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Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  “Maybe we do.”

  She looked at Luke. He was glaring right at her and she did the same right back. There was no way these guys were going to intimidate her.

  “I’ve got to say. We were out for a stroll and I didn’t expect to come across two whores begging for it,” Ryan said, stepping away from the group.

  “Ryan,” Luke said. His voice was firm.

  Tabitha kept Ryan in her sight. Now if she knew Anthony, he wouldn’t allow Daisy to go anywhere without some form of protection. So long as they waited this out, he’d come to her rescue. She had no doubt.

  She was tense, waiting for the impending fight.

  If Anthony was close, Simon wouldn’t be far. He’d been dealing with something with Lash about his upcoming birthday.

  Ryan was getting closer and Tabitha stepped in front of her friend. She wasn’t going to show fear. Rather than back down or try not to fight, she got into Ryan’s face.

  “Fuck off!” she snarled at him.

  He grabbed her arms and she went to knee him between the thighs, but he shoved her away hard.

  Just as he was about to kick her, a rock hit Ryan in the head.

  Anthony was already making his way across the field. He tossed another rock. This one hitting Ryan in the face. Tabitha scrambled back. She remembered as kids that Anthony would spend hours tossing rocks or balls. He didn’t stop until he’d mastered the perfect aim to hit every single target.

  Ryan stumbled back and Luke came forward.

  “I suggest you take your boys and get the hell away,” Anthony said.

  Fear ran down Tabitha’s back. Anthony kept on walking toward them. The stones were gone but the intention was there.

  Luke held his hands up. “We were just walking.”

  “Then walk elsewhere. You want to start a fight, you come to me. Stop cornering our women like a bunch of pussies.” Anthony stood, hands on his hips, waiting.

  Tabitha’s heart raced.

  Luke looked at her, turned, and left.

  “I don’t get him,” she said, hugging Daisy. “You okay?”

  “I should be asking you if you’re okay. I don’t know what their game is.”

  “Luke wants to fuck with Simon. He likes you,” Anthony said. “Be careful there. Ryan’s unhinged.”

  “And you’re sane.”

  “I’m not pissed at my leader’s infatuation. Ryan is.” Anthony turned toward her.

  “I don’t encourage any of that shit! We were here first.” Her anger built.

  Anthony held his hand up. “I didn’t say you did. What I’m saying is what I’m seeing. I’m making you aware. That’s all.”

  “Did you follow us?” Daisy asked.

  “You don’t go anywhere where I can’t guarantee your protection,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “It means I will always be there if you need me.”

  Okay, she was starting to feel like she’d invaded a private moment. “I think it’s time we headed back.”

  Daisy kept staring at Anthony.

  Tabitha tugged her arm.

  “Right, heading back. Yes. Let’s head back.”

  “Is Simon free yet?” Tabitha asked.

  “They’re negotiating his party,” Anthony said. “Chaos Bleeds are coming to town.”

  “Oh, joy,” Daisy said. “When they come to town, there’s always a chance they could argue. I hate it.”

  “They’ve been on good terms for a long time,” Tabitha said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I can’t help it. It feels like something big is going to happen and that scares me. Doesn’t it scare you?” Daisy asked wrapping her arms around herself.

  “I’m starting to believe you’re a little paranoid.”

  “Again, I don’t know why that’s a problem. I get this horrible feeling something bad is going to happen and each time I do, something does,” Daisy said. “You should heed my warning. I don’t make them every single day.”

  “Have I told you lately how much I love you?” Tabitha asked.

  “Don’t mock me.”



  He was at that age he could get married without his parents’ consent.

  He just needed to wait until Tabby was of age and then she’d belong to him. Glancing down at the woman in question, he smiled. Her head rested on his chest. Her hair fanned out. She was so beautiful. He glanced at the clock and saw it was a little after six. His parents had already arrived yesterday, as had the club.

  Running a hand down his face, he didn’t want to move. Tiny and Eva hadn’t given any sign of movement yet. He’d have no choice but to sneak out and pretend to be there for breakfast. He didn’t know if they’d fooled her parents yet, or if they were very much aware of his presence at night.

  Tabitha let out a moan and stretched.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he said.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  “Ah, so you remembered my birthday?” he asked.

  “Of course, I remembered.” She sat up, stretching, pushing her hair off her face. “I even got you a present.” She leaned over him and he got a good look at her shapely ass. Seconds later, she sat back and held out a slim box for him. She pushed some hair out of her face and smiled. “Open it.”

  “Open it?”

  “Please, it’s your present. You’re going to have so many later. You’re eighteen. Legally an adult.” She ran a hand down her face. “Open it.”

  He reached out, grabbed her neck, and pulled her close.

  “I have morning breath,” she said.

  “I don’t care.” He kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning, and he swallowed it. Still holding the present, he didn’t let go of her.

  She pulled away breathless. “Open it.”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll open it.” He wanted to keep on kissing her.

  He untied the ribbon and slid the box open. Inside was a locket.

  “I got it ’specially designed. There’s a jeweler who was willing to put your Chaos Bleeds symbol on the front. You can put any picture inside you want. I had to make sure you had one of me.”

  He opened the locket and inside was his woman.

  “You can change it of course.”

  “I wouldn’t change it.” The chain was big enough it slid over his neck. “I love it.”

  Wrapping his arm around her, he tackled her to the bed, capturing her hands. He locked them above her head and kissed her. As he slid between her thighs, his cock hardened and he pressed against her core.

  She got one of her hands free and it ran down his body, cupping his dick.

  As much as he wanted to let her continue, he captured her wrist and shook his head.

  “You don’t want to?”


  Tabby frowned. “Why not?”

  He leaned back, putting some space between them. Holding the hand that had been on his cock, he released a breath.

  “I’m a little confused right now, Simon. I thought you would’ve wanted to.”

  He kissed her hard. “I do. I want to. I want to have sex with you, Tabby. You’ve got to know that some days I watch you and it’s all I think about.”

  “I’m ready. I want this.”

  “Not today.”

  “Why not? It’s your birthday.”

  “No, on our wedding night.”


  “You heard me. When we have sex for the first time, I want it to be with you as my wife.”

  She groaned. “Don’t you think that’s a little old-fashioned?”

  “Not to me. You’ll be eighteen and we’ll be married. It’s not about God or any of that. We will belong to each other completely. You’re not just some girl, Tabby, and I’m not going to treat us, this, as some kind of quickie. Your parents are going to wake up soon. I’m not going to rush. I want to take my time. To make love to you.”

  “Do you think our first time is going to be g
reat?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I do, because it’s going to be with you.” He kissed her.

  “You know, you never fail to surprise me,” she said, cupping his face. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. My gift is perfect and there is only one woman I’ll ever want close to my heart, and that is you.”

  “You say all the right things.”

  “Good.” He kissed her hard and pulled away as they heard a door opening and closing.

  Simon dived off the bed and rolled beneath it as Tabby’s door opened.

  “Hey, sweetie. Are you ready for breakfast?” Eva asked.

  “I’m starved. Simon’s, er, he’s coming over as well. I had a text from him.”

  He stayed perfectly still.

  “Honey, I’m not stupid. Simon, you can come out and just come downstairs. We know he’s been sneaking into your room.”

  He crawled out from under the bed.

  “How did you know?” Tabby asked.

  “You’re not silent when you climb in through the window. Now your dad wants to kill him, but I convinced him that you two are sensible. Am I right?”

  “Yes, we are,” Tabby said. “We’re perfectly safe.”

  “Good. I can’t guarantee you won’t get glared at. Tiny’s not happy.” Eva closed the door and Tabby turned to look at him.

  “Wow,” she said, covering her face. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Simon climbed onto the bed, moved her hands out of the way, and cupped her face. “You know I love you, right?” He couldn’t stop saying it.

  “Simon?” she asked.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I know you love me.”

  “Good. I want to be with you. This is not a rejection.”

  “I know. You don’t have to keep saying that. I’m starving. Let’s go and get some breakfast. I want to keep you all to myself all day, but others want to wish you a happy birthday as well.”

  Tabby moved off the bed, grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom. He pulled on his jeans and shirt. They weren’t creased. After running her brush through his hair, he made her bed for her and sat on the edge, waiting.

  She arrived seconds later, complete in a cute dress that fell to her knees and only enhanced her curves.

  “You’re doing this to torture me?” he asked.

  “Just a little. I think it’s only fair.”

  He groaned. “Come on. I better see your dad eventually. He’s going to be pissed at me anyway.”

  “Of course, he is.”

  Tabby took his hand and they made their way downstairs. Miles was at the table, smirking, as was her other brother. Tiny was at the head of the table glaring.

  “Wish him happy birthday,” Eva said.

  Tiny continued to glare and Miles laughed.

  “Seeing as she’s having boys in her room, can I at least bring a girl home? Like a different one every night? I’ll kick her out when I’m done with her,” Miles said.

  Eva slapped him around the back of the head.

  “Ouch. What was that for?”

  “I taught you to respect women a lot better than that.”

  “And I will. I’ll call them a cab.” When Eva went to hit him again, he ducked, laughing. “Look at this, out there in the world it’s double standards against women. In my own home, it’s against boys.”

  “Get used to it, son,” Tiny said.

  “You should be on my side,” Eva said.

  “I am. It’s why I’ve agreed with you. He can’t have a girl in the house.”


  “Are you having fun?” Tabitha asked.

  She held on to Simon and smiled up at him. His family was here even though he hadn’t gone and spent much time with them, with any of them.

  “Yeah, I’m having fun.”

  “More fun than if you were going to have sex?” she asked. His rejection hadn’t hurt as it wasn’t him telling her to stop.

  He groaned. “Please, don’t. I’m going to have nightmares about stopping for a long time to come.”

  “So you’re waiting until we’re married?” she asked.

  “Yes, and if my memory serves me well, I don’t have long to wait.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Huh?”

  “Have you forgotten already?” He leaned forward and kissed her head. “You promised me you’d married me when you became eighteen. I’m going to hold it to you.”


  “Yeah, really. You and me, and we’re going to have a whole lot of fun.” He ran his hand down to the curve of her ass.

  She giggled when he stopped. Since this morning, she’d noticed her dad had been keeping a closer eye on Simon. If only he knew she’d offered herself up to him and Simon wanted to wait. She doubted he’d be proud of the reasons he wanted to wait.

  Lexie came across the room and seeing as the relationship with his parents was tense, she took a step back and went to the edge of the dancefloor.

  “How are you?” Daisy asked, handing her a soda.

  “I’m good. You?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Are you happy?”

  Tabitha chuckled. “Can’t you tell that I am?”

  “I can tell but, you know, with you I can’t always tell. You laugh in the face of your enemies, remember?”

  Tabitha nudged her friend’s shoulder. “I love having him here.”

  “You do.”

  “Yeah, but, I’ve made my decision.” She turned to Daisy. “I’m going to be with him.”

  “You’re going to become a Chaos?” Daisy asked.

  Tabitha nodded. “Yeah, I think I am. Don’t get me wrong, I love being here. I love being a Skull, but I know my life is with him. This has only proven it even more so. I love him. My life is with him.”

  She glanced back at the dance floor. Lexie’s head was tilted back as she laughed at something he said. She smiled, more pleased than anything to see the two finally getting along. She ran fingers through her hair. “Did you know I was going to have sex with him today?”

  “You were? Wait, you still haven’t?”

  She shoved her friend’s shoulder. “Get your head out of the gutter.”

  Daisy chuckled. “Sorry. Just the two of you alone in a room, you’d expect fireworks.”

  “There are fireworks, but he wants to wait until we’re married. How can I not go with him? He’s right for me on so many levels.”

  Daisy wrapped an arm around her waist. “Well, I hope nothing bad ever happens between the two clubs.”

  “Me neither. I don’t think I’d ever want to give you or anyone else up.”

  She held on to her best friend, watching as Simon then took Angel onto the dance floor and started to dance with her.

  It wasn’t long before he came back for her.

  She went right into his arms.

  “Please, tell me this isn’t me,” he said. “You can feel it too?”

  She pressed her head against his chest, breathing him in. His arms were around her, and she felt safe and loved. “It’s not you. I can feel it too.”

  For as long as she could remember, when it came to Simon, he’d made her feel this way. Loved, protected, safe, and it was a feeling she was going to take with her. Grandpa Ned had once said to her if you can find someone who makes your heart race and each time they step into the room, you just want to go and be with them, they’re the kind of person you want to keep around for a lifetime.

  Simon was that person.

  He was hers, just as she was his.

  Nothing was ever going to take him away from her. Nothing.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Simon never went back home to live, he only ever went to visit. Each time he left on a Friday, he was back by the Monday, and Tabitha would wake up to him in her bed. Time went by as it did. The days turning to weeks, the weeks to months. His graduation was nearing as they all got closer to their end of the term. She didn’t know what he was going to do while she had one yea
r to go at school.

  Daisy had already decided on a local college and Tabitha had picked the one closest to Piston County. She’d already told her dad and Lash of her intentions after next summer, to leave Fort Wills and go with Simon. Of course, her parents were upset, but that was to be expected.

  Time passed. School came and went. Simon was part of her life, but he did spend a little longer at home. At school, tensions still ran high but for the longest time, she hadn’t started a single fight with any of the Dogs. She’d taken Anthony’s warning seriously. She wasn’t going to let down her guard, not for a single moment.

  Before too long, which was a huge surprise to her, her birthday approached. Rather than dread it, she looked forward to it. She would become Simon’s old lady, or more importantly, his wife. This was a moment they’d been planning for years. Even before she caught Natalie’s bouquet all those years ago.

  On the day of her eighteenth birthday, Simon was there in the morning. She’d fallen asleep in his arms and woken up right where she belonged.

  Tilting her head back, she saw he was already awake, watching her. “You know, that’s a little scary.”

  He chuckled. “I love to watch you sleep.”

  “How long have you been watching me?” she asked.

  “Long enough.” He stroked a finger down her nose. “You’re eighteen.”

  “I am.” He hadn’t made any more comments about them getting married. She didn’t think it was possible for her to be married to him, at least not without a church and a few other details.

  “I’ve got a dress I’d like you to wear for me.”

  “Is it slutty?”

  “No, it’s not slutty.” He kissed the top of her head and moved toward the wardrobe. He came out holding a white floral summer dress. “Would you wear this for me?”

  “I will wear anything for you,” she said. Climbing out of bed, she went into his arms. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Her door was knocked and her mother appeared. “Breakfast is downstairs, waiting.”

  “We’ll be right down,” she said, looking behind her. “Why do I feel you’ve got something planned today?”

  “I have. When your parents ask, tell them you’re meeting up with Daisy.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I know there’s a big party. Miles told me about it the other day.”


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