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Hell's Bells

Page 11

by Lesli Richardson

  “I’m going. I just wanted to add one thing.”


  Ryan’s face darkened. “Remember, he’s human. He might be willing to wait forever for you to quit being scared, but his body can’t.”

  Aidan’s heart nearly stopped. “No! Oh, Christ, please tell me he’s not—”

  “No!” Ryan shook his head. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!” He swore under his breath. “Aidan, listen to me. Quit being afraid.”

  Aidan set his jaw. “Point made. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

  Ryan disappeared.

  Aidan was still trying to slow his pulse. For a moment he’d been scared that…

  He closed his eyes. The thought of losing Jeff tore at him. As much as he hated the shit weasel, Aidan had to admit he was, in this case, dead on.

  Now it was just a matter of getting over his fear of hurting Jeff and not being able to take care of him.

  Chapter 11

  Bera watched and waited for several days. It made it trickier this way, but maybe Ryan and the others wouldn’t see it coming. Especially with Will and his bimbo apparently out of town. Bera had even remembered at the last minute to not put on any perfume.

  The things she suffered through to get knocked up.

  Ryan had come too close to guessing her game for her comfort. If she could have her way with Aidan, she could get on with popping out a rugrat and get on with her plans.

  She couldn’t appear at his front door. Apparently the barrier thrown around the office to prevent her from appearing applied to the condo complex, too. She could drive in, but that meant risking Will or Kal would spot her.

  She set her trap for this morning. She knew Aidan had been out late the night before on a shoot, meaning he’d stay home this morning to sleep, leaving this one on his own. That was their usual pattern.

  She pulled off to the side of the road where her quarry would be sure to see her, right next to the condo complex driveway. She used a small screwdriver to let the air out of her rear passenger tire valve.

  Who said you couldn’t learn anything from watching TV?

  He appeared, right on time. She saw why Aidan had set his sights on him. He was a cutie, with a nice firm ass she normally wouldn’t mind digging her fingers into. Unfortunately she didn’t have time to seduce him.

  Bera put on her hassled, helpless look. Jeff pulled over.

  “Do you need some help, ma’am?”

  “Flat tire.”

  He got out and walked over. “I don’t mind helping you with it.”

  She smiled as she put her hand on his lower arm, on his bare flesh. She took a firm grip and felt his energy flow through her. “You are a lifesaver.”

  He changed the tire for her and she profusely thanked him. He bashfully waved off her attempts to pay him. “No, that’s okay. I just live right here, no big deal. Glad I could help.”

  Jeff returned to his car, then Bera slid behind the wheel of her own and hurried off. Pulling into a nearby shopping center, she parked in the distance away from other cars and looked in the rear view mirror.

  She closed her eyes, remembered the feel of his energy, and shifted. When she opened her eyes, Jeff’s blue eyes looked back at her.

  Bera smiled.

  Jeff smiled back.


  * * * *

  Aidan groaned at the sound of the doorbell. Fuck. He’d just gotten to sleep.

  He pulled on a pair of boxers and stumbled to the door, pleasantly surprised to find Jeff standing on his doorstep.


  Jeff pushed in and kissed Aidan, startling him. Aidan finally grabbed Jeff’s arms and managed to step back. “What’s going on?”

  Jeff smiled. Something tripped Aidan’s internal warning buzzers, waking him from what little sleep held him.

  “I want to be with you, Aidan. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  “Um, yeah.” Something was seriously whacked. “No offense, but why aren’t you at the office? Who’s minding the store? Purs and Gery won’t be in until lunch. Will and Kal are up in Columbus. You’re supposed to open the joint today.”

  Jeff tried to step closer but Aidan refused to let go of his arms. “It doesn’t matter. I need you. I need to be with you.” He pulled free and wrapped his arms around Aidan again, kissing him, grinding his hips against him. “Take me,” he whispered in Aidan’s ear. “You know you want to. Quit waiting.”

  This was wrong on about twenty different levels. That’s when Aidan spotted the chain around Jeff’s neck, which was almost completely concealed by his collar.

  “Volciamente appareo!”

  “Aw…fuck!” Halfway through the epithet, Jeff changed into Bera.

  Aidan stepped back. “Oh, come on, you fucking skank weed. You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!”

  She glared at him, her hands on her hips. “What’s wrong with me? You can make love to me and I can look like him.” She shifted back and approached. “Come on, sunshine. You know you want me. I can fuck your brains out and you know it. You’d love every second of it.”

  Bera’s words spoken in Jeff’s voice repulsed him. Aidan stumbled backward. “Look, for the last fucking time, I’m not gonna be no baby daddy for you. Go ask one of the other archdemons, you wanna get banged so bad.”

  “It’s not like you’d have to live with me!”

  “I am not sticking my dick in you! I don’t care who you look like!” Now he knew why he’d felt so alarmed, because even though she didn’t seem to be wearing perfume today, she didn’t smell like Jeff.

  How the fuck had she mimicked him? A deep river of panic washed through Aidan. Was Jeff okay?

  “I can look like anyone you want. Clooney?” Bera shifted. “How about Matt Damon?” She shifted again.

  Fuck, how many dudes had she tracked down to be able to do that? What truly terrified Aidan was now she could mimic the only man he really cared about.

  “I don’t want you no matter who you look like. Forget it. Get the fuck out of here. If you ever even think about looking at or looking like Jeff again, I’ll kick your skank ass to home and back!” He muttered an incantation, sending her away.

  Which relieved him, because he wasn’t sure if he was strong enough to do that to someone like her. Apparently he was.

  Thank the gods.

  Following that repeated the worried thought, where was Jeff? And was he okay?

  * * * *

  “Fuck!” Bera stormed around her living room, then realized she was wasting time. She fished her other amulet out from under her collar, opened the barrier, raced through and closed it behind her. She’d have to spend a little time on Tavares, let Ryan chill out. If he found her immediately he’d ban her for sure. Or worse. No doubt the great doofy one would be screaming for Ryan to take care of this.

  This was all her mother’s fault. Stupid bitch. If she hadn’t pissed off the Dodeks in the first place by sleeping with her old man, this would be moot. She was an outcast with the Tanukis because she was a half breed. No way in home could she ever gain a foothold there or get any power. Stupid fucks and their “pure genes” anyway. That left her trying to claw her way to the top of the archdemon pile by whatever means necessary.

  She’d be damned if she’d live her life as a half breed whipping girl for two different species. Fuck that shit. She was Eros’ daughter for crying out loud! It was like everyone expected her to gratefully accept whatever crumbs they threw her way. She was the daughter of a Demi!

  She would not spend her life groveling for favors like that. But she was running out of time if she wanted to guarantee herself more than just a passing footnote in The Firm’s history.

  Stupid fucking Tanuki genes anyway.

  Bera returned to her apartment on Tavares. Not as nice as the one on-Earth, but that would change once she got her way. No one would dare fuck with her when she was carrying the grandchild of Eros and Hades, whether they liked her or not. She’d already looked int
o it, knew her position inside The Firm would be secure despite being a half breed. No one would screw with a line heir child. Or its mother. Her kid would be next in line for the head spot…

  Well, it would if she made sure any snotlings Will had never made it past puberty. Bera grinned. She could take out Ryan one way or another. Stupid bastard didn’t have a soul mate. How hard could it be?

  It would be her show from that point on.

  With her kid in the driver’s seat, no one could fuck with her. She’d show them all you don’t piss on someone and get away with it.

  Boorman appeared in Bera’s Tavares living room. “Well?”

  She took a deep breath and tried not to express revulsion at his appearance. “I’m working on it.”

  “Then why are you here? Working on it requires being there, does it not?”

  She took a nervous step back. “These things take time. I’ve got to be careful how I proceed.”

  He bent down, his breath hot in her face. She fought the urge to gag. “Time is a luxury I do not have. Neither do you.” He might have been handsome among his own race at one time, but an ugly scar creased his face, from the upper right corner of his scalp, through his right eye, across his nose and lips to his chin, as if someone had tried to split his head open like a melon.

  Boy, she wondered who he’d pissed off. Not to mention if he looked that bad and survived, what’d the other guy look like?

  “I’m working on it! You don’t understand what they’ll do to me if I don’t get this right!”

  He stepped closer, forcing her against the wall. The low, growling timbre of his voice scared her even more than his butt-ugly looks. “You don’t understand what I’ll do to you if you don’t get it right this time.”

  She didn’t dare breathe again until he was gone.


  She collapsed on her couch. She wondered if this had been the smartest thing to get involved in. He’d seemed like a good idea at the time, the brawn she needed to back up her brains to kick Ryan out of the top dog slot. The perfect arrangement. Until all her fucking plans went to home in a hand basket the first time around.

  Fucking Abby. She just had to call Ryan to help her and ruined everything.

  Well, Boorman insisted it would work when she revealed her new plans. He had a lot of experience in this area. He wouldn’t back a losing proposition, would he?

  Bera sat on her couch and planned.

  * * * *

  Aidan appeared in the office and ran to Jeff’s door. Dressed exactly as Bera had been, Jeff was just setting his laptop case on his desk.

  “Aid? What’s going on?”

  Aidan grabbed him by the shoulders and looked at him, then closed his eyes and inhaled.

  It was him.

  He threw his arms around a now very confused Jeff.

  “Aid? What’s going on? Why are you half-naked? Not that I’m complaining.”

  Aidan kissed him, long and deep. “Long story.” He touched Jeff’s face, looked into his eyes. “Have you had any weird contact with a woman in the past few days? Or shaken hands with a woman?”

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “This is really important. Seriously, dude.”

  Jeff shook his head. “No—well, I changed a lady’s tire this morning. She’d pulled over in front of the condo complex. I saw her when I was leaving and stopped to help.”

  “Shit.” Aidan sat in Jeff’s chair and shook his head. “Red hair, dressed to the nines?”

  He nodded. “Yeah? How’d you know?”

  “Ryan, appareo omni.”

  Ryan appeared immediately, holding a cup of coffee and scowling. “This better be good, Faust.”


  He had Ryan’s immediate attention. “What happened?”

  “She mimicked Jeff and showed up at my place wanting to get boinked.”

  Jeff looked more than confused. “What?”

  Ryan became enraged. His face reddened as he roared, “Bera, illuminati appareo!”

  She didn’t appear.

  He set his coffee cup on Jeff’s desk. “Fuck.” He disappeared.

  Poor Jeff, he did his best to follow along but had gotten lost. “Um, Aid, what the heck is going on?” He stared at Ryan’s still steaming coffee cup, which now occupied the corner of his desk.

  Aidan rubbed his forehead. “That chick was bad news, buddy. Real bad news. Let me go get dressed and I’ll come back and explain.”

  He started to stand when Jeff put a gentle hand on Aidan’s shoulder. Aidan saw Jeff wore that damn cute smile he loved.

  “How about staying dressed like you are and telling me? I kind of like the view better.” Jeff’s hand dropped to Aidan’s thigh, where he traced one of the orange happy faces gracing his blue boxers.

  Aidan couldn’t help but smile back.

  * * * *

  Ryan returned fifteen minutes later. He picked up his coffee, realized it was cold, then set it down again.

  “Well, the whore has gone to ground. I’m guessing off-Earth, although I’m not exactly sure how unless she’s got help. She’s not strong enough to do it on her own. I know none of us would help her.” Aidan knew the “us” in question meant himself, Ryan, Will, Gery, or Purs. There were a few other older archdemons and Demis who could open the barrier, and the Dodeks and Titans of course, but they wouldn’t.

  Not for the likes of Bera.

  “What about Jeff?” Aidan asked. “What do we do?”

  Ryan shrugged. “She can mimic him now. You’ll have to pay attention to whatever the two of you do.”

  Ryan noticed Aidan and Jeff both blushed and didn’t push the subject. He’d only poked Aidan about his preferences one time, and that was simply to provoke an angry reaction from Will and keep Will from sensing the truth about Kal’s true nature. He didn’t care what Aidan did in his personal life as long as he wasn’t hurting an innocent. He knew Aidan had a good heart.

  “Isn’t there anything?” Aidan asked.

  Ryan studied the men. “He’s not your soul mate. Not yet, at least.”

  Aidan shook his head and mentally replied to Ryan. “We’re not even sleeping together yet. Not that I don’t think about that a lot lately. Practically all the time—”

  Ryan sighed. “Wait here.” He grabbed his coffee cup and disappeared, returning a moment later with a fresh cup and something in his hand. He handed it to Jeff, a fluorite amulet on a black satin cord. “Wear that, all the time, and I mean all the time for now. Don’t take it off, even to shower. You won’t hurt it.”

  Jeff fingered it, nodded, and put it on.

  Aidan stared at it. “What is it?”

  “It’s not what you think it is, but she can’t duplicate it, not that. It’s for you more than him. She won’t know he’s got it, but you do.” Then Ryan said to Jeff, “Keep it hidden under your shirt.” He took a sip of coffee. “I’ll also place a barrier around your condo and Aidan’s house to physically repel her and not just prevent her from appearing and disappearing.”

  Jeff tucked it under his collar as Aidan sent another silent thought to Ryan. “It’s not an amulet?”

  “No, it’s simply a talisman. No powers of protection. He’s not your soul mate yet, so I can’t even begin to think about giving him one of those. I don’t know if he’ll have any of your strengths to warrant one. You can home in on him now, know it’s him immediately. Try it.”

  Aidan did. “Thanks, Ryan,” he said aloud.

  Jeff smiled. “Thank you.”

  Ryan nodded. “I’ll keep you posted when I find out something.” He glanced at Aidan’s boxers. “Oh, and Faust? Go put some clothes on.” He disappeared on that remark and left Aidan laughing.

  Aidan stood and turned to Jeff. He fell into Jeff’s blue eyes and then they were kissing. After a long, breathless minute, Aidan smiled. “You keep doing that, I won’t be able to leave.”

  Jeff pressed against him, enticingly working his hips against Aidan’s. “Maybe I don�
��t want you to.”

  Aidan indicated his shorts, which were now obviously tented. “I can’t work all day like this.”

  “I don’t see a problem with it.” Jeff’s steady gaze never wavered from Aidan’s.

  Aidan had to remember to breathe. He forced himself to step back. “How about I take you out to supper later?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Aidan nodded. “Okay then.” He wanted to kiss Jeff again but knew if he did he wouldn’t want to stop. “I’m going back to sleep. That damn bitch woke me up, I’d just got to bed. I’ll keep my phone close. Call me immediately if there’s any news or if that bitch returns.” Aidan returned home before he could grab Jeff and drag him to bed.

  He closed his eyes and homed in on Jeff at the office. Thank you, Ryan. If Aidan concentrated, he could track Jeff’s movements through the office.

  It was tempting to lie there and listen for him all morning, but he needed to sleep. As hard as he was after his brief embrace with Jeff, it made sleeping difficult. He rolled over and closed his eyes, his erection comfortably pressed against the mattress. He let his mind drift, following Jeff around the office as he worked his hips. What would it be like to lie on top of Jeff and rub against him?

  Aidan’s fingers curled around his pillow as his breath came in shorter gasps. Better, how would it feel to lie there with Jeff’s sweet mouth wrapped around his cock?

  He flipped over onto his back and shoved his shorts down, fisted his cock. Jeff continued going about his day as Aidan mentally observed him and stroked his shaft. Or what if it was Jeff’s hand on his dick while he stroked Jeff—

  “Ah!” Aidan’s body trembled as he climaxed, his juices coating his hand. He lay there for a minute, sated, breathless, still watching Jeff in his mind.

  * * * *

  Boorman returned to his apartment. He couldn’t believe how stupid that woman was. He wasn’t sure which prevailed in her—ignorance or greed.

  It had proven easy to use her for his purposes. She was fixated on getting pregnant to ensure her spot in The Firm. He wasn’t an expert on The Firm, and even he knew that just because she had a line heir didn’t mean her plan would ever come to fruition. Hades could simply take back control and have another child, or bind another soul brother to Ausar and give them the seat.


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