Remember When....

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Remember When.... Page 8

by R. A. Krauszer

  That decision being made, she pulled out her phone. “Hey girlie, come get me please,” was all she said to Shauna before hanging up. She knew where she was at due to their previous phone conversation. Now all she had to do was wait for her to get here.

  Kiplyn didn’t have to wait long. A few minutes later she heard the house door open and saw her bouncing toward her and Bear. “Ready to go?” she asked. She nodded and followed Shauna back in the house. She walked over and grabbed her purse. “Hey Donovan, Shauna and I are going to have our girls’ night out. Then I am headed back to her place for the night. Don’t wait up,” she said with a wink as she was walking out the door. She didn’t give him the chance to argue with her before she climbed in Shauna’s car and locking the door. I wouldn’t put it passed the overbearing, bossy ogre to try and get me out of the car.

  They sat in silence as Shauna drove toward their destination. When they arrived at the club, they both squealed in excitement. It had been way too long since they had done this. It was much needed, and neither of them could contain their excitement. First place they stopped, was the bar to order drinks. Kiplyn turned around in her seat, looking at all the lights in the club. It had been what seemed like forever since thjey had been here. The beat of the music was vibrating the floor underneath her seat. The club itself, was not that busy. But it was still early, it would get busier as the night wore on.

  After a few drinks, they made their way to the dance floor. Shauna and Kiplyn danced, and danced, and danced. Apparently, two girls dancing together caused a crowd. By the time they stopped to go get a drink, a crowd had surrounded them watching. Shauna just laughed, and Kiplyn just rolled her eyes. As they made their way up to the bar, the bartender was already sliding their drinks toward them. He must have been watching as well.

  Kiplyn climbed up on the barstool and got comfortable. She took a big sip of her drink. All the dancing had made her thirsty. Shauna was in the seat next to her. She pulled out her phone and promptly shoved it back in her purse, cursing under her breath. “What’s wrong?” she asked her. Shaking her head in disbelief, “Just Jeremy. He wants me to come home so he can come over.” It was now her turn to shake her head in disbelief. The more she told her about him, the more she disliked him. Shauna was starting to realize that, so she didn’t tell Kiplyn much anymore.

  They spent the next hour or so on the dancefloor. Again, causing a crowd to gather. She didn’t see the appeal, but who was she to judge. It wasn’t like we were making out or causing a scene, we were dancing.

  A few minutes later, she felt an arm wrap around her waist. Kiplyn was immediately put on edge; she could tell it wasn’t Shauna. She stiffened and couldn’t breathe. Shauna looked over and realized the situation. Kiplyn slowly tried to pull away, but her uninvited dance partner just tightened his grip. “You need to let me go,” she told him, her voice shaking. “I just want one dance. I’ve been watching you all night, but now it’s my turn,” he said. She could smell the stale beer on his breath, which was making me want to puke.

  She turned her eyes back to Shauna, who hadn’t moved either. Shauna seemed to be in as much shock as she was. “I believe the lady told you to let her go,” was all she heard before she was released. Her eyes flew to the gravally voice, that she had learned to love. Patrick had her uninvited dance partner against the wall by his throat, with a gun to his head. “You will apologize to the lady and listen the next time you are told to remove your hands. Or I will remove them for you, and that won’t be so pleasant,” he hissed. He then dropped him and turned towards me. “Are you alright, love?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her into a hug. All she could do was nod, she was speechless. Kiplyn turned to look at Shauna to see if she had the answer to her unasked question and was startled to see she was dancing with Declan. She will have to ask her about that later!

  “How did you know where we were?” she asked, looking into his eyes. Patrick just grinned, “I had a tracker placed in your phone. I wanted to know where you were at all times, with everything that is going on. I want you safe,” he explained. “You tracked my phone!” she couldn’t believe him. Patrick, however, didn’t see anything wrong with his actions, and just nodded. Giving her that grin that melted her heart, little by little, the more she saw it. “Don’t be mad, please! I just want to keep you safe. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you again. I would never be able to forgive myself,” he all but pleaded with her for forgiveness. How could she not forgive him, when he explained it that way. God, I was such a sucker for this man! I had it bad!


  The next few days flew by. She had learned some interesting things though. The items she found in his bathroom, were indeed hers. He had all her stuff moved over to his place the day they went for the bike ride, since she had gotten the eviction notice. So, they were getting used to living together. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Living with a guy that is. Strange yes, bad no!

  Patrick and Donovan were at the shop, actually working, and Declan was hanging out with her, since she still wasn’t allowed to be alone. Mr. Williams had seemed to fall off the face of the earth, the cops couldn’t even find him. So, Patrick wasn’t leaving her alone until things were taken care of. At least that is the way he explained it to her.

  Shauna came walking into the living room where she had planted herself in front of the television. Not working or going to school, was driving her insane, but she understood Patrick’s reasoning, so did everyone else apparently. Shauna plopped down next to her. She looked so tired and stressed. “What’s up, girlie?” Kiplyn asked her best friend. “I kicked Jeremy out!” was all she said as way of explanation. “I didn’t even know he was living with you!” Kiplyn yelled. Shauna had the good sense to look embarrassed that she hadn’t given her that little bit of information. “Sorry, but it happened so fast. I didn’t know how to tell you,” she explained, looking down at her hands. “Well for what it’s worth, I am glad you kicked him out. I didn’t like him much.” she said, not feeling ashamed at all of her feelings toward him. “What made you make that decision?” she asked. Shauna laughed, “Well the other night when we went to the club, he apparently showed up and saw me dancing with Declan. Instead of talking to me about it, he left and went out with some guys. Where he then proceeded to leave and hook up with some girl he had met.” Kiplyn couldn’t believe what she was telling her. She knew he was a snake, but seriously!

  “Enough about him! What’s going on with you and Declan?” she asked with a huge grin. Shauna again looked down at her hands, “nothing is happening. I haven’t seen him since the other night. I think he has a girlfriend. I honestly don’t even know why he danced with me the other night,” she explained. Kiplyn couldn’t help but giggle because Shauna was obviously unaware that is who was here with her. Before she could warn her though, he walked in.

  “Since Shauna is here to keep you company, I am heading to the gym.” Declan explained. He walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead, “see you later, princess.” All the McDonell men had to kiss her forehead, she had grown accustomed to it. “Are you coming back afterward?” she asked before he made it out the door. “Are you cooking?” he asked, telling her his answer. She laughed and nodded. He walked over placed another kiss on her forehead, “I will be back before dinner,” he explained, then headed out the door without another thought.

  Shauna and Kiplyn spent the afternoon watching movies. “Well I need to start dinner,” she explained getting up from the couch. They both wandered into the kitchen where she started pulling out ingredients to cook. She was browning the chicken and waiting for the water to boil, when she heard the boys come in. All three of them walked into the kitchen. “What smells so good?” Patrick asked as he leaned into kiss her. “I am making chicken alfredo for dinner,” she explained, hoping that none of them would complain. None of them made a peep, so she took that as a good sign.

  The next couple hours were spent in the kitchen either chatting or eating. As she was cleaning up after dinner, she found herself feeling really drained. She cleaned the kitchen as quickly as possible, then excused herself to go take a shower. Once she was done with her shower, she found it difficult to hold her eyes open. Kiplyn quickly dried herself off and sat on the bed trying to decide what to put on.

  The next thing she knew, she was being covered up, and it was dark in the room. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand, and realized it was eleven at night. “I’m sorry I fell asleep,” she said, turning toward Patrick as he climbed into bed. “It’s alright, love. A lot has been going on recently. You have every right to be tired. Please don’t worry,” he said placing a kiss on her forehead. “Now turn over so I can hold you,” he said with grin. She turned over as he requested and felt him pull her into his chest. She fell back to sleep almost instantly.

  She woke the next morning, not feeling any more rested that she had the day before. If anything, she felt worse. Kiplyn was barely able to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom before she puked everywhere. After what seemed like forever, dry heaving, she made her way into the shower. The hot water felt so good. She spent way too much time just standing under the spray of the hot water. Patrick was going to hate his water bill, after having her here for any length of time, but she wouldn’t apologize for her need of hot showers. He would just have to learn to live with it.

  She dried herself off after getting out of the shower. Found herself, once again, sitting on the bed trying to decide what clothes to put on. She didn’t have a chance to decide on any clothes, before she found herself once again, hugging the porcelain thrown. There was nothing in her system to throw up, so again she spent an ungodly amount of time, just dry heaving her guts up.

  As she stood up from the floor, she came face to face with Patrick. He was leaned against the bathroom counter. “When were you going to tell me that you were sick?” he asked, concern etched all over his face. “Well if you must know, I wasn’t. You worry too much about me as it is. I just have some sort of stomach bug, it will pass.” Patrick shook his head at her. “I worry about you because I care,” he said simply.

  She walked over to the sink, brushed her teeth, and rinsed her mouth out. “Baby, what can I do to help?” Patrick asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her toward his chest. He leaned down and gently kissed her, which quickly turned into not so gentle, and very heated. They became a frenzy of tangled arms and legs, in a writhing heap on the bed, which is where they remained until they had our fill of each other. By the way she felt about him, she wasn’t sure she would ever get my fill of him. If she had to guess, he felt the same.

  Kiplyn woke some time later to the smell of bacon. She sat up slowly, in fear of getting sick again. Glancing over at the clock, she noticed it was twelve-thirty in the afternoon. She made her way over to the dresser and pulled out the first pair of sweats and t-shirt she could find, not caring if they matched, or if they were even hers. She felt like death and didn’t care what she looked like.

  She stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the kitchen. Patrick was standing at the stove cooking the bacon, shirtless. She didn’t realize she had made a noise until he turned around to look at her. Patrick raised his eyebrow, “you feel better, love?” She stood there glued to her spot, unable to make a sound. Patrick stalked toward her, with a heart-stopping grin on his face, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her toward him. He then started placing feather light kisses on her neck, causing her to moan, and press herself even closer to him. Patrick continued his assault on her skin. She found herself pressed up against the wall, with her legs wrapped around his waist. Patrick was somehow able to remove her pants before she had wrapped her legs around him. She felt the cold air hit her lady parts, as he back up briefly, just long enough to unbutton his pants. That brief second felt like an eternity, that is until he plunged so deep that it took her breath away. Patrick stopped moving for just a second so she could get used to him being so deep inside her. Once that happened though, she was a goner. He didn’t stop his endless assault on her until they were both screaming and fighting to catch their breath. Who knew a wall could be so comfortable?!

  Patrick carried her to the bathroom, where he started the shower. He stepped into the shower, still holding her. As he stepped under the hot spray of the water, she heard herself let out a low moan because it felt so good. That was apparently all the encouragement he needed. they didn’t untangle themselves until they felt the water getting cold.

  They both got dressed and made their way back into the kitchen to eat. That is when it dawned on her that Patrick had been cooking bacon, before their delicious escapade began. Patrick must have been aware of her train of thought because all he did was chuckle. “I turned it off and removed it from the heat before you even made it into the dining room. I heard you coming,” he said with a wink. Without another word, he returned to his place at the stove and continued to cook the bacon, as well as some eggs, so they could eat. They ate in a comfortable silence.

  All that was shattered when her phone rang. Patrick answered it since he was the closest. “Hello,” he said gruffly. After a short silence, his entire demeanor changed, he was now scowling and shaking. “Where are you?!” he growled into the phone, she was sure her phone would shatter at any moment considering the death grip he had on it. She knew instantly who was on the other end of the phone. “No, I will not let you talk to her. She will never talk to you again, if I have my way!” he snarled before hitting the end button.

  Patrick spent the next several minutes pacing the dining room. He was on the phone with Officer O’Neall explaining what had just occurred. He seemed to still be quite frustrated, and was growing even more, as the conversation continued. Kiplyn had no clue what was being said on the other end of the line, but prayed it would end soon, or he was going to wear a hole in the floor with all his pacing.

  She didn’t know exactly how to help Patrick. She did the only thing she could think of, she took off her top. She stood in front of him until his eyes focused on her. She heard a growl, he hung up the phone, tossed it on the floor, and then picked her up and took her against the wall. It was with a punishing force this time, but she wouldn’t make him stop. It felt amazing, and she knew he needed the release, just as much as she did. Before she was ready for it to end, they were both trying to catch their breath. He kissed her gently, lowered her legs to the floor, and pushed her toward the bedroom. “Go get dressed while I clean up in here. Officer O’Neall will be here shortly,” he explained.

  She returned a few minutes completely dressed. She walked into the dining room to find not only Patrick and Officer O’Neall, but Donovan and Shauna also. She walked up, gave Shauna a kiss as a greeting, and then tucked herself into Patrick’s side where she knew he would not only want but need her. She knew that it would calm him. Afterall, she couldn’t calm him the way she had before, they had people there. Patrick must have picked up on where her thoughts were because his grip on her waist tightened, and he leaned down and kissed her neck.

  My eyes flew up to meet Shauna’s eyes, that were filled with a question, and a wicked grin spread across her face. She arched an eyebrow in question, and all Kiplyn could for the moment was shrug. She wasn’t positive what she was silently asking me, but she knew she would get her answers soon enough. Shauna was not one to be shy when she wanted to know something. I guess Officer O’Neall being here had its good qualities, she thought to herself with a silent chuckle.

  By the time Officer O’Neall left Patrick seemed to be vibrating with nervous energy. They learned from him that they were still searching for Mr. Williams, and a court date had been set. It would be in two weeks, and Kiplyn had to attend to give her account of what happened when he kidnapped her, whether he was there or not.

  She made her way into the kitchen with Patrick on her heels. Shauna and Donovan sat quietly at the kitchen island.
Before any details could be discussed Declan graced us with his presence. He walked into the kitchen, kissed her forehead in greeting, “hey, princess. How are you holding up? I saw the cops were here again.” She had grown accustomed to Declan’s greeting, it was always the same, a kiss on the forehead, just like when he left. These McDonnell men made my heart happy. Only one held my heart in his hands though.

  “That piece of shit called her phone again!” Patrick growled at his cousin. Kiplyn was dicing up vegetables for salad while Patrick explained what had happened. Leaving out their escapades of course! Shauna knowing what happened, having already heard the story when she first got there, came into the kitchen.

  “So, is it alright to assume by the marks that cover your neck, that the two of you are doing more than just sleeping together?” Shauna whispered in her ear. Kiplyn had no idea what she was talking about. She stopped chopping up vegetables and headed toward the bathroom. She didn’t know what to expect as she approached the mirror, but it definitely was not what she saw. Her neck had not one, not two, but five hickies on it. FIVE!!! What in God’s name was that man thinking?!

  After several deep and cleansing breaths, she returned to the kitchen to finish cooking. Patrick watched as she made her way back into the kitchen. The man was absolutely shameless. If anything, he seemed to be proud of himself. The grin that he had plastered to his face spoke volumes. All she could do was continue with cooking. She was at a loss for words.


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