started.

  Taking a deep breath, they collapsed on the ground as the others continued to dance and drink.

  “Thank you,” Daisy said.

  “What for?”

  “For making me come out tonight. I loved it.”

  They were laid out on the ground and Tabitha was aware Anthony watched Daisy. He never stopped, not since they were a kid.

  Turning her head, she stared at her friend, kissing her cheek. “Anytime. Tomorrow, you’re going to tell me why you’re always so sad.”

  Daisy sighed and tears sprang to her eyes. She licked her lips. “It’s him again. He is…” She sniffed. “I don’t want Whizz to hate having me. I know I’m not a great kid, nothing special.”

  Tabitha cupped her face. “Shut up. Don’t start. Don’t even for a second think like that. You’re amazing. Whizz and Lacey know how good and lucky they are to have you.”

  Daisy nodded but the tears started to fall and then she curled up in a ball and started to sob.

  Sitting up, Tabitha pulled her onto her lap and stroked her hair. “I’ve got you.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not. I can’t stand it, Tabs. Whenever my cell phone rings, I’m scared. I can’t stand him. I don’t want him to be around me anymore. Can’t he just leave me alone? I’ve done nothing to him and all he keeps doing is invading my peace. I don’t know how much I can take.”

  Tabitha stroked her hair, holding her close. Staring across at Anthony, there was no doubt in her mind what was going to happen. He watched Daisy.

  There was nothing different about his face, but something in his eyes flashed. He’d heard Daisy’s confession, the pain in her voice. The grief and the finality to her. Her father, the man who’d donated sperm, he was going to get one hell of a visit, but she wasn’t going to tell him not to.

  If he lived through it, he would get what was coming to him.

  No one hurt one of their own and lived to tell the tale.

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  Chapter Six

  “I thought you worked closely with The Skulls?” Simon asked.

  The guys were staying at a hotel, a nice one that had been arranged by the Billionaire Bikers MC.

  Simon stared out the window, wondering why Lash and the others weren’t there.

  “We do, on most cases. This is a little more delicate.”

  “How do you mean?” Simon closed the curtain and turned to see his father typing on his cell phone. He waited and after a few minutes, Devil put the phone down.

  “Mom okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine.”

  “You want to tell me what is going on with her?” Simon moved toward his bed. They had decided to share a room with two beds, not that they needed to. He’d been more than happy with a single. He could have talked with Tabby. As it was, he now had to share all night with his pops. He hoped the dude didn’t fart.

  “What do you want to know the answer to more?” Devil asked. “If only given one question, what one would it be?”

  He frowned. “Why would I only get one answer to one question?”

  “Simple. In life, we have to learn to accept what we know and what we can’t. You need to understand, down the road, you’re only going to get one chance to know and understand. Do you think you can handle that?”

  Simon sat on the edge of the bed. “Sure.”

  “So what would it be? Why we’re here without The Skulls, or what is wrong with your mom?”

  Simon ran his fingers through his hair. This was a test. His father had been doing these more often than not. He got it. To be a good leader, he needed to pick the right choices for the club.

  Twiddling his thumbs, he stared at Devil. “Why are we here?”

  “And why do you feel that is the most important question?”

  “It’s not the most important question in my life right now, but it’s the most pivotal one. The men are relying on you keeping them saf
e. Of getting them in and out without too much trouble.”

  “That is where you’re wrong, son. My men know there is always a risk when they come on these trips. I do what I can to make them safe but they know I’m not God. I don’t have miracles up my sleeve.”

  “They all know?” Simon asked.

  “They do. Even you need to know I can’t guarantee something won’t happen. Lexie knows this. She didn’t want you to go.”

  “But I wanted to go.” His mom had asked him if there was anything else he’d rather be doing. “She worries.”

  “But I know it’s what you want to know.”

  “This is going to be dangerous then?”

  Devil nodded. “It is. What you need to understand is we’re entering a potentially dangerous home. The woman who called, she has three kids, all of which are under ten. But when we go inside, it could be the kids who cause an issue.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They’ve gotten used to the way life is and if they’re loyal to their dad, they may have called him. It’s a risk. It always is.”

  Simon nodded. “Are you afraid?”

  Devil sighed. “I knew you were going to ask that.”

  “Sorry. I’m just trying to figure this all out.”

  “Are you?”

  Simon looked at his dad. He didn’t want to be considered a coward. The club was all he ever wanted and if his father thought he was a coward, he wouldn’t be able to take over. “No.”

  “Wrong answer, son. You are. First rule here, don’t lie.”

  “You’re not afraid, are you?”

  “No, I’m not. I’ve got no reason to be afraid, but here’s the thing, son, I am as well.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  Devil chuckled. “Going into danger doesn’t scare me. A guy with a gun. The shit I’ve faced, I know what I’m getting myself into and what’s more, I’m more than happy to do it. I live for this shit.” The smile went. “But the thought of never seeing Lexie again. Of her having to live without me, that’s a cold, harsh reality I don’t want to have to deal with. I love your mother, Simon. In fact, I can’t stand the thought of going a day when I don’t tell her that I love her. I’m sure you feel something just as strong.”

  “For Tabby. Being without her, it’s like there is a giant, gaping hole in my chest but I’m not a fool, I know we’re going to have a lot of problems.”


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