
Home > Romance > Always > Page 21
Always Page 21

by Sam Crescent

  “Wow, you really are bossy.”

  “I learned from the best.”

  He put his hands on her hips. The prospect cleared his throat.

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Seriously, get a life. You see what I’m having to put up with here?”

  “Lash broke your phone?”

  “Yep. Stepped on it, crushed it. He did the same to Anthony’s and Daisy’s, and the others’. We’re on a complete lockdown ban.”

  “You haven’t left the clubhouse.”

  She looked behind her to see the prospect was still paying attention to them. She leaned down, her lips close to Simon’s ear. “I didn’t say we didn’t get out.” She pulled away. “We have our ways. I think I know a good place we can go. It might help you to get whatever this is out of your system.”

  He nodded. “I’m sticking around for a while.”

  “You think your dad will let you?”

  “If he knows me, he’ll let me cool off.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you inside. Miles is the guy we see to make our escape tonight.” She took Simon’s hand, and all of the guys rushed to hug him and shake his hand. Daisy even kissed his cheek. They were all happy to see him.

  Lash came in, clearing his throat. “All of you back to work. You as well, Simon. There’s space.”

  Tabitha sat down at her desk while Simon lowered himself down.

  “In silence.”

  They all shut up. Staring down at her book, she knew they only had half an hour to go. The time went by way too slowly. Each time she looked up, she caught Simon watching her.

  “Work.” She mouthed the word, not making a sound.

  “Okay.” He lifted up his book and she couldn’t help but laugh. He was being a total goofball.

  She loved him so much and just having him here, well, it reminded her of all that she’d been missing for too long.

  Their time was up. Lash came back and ordered them to their rooms. Simon was escorted by Nash.

  “Wow, this is like an actual prison, isn’t it?” Simon asked.

  She chuckled. Daisy rushed to her side. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “How is he?”

  “I don’t know. We need to go to the Quad. I think it will help.”

  Even if Simon was keeping his shit together, she knew it wouldn’t last long before he exploded again, and she didn’t want him to have to go through that alone.

  After heading upstairs, she closed her door and sat down on her bed. As she ran her fingers through her hair, it was a matter of minutes before Miles was there, opening the door.

  “So the prospect on duty tonight has a girl coming around at nine. We sneak out past the back door, from the kitchen and out. We go to the Quad for a couple of hours. No fighting. We observe only.”

  “Thanks. Let Simon know. Angel’s coming with the food.”

  Miles tipped an imaginary hat to her.

  Seconds later, Angel was there.

  “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Hey, Angel,” she said.

  “I know this is all seeming a little much,” she said.

  “Nah, it’s fine. I mean, what more can I do? I did break a girl’s nose and hurt another one.”

  “I know, sweetie. Do you think violence is the answer, though?” Angel asked.

  “Sometimes the only vocabulary people know is violence, that and sex.”

  “Enjoy your food.” Angel left.

  Fries and a garden burger, her favorite. Angel had embraced her, Daisy’s, and Lacey’s vegetarian diet. Picking up the burger, she took a large bite and closed her eyes, enjoying it. After dinner, they were expected to get changed for bed, read, and then there were lights out.

  There was no way Lash could believe they were following his protocol. If he did, she felt a little sorry for him. It wasn’t like they went out of their way to disrespect them. That was a lie. They totally did.

  Lash came for the dishes and their doors were closed.

  Checking the time, she showered, changed into her pajamas, sat, and read for ten minutes before the allotted escape time. Then she quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, a shirt, and her leather jacket.

  At exactly nine, she opened her door, just as the others did.

  Simon moved down the hall, going to her.

  Miles was in front, Anthony right behind him. She didn’t know how her brother was able to find out all of this information, but he was a master at getting what he wanted.

  They made their way down the stairs, past the prospect who was moaning as the girl gasped at how big he was.


  Simon snickered and held her hand tightly. They were out of the kitchen, past the wall, and running like the hounds of hell were chasing after them.

  No one stopped them as they made it clear to the Quad.

  “We can escape but we don’t have any cars. We’re walking the entire way,” Miles said. “It is damn good to have you here.” He shook Simon’s hand.

  “Why are you guys putting up with this?” Simon asked. “Why not just overrule them?”

  “He’s my dad, dickface,” Anthony said.

  “We did kind of deserve it. He has a point,” Daisy said. “We fucked up and now we’re paying the price.”

  “Yeah, but we’ve got to get our shit back when we’re in school again. There’s no telling what the Dogs have been up to,” Markus said.

  “It’s why we’re determined to keep showing our face at the Quad,” Rachel said. “You want to come?”

  “Hell, yeah. I’m not breaking out for the fun of it. I need to hit something or someone.” Simon pulled her in tightly against him.

  “Then we’re going to the right place for you,” Miles said.


  “They snuck off again,” Angel said, wrapping her arms around Lash’s stomach as she stared past his shoulder.


  “And you’re not going to stop them?”


  “Then why are you forcing them into lockdown and doing their schooling? They’re not even allowed to eat dinner with each other.” Angel kissed his shoulder.

  He groaned. “Do you want to talk about the kids?”

  “I want to understand your mind better.”

  “You’ve been trying to do that for years, and you still don’t understand me.”

  She giggled. “Come on, tell me.”

  “They were hotheads who thought they knew best. They’re all going to need to learn restraint.”

  “And this is the best way to teach them?”

  “It’s the only way I know how to teach them. One day, this is all going to be theirs. If they screw it up, this could be gone.” He tugged her around so she stood in front of him. “You remember what it was like before. All the trouble we had.” He pushed some of her hair out of the way. “I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “I get it.”

  “And we’re never leaving the club, so we’re going to be at their mercy.”

  “Putting them on lockdown during the day is okay, but at night, they can do whatever they want?”

  “They’re going to the Quad. As much as I want to keep them contained here and doing as they’re told, I can’t. There is only so much I can do.” He shrugged. “Besides, they need to protect the Skull name at all costs and because of the Dogs, they’re in the thick of it.”

  “Did you and Nash have to ever deal with something like that?”

  “No. We didn’t. Not really. We got into a whole lot of fights, but you know how it is.”

  “I do. Will you be staying up all night for them to return?”

  “I will, but they’ll be gone long enough for me to make love, or fuck my wife, if she needs it.”


  Simon had his arm wrapped around Tabby’s shoulders, and he pulled her in close, kissing her head as they paid their admission to the club.

  He wanted to hit something.

  I’ve been lied to my whole

  People were screaming, laughing, cheering. He looked up toward the stadium and there was a bloodbath going on.

  “You’re telling me these are all kids? Students?” he asked.

  “We have college guys as well. It’s a variety. I figured you’d like that,” Tabitha said.

  “And you’ve all fought here?” Simon asked.

  “Hell, yeah, it’s what we do,” Miles said. “You want to make a name for yourself and not get beaten up in school, this is the place to come to.”

  “And you’ve all been here?”

  “Apart from Daisy,” Rachel said.

  “Daisy doesn’t fight,” Tabby said.


  His girl slammed her lips on his, kissing him deeply. Running a hand down her back, he cupped her ass and bit her lip. She chuckled. “She just doesn’t, so drop it.”

  “Dude, stop smacking on my sister, it’s gross. I’m wishing you’d gone back home or something.”

  Daisy laughed.

  “Fuck you.”

  “What are you going to do?” Daisy asked. “Are you going to stick around here forever?”

  “I hadn’t decided. You think Lash is going to send me back home?”

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” Tabby said.

  “I don’t care, to be honest. For now, I’m thinking of enrolling in your school. If I can show that I’m willing to not cause trouble, he might let me stay.”

  “And that’s what you want to do?” Tabby asked.

  “For now, yeah. I can’t go back there. Not yet. I’m too fucking confused.”

  “But you’re going to go back there?” Daisy asked.

  “Why does it matter?” He glared at his girl’s best friend.

  “No reason.”

  “Well, well, look what hell spat back out,” Miles said.

  Tabby tensed up and turned, so they all stood in a cluster. He glanced over to see two guys he recognized. They were both wearing leather jackets.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Ask Daniella how her nose is for me,” Tabby said. “And next time, tell her I’ll make sure no doctor can repair her face.”

  “You’re a fucking slut, you are,” the one on the leader’s right said.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” Simon asked, stepping in front of his girl. No one talked to his girl like that and got away with it. Tabby gripped his arm.

  “You heard me. I can see why you like her. She’s got a big enough mouth and I bet she doesn’t even have a gag reflex. That’s what all Skull girls are for, getting their face fucked sucking cock.”

  He slammed his fist into the guy’s face, and grabbed him again, hitting him. He didn’t stop until he was suddenly restrained and pulled off. Anthony had a hold of him, and fuck, he was strong. No words were spoken and he glanced behind him. Anthony looked bored. Everything had gone blank in those few seconds of attack. Simon’s heart raced. His blood pumped. He wanted to do more destruction.

  “In the ring, now,” the man who’d rushed over said. “I don’t give a fuck if you were fighting in the ring.”

  He was taken from Anthony and marched over toward the stadium. Thrown inside, he stood up. Tabby rushed to the edge and patted the concrete floor. He smiled down at her.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I need to do this. No one talks to my girl like she’s a piece of shit.”

  “Si, it’s the Dogs. That was Ryan. He’s always talking to me that way. Believe me, I don’t care.”

  He crouched down. “You scared?”

  “No, I know you’re a vicious motherfucker when you fight, but I also know you’ve got some serious problems right now. You’re angry.”

  “Damn right, I’m angry.”

  “Not about this. You’re angry about what your parents have done.”

  “Don’t go there, Tabby.”

  “I will go there. It’s what we promised each other. We will go there. We’ll talk about it. Deal with it.”

  “I’m going to fight this prick.”

  “Si, you started that fight out there. Ryan may not even enter the fucking fight.”

  He shrugged. “I’ll get to fight someone.” He gripped the back of her neck and kissed her hard. “Love you. Are you rooting for me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “As if I’d root for anyone else. Don’t die on me, asshole.”

  “Not going to. We’ve got a wedding to be alive for. Do you still have the bouquet from Natalie’s wedding?”

  “You remember that?” she asked.

  “It’s a day I won’t ever forget.” He winked at her. “It was the fates’ way of telling us both we’re getting married.”

  “It’s time to throw the bouquet,” Lexie said.

  “We’re still doing that?” Natalie asked.

  “Yes, of course. There’s single women here too, and it’s a lot of fun.”

  “Two seconds,” she said, kissing Simon on the lips. She’d run onto the floor as she’d been keeping a close eye on Natalie all day. The flowers were so beautiful and Simon had already proposed to her. If she caught the bouquet, their parents couldn’t argue about it. Natalie turned her back to the group and threw the bouquet over her head. Tabitha watched and moved into position as it flew right into her arms. Simon fist-pumped and rushed toward her.

  “We’ve got to get married now,” Simon said. Tabitha laughed, and they both ran to their fathers, holding up the roses. “We’ve got to. We’ve got to.”

  She shook her head and stepped back right next to Daisy.

  “We all know the rules about fighting in the Quad,” the man said who’d marched him right across to this little stadium.

  He looked out across the audience.

  “It seems we have a new pretty face to mess up, but I warn you, he’s with The Skulls, so I’m guessing you’re one fierce motherfucker.”

  “I’m a Chaos.”


  “I’m part of Chaos Bleeds, I’m not a Skull. My girl is though and anyone who calls her a slut deals with me.”

  “So, you heard the man. Who would like to give this punk a lesson? No fighting unless it’s earning money.”

  There were cheers from the audience.

  Movement across the way caught his eye, and he saw the other guy who’d been the leader back there but hadn’t stopped his boy.

  “Well, well, well, this is exciting. Our very own Luke from the Monster Dogs. You guys better get your bets going. This is going to be one fierce fucking fight.”

  Luke climbed into the ring and started to remove his jacket and shirt.

  “You want to fuck me, is that it?”

  “Are you braindead? It’s how the fights are.” Luke glared at him.

  “Your jacket and shirt,” Tabby said, drawing his attention.

  “Hey, beautiful.”


  “Kiss me for good luck?” he asked.

  She climbed up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him hard. Cheers and more dirty talk were spewed their way.

  “Okay, enough,” the guy said. “If we start shooting a gang bang, we’ll let you up, but we’re not shooting porn, we’re fighting.”

  Simon stepped away from his woman and took a step toward his opponent. He looked at Luke but he hadn’t covered his expression. The fucker watched Tabby and Simon understood his look more than anything. This piece of shit wanted his girl. Oh, he was in for a rude awakening. No fucking way was he ever going to allow him.

  “You stare at me. Not at my girl.”

  “Your girl’s got a pretty ass.”

  “Don’t kill each other,” the guy said.

  Simon rammed Luke, throwing him to the floor. “She doesn’t even look at you.” He raised his fist, about to land a blow, but Luke blocked it.

  Climbing off him, he stood, tense, waiting for the next hit, but Luke just smiled. Back on their feet, the humor was still on his opponent’s face, and he didn’t like it. He wa
nted to completely rub it out, get rid of it.

  “Are you worried that she’ll stray? A little curious to see if she’d rather have me than you?”

  “Fucker.” He attacked. Luke blocked him and even as Luke tried to take a shot at him, he dodged it.

  As he stepped back, the crowd went silent.

  They were equally matched.

  “I know my girl. I’ve known her since we were kids. You think I’m going to fuck that up? She’ll be my old lady, by my side, carrying my kids. Not you. Never you.” He lashed out, finally landing a blow.

  Luke got a shot into his lower ribs.

  It was on.

  Hit for hit.

  They didn’t kick.

  A face blow.

  A kidney shot. Neither of them admitted defeat and they blocked each other with equal shots.

  The guy who’d been leading the fight came back onto the stadium as they were circling each other.

  “It looks to me like we are equally matched and I don’t know about you guys, but I find this all boring. We’ll call this a draw.”

  The crowd cheered, especially those who would have earned money from it.

  He wanted to kill.

  “Come in, boys, show great sportsmanship.”

  Simon stepped in close, holding out his hand. Luke took it. They squeezed hard.

  “I guess I’ll be seeing you in school,” Simon said, winking at him.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Stepping out of the stadium, he moved toward his girl’s side, taking her into his arms. He kissed her hard, driving it home that she belonged to him.

  Rather than accept his kisses, she stepped back. “Don’t ever do that,” she said.


  “Use me like that to mark your territory. I belong to you, Simon. Have for a long time, but don’t ever make me feel cheap.” She went to Daisy. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “Tabby,” he said.

  She held up her middle finger in a fuck you.

  Pulling on his shirt and jacket, he followed The Skulls out into the night. He didn’t realize he and Luke had been fighting for a good half an hour. No wonder the crowd was bored.

  “Aren’t you guys going to fight?” he asked, following Miles, Markus, Simon, and Anthony.

  “You fought for us.” Miles spoke up when no one else did.

  “I’m not a Skull.”


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