Remember When....

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Remember When.... Page 9

by R. A. Krauszer

  The five of us spent the evening laughing, joking, and just enjoying each other’s company. There was a knock at the door, Kiplyn jumped up to get it. As she opened the door, she came face to face with Jeremy. The guy Shauna had recently broken up with and kicked out of her house. “What do you want?” she hissed. “I need to speak to Shauna. I know she’s here. This is the only other place she would be, if she isn’t at home or work,” he stated bluntly. Kiplyn shook her head, denying his request. There was no way she was going to let him near her again.

  She looked in the direction of the couch where Shauna sat, snuggled into Declan’s side. For the first time, she saw fear in her eyes. What she also saw was anger in Declan’s. He had his arm wrapped around her protectively, tucking her into his side. Jeremy’s snarl brought her eyes slamming back to his. “Well you are not coming in, and she is coming out. You need to just leave, Jeremy. It is the best decision for everyone.” she turned to close the door, which he in turn prevented by shoving his foot in the way.

  Patrick was at her side instantly. “I suggest you watch your tone when you talk to my wife and remove your foot from my door before I remove it for you!” Patrick growled. Jeremy glared at Patrick, “she isn’t your wife. She belongs to Adam. When he finds out she is here, there will be hell to pay.” She stood there completely shocked; she had no idea who this Adam was that he referred to. Patrick laughed, a menacing cold laugh, punched Jeremy as hard as he could in the face, shoving him out the door. Slammed it, locked it, grabbed her hand, and walked her back to the couch like nothing had ever happened.

  They all spent the rest of the evening enjoying their quality time together, not mentioning what had happened. Kiplyn did notice though that Declan hadn’t let Shauna go, and she didn’t seem to mind in the least. If anything, she enjoyed it, and snuggled in closer. As the night wore on, we all slept where we were.


  Kiplyn woke the next morning, barely making it from the living room where they all slept, to the bathroom. After retching and dry heaving for what seemed like an eternity, she heard the bathroom door open and quickly close. She stood slowly and made her way to sink so she could brush her teeth and rinse out the awful taste. She met Shauna’s gaze in the mirror. “So how far along are you?” she asked without shame. Her eyes became the size of saucers, “what do you mean?” Kiplyn asked, confused. “You’re pregnant, right?!” she asked, as if it was obvious. She shook my head rapidly at her best friend in denial. “I was but had a miscarriage. You knew that!” she told her; anger laced her voice. She didn’t know why she was getting angry.

  Shauna left the bathroom without a word, just to return a few minutes later. “Here. Pee on this,” she stated, handing her a pregnancy test. She couldn’t believe she was having her do this. “I am not pregnant, Shauna. I am on the shot, plus we use protection!” She all but yelled at her. As she stood there pissed off, she realized that maybe she was wrong about the protection part. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t ever remember him stopping to put anything on, and she never took the time to look. “Shit!” she screamed at Shauna, as the realization struck. They had had sex several times over the last few weeks, and she wasn’t sure if they used protection. “Shit!” she screamed again, as she snatched her phone from her pulling up the calendar and looking at it. “I missed my appointment to get my shot!” she yelled.

  Shauna gently guided her toward the toilet. “Don’t panic and freak, until there is a reason to panic and freak,” she stated with a wicked grin on her face. Before she had the chance to sit and pee Patrick burst through the bathroom door. “What’s wrong?!” he asked urgently. Shauna laughed, “You are in trouble!!” she said in her sing song voice, sounding more like a five year than a twenty-two-year-old. Patrick’s eyes drifted down toward the object in Kiplyn’s hand. She heard a slight intake of his breath. “Is that what I think it is?” he asked, pointing to the stick she had yet to pee on. She nodded since words couldn’t be formed. “Are you?” he asked. All she could do was shrug her shoulders in response because she didn’t know.

  In the blink of an eye, everything seemed to catch up, and she was mad! “Out of all the times that we have been together,” she said, swallowing hard, finding it difficult to say what she needed to. “Out of all the times we have…. ya know……how many times have you used protection?” she finally forced out the question. She still couldn’t look him in the eye. “None! I’m clean. I wanted to feel you, with nothing in between us. After that first time, I couldn’t make myself wear anything. I love the way you feel, and I didn’t want to change that.” He didn’t have a care in the world, and he was not ashamed of his response, or actions. I, however, couldn’t believe I had unprotected sex with a guy!!

  “I need you to go out while I take this,” was all she could say in response to his confession. Patrick leaned down and kissed her forehead, “Is breá liom tú! Ná bí ar buile le do thoil.” With that he turned around and left the bathroom. She sat there in silence for a minute, unable to move. Shauna reappeared in front of her, “Did you take it yet?” she asked in curiosity. She shook my head, unable to verbalize anything. “Just pee on it already!” she said, a smile lighting up her features. Taking a deep breath, she nodded, and then peed on the little stick she held shakily in her hand. Placing the cap on it, she walked over to the sink and set it down. She washed her hands and held her breath.

  You never know how long five minutes is, until you pee on a stick and have to wait. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she looked at the test. There it was staring her in the face, two pink lines. She picked up the box, so she could read what that meant. She instantly started to shake. She was pregnant! She didn’t know how to feel. Part of her was excited and happy, but the other part of her was scared. I was going to lose everything I had worked so hard for. Not only that, but I felt like I was trapping Patrick. I didn’t want him to feel like he had to stay with me just because I was pregnant. Even if we were both at fault. What do I do?!

  Finally, after several minutes, she left the bathroom, Shauna on her heels. She was all but vibrating, she was so excited. She sat down on the couch next to Declan. Everyone seemed to be in the same spots they were the night before. Except for Patrick who was coming back from the kitchen with a cup of tea in his hand. “Here,” he said quietly as he helped her to sit. He sat on the coffee table in front of her, a beautiful grin plastered on his face. “What did you say to me before, in the bathroom?” she asked, meeting his eyes. “Is breá liom tú! Ná bí ar buile le do thoil.” He repeated quietly. She heard a gasp from both Donovan and Declan. That didn’t make her feel any better. If anything, it made her feel worse, and even worse that she had to tell him she was pregnant.

  Kiplyn saw Declan lean over and whisper in Shauna’s ear, as she looked for explanation to his reaction. She was happy with whatever it was he had said, because now she had this huge grin across her face, and she was bouncing in her seat. “What did you say to me?” Kiplyn asked Patrick again, meeting his gaze. “Is breá liom tú! Ná bí ar buile le do thoil.” He repeated. Again, there was a collective gasp. “English, please,” she whispered. Patrick kneeled in front of her, leaned in and gave her the most searing kiss ever. “I said that I love you, please don’t be mad at me,” he explained. “I’m pregnant!” was all she could say in response.

  She was in Patrick’s arms and he was swinging her around before she knew what hit her. He was kissing her all over. Once he finally placed a kiss on her lips, she let out a small moan. Next thing she knew, she was on their bed naked, and he was ravaging her. “That is how you ended up in this situation,” she heard Donovan laugh through the door of our bedroom. All she could do was lose herself further into Patrick. I was so gone when it came to this man!

  They finally left the bedroom after what seemed like hours, but still didn’t feel like long enough for her. She didn’t think she would ever get enough of him. Lunch was set out on the table, and everyone was sitting around eating quietl
y. Kiplyn, however, couldn’t help but turn red when everyone watched them enter the kitchen. Then it clicked! She stopped dead in jer tracks. He had called her his wife when he was growling at Jeremy. Why didn’t I see it before?!

  “You alright, love?” he asked. She nodded as she was unable to speak. Before he could say anything else, her stomach growled breaking the silence in the kitchen. Everyone laughed, herself included, at the very loud proclamation. Patrick handed her a plate of food and made her sit down. She sat, lost in her own thoughts, as she ate her lunch. Was I ready for this? Would I be a good mom? Would I be able to finish school? Would I be able to keep my job at the pub? So many questions, and no answers. They would come in time. I just needed to be patient.


  The day of the court hearing was finally here. To say she wasn’t nervous, was the understatement of the century. Patrick and Kiplyn were greeted at the courthouse by Shauna, Declan, and Donovan, as well as Officer O’Neall. She had no idea how today was going to go, but she did know that she couldn’t wait for this to be over.

  As they entered the courtroom, she came face to face with the man that had turned her world upside. The man that had changed her view of men all together. The man that had made her question all men’s intentions. The man that made her question her trust that she gave people. This man completely changed her world view. He smiled and started to walk toward her, but the bailiff stopped him in his tracks. Patrick pulled her closer to his side. She fought a wave of nausea at the thought of him near her. She placed her hand over her mouth, in hopes that nothing would come up.

  “Tá tú slán, a ghrá.” Patrick whispered over and over. “What are you saying?” she asked him. Patrick placed a kiss on her forehead, “I said that you were safe, my love.” A feeling of warmth spread throughout her body. She felt safe and treasured. Taking a deep breath, she found her seat and sat down. Patrick sat next to her followed by Shauna, Donovan, and Declan.

  She spent the next forty-five minutes giving her testimony. She answered all questions that were asked. By the end of her testimony, she was drained. She had to sit there and listen to Mr. Williams’ testimony, who she realized was the Adam that Jeremy was referring to. She had to listen to his twisted view of their relationship, or the lack there of. It was very difficult to listen to his twisted view, but she wasn’t going to let him take over anymore of her life than he already had.

  The rest of the day was spent at home relaxing. She was very tired, so all her relaxing was done in bed. Unfortunately, it was done alone because Patrick had to go into work after the court hearing. He didn’t want to but was told it was important and something only he could handle. She was able to relax and sleep on and off. She woke up a short time later, to Shauna laying next to her. “How are you feeling, babes?” she asked as she got comfortable. “Worn out,” she explained. They sat quietly watching television and enjoying the comfortable silence.

  She woke some time later, to harsh whispers. She stretched and realized she had fallen asleep in bed but wasn’t alone. She was slightly confused because she was staring at Patrick and Declan. They were the whispers that she had woke up too. She looked next to her, to see who she was sharing the bed with, and realized she had snuggled up to Shauna. She had fallen asleep with her while they were watching television. Needless to say, both guys had grins plastered to their faces. All she could do was roll her eyes at the two perverts who hadn’t left their spots since she woke up.

  Kiplyn climbed out of the bed carefully not to wake Shauna. The three of them made their way to the living room. She leaned her head against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. She was so very tired, even with the nap she had. She opened her eyes when she felt lips on her cheek. “Thanks for the bed partner, babes!” she said with a grin and wink. She sat on the couch next to Declan, laying her head on his shoulder. Declan wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead. Kiplyn was so happy; all she could do was giggle.

  She stood from her spot on the couch as she heard a knock on the door. Before she could make it to the door, Patrick came out of the kitchen, gun in hand. “What’s wrong, Patrick?” she asked, looking at the gun in his hand. He nodded toward the door for her to answer. Jeremy stood on the porch, “where’s Shauna?” She shook her head and rolled her eyes at him, “what makes you think I would tell you that!” Jeremy took a step toward her, the door was yanked out of her hand, and she was pulled back by Patrick. He held her against his chest, while Declan came out of nowhere and was in Jeremy’s face. “Shauna is no longer your concern! Do not come back over here looking for her. Forget she ever existed!” Declan growled, mere centimeters from Jeremy’s face. “She doesn’t want to see you, so I suggest you leave while your body is still in one piece!” Declan turned around and walked toward her, ushering her inside, while Patrick took his place in front of Jeremy. “I told you not to come back here near my wife!” Patrick snarled, deathly calm. Jeremy had no idea what he was in for. “She isn’t your wife,” he gritted out. “She belongs to Adam, and as soon as he gets out, he is coming for her. Her rightful place is by his side, she knows it!” Jeremy turned and walked away, without a glance backward.

  Patrick entered the house and was shaking with rage. He looked at Kiplyn, “bedroom!” That was all he said, before heading that direction. She realized in that instant, that he was barely holding it together, just like the previous time. By the time she made it in there, he had put his gun away and had already removed his shirt. He was still shaking when she reached him and ran her hand across his bare chest. The only sound in the room, was the hiss she heard escape him at her touch. He grabbed her wrist and started planting kisses from her wrist, all the way up her arm. He removed her shirt so fast. She was in his arms, and against the wall in a matter of seconds. Patrick started his punishing rhythm without giving her a chance to catch her breath. It was the most delicious and best feeling in the world. She would have never thought that something so rough, would feel so good. Before she could finish her next thought an orgasm ripped through her, causing her entire body to shake. She saw colors behind my eyelids, and had a difficult time catching her breath. As she was catching my breath, Patrick finally found his release. She placed her head on his shoulder while she caught her breath. Kiplyn couldn’t help but let out a small moan as her body relaxed. Patrick carried her gently over to the bed and laid her down. He turned and walked toward the bathroom, without a word.

  He returned a few minutes later, with a beautiful grin on his face. He held out his hand and gently pulled her toward the bathroom. He had run a bubble bath, and helped her to get in. “Did I hurt you, love?” he asked concern written all over his face. “No, not at all,” she said, giving him a smile. She carefully sat down into the water; feeling all the tension leave her body.

  She woke the next morning to her phone ringing. “Hello,” she sleepily answered. “Hello, Ms. Kavanaugh, this is Betsy from Dr. Johnson’s office. I was calling because I was wondering if you would be able to come in early today for your appointment that you scheduled online. We had a cancellation and decided to see if you were able to come in early,” she explained gleefully. No one should be that happy this early in the morning!! I thought, as I got up from the bed and started getting dressed for the day. “Um, yeah sure I can be there early. What time?” Kiplyn asked, looking at the clock. “Nine!” she stated. Kiplyn realized that was in twenty minutes. “Yeah, I will be there,” she said as she hung up without another word.

  Shauna was the only one she could find when she went through the house. She explained the situation to her, and she agreed to take her. They went straight to her car and headed toward the doctor’s office. Kiplyn texted Patrick on the way so he knew where they would be. She didn’t want him to worry if he happened to come home and she wasn’t there.

  A few hours later, she found herself sitting across from Shauna at the diner. They were talking about the doctor’s appointment that she couldn’t seem to wrap my head around. Looking at her phon
e’s calendar, she realized that it was indeed possible. She was six weeks pregnant, meaning that the first time they had sex, she got pregnant. Not only that, but it was twins! How was he going to take this?

  Before she had the chance to give it anymore thought, Patrick sat in the booth next to her. “You look tired, love,” he said as he leaned over planting a kiss on her neck. Before she could respond, the waitress came over. “What can I get for you, Patrick?” she asked, batting her eyes, and pushing her fake boobs out. Patrick looked at Kiplyn, “Did you order anything yet, baby?” Shauna and Kiplyn both shook their heads. He nodded his head in disappointment. “What do you want to eat?” he asked her. She laughed, “I want French fries,” Kiplyn said adamantly. Without taking his eyes off of her he asked Shauna what she wanted. She told the perky waitress that only had eyes for Patrick her order. Declan sat down next to Shauna right then. The waitress must have realized that Patrick wasn’t going to pay her any attention, so she tried Declan. “What can I get for you Declan?” she asked. Shauna however wasn’t as docile as I was. She lunged for the waitress with a knife in her hand, “Bitch, I will pop those fake tits you keep trying to shove in his face. I suggest you take your skanky ass back and get our food,” she yelled fuming. Declan had a tight grip on her and refused to let her go. He gently pushed her back to a sitting position. “Is mise mise agus mise amháin.” He whispered in her ear, instantly calming her.

  “You ever going to tell me how your doctor’s visit went?” Patrick asked once the conversation hit a lull. Shauna burst into a fit of giggles. Patrick looked from Kiplyn to Shauna and back again. “It went fine,” she said, without elaborating. Still unsure of how to tell him. “Is everything alright?” he asked, concern filling his face. “It’s twins!” Shauna squealed, before she had a chance to reassure him herself. He crushed a searing kiss on her lips, making her forget where they were. “You have made me the happiest man in the world,” he said barely pulling away from her mouth. All she could do was stare at him.


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