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Always Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t like leaving my boy behind. You have his back, I’ve got no problem with you. You let anything happen to him, and you’re going to have to deal with me.”

  Dean whistled. “Are you going to have a talk with Amber about that?”

  “Amber?” Tabby asked.

  “Viperous bitch who wants in my pants. Trust me, I’ve got her covered.”

  “Do I need to have a word with her?”

  Simon cupped her face. “Not to spoil our Thanksgiving weekend. I don’t want your parents having to take you away from me.”

  “Are they always like this?” Dean asked.

  “This is tame,” Daisy said. “Believe me. We’re getting conversation out of them. That’s a good thing.”

  “We’re not that bad,” Tabby said.

  “Not right now, but give it a little time. They will be smacking on each other. It’s gross,” Daisy said.

  “This coming from the girl who has never been kissed before.”

  “I am saving myself for the right guy. You of all people should know that. It’s not my fault the right guy came to you when we were still in diapers.” Daisy folded her arms. “Besides, it was a pleasure to meet you.” She held her hand up and gave a little wave.

  “What are you two losers doing back here?” Simon asked.

  “Aw, and we thought you were sneaking out to find us,” Eddie said, taking his seat back on the wall.

  “I was, didn’t actually think you boys would be here.”

  “My parents are … being giant pains in the ass. I needed a break and so I came here.”

  “Shit, I’ll talk to my dad. Is this about the whole marriage thing?” Simon asked.

  “You got it. They’ve got my intended staying with me now. They’ve even put her in the same room. The sooner I get her pregnant, the quicker the wedding, and you guessed it.” Dean shook his head. “I would have called you but you said you got this thing going.”

  “Am I missing something?” Tabby asked.

  Simon looked to his friend.

  For the next five minutes, Dean told them what was going on in his life.

  “Wow, that is kind of fucked up,” she said.

  “Kind of fucked up? Nah, it is fucked up. It’s not good.” He shrugged. “I’m dealing with it.”

  “And Devil hasn’t done anything yet?” Tabby asked.

  “He’s got shit going on with my mom. I promise. I’ll talk to him tonight, and I’m going to say our door is always open if you need it.”

  “Thanks, man. That means a lot.”

  Thunder rolled through the air.

  “Looks like we’re heading back,” Eddie said, jumping off the wall. “You want me to give you guys a ride?”

  “Nah, we can walk,” Simon said.

  “Pleasure meeting the two of you.”

  “Damn, I hope I’m there when you meet Amber. I’ve got a feeling she’s not going to like you.”

  Eddie and Dean left and Tabby turned to him. “This Amber girl sounds pretty interesting. Should I be worried?”

  “Not at all.” He kissed her lips.

  “Let’s head back,” Anthony said.

  Taking Tabby’s hand, they walked back to his home. Daisy stood close to Anthony the entire time. When the heavens opened up, Anthony removed his jacket, placing it over her shoulders, and she sank into it, thanking him.

  “I told you,” Tabby said, whispering.

  “Are they together?”

  “No. She doesn’t believe he sees her that way.”

  “Do you think she wants to be with him?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  When they arrived at his home, Lash waited to take Anthony and Daisy to the motel where they were staying. Tabby hugged her friend close and then Anthony before they got into the car.

  Entering his home, he took the jacket from her.

  “I’m going to go and take a quick shower. Warm up. Go and talk to your dad. Your friend clearly needs something. The fact he’d rather hang out around the back of a library speaks for itself.” She cupped his cheek, kissed him, and rushed off.

  When The Skulls were in their home, they had always been told to treat it like their own. They rarely visited Piston County. Watching Tabby walk away, smelling her on his skin, damn, he felt at peace, which was the first time in a long time.

  His mom and Eva were in the kitchen, cooking and baking. Kids were everywhere. He checked the games rooms, the office, and the living room. Finally, he went outside onto the back porch. His dad had a thing for storms. He loved to watch the thunder and lightning as it lit up the sky and made so much noise.

  Sure enough, that was where he found his dad with Tiny.

  “Hey, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Tiny got to his feet. “I’m going to go and take a leak. Think about what I’ve said.”

  Devil laughed.

  “Do I want to know what he said?” Simon asked.

  “If you think boarding school is a good idea.”

  “It’s not.” Simon looked back at Tabby’s dad, shaking his head.

  “I won’t send you to boarding school. Don’t get me wrong, the idea of being a grandpa scares the shit out of me, but I won’t send you away.”

  “Good to know you’ve got my back.”

  “You’re my son. You can always come to me.”

  “Right, I want to talk to you about Dean. The emancipation. Have you had a chance to talk to a lawyer?”

  Devil cursed, running a hand down his face. “Not recently, with everything going on. I’ve just, you know, I’ll talk to him.”

  “Could you? It’s getting worse for him.”

  “I’ll handle it. I promise.”

  Simon nodded, thankful. “He’s a good guy, you know, Dean. He wants to prospect for the club.”

  “Have you told him what that kind of shit means?” Devil asked.

  “Not completely. I know I’ve got to get your permission to be able to talk about club stuff. He wants in. I think he wants to be part of a family, especially after his own has let him down.”

  “Prospecting isn’t going to be easy, not even for you. The guys are going to want to test you. To put you through your paces.”

  “I’m ready for it.”

  “I know, but you can’t come crying to me. When you’re a prospect for the club, it’s the club that rules you. You will always be my son.”

  “I don’t expect you to hold back. I know I can hold my own.”

  Devil smiled. “I know you can.”

  “Dad, what is going on with mom? If it’s not pregnancy, then what?” Simon asked.

  His father’s smile dropped. Sadness filled his face and Simon didn’t know how much silence he could take. Devil blew out a breath and for a split second, he was sure he saw tears glistening in his eyes. “I … we don’t know for sure. We’re waiting for a couple more tests.”

  “But it’s serious?”

  “It could be.”

  “Is that why she’s tired all the time? Pale?”

  “Son, I don’t want to spoil your Thanksgiving, and I don’t want you to worry too much, but it could be serious. It’s why I’m being careful with her. Why I’m taking my time.”

  Devil looked at his dad and said a word he hoped to never say.


  Devil’s lips thinned. The grip he had on the glass tightened until he put it down. The anger and rage simmering beneath the surface of his dad were very much real. “Possibly.”

  Simon gasped. “But you don’t know for sure?”

  “They’re running tests. We’re waiting for more results. Don’t say anything, okay?”

  Simon nodded.

  “I’m doing the best I can, son.”

  He knew. Simon knew that if anything happened to his mother, something bad was going to happen, no doubt about it. He looked at his father and couldn’t help but hug him. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Devil patted him on the back. “I know. I r
efuse to believe anything different.”

  Tiny came out, and the mask was back in place on his father.

  “Dean,” he said.

  “I’ll go call the lawyer now,” Devil said.

  Simon didn’t wait around to see. He made his way upstairs but before he did, he stopped at the kitchen.

  His mom’s head was thrown back and laughter filled the air. Eva was right with her as the two clearly had something fun to talk about.

  Stepping back, he didn’t go to his room, but to Tabby’s. She still wasn’t out of the shower, and he sat down on her bed. After kicking off his shoes, he slid back and stared at his socks. They were white but had some staining on them from his boots. Miles wasn’t back yet, but he’d turn up when he wanted to.


  It seemed … wrong.

  He took a deep breath, rubbing at his chest.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes and Tabby arrived.

  Her smile vanished when she looked at him. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He licked his lips. “Close the door.”

  She closed the door.

  Even in a towel, with her hair wet, cascading around her, she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.

  “What is it?”

  “What I’m about to tell you can’t leave this room. Not to your parents, Daisy, anyone.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “My mom may have cancer.”

  Tabby went to him. She wrapped her arms around him and held on to him. He took her comfort and couldn’t let go. She ran her fingers through his hair. “What do you mean she may have cancer?”

  “They’re waiting on some tests.”

  “It might not be so bad,” she said.

  “I don’t know. I’ve got a feeling it could be.”

  “You could be wrong,” Tabby said, leaning back and cupping his face. “Look at me, they could be wrong.”

  He nodded and shook his head. “No, I don’t think they have. Fuck, what am I going to do if anything happens to her?”

  “Don’t,” Tabby said. “Don’t ever think like that, okay?”

  “My dad,” he said.

  “Nothing is going to happen.” Tears were in her eyes. “You can’t do that. I know this is scary, believe me, but I’m here. I’m always going to be here. I won’t leave you.”

  “You’re going back to Fort Wills.”

  “I know. That I can’t control, but you know I’m just a phone call away when you need me. Always.”

  He nodded and pressed his face against her neck, breathing her in. “Fuck, I don’t want to cry.”

  “Anthony killed Daisy’s dad.”

  This made him pull away. Tabby bit her lip.

  “For real?”

  “Yeah, for real.”

  “Fuck. Does anyone know?”

  “No. I wasn’t supposed to tell you and it has been killing me. No one can know. This is between you and me.”

  He took her hand and agreed. “Always. We don’t ever lie to each other. Ever.”

  “Of course not. We’re the two people we can trust, forever.” She put her hand on top of his. “I will always have your back, Simon, always.”

  He held her hand even tighter, wanting her comfort, needing it more than he liked to admit.

  So long as he had Tabby, he could get through whatever life had to throw at him. Anything.

  Chapter Nine

  Lexie had cancer.

  Tabitha heard the news a week later when she was back at Fort Wills.

  The shock was felt between the two clubs.

  Lexie was a wonderful, sweet, charming woman, and because of this, Tabitha begged to be able to go to Piston County to help out with her best friend.

  Her dad was against it and her mother wasn’t too thrilled. In the end, after some long conversations with Devil, she was able to do a small transfer to Simon’s school, where she could pick up the school work with no issues. She wasn’t staying in Piston County indefinitely, but between their fathers, and Lash, she was able to transition. She wouldn’t be taking any of Simon’s classes. Her work would be set for her at the school, and she’d work in the main office.

  She had her own room, and when she arrived, Simon was there, hugging her tight. Devil patted her shoulder and Lexie hugged her close.

  “Simon, go and deal with Tabitha’s bags. I need to have a word with her,” Devil said.

  “Dad, come on, seriously?” Simon asked. “We both get it. You don’t want us having sex under your roof. We can keep it in our pants.”

  “This is only happening because I agree to be in charge here. Believe me, I can send her ass right back to Fort Wills, in fact, I have a mind to if you keep giving me lip.”

  “It’s fine,” Tabitha said, smiling at Simon.

  She couldn’t believe she was actually in Piston County without her parents. They were trusting her to be sensible and to not break any rules, also to not get pregnant. Her dad had lectured her about that one. The not getting pregnant part. He didn’t want her pregnant or in any way having a baby inside her. It was kind of scary how he kept saying no baby. No sex. No nothing.

  As if she didn’t know what led to a baby. She and Simon weren’t going to do that to each other.

  Simon took her bags and she followed Devil back to his office. She couldn’t recall ever being in this room. Angel had originally offered to go as had Eva to help Lexie out. Tabitha had seen her chance. She was a good cook as she’d been the one to take care of herself and several of The Skulls kids when their parents had been way too busy. She’d also been taught a lot from Darcy as well. She had the ability to take care of herself. Angel and Eva were needed at home, while she was still a kid.

  “Take a seat,” he said.

  “Do I have to sign some kind of contract?” She slid down into the chair and stared across the desk at Devil. He looked angry. She didn’t look away. Growing up with Tiny as her dad, and well, most of The Skulls, the angered faces men often pulled didn’t exactly affect her.

  She put her hands on the arms of the chair and waited.

  “I don’t intimidate you, do I?” Devil asked.

  “I’m guessing when I was small, it would work. I grew up with this. I know I’m safe and protected with you, unless, of course, I betray the club or clubs, then you’d kill me.” She smiled widely at him, and he shook his head. “Sorry.”

  “Look, you being here, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

  “I’m only here to help out. I promise. Simon told me that it was hard and I know how to babysit. I can help you, and I can be a sounding board for Simon. He’s hurting too and I think I can be of better use to him while you’re dealing with Lexie.”

  Devil ran his fingers through his hair. “Your dad has told me you’ve gotten into fights at school.”

  She licked her lips, nerves getting to her. “None of those have actually been proven.”

  “Two clubs fighting for dominance and to prove which one has the biggest balls. It’s not the same here. There aren’t two clubs. This town, Simon’s school, is filled with a bunch of rich kids. Your fists won’t be appreciated here.”

  “Devil, I only fight when I have to. For the longest time, I couldn’t stand fighting. I don’t do it for fun.”

  “What’s the Quad?” he asked.

  She winced. “Okay, it’s still not for fun.”

  His brow went up.

  “Simon does the exact same thing.”

  “You’re avoiding.”

  “I’m not avoiding. I’m being, fine. Look, me and the guys know that we have a certain reputation to uphold. When we were in our happily separated towns with no interference, it was all fine. The Dogs go to the Quad. If we didn’t turn up, it would look like we were cowards and we’re not. We’re fighters, through and through. The club will be in our hands one day. It’s why we fight. Why I changed my mind and started to learn how to fight. It’s not easy going up against people like that, you know?”

il kept on staring at her. “You don’t enjoy it?”

  “I’ve learned to just deal with it. Isn’t that what most people do when they’ve got to do stuff that is expected of them? I’m a Skulls’ kid. All of the trouble that’s about to come our way because of me and Simon, put it aside. I’ve got to do what I can for the club,” she said.

  “You know, I sometimes forget you kids are only teenagers.”

  “We’ve all been through a lot. We’re fighters. You can’t take that away from us. We will do whatever we have to for the club. No questions asked.”

  “Then so long as you understand that I don’t expect any fighting or trouble, you can stay. I have ground rules.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “No sex!” Devil snapped the words out.

  “I can guarantee that.”

  “I was sixteen once. I know how this works.”

  “Clearly you don’t know how Simon and I work. He knows I’m not ready and he’s the perfect gentleman. Believe me, when I ask him to stop, he stops.” Her face was going to be on fire by the time this was done.


  “I don’t want you sleeping in his room,” he said.

  “What if he’s upset?”

  “No sleeping. Closeness and him being sad, I don’t want you sleeping with my son out of pity.”

  “This is embarrassing.”

  “I was a boy once.”

  “And you keep saying that. It doesn’t mean you can keep on telling me how this is going to be based on your experience, which was a completely different time. It’s not right. Simon is not you, and I’m not some random sixteen-year-old girl. We’re not that kind of couple.” She put her hand to her chest, hoping he would realize that.

  Devil took a deep breath.

  “Please don’t kill me,” she said.

  “I’m not going to kill you. It would start a war and Lash and I have a good relationship at best. Look, I just don’t think I can handle whatever kid drama you can get yourself into. One step out of line, you’re back with your parents, got it?”

  “I’m only here to help out. Nothing bad, I promise.”

  “Fine. Go. I’m sure Simon’s wearing out the carpet in your room.”

  She got to her feet. “Do I need to shake your hand?”


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