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No one has that crown--but us!
And if you see any Jew, any foreign white skinned wretch that got hair that eats the sun...then that bastard come from our blood, too. There’s only one African. Pure and nappy as God. Only one. All the rest of this whole world--is just mush.
I say to you chile--you can never be lost if you come from some place, ‘n what de white man tells people bout saving black folks from living in trees and being naked ignorant savages in Africa is a lie, because I was there ‘n I was heah ‘n I seen erry-thang with my own eyes. My own son was the King of a mighty Kangdom and that same son sold me...into slavery. But that ain’t the point. The point is I want you to understand what zactly took place. I want you to hear it from me...where bouts you come from.
Mother Iyanla (Queen Mother)
They kilt me in 1654 for speaking devil language, Ajowan language, to the chillen in the cabins at night. I was dragged to a great big ole magnolia ‘n tied up and whipped. Lawd-’a-mercy, I was so old that the bullwhip slit right down my back and cut right through to the bones and pieces, jess like I was a possum being gutted. I was a strong woman, but I died on the second strike. I was too old, you see.
When I died...look lak I remember everything I had seen.
First, I come here to Carolina Colony, dey used me them first good yeahs to go from port to port, easing the new young African girls off the ships ‘n making them feel less afraid. Some of them heffas was wild as panthers, bite right through a caucasoid motherfucker and piss on him at the same time--they didn’t want no clothes on, and ‘cause mostly all of ‘ems private parts was cut and sewd up, sex was the last thing on they minds. But I had to soothe fears and straighten ‘em up after they’d been raped, ‘n dey was all raped all de time, it was just a rape fest in dem days.
I seen how all the Africans got here, and you best listen up, ‘cause no matter how much white and Indian blood you got in your veins--it’s still the blood of more than one hunnerd African tribes that makes you worth a damn--to me. I’m old and dead, so I cain’t tell you this but one time, but if you ‘posed to be black listen’n to this story--then you sho nuff need to know.
They brought the Sehwi people from Africa first. Them was owned back home by the Denkinyira tribe, so they was used to slavery, and they was already here when I got here in great numbers. These first Africans they brung here wasn’t stolen, they was paid for. Only the strongest men were purchased, and the females were required to be younger than seventeen, for breed’n purposes, and they brought a few old women like me to tend the young negro girls, but anyhow...the Mende and Peki-Ewe tribes come next. The Peki-Ewe was biracial Africans, the offspring of white settlers in the Kingdom of Ewe who mated with African “wives” given (“given”) to them by the Ewe King, which won’t nothing but skinny bean pole girls the black men didn’t want, and long before de white man came to Africa, it was black women that was mostly the slaves, sold by black men to the Arabs, Berbers and the Cave Race for thousands of years as sex slaves and maids, but anyway, after three generations of race mixing in the Kingdom of Ewe, the Ewe became the Peki-Ewe people, and back then charcoal colored was still the highest you could be, it was proof of royalty, so the pure Africans would never mate with biracial and the real whites hated the sight of blue eyed negroes, so they uprooted ‘n sold them yaller biracials right on with the pure Africans until the Peki-Ewe tribe was completely destroyed by black blood. At dat same time, the Denkyira themselves and the Twifo tribe (the people from the ground of the Apagyahina forest) were brought to the Americas...listen up here!
There were two brother tribes. The Ga and the Adangbe, they was brought over, but had to be kept separate, because they get to scheming and acting brave if you leave them united. Neh rememba--all these was heah before I got heah, but at night erry-body whispered ‘n told erry-body what had happened. This was the early days when Africans in America still had some contact with one another by using trade dialects when they kept us in holding pens ‘n had Mammy women tend’n us. Them Mammy womens told you much as they could, but if the Dock Manager caught ‘em, they tongue was cut out.
Anyway, the Sitibo tribe, who was known for their tall buildings and underground water reserves was the next Africans brought across, and then, all of a sudden--it was like a dam burst. The slave trade exploded.
Ships sailed to Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Bahamas, Trinidad, St. Vincent, Venezuela, Columbia, Grenada and the colonies of North America.
No matter what no one tells you, they brought jess as many African women over here as they did men, if not more, ‘cause they need’n them negro girls for breed’n purposes. ‘Course the Africans what come over here is almost been completely breeded out by your time. Blacks in America start to look more like they slave master than they African ancestors. And ‘course the African woman suffered the worst of it, because the whites didn’t preciate African beauty standards. They white woman was masculine as any man--her hair long like a man’s should be and her ass flat wid no meat on it, her bones stick’n out when she nekkid. Caucasoids didn’t know what to make of colorful baldheaded feminine women with thick round hips and plenny fat butts, big lips and sexy wide noses. To them--the black man’s mother--was the living proof of the African’s inferiority, ‘n course, wouldn’t be long before the brainwashed niggerstock thought jess the way they slave master did.
You need to understand a thing.
That before the caucasoid version of slavery--the black woman was the sexual delicacy of the world, the most eroticized raped creature on de earth. Black women was chattel long before they ever came to America. Black men built whole empires by selling black virgin dancing girls to the Arab, Berber and Cave Races as exotic beauties, ‘cause foh the caucasoid took over the world, it was three women--Makeda (Queen of Sheba), Sholoongo and Uhsoora, the three loves of King Solomon, that was considered the most beautiful women the world had ever seen, ‘n all three of em was blacker than nightwater. It was the black mother of Jesus Christ whose dark face was painted in the house of the Cave peoples--foh the caucasoid took over. It was the blackest of the black flesh that was revered by the world, because the mother of every race 0 man was that first charcoal black woman with the one true hair. If you calls yerself a black woman ‘n you don’t know that, then you don’t know shit! That’s why the Arabs ‘n mixed race folks of the east was obsessed with gett’n back inside her pussy, ‘cause they had come out of it--but loss they color’n in they travels. And if’n you don’t believe that the whole world once loved noth’n more than the blackest, bluest skin...then jess look at Africa today. Take ‘n yer ass over there and go from top to bottom and you’ll see them is some black, black ass people--blacker ‘n then you t.v. try to portray it. They so black ‘cause they used to have they own empire chile. They was Kangs and Quains.
But anyhow...your people, the parents of the Black Americans began to arrive by the thousands. Remember, you must remember the names, because blood has names.
Dahomey...Peki Ewe...Sehwi...Denkyira/Denkinyira...Malinke...Akan...
…the Garifuna, who were stolen from Mali but revolted and escaped to Central America.
And hundreds more. I don’t remember...all the names.
Back in West Africa, a series of wars erupted, chile--and in you alls American history, this is never ever talked about. The glaring omission by both white and African American scholars that as a people, Africans did not condone or support the slave trade. In fact, by the time the African masses found out that there was even such a thi
ng as a slave trade--millions had already been sold into bondage by a select group of coastal Kings. People’s family members who had “volunteered” for “indentured servitude” ...had not returned...’n never did return. As I told you, black people is always late for erry-thang, not ‘cause they stupid, but because they nature is for liv’n and lov’n, not competing, and if you ain’t a constant competitor, then you sleep through thangs, so lak I told you, they asses was late, late, late. But a series of wars erupted once the people found out what the hell was really go’in on.
Listen, chile...’cause this is yo real black history. You need to listen!
King Kaku Akaa declared war against the slave trade and fought it to the death, but still his Nzima people were dragged across the sea in chains. And King KonKomba and his seventeen sons declared war, and fought against the European slavers for three decades before whites caught him and cut his head off. Go to you library and look these peoples up.
Katanga and his Katanga warriors waged all out genocide against de whites. They fought the Portuguese generation after generation and were eventually joined in the Great African Resistance Against European Transatlantic Enslavement (“the war against the submission”) by the armies of...lo Jaga Mama (Queen Nzingha), Mother Ambi of Ghana--keeper of the bees, Mother Tinubu of Nigeria, King Ja Ja (a former slave turned King) of Opobo Kingdom, King Behanzin (the Great Shark) of Dahomey, Queen Dahia Kahina (the Red Fire Witch), the army of King Chaka’s mother Queen Nandi, Queen TinkaTekur II of Gambia, Ghana’s King Prempeh and the most gracious, Queen Yaa Asantewa--and last but not least, the woman who put four hundred white men’s heads on sticks, Queen KaipKire (“The Black Pearl”) of the Herero tribe.
And those is just some of your ancestors that rose up against slavery.
But other Kings, the ones who were...financed...and accultured by the Europeans...their mouths watered just lak your inner city drug dealer ‘n you hip hop Pimp Daddy’s mouth water’n today--sold out they mamas and sisters, the community, the children, everything in sight--they sold it. ‘N diss is why I tell you...flesh ‘n the devil are one. Ain’t no such thang as black men ‘n white men. They all men. They all is God and they all is satan. Flesh ‘n the devil are one. Black men have always...had the same greedy, selfish, power mad desires that enny other man on earth has. Black man will sell you out, chile.
King Ansa Sasraku began selling the people of the Akwamu kingdom to the American colonies, Brazil and Haiti and became so rich in just two years that King Yoofi offered up his Fante tribe by the tens of thousands without batting an eye. Then the Obo Rulers of Dahomey joined the slave trade and became the most successful at it. Within a decade, Dahomey was the wealthiest most powerful nation in West Africa and only the Asante Empire rivaled them in producing slaves for the new world. It was just like what ‘chall got now with the Superior Court Justices and other political niggers, Conservative Shuck’n blacks, sitt’n in high places wid they white dog goddess and selling out their own people--usually the poorest blacks. You best remember, it’s always the rich that sacrifices the poor to the volcano. African upper class won’t no different.
In you generation today, I heah people like this smart educated man, Cornel West, say there ain’t no such thing as a “nigger”. But he wrong...and you ain’t gone lak what I’m bout to tell you, but there is such a thing as a nigger, in both Africa and in America--they got loads of “niggers”, and the difference between what Mr. Wess say and what I say...is that I know what a nigger is, because I was heah to see how the white people created them from scratch.
Niggers is different from black folks.
A nigger cain’t stand white people--yet ‘n still--the white man’s truth is the only truth he trust.
You see rich black people in Africa that bleach they skin til they turn white, then go get them some pearly white chillens and then marry a white person and then declare they proud to be black?
That motherfucker is a nigger!
You see these black activists talk’n all this Mother Africa malarkey...claim they looove black people so got-damned much, they so proud and claims black folks is part of the human race...but look in dey house--they wife ‘n kids look noth’n like Mother Africa. Bunch of fuck’n Arab-look’n aardvarks! You seen dis cullud woman in California that makes all these Afro-seeentric artworks ‘n thangs? They claim to love black people so much, but notice they won’t give birth to none. She ‘n her whole family look white. Them is niggers!
You marks my words--the elite world blacks and the middle class black Americans is the real true niggers. Everything they do, from the way they live to the images they create of black people, usually with they high yella, non-black and Indian mamas serving as their bridge out of blackness, perpetuates white supremacy. They don’t want change--they want exchange. They goal is to live in the image of the white folks, to walk in the white man’s shoes, not get a new pair. I’m talk’n bout niggers, chile...not black folks.
Being a nigger is a mental condition. You ever heard one tell you, ‘What we should do about racism...is erry-body fuck erry-body until there is no more color?’ Well, we know white folks ain’t about to give up bei’n white, so who gets obliterated? The blacks. Take note. A nigger’s answer to racism...is to get rid of the black people. Make ‘em look more lak they master. That’s his solution. Three fifths of a human being, becoming three fifths of color. So you see...niggers is real ‘n don’t even know it. They use they whole life...in the service of mak’n they master’s corporation richer, they white master’s white wife more comfortable, the white man’s chillens more safe. They devote they whole existence to building the white man’s nations and upholding the honor of the white man’s mother. God forbid she should feel left out.
Ax that nigger to sacrifice for a little black child--he start call’n the child’s Mama a damn bitch.
Little white gal gits raped, niggers is gone help that white man hang the rapist, even if it’s some innocent black boy who didn’t even want him no pussy in the first damned place--but you let a little black princess get raped--they blame it on her. She wanted it. Fourteen year old girl child is responsible for her own actions...but not a thirty-six year old grown ass motherfucker with a dick--he’s to be protected by his black brethren and the weak sorry ass nigger-bitches dat loves dick more than they loves black children. An you kin be sure dat I witnessed the whole black community call her rapist a genius of jazz ‘n blues ‘n wouldn’t do shit ta protect that chile or the other little black girls to be raped in the future, all ‘cause they didn’t set the right example in the community from the git-go ‘n because they place value on the slave master’s mother but not they own--less’n she look plenny white.
An we all know that white and raw egg women helps black people to become less black, less whole, less of who they is, and every time a nigger make him a movie or a filmed image--who you see glorified?
Niggers can start a world wide revolution for a black man to git him some white pussy (I have a dream!), but cain’t attend one community meet’n about black chillens grow’n up in homes with no daddy.
The womenfolk wanna hide behind the church they whole lives, wait’n on some miracle out of thin air--gett’n on God’s fuck’n nerves.
Dear black woman. You have to give birth to the people that you need!
You heard’a Kola Boof? Black evil Kola bitch that niggers hate.
Well, niggers kin see a black woman wid blond hair ‘n fake blue eyes in her head and not think noth’n wrong with it--but the sight of a topless African woman on a book--dat distuuuurb dem. Not da black folks, the niggers.
Over on the Congo River, sweet, decent Chongo Mariah has a monkey’s face, so the Congo niggers is embarrassed to be seen walking to the store with her, they got BET now you know, make her feel lak she wants to committ suicide ‘cause she got to waste her whole life be’n dehumanized by upper class, insecure, ignorant ass colonial-bred black ass Pogo niggers.
Neh you wanna see some real true white s
upremacist Pogo niggers--go to South Africa, the Dominican Republic and North Sudan. They put the trigger...in nigger. They’s all fucked up over there. Just fuck’n lost!
Niggers is real, Remember. It ain’t jess a word. It’s a state of mind. It’s a denomination of the great religion of white supremacy. An if you bravely hate de white man fer what he done, then you need to hate him for creat’n niggers more than anything else, ‘cause through niggers--slavery never ends.
Race, say the nigger, is a social construct--’n he’s right, race is a social construct--but color ain’t. ‘N dat’s why you see half these niggers who say’n race don’t exist...is married to a white person. In Nigeria and Kenya, them sorry ass Pogo niggers tak’n skin whitening drugs and covering they chillens with bleaching creams. It’s always been bout color, not race.
That’s why Bill Clinton is the first black President. ‘Cause he’s the right color to be black. White supremacy is dis world’s only true religion and the dark black woman refuses to give birth to the people that she needs. So you see, that white man and white woman ain’t guilty all by they self.
Flesh /and the devil...are one. Black people reep what they sow.
Remember...I tired of talk’n.
But befoh I go, I’m gwine to tell you one more thang ‘n then I want you...to dream me a dream. Neh listen to what I’m tell’n you and don’ miss the essentials, chile--’cause this is the most important thing of all.
In Africa...the Black man was his own God just lak the White man, the Arab man, the East Indian man and the Asian man is today.