
Home > Romance > Always > Page 11
Always Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Simon had no choice but to turn on his cell phone and start recording. He knew his cell phone’s layout off by heart so he started to record.

  “Amber, I don’t want anything to do with you. Leave me alone,” he said.

  “But I don’t want to. I mean, why do you keep turning me down, Simon? I want you. I’m willing to give you whatever you want.” She tried to lean in close and she stumbled. “You know a lot of guys would beg for what I’m willing to do.”

  “Not interested.”

  She growled. “You think playing hard to get makes you cute. You will be mine, Simon and if you won’t play along, I’m going to tell everyone you forced me. Raped me.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “You know what, Amber? Go ahead. You think I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing? I do. I’m prepared for whatever you want to throw at me.”

  “Hey, man, we saw the viperous bitch and figured you needed some backup,” Dean said.

  Eddie was there as well. Both of his boys had his back.

  “Thanks, guys. I can handle this bitch. Get gone.”

  “One day, Simon. One day you’re going to want me and then I’m not going to let you have me.”

  “Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen. You should be careful, Amber. I hear his girl is coming to town and she’s a mean bitch who likes to punch,” Eddie said, shouting to be heard.

  Amber stumbled away.

  Any idea of partying was lost to him. “I’m going to head on back. You two want me to walk you home?” Simon asked.

  “Nah, we’re good, man. We’ve got a couple of dates. See you in a bit.”

  He waved them off and left the creek, heading home.

  It was late as he arrived home. As he let himself in, his stomach growled. After removing his jacket, he put his keys in the dish and walked into the kitchen to find his mom crying at the counter.

  “Mom, are you okay?” he asked.

  She nodded, lifting her head. “I’m just so relieved, you know.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “God, I can’t bear to lose him. I love him so damn much.”

  He went to her, holding her tightly. “I’ve got you.”

  She rubbed his hands. “Thank you, for driving him to the hospital. I can only imagine the fear you must have felt.”

  “I knew if I didn’t bring him home, you’d be pissed.”

  She laughed. “That’s another dollar for the jar.”

  “I don’t care. I know you love him, Mom. Just like he loves you.”

  “You know, I always hoped you guys would find the same love I’ve been lucky to get. I know it’s going to happen with Tabitha. Your dad wants me to talk to you about her,” she said.

  Simon groaned. “Do I want to know why?”

  “She’s coming for Thanksgiving. Tiny wanted to rent a motel room, but we won’t have that. This house is plenty big enough for them. I know Angel and Lash are coming as well. We will make it work. You know how I love to have everyone around.”

  “I know. Is this about sex?” Simon asked.

  Lexie’s cheeks heated. “I’m trying not to be too embarrassed. I know you’re going to have it one day, if you haven’t had it already.”

  Simon covered his face. “Mom, please, I’m a virgin. Let’s keep it at that.”

  “What? You are?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t been with a girl. Ever. The only person I want is Tabby and we’re not ready yet.”

  “So your father’s been worrying for nothing.”

  He nodded. “Yes, he’s been going through a whole lot of worry for no reason. Tabby and I, we’re not going to rush this. Believe me, we’re going to take our time.”

  Lexie ran a hand over her forehead. “Phew.”

  “Okay, I think I can eat a sandwich and go to bed.”

  “I can make you something.”

  “Mom, I can do it.”

  “Sit, I will make you a sandwich. How was the party?” she asked.

  “Dean didn’t fool you once, did he?”

  “With the bowling alley?” She snorted. “Hell, no. Besides the fact I was young once, and you’re Devil’s son, the bowling alley is closed for the next couple of weeks for refurbishment.”


  “Yeah, tell Dean to come up with a better lie next time.”

  “I will.”

  “Cheese and pickle?”

  “You got it.”

  He watched as she made him a cheese and pickle sandwich. “Your pregnant again, aren’t you?”

  Lexie shook her head. “I’m not pregnant, son. Your dad took care of that. We can’t have any more kids.”

  “Then what is it?” he asked, concerned.

  She sighed. “There was … I’ve had a few tests, and I’m due to have some more. It could be nothing. I don’t want to worry you with the details.”

  He stared at his mom, wanting to know more, but he didn’t press. She was pale and he saw she was already stressed out. He refused to add to it.

  After picking up his sandwich, he took a bite and moaned. “This is so good.”

  She smiled. “Good.”

  Whatever was going on with his parents, it had to be bad. They were keeping it a secret and his father had been home a lot more over the past few weeks. He hoped nothing was wrong with his mom because he couldn’t bear for her to be suffering from any illness of any kind.

  Chapter Eight

  Running out of the house, Simon caught Tabby running toward him. She threw herself into his arms, and he spun her around. It had been too damn long since he held her in his arms.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he kissed her lips, hard.

  She moaned, and he slid his tongue inside, meeting her halfway. Slowly, he lowered her to her feet, still kissing her.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  So did someone else.

  Still, he couldn’t stop.

  She tasted good. Like breathing and fresh air. She was his life and he loved her. He didn’t want to let her go.

  Again, another throat clear, and this time, he pulled away. His dad and Tiny were close, glaring at them.

  “Hi, Devil,” Tabby said.

  “Hello, Tiny,” he said, looking at her father.

  “I think it would be best if we went to a motel,” Tiny said.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. They’re only kids and they know the rules. They won’t break them. Will you?” Lexie said, laughing.

  “Nope,” Tabby said.

  He had every intention of breaking them. He crossed his fingers behind his back as he agreed to be good, while already planning to fall asleep with her in his arms.

  “Hi, Tabitha,” Josh asked.

  Simon watched his younger brother as he came closer. The redness of his face gave away his embarrassment.

  “Hey, Josh, you’re sure growing up fast.” She ruffled his head.

  His brother ran away and Simon winced.

  “What did I do?” Tabby asked.

  “He’s got a crush,” Elizabeth said.

  “Elizabeth!” Lexie snapped her name.

  “What? He does. Tabitha should know. Ugh, what is the big deal with everyone?”

  “This coming from the girl who has a thing for Drew?”

  This time, Elizabeth stomped away.

  “She does?” Tabby asked.

  “She does. Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

  Tiny cleared his throat. “I don’t think that’s necessary. I’m sure she knows the way to the bedroom.”

  “Dad, please, trust me. We’re not going to be having crazy sex or anything,” Tabby said.

  “Honey, we have kids who don’t need to be repeating words,” Lexie said.

  Tabby winced. “Sorry. Trust me, Dad. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “It’s not you that I’m worried about,” Tiny said, looking at him.

  “It will stay in my pants, sir.”

  Devil clipped him around the back of the head. “No grandbabies are being made in t
his house, Tiny. Believe me.”

  Simon laughed as he finally got to take Tabitha away from the driveway and showed her where she would be staying. What he didn’t expect was Miles to be hot on the heels.

  “Go away,” Simon said.

  “No can do. I’m sharing a room with Tabs,” he said.

  “No,” Simon said.

  “Can’t change it, I’m afraid. Dad is much happier with this arrangement. There are two beds, and don’t worry, I won’t spill the beans that she’s going to be sneaking into your bedroom like you do every sleepover,” Miles said. “Now, are there any decent chicks in this town?”

  They entered Tabitha’s room, and of course there was now a second bed. Simon hadn’t even realized a second one had been put into this room. He was going to kill his dad. There was going to be murder.

  She dropped her bag onto the bed.

  “I figure me being all nice and everything, Tabs, you’ll unpack for me. I’ve got some hunting to do and besides, laundry is woman’s work.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass,” Tabby said.

  Miles was already long gone.

  “Woman’s work. Remind me the next time I see him to knee him in the nuts. I’m going to stop him from ever fathering children.”

  “Consider it done.” He moved over to Miles’s bag and tipped out all of his clothes. “Your brother’s a slob.”

  “And you’re much better?” Tabby asked.

  “Hell, yeah, I mean, look at this. At least when I pack, I fold shit neatly.”

  Tabby chuckled. “You sound so posh when you say stuff like that. Especially because I know your mom packs everything for you. You’re just trying to get in my good books because of the whole woman’s work.” She moved to him, putting her hands on his chest. “Do you think this is all woman’s work?”

  “No, and you’re wrong.” He put his hands at her waist. “I do the laundry. I’ve been packing my brothers’ and sisters’ stuff, as well as mine for a long time now.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You have?”

  “Yeah, I have. I’m damn good at doing women’s work.” He kissed her lips. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” She kissed him, patting his chest. “Come on, I’ve got to do this. Dad will come and check and when he sees nothing done, he will want to castrate you.”

  “I don’t even think he would trust me if I castrate myself. When he’s going to realize we’re not going to start screwing each other?” Simon asked.

  “He’s never going to believe it. Devil’s still hung up on being granddad, isn’t he?”

  “Yep. I think it’s his complex of getting older.” He shrugged. “Who knows.”

  “Can you imagine him being a granddad?”

  “He keeps saying grandpa as if it’s some kind of disease.” He hung up all of Miles’s clothes, dumping his boxers and socks into the drawer.

  Next, he helped Tabby, liking some of the dresses.

  They had just finished as Tiny entered the room.

  “Don’t worry, Dad, we kept our hands and body parts to ourselves as we unpacked. Miles is a slob, though.”

  “Miles should stay here.”

  “You trust him,” she said.

  Simon decided to not say anything. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Tiny. The man was huge. Even though he was old, he knew for a fact the man could still wipe him clean out if he wanted to, and he certainly wasn’t going to test the man’s skills when it came to fighting.

  Tiny glared at them.

  “Daisy and Anthony are waiting downstairs,” he said.

  “Yay,” she said. “I figured you could show me around.”

  “You’ve been to Piston County all the time.”

  “I know, but you can like, introduce me to your friends,” she said. “You always keep me to yourself, now you get to show me off. I’m no longer the phantom, imaginary girlfriend. I’m real.” She took his hand and he followed her.

  Anthony and Daisy were waiting. They stood close together. Daisy offered him a smile, which he returned.

  “I hear condolences are in order,” Simon said.

  “No, they’re not. Believe me. My parents want to put me into counseling, I’m sure of it.”

  Considering Whizz and Lacey were her parents and the rumors he’d heard about the two of them, that was a shock.


  “They told me and I danced. I was so happy.” She giggled. “I know, it’s awful. I’m a horrible person, but I can’t help it. I’m free.”

  “Yeah, imagine that. You’re free,” Tabitha said.

  Simon looked at his girl, who was staring at Anthony. The two were having a stare-off, and he chuckled. “Okay, now that everything is awkward, let’s go and show you guys off to my boys.”

  “You actually have friends that are not us?” Daisy asked.

  “Yeah, of course. You think I live my life here wondering about you guys? I can socialize without you.”

  Daisy pressed a hand to her heart. “Now you’re killing me.”

  Her father’s death hadn’t hurt her at all. She looked happier than he could ever recall seeing her.

  Wrapping his arm around Tabby’s waist, he kissed her cheek, her neck, as they headed out. It was cold as fuck, but he didn’t mind. Daisy fell into step with Anthony.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, whispering the words against her ear so only she would hear them.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It was a tough trip down is all. Do you have any idea what it was like listening to Mom and Miles argue about who cooks the best turkey? I think I’d had enough.”

  “I’m thinking of giving up all kinds of meats this coming year,” Daisy said, suddenly joining the conversation and taking hold of Tabby’s arm.


  “Yeah, why not? It’ll be nice to do something different for a change. You want to do it with me?” Daisy asked.

  Simon responded with a hell no.

  Anthony chuckled.

  Tabby didn’t say anything. “Really?”

  “Why not?”

  “You know it’s going to piss your mom off?”

  “Actually, it won’t. Mom’s giving it a try. She’s also getting my dad to eat healthy as well. She’s told him he can be buff all he wants to but she’s now in charge of everything he eats. I think he’s taking puddings from the club, but whatever. It looks like a lot of fun and it will help me lose weight.” Daisy patted her stomach.

  “You don’t need to lose weight,” Anthony said.

  Simon’s brows rose. The guy could actually speak. He knew he was more than capable but even still, it was a fucking shock to hear him.

  Daisy stopped, which made them all stop.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re fine the way you are and beautiful. Don’t change that.”

  Silence rang out.

  Tabby tilted her head back and gave him the biggest smile which he couldn’t help but reward.


  They started walking again.

  “I’m still going to give it a go. It looks like fun.”

  “Doesn’t your mom suck at cooking?”

  “Pretty much. I think she’s trying, you know. What does she have to lose ruining a bunch of vegetables?”

  Simon laughed. “You’d be surprised.”

  “She’s determined and I support her.”

  “Then you know what, I will support her as well. It could be a lot of fun.”

  “You’re going to starve,” Simon said.

  “You’ll get to come to my rescue.”

  “I always knew there was a good deal in it for me.” He pulled her close again, kissing her head, breathing her in.

  She always smelled amazing. Like fresh air and hope.

  “What do you do for fun around here?” Daisy asked.

  “Not a whole lot. At the moment, I tend to stick close to home. Something’s going on with my mom and it’s not pregnancy.”

is?” Tabby asked. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “I don’t know what to tell. She’s pale, tired, and Dad’s sticking close to home. I don’t think he’s stayed at the clubhouse once. I tend to babysit so they can have a day or two together.”

  “I hope it’s nothing serious,” Daisy said.

  “Me too.” He loved his parents. Unlike Dean, his friend, his family supported him and Simon knew without a doubt they would never lie to him or force him to be someone he didn’t want to be. They were constant rocks in his world. They took a few shortcuts he’d learned through his time and arrived in town.

  It was busy. Shoppers trying to get all the last-minute preparations for Thanksgiving. The library was closed. They made their way around the building, and sure enough, Dean and Eddie were sat there smoking.

  “Really, this is your hideout spot?”

  “Not all of us have the luxury of the Quad back at home.” He held his hand out, shaking Dean’s and then Eddie’s hands. “My boys, I’d like you to meet my girl in the flesh.”

  Tabby rolled her eyes. She held her hands out and gave a little twirl. “Not a ghost, guys. Very much living and breathing.” She even gave a curtsy.

  “Wow,” Dean said, getting to his feet. “I thought you were some made-up chick.”

  Daisy laughed. “You think Simon’s capable of making stuff up?”

  “Harsh, girl, harsh,” he said.

  “So you’re The Skulls?” Eddie asked. He was on his feet, approaching them. He went to touch Daisy’s shoulder but Anthony grabbed his hand.

  “Don’t touch.”

  Simon watched as Anthony applied enough pressure for Eddie to back off.

  “This isn’t all of us,” Daisy said, stepping back against Anthony.

  “Yeah, my evil twin brother probably has his tongue down someone’s throat right about now,” Tabby said. “You’re my guy’s friends.”


  “You have his back?”

  Simon touched hers. He had to put his hands on her, to feel her against him. It had been too long since they’d last been together.

  “Always,” Eddie said.

  “You two know how to fight? I hate to say it, but you look like two rich boys who have everything done for you.”

  Dean tensed up.

  “They are two rich boys but believe me, they’ve got my back.” He kissed her neck. “I love that you worry about me.”


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