Book Read Free

Remember When....

Page 6

by R. A. Krauszer

  “Don’t stop,” was the only thing she could get out. She had so many emotions flowing through her that she was speechless, but in a good way. Everywhere he touched, felt like fire. She never wanted the feeling to end. She loved the feeling of his hands and mouth on her body. “Are you sure?” Patrick asked, barely holding on to his control. She nodded, and that was all it took. Patrick filled her completely, it was the most wonderful feeling. He stilled briefly, so she could become used to his size. All she could think was that last night was amazing, but this was so much better. Patrick slowly started moving, and that just took her breath away. Kiplyn couldn’t believe she had waited so long to do this!

  Before she could stop myself, she was yelling out his name, as the most wonderful feeling ripped through her entire body. Patrick followed her into bliss a few moments later. He placed a kiss on her neck, and rolled them onto their sides, pulling her into his chest. They both lay there quietly for a few minutes while they caught their breath. Again, Kiplyn’s thoughts went to last night, she couldn’t believe how much better this was than last night. Last night was amazing, but actually making love was mind blowing. Hours of making out and exploring each other’s bodies didn’t hold a candle to what she just experienced. She could only imagine how she would feel tomorrow, considering she was sore from last night. At that thought, she felt myself fall asleep.


  Kiplyn woke up some time later to an empty bed. She slowly got dressed and headed downstairs. She went straight to the kitchen to get a drink. Shauna was in the kitchen cooking when she entered. “Good evening, sleeping beauty,” Shauna said with a wink. She giggled at her comment. “What are you doing here?” Kiplyn asked her. “Well, Patrick had to go to the shop for a bit and he asked me to come over and visit with you while he was gone,” she explained with a shrug.

  Shauna finished cooking dinner and they sat down together and ate. They talked about everything that had happened with her over the last few since Shauna hadn’t seen Kiplyn a whole lot recently. Shauna explained how her job was going, but that she needed a girls’ night. She was tired of just working and going home. I couldn’t agree with her more, Kiplyn thought to herself. A girls’ night was definitely needed. We made plans to go out the next evening, just us girls, no guys. Kiplyn was so excited she was practically vibrating in her seat.

  Patrick and Donovan entered the dining room as they were wrapping up their plans. Patrick leaned down and kissed her neck, causing a chill to run through her entire body. Donovan leaned down and kissed her forehead in greeting. “What smells so good?” Donovan asked, heading toward the kitchen. Shauna laughed and headed toward the kitchen. “I made fajitas for dinner. Everything is plated,” she explained, pointing to the two plates on the counter.

  Before anything else could be said, we heard Bear coming tearing down the stairs, growling at the door, trying to get through it. “Faigh síos, a Béar!” Patrick yelled. Shauna and Kiplyn just looked at each other, they had never heard Patrick speak in his native tongue. All she could do was grin; it was sexy as hell. “What did he just say?” Shauna asked Donovan. “He told Bear to get down,” Donovan explained. Bear continued to growl at the door, but had stopped jumping at it, trying to get through. “Suigh! Ná bog!” Patrick said to Bear as he pointed to Kiplyn. Bear stopped growling and came over and laid at her feet, watching everything diligently. Shauna looked at Donovan expectantly, but before she could get an answer, both men were outside with guns pulled.

  Shauna and Kiplyn made their way to the couch to sit, Bear following protectively. “I am assuming Patrick told Bear to stay with me,” she told Shauna. “Well he listens well,” Shauna said with a smile. “Wouldn’t you?” she asked with a giggle. Before Shauna could answer, the front door bust open, and standing there in the entry way, was a very bruised Mr. Williams. A shriek ripped from Kiplyn’s lungs, but before it could finish Bear had Mr. Williams on the ground with his teeth at his throat growling. Now she understood what Patrick meant when he said that Bear was a trained guard dog. He was vicious!

  Patrick and Donovan came running through the front door at hearing her scream. Patrick placed his gun at Mr. Williams’ temple, “give me one good reason to not blow your sorry ass away,” he gritted through clenched teeth. Patrick was barely holding it together. Bear was still at his throat and didn’t seem to want to move. Kiplyn took a step toward Patrick, Donovan quickly put himself between us. “Not right now, sweetheart, he isn’t in his right mind,” he explained. She peeked around Donovan and realized that Patrick was shaking. His entire body was vibrating, he was going to lose it, and very soon.

  Kiplyn pushed her way passed Donovan, staring daggers at him, daring him to put his hands on her. She made it to Patrick, gently placing her hand on his cheek, making him look at her. It took some coaxing, but Patrick’s eyes finally met hers. “Please, put the gun away. I don’t want to see you go to jail,” she explained, never taking her eyes from him. Kiplyn slowly leaned up toward Patrick and kissed him gently on the lips. A growl ripped through him as his arm wrapped around her waist crushing her to him. Donovan walked slowly over to us, and carefully removed the gun from Patrick’s hand, but kept it aimed at Mr. Williams.

  “There is a difference between my brother and me scumbag. I don’t have someone to pull me back,” he sneered looking down at Mr. Williams. Before anything else could be said or done, Officer O’Neall entered. “I can take it from here,” he said to Donovan. Officer O’Neall looked at Patrick, “get your dog, Mr. McDonnell.” Patrick chuckled, “Tar!” Bear let go of Mr. Williams and came and sat at Kiplyn’s feet, next to Patrick. They all just stood around watching Officer O’Neall handcuff and take Mr. Williams away, without a word.

  Kiplyn let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. Shauna closed and locked the front door the best she could. “Um Kip, you will need to get a repair guy here to get this repaired,” Shauna explained, pointing to the door. Kiplyn nodded in acknowledgement. She didn’t want to think of another repair that needed to be done to this place.

  A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Both men pulled their guns and jumped from where they were sitting and headed toward the door. Bear instantly started growling from his place on the floor by her feet. She heard a slow release of breath from both guys, and then my front door opened.

  In walked a guy that she had never seen before. He stood about six-foot-tall, with broad shoulders. He had the same eyes as Patrick, and Kiplyn could tell that they had to be related. Patrick looked from him to me, “This is my cousin, Declan,” Patrick explained. Declan stood toe to toe with Patrick, waiting for what she wasn’t sure. Declan walked slowly around Patrick and walked right over to her. He placed a kiss on her cheek, just like the other McDonnell men in her life. “It is nice to finally meet you,” Declan explained. She stood there in total shock because he didn’t know her, but yet he acted as if he did. Before her senses could come back to her, her hand connected with his face. “Do NOT act as if you know me!” she screamed at him. At that she realized what she had done. Kiplyn instantly started to cry and felt horrible. Patrick was at her side instantly. “It’s alright, baby,” Patrick said soothingly. Declan just chuckled, “you are correct, she is a spitfire.”

  Shauna shoved passed Patrick and her. “How dare you walk into this house and act as if you belong,” she hissed standing toe to toe with Declan. “She’s a ball of fire too,” Declan chuckled, looking from Shauna to Donovan. “Would anyone care to explain to me what is going on,” Kiplyn asked Patrick. He placed a kiss on my skin where my neck and shoulder met, instantly causing me to shiver. He was trying to distract her, this much she knew.

  “Well as I said before, this is my cousin,” Patrick explained. “Declan, as well as myself, or Donovan will be here at all times. You will not be alone, until this shit with Williams is taken care of permanently.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So, you are telling me that I will not have one, but three overbearing, pig-h
eaded, hot-tempered, bossy men in my house at any given time, and I don’t have a say in it?!” Kiplyn all but shrieked. Patrick leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. “That, love, is exactly what I am saying,” he explained with a wink. “Then Shauna is staying with me. And I still get my girls’ night out tomorrow with her,” she countered, hoping he would accept her deal. Patrick leaned down, kissed my neck slowly, kissing his way up toward her lips. “As long as we can come and keep an eye on you both,” Patrick countered. He was making it very hard to concentrate on my thoughts with his lips on me. “One,” she said. Patrick cocked his eyebrow in question. Taking a deep breath, “Only one of you can go out with us, and you will remain in the background. I don’t even want to know you are there,” she said leaning up toward his neck and placing a feather light kiss, using his technique on him. Patrick growled in response to her lips, and she felt his grip on her waist tighten. He slowly backed her up against the wall, lifting her up. She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist. He placed kisses from her neck to her shoulder and back again, “You win!” he stated simply.

  Kiplyn was lost in the fog of Patrick, and could only focus on him and his mouth, and how it made her feel. She heard herself whimper as his lips grazed over her neck. Then everything came crashing back to reality when she heard someone clear their throat rather loudly. Kiplyn slowly opened her eyes to see Donovan, Shauna, Declan, as well as her uncle staring at them. She instantly unwrapped her legs from Patrick’s waist and tried standing. Patrick wasn’t having it.

  “Would you care to remove yourself from my niece, boyo,” her uncle growled at Patrick. Patrick looked to her with a wink before he slowly backed up from her. She could feel the embarrassment creeping up her neck and cheeks and couldn’t make eye contact with him. “I came by to make sure you were alright, because Officer O’Neall came by the pub. I see that the McDonnell boys are doing their job at keeping an eye on you. Some more than others,” he said with a glare aimed at Patrick. She looked at her uncle in disbelief. She was in total shock at the way he was talking to her. He had never raised his voice at her before.

  “I am a grown woman. As far as the McDonnell boys as you call them, they are welcome in my home whenever they want. I can’t say the same for your attitude. I do not appreciate you coming in here, trying to act like my father. I love you, Uncle, but I will not allow you to boss me around like I am ten years old again. Now if you are you going to continue to do so, you can turn yourself around and walk right back out that door,” she said, stomping her way into the kitchen away from all the testosterone.

  Shauna came into the kitchen, with a smile on her face. “I believe there are four men in your living room that are shocked at your fit pitching skills,” she said with a giggle. Kiplyn glared at her, even though she knew Shauna was right. She had no reason to yell at her uncle the way she did. He was only looking out for me. To him I was still that ten-year-old little girl. Taking a deep breath, she headed back into the living room. “I’m sorry,” she said walking up to her uncle and wrapping her arms around his neck. He just chuckled, “It’s alright, lil bit, I just worry about you. I am not ready to see you as a grown woman yet.” “I don’t know where you are looking, but she is definitely grown,” She heard Declan say. Next thing she heard is a thump and a thud, as Patrick’s fist contacted Declan’s face, and he hit the floor. “NÁ bíodh meas agat uirthi!” Patrick hissed. “Gan aon neamhshuim!” Declan said with a chuckle.

  My uncle looked over at Declan, “You are lucky he got to you first, boyo! You will protect her, and you will NOT lay a finger on her.” Patrick laughed, “trust me that won’t happen again,” remembering our introduction. Her uncle looked at her questioningly. She just laughed and shook my head. He shrugged and released her from his hug. “I gotta head home and get some sleep. These boys will take care of you, or I will take care of them,” her uncle stated with a wicked gleam in his eye as he was walking out the front door.

  Declan turned and followed her uncle out the front door without a word. “Bye!” Shauna yelled after Declan, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Donovan chuckled, “don’t worry sweetheart, your boytoy is coming back.” Declan walked back in a minute later with a toolbelt around his waist. Without a word he started removing the front door. Shauna just stood there staring in disbelief. Donovan walked up next to Shauna and just chuckled. “I haven’t been around you much, but I have never seen you this silent,” he said calmly. Shauna just turned around with a huff and left the living room.

  A half an hour later, she had a brand-new front door. Kiplyn couldn’t believe it. She walked slowly toward Declan, “thank you very much for repairing my door.” Declan nodded, “no problem, sweetheart. Anything else I can repair?” he asked. That is when it clicked! “You are the one that fixed my bedroom!” she all but shrieked. Declan just nodded. Now she understood why he felt so comfortable here. “Well now I feel like a bitch,” she said looking at the floor, totally embarrassed. Declan slowly lifted her chin, so she was looking at him, “You are family. No reason to feel embarrassed. Plus, you need to be a spitfire, to handle that one,” Declan said pointing toward Patrick. She turned and noticed that Patrick hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since she left his side. She leaned up and kissed Declan’s cheek, slowly turned around and walked back and took her place at Patrick’s side. He instantly had his arm wrapped around her waist.

  Before she could make the comment, she wanted to, Patrick had her over his shoulder and was heading upstairs. He tossed her on the bed and was above her before she could take her next breath. “You have no idea, how badly I wanted to punch my cousin just now,” he growled as he removed his shirt. “He did me a huge favor by fixing my door, why are you upset?” she asked slightly confused at his gruff demeanor. Patrick’s lips crushed down on hers with a searing heat that she felt through her entire being. “You are mine,” he growled as he kissed her from her chin to her shoulder, and down to her stomach. Kiplyn’s clothes began disappearing as he made his way down her body. Patrick was naked before she took her next breath, and was hilt deep in her, making her forget anything except for the way he was making her feel in that moment.


  Kiplyn woke the next morning to yelling downstairs. She grabbed the first thing she could find, which happened to be a pair of boxers and Patrick’s shirt and put it on. As she made my way down the stairs, she could see Patrick toe to toe with her landlord. She made her way to Patrick’s side. “What is going on?” she asked her landlord, confused. She never saw him unless it was time to pay rent. He didn’t even look in her direction, he just tossed papers at her. “Three days!” he yelled as he was making his way back to his car. Upon inspection, Kiplyn realized he had served her with an eviction notice. It stated that she was a problem tenant, having heavy traffic in and out at all hours, and there was a concern for illicit behavior on the premises.

  What a way to start the day! She hadn’t planned on living here forever, but she also didn’t need an eviction on her record either. What was I going to do?! I had nowhere else to go. She didn’t want to think about that right now though. Today was her girl’s day out. She slowly made her way into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She knew it was already made because Patrick had gotten up before her. She sat down at the dining room table to enjoy her coffee. “You alright, love,” Patrick asked as he leaned down and kissed her neck. She nodded, after letting out a low moan. “I am not going to let this ruin my day. I plan on having fun with Shauna today,” she explained. Patrick grinned and shook his head, “just remember what I said, you have to have at least one of us with you if you are leaving this house.” She nodded again as she knew she was not going to win that argument. Kiplyn looked at the clock and realized it was already noon. She had slept half the day away!

  As she was heading upstairs to get dressed, there was a knock at the door. She opened the door without a second thought. There stood Mr. Williams. “You should know I will never stop, not until you are mine,” he sneered
as he grabbed her wrist. He snatched her out the door and against his chest before she knew what was happening. “Why are you doing this? Kiplyn asked, confused as to how he got out of jail this time. “I want you. Haven’t I made that clear?” he asked, his grip tightening on her waist. His touch made her skin crawl. He ran his tongue from her ear up her cheek, causing her to retch. That is when she heard him yell, “who did this?” Confused at his angry outburst, “what are you talking about Mr. Williams? No one did anything!” she sobbed. “Who marked you?” he snarled.

  “I did!” Patrick growled from about six feet away, pointing a gun right at Mr. Williams. He wouldn’t pull the trigger though because she was pressed up against his chest. “Look at me, baby,” Patrick crooned. “Eyes on me,” he ordered. Taking a deep breath, she did as he said. She looked right at him, getting lost in his rage filled eyes. He was trying to keep himself grounded. “Is breá liom tú, a stór.” She couldn’t help but stare at him when he spoke. That Irish lilt he had really came out when he was angry, but when he used his native tongue it enthralled her. She could lose herself in that voice. “Is leatsa mé!” he growled. She had no idea what he was saying, but it was calming somehow. Tears streamed down her face as she silently stood there looking at the man, she knew without a doubt I was in love with. “Súile ormsa, Kiplyn,” he said calmly. Hearing my name fall from his lips and not a pet name was strange, but she liked the sound of it.


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