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Always Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  Lash slammed his hand down. “Is that what it is with you kids today? You like to assume what I’m going to say before I say it? Your presence is no longer at that school for the next three weeks. That may sound like time to you, but it means you’re going to have to take your place once again. A whole load of shit can happen in three weeks. Your mom could have handled this but as usual, you all had to open your mouths and think you know what’s best for you.”

  He moved away but she saw the tension in his body and had no doubt, if they were the enemy, he’d have killed them all already. “Not only are you guys suspended, but you also got your little buddies done too. You may think this is going to be fun and games for you, but you’ve all got another thing coming. Take a look around you. This is where you’re going to be learning. I’ve already got everything ready. You think lockdown was over, well, for you kids, it has only just fucking begun. You will stay here. Eat here. Sleep here. Study here. Your friends will come here and study right alongside you. You want to start badmouthing me, I’ve just given my prospects three weeks’ grace. You can clean toilets and I will make my boys take the biggest fucking shits so you guys are sick of it. That’s not the worst I can do either. You want to try me, bring it on. You think you’re such rebels, none of you saw men when I was younger. Tiny doesn’t even know the kind of shit I got up to. You will all follow my orders. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Do all of our parents agree?” Tabitha asked.

  “If they didn’t agree, you wouldn’t be fucking sitting here.”

  “You broke my phone.”

  “I know and guess what, you’re not getting a new one for the next three weeks. You’re now in The Skulls’ jail. Congratulations. I hope you all feel so damn good about yourselves.”


  “The Skulls’ jail?” Simon asked.

  He sat at the dinner table as his mom served out some more food to everyone.

  “That’s what Eva said. They all just went a little crazy at the school and left. They broke some windows and computers and stuff like that.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Josh said.

  “Yeah, and look where that fun has gotten them,” Devil said.

  Lexie chuckled. “Yes, please, kids, don’t take after The Skulls.”

  “So I can’t talk to her?”

  “No, honey. Eva said that Lash won’t accept it.”

  “But he’s not her dad. Why is he being given the responsibility of saying what she can and cannot do?” He didn’t understand it.

  “I guess because it is all The Skulls’ kids, sweetie.”

  “So, aside from our BFFs at The Skulls, we have some news.” Devil touched Lexie’s hands and smiled at her.

  Simon watched and he had a feeling he knew what it was. He stayed silent, waiting.

  “Your mother got the news today,” Devil said. “She’s cancer-free.”

  They all cheered. Simon got to his feet and rushed toward her, hugging her tightly. “Congratulations. I’m so happy.”

  “We all are.”

  Lexie laughed and tears streamed down her face. “Thank you. Thank you all for everything. I know you’ve been put through a great deal these past few months, but there is an end in sight.”

  They finished their meal and it was a relief to know that she would be on a road to recovery. There would always be a risk she’d get it again, but they were going to test for it regularly.

  He helped with the dishes and then his dad asked him to drop something off at the clubhouse that Ripper needed. It was a file. Devil would have gone himself, but he wanted to stay home to keep an eye on Lexie.

  Simon was more than happy to go. He’d gotten a new bike for his seventeenth birthday and he used any excuse to ride it. He also hated using a helmet and so he rode all the way to the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse.

  There wasn’t a lot of activity even though it was night. He imagined they were going to have a party to celebrate Lexie’s good news. It was what the club did, all the time, celebrated good news.

  He headed indoors and found Ripper sitting at Devil’s desk.

  “Thanks, man,” Ripper said, flicking open the file.

  “No problem.”

  “Good news about Lexie.”

  “Yeah, who’s organizing the party?”

  Ripper laughed. “We’ve become so predictable of late, haven’t we?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Judi’s handling this one. She’s excited.”

  “If you need anything, you know where I am.” He left the office, feeling good, feeling alive. He took several deep breaths, happy and content.

  He stood outside the clubhouse and breathed in the fresh air. His mom was going to be okay. The past year was finally going to be behind them. So many nights he’d lain awake, waiting for the bad news to come in that she hadn’t been able to fight it.

  “You heard the good news about Lexie?”

  Simon recognized Curse’s voice.

  “Yeah, I did,” Mia said. Simon didn’t move from where he stood. The couple hadn’t heard him there. “I’m so glad she was able to fight it. Leaving all of those kids behind.”

  “I know.”

  “I mean, I know the truth about Simon, but still, he’s hers.”

  Simon tensed up.

  “I know, she’s been more of a mother to him than her sister ever was.”

  Simon’s heart raced. What the fuck? What were they talking about?

  “What was her name again? The sister?”

  “Kayla. She got knocked up by Devil and dumped Simon on Lexie’s lap. She ended up stripping to take care of them both. Devil, of course, took one look at Lexie, and well, the rest is history. Devil never wants Simon to know the truth.”

  There was no way he could unhear this shit.

  Stepping away from the wall, he rounded it to look at Curse.

  “Oh, shit,” Curse said.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Simon, man, we’re talking about someone else.”

  “No, you don’t get to lie. Lexie’s not my mom? I had a different mom?”

  “You don’t know what you heard.”

  “Oh, I know what I heard all right.” He turned on his heel and got on his bike. He heard Curse and Mia screaming at him. There was no way he was stopping.

  The pictures.

  He recalled his question about the pictures. How could he have been so damn stupid? Coming to the edge of the driveway, he looked at his home.

  All of his life had been one big fat lie.

  Devil opened the door, a phone to his ear.

  Rain started to pour.

  After climbing off his bike, he stormed into his home.

  Lexie was a few feet away from Devil. His father put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Son, I don’t know what—”

  “You were never pregnant with me. That’s why there are no pictures.”

  “This is not the time or the place,” Devil said.

  Tears fell down her cheeks, but Lexie didn’t say anything. “You were never supposed to find out this way.”

  “I was never supposed to find out at all.” He turned to his dad. “All this time you’ve been lying to me. You fucked her sister and what, she wasn’t good enough, so you moved onto the next one?”

  “Do not even demean what is between your mother and me.”

  “Which one? Lexie or Kayla?”

  Devil’s hand clenched into a fist. “Kayla was never your mother. The moment she could, she dumped your ass and Lexie had to pick up the pieces.”

  “Do you two even care about each other or is that a lie too?”

  “Be careful,” Devil said.

  “Of what? You’re my dad but she’s not my fucking mother. You both lied to me. I’m not part of this family. I don’t have a place. There are no pictures, no memories, nothing.” He shook his head. “Fuck you both.”

  He took off.

il chased after him as Lexie’s cry of his name echoed in the air.

  “Son, don’t do anything stupid.”

  “You lied to me. Not once did you tell me the truth. I shouldn’t have had to find out this way. You should have always trusted me. Given me a chance to understand, but you didn’t.” He pulled out of his father’s arms. “Stay the fuck away from me.”

  Climbing onto his bike, he took off, knowing there was only one place he was going to go.


  “Devil, what are we going to do?”

  “You’re going to go back inside, call Lash.”


  “We both know there is only one place that boy is going and I need to make sure Lash can handle him. He’s going to Tabitha. The only person he feels hasn’t lied to him.”

  Lexie’s hand went to her mouth as she tried to contain her sob. “I can’t believe he found out this way.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll fix it,” Devil said.

  “Did you see the look in his eyes, Devil? He’s angry.”

  “Of course he’s angry, but don’t you feel any kind of guilt.”

  “We lied to him.”

  “I lied to him. I was the one who told you what to do. None of this is your fault and I won’t let you take the blame, not for any of it. This is all on me and I’ll deal with it.” He went to her, cupping her cheeks and kissing her lips. “I’ve got to go and take care of this. I’ll be back. You rest.”

  “Devil, don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I won’t. Call Lash.”

  Devil left the house, being careful not to slam the door. After climbing onto his bike, he took off, going right to the clubhouse. No one was around. The moment Curse called him, he’d known shit was going to hit the fan. His boy, he’d asked about Lexie’s pregnancy and shit like that. Whenever they talked to Elizabeth, Josh, their kids, Lexie would say what she was craving, or how tired she was. Devil always changed the subject when it came to Simon’s memories. Lexie had nothing to give because she’d never been pregnant with him. She wouldn’t just make shit up either as she hated lying to him. Devil always said he’d deal with this.

  He’d hoped to never have to as his men knew to keep their shit to themselves.

  Entering the clubhouse, he saw Curse sitting with Mia.

  “Devil, I’m so sorry.”

  Devil slammed his fist against the bastard’s face. He didn’t care how sorry Curse was. He didn’t give a shit about anything. At that moment, he didn’t see a club brother, but a man who’d fucked up.

  Mia cried out.

  Ripper was there but he made no move to stop him. Curse didn’t even defend himself.

  “Please, stop. We didn’t know he was there. We promise. We never wanted to hurt anyone.”

  “You should have fucking looked. That shit is private. You had no fucking right to be saying anything.” Devil threw Curse across the room. “Simon’s gone. Any plans you had at celebrating, stop them.” He pointed a finger at Curse. “Right now, until this shit is right, you’re dead to me. I don’t want to see your face.”

  “Devil?” Ripper asked.

  “You can wear your patch but if anything happens to my son, you better start running because I will fucking end you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “What was that all about?” Angel asked, rubbing cream into her hands.

  Lash looked back at his beautiful, sweet, perfect wife, and sighed. “It would appear we’re going to have a Chaos living with us for a short time.”

  “We are?”


  “He’s coming here? Don’t tell me he got expelled from school?” Angel asked.

  “No, he found out about his parentage.”

  Angel’s hands dropped. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh. So not only do I have a bunch of pissed-off teenagers I’m playing principal to, I’ve now got another one who is going to be volatile. Yay.”

  Angel giggled. She got to her knees and crawled across the bed. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to knead them. “You’re doing fine.”

  “Really? I’ve had the Billionaires calling me. A shipment of girls is heading in and they’re getting the necessary details. Some of them are missing girls, others appear to be street kids. We’re talking between the fifteen to twenty-five range, about fifty of them.” He ran a hand down his face.

  “This one dangerous?”

  “You know they’re all dangerous, babe,” he said.

  “I know, but I also know you don’t like to leave anyone behind. You know about these girls and so now you’re going to have to protect them, it’s what you do.” Angel kissed his cheek. “You’ve got this. You can handle all of this.”

  “You think so? One more pissed-off teen that even Devil couldn’t handle?”

  “You’ve got something he doesn’t have,” Angel said.

  He grabbed his wife around the waist and pulled her close. “What’s that?”

  “The key to his heart.”

  He frowned.

  “You’ve got Tabitha. Simon will do anything for her. You should know that considering you’re a man in love as well.”

  “My wife is so clever,” he said.

  “The best, and now I think I should get my reward.”


  The following day

  Tabitha stood near the clubhouse doorway. Lash was just in front of her. He hadn’t been wrong about them all being punished and forced to live in lockdown at the clubhouse. It wasn’t so bad. There was a tutor, and someone was there at all times. Even when they went to the bathroom so there was no chance of escape either.

  “You’re not sharing a room,” Lash said.

  “I know.”

  “And there won’t be any sex in my clubhouse, do you understand?”

  “Everyone is always assuming we’re having sex.”



  “I don’t want any kids getting pregnant in my school.” He shook his head. “My clubhouse. Fucking kids.”

  She smiled and couldn’t believe what she was hearing from Lash. There was a time this guy was supposed to be fun. His brother and a few others still talked about the time he snapped a guy’s neck with his bare hands. She couldn’t see it herself, but according to everyone here, she was just a kid.

  Tabitha was pulled out of her thoughts by the roar of a bike. She watched Tiny, along with Adam, Nash, and Alex, as they escorted Simon into the clubhouse parking lot.

  He got off his bike. He hadn’t been wearing a helmet.

  “Tabby,” he said, rushing toward her.

  Lash put a hand out and stopped him. Simon glared at him and she tensed up seeing the anger in his eyes. The rage simmering beneath the surface threatening to come out. “I don’t give a fuck who your father is. This is my club, you will abide by my rules. For the next two weeks, you’re going to study in this clubhouse, and if you’re still here, you will enroll in the high school. Got it?”

  There was a short silence. Tabitha wondered if Simon was going to start something. She waited, hoping he’d just accept Lash’s rules. There was no other way he’d be allowed to stay.

  “Got it.”

  No one moved.

  Tabitha smiled at Simon.

  “Go,” Lash said.

  Simon pulled her into his arms, pressing his face against her neck.

  “You two aren’t allowed alone together. You can talk out here.” Lash clicked his fingers and one of the newer prospects she didn’t know the name of stepped forward.

  “Come on.” She took Simon’s hands and they walked over to the swings. With all the kids being born, the small park that had been installed in the clubhouse had never gotten old. As she sat on one of the swings, Simon lowered himself down on the other.

  “Do you know what’s going on?”

  “I know what happened. You can tell me.”

  She listened as he told her what he’d heard and what he knew.

>   “I’m so sorry,” she said.

  “Do you know what is worse?” he asked.


  “I feel guilty because my mom…” He stopped, shaking his head and rubbing at his eyes. “No, Lexie. I’m angry because Lexie was given the all-clear and I can’t be there to celebrate it. Everything I know is one big, giant, fat lie.”

  She rested her head against the chains. “It’s not a complete and total lie.”

  “It is.” He pressed his lips together. “My mom was another woman. Lexie’s sister.”

  “Simon, it doesn’t stop the fact that Lexie is your mom.”

  “You’re going to take her side?”

  “I’m going to make sure you don’t jumble this mess up inside your head. I know you’re hurting right now and I get it. I really, really do, but she’s not the bad guy.” She took Simon’s hand. She expected him to pull back, but he didn’t.

  “I’m so fucking angry.”

  “I can tell.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize to me.”

  “I just, I can’t stand the fact I’ve been lied to all these years. I thought she was my mom.”

  “She is. Please, Simon, no matter what, you’ve got to give her credit there. She loves you so much. She even sacrificed a great deal to be with you. Your dad, he does love her.”

  “I don’t know who I am anymore.”

  She got to her feet and stepped toward him. “You’re Simon. My very crazy boyfriend.” She tucked some of his hair behind his ear. It had grown out since the last time she saw him. “What’s your plan, anyway? You ride all the way here and what?”

  “I had to see you. You’re the only person I have.”

  “That’s not true. You’ve got all of your brothers and sisters, Dean, Eddie, the Chaos crew. Your parents.”

  He snorted.

  She gripped his chin, forcing him to look at her. “Hey, don’t ever do that. Look at Daisy. Her real parents never wanted her and there is no way she would ever think less of Lacey and Whizz. They are her real parents and she loves them. Don’t ever act like that.”


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